Jonathan Comer CV - Center for Children and Families


Jonathan Comer CV - Center for Children and Families
Prepared 4/22/15
Personal Data:
Birthdate: 12/14/1977
Birthplace: Princeton, NJ
Citizenship: USA
Title and Affiliation
Associate Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry
Director, Mental Health Interventions and
Technology (MINT) Program
Center for Children and Families
Florida International University
Professional Address
Florida International University
Department of Psychology
Center for Children and Families
11200 SW 8th Street, AHC-4, Rm 453
Miami, Florida 33199
Telephone: 305.348.7580
Facsimile: 305.348.3646
Electronic mail:
Academic Training
2007-2010 Fellowship
Columbia University
NIH-funded T-32 Postdoctoral
Research Fellowship in
Child Psychiatry
New York University
Clinical Psychology
Temple University
Concentration in Developmental Psychopathology
Thesis: Parenting and terrorism-related news:
Evaluating coping and media literacy
Thesis Sponsor: Philip C. Kendall, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Psychology
Temple University
Clinical Psychology
University of Rochester
Magna Cum Laude
Academic Appointments and Work Experience
2013-Present Associate Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry
Florida International University
Director, Mental Health Interventions and Technology (MINT) Program
Center for Children and Families
Adjunct Associate Professor
Boston University, Department of Psychology
Director, Early Childhood Interventions Program
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Research Assistant Professor
Boston University, Department of Psychology
Director, Early Childhood Interventions Program
Co-Director of Research, Child Program
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry
Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Division of Child Psychiatry
Chief Research Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Division of Child Psychiatry
NIH-funded T-32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Child Psychiatry
Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Division of Child Psychiatry
Mentor: Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., ABPP; PI: David Shaffer, FRCP, FRCPsych
Clinical Associate
Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Director: Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., ABPP
Columbia University, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Intern in Clinical Psychology
Bellevue Hospital Center & NYU Child Study Center
New York University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Track
Supervisor: Alan Elliot, Ph.D.
Rotations: Child and Adolescent Outpatient Treatment, Adolescent Inpatient
Unit; Program for Survivors of Torture; Pain Management; Virology
Extern in Clinical Psychology
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
Supervisor: David Ramirez, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Associate
Psychological Services Center
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Supervisor: Richard G. Heimberg, Ph.D.
Research and Clinical Associate
Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders Center
Temple University
Supervisor: Philip C. Kendall, Ph.D., ABPP
Research Assistant in Child Psychiatry
Columbia University Medical Center
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Supervisors: Prudence Fisher, Ph.D., David Shaffer, FRCP, FRCPsych
Research Assistant in Developmental Disabilities
Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Supervisor: Sandra L. Harris, Ph.D.
Research Assistant in Developmental Psychopathology
Mt. Hope Family Center
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Supervisor: Dante Cicchetti, Ph.D.
Research Assistant in Cognition and Emotion
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Supervisor: Robert L. Woolfolk, Ph.D.
Program of Research
Broadly speaking, my program of research examines four overlapping and intersecting areas of inquiry:
(1) The assessment, phenomenology, and course of child anxiety disorders; (2) the development and
evaluation of evidence-based treatments for childhood psychopathology, with particular focus on the
development of innovative methods to reduce systematic barriers to effective mental health care in the
community; (3) the psychological impact of disasters and terrorism on youth; and (4) national patterns
and trends in the utilization of mental health services and quality of care. Guided by a developmental
psychopathology perspective, in which the study of normal and abnormal populations serve to mutually
inform one another, my research laboratory—the Mental Health Interventions and Technology (MINT)
Program—examines the complex interplay between psychological and socio-contextual aspects of
disorders, and conducts interdisciplinary clinical research devoted to expanding the quality, scope, and
accessibility of mental health care. To this end, this work investigates disordered, high-risk, and
community populations, embracing a diversity of inquiry methods, ranging from randomized clinical
experiments and quasi-experimental designs to nationally-representative epidemiological surveys,
longitudinal designs, meta-analyses, and single-case designs.
Theodore Blau Early Career Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to
Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 12, Society of
Clinical Psychology
Dianne J. Willis Early Career Award, American Psychological Association, Division 37,
Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice
American Psychological Association Early-Career Award for Outstanding Contributions
to Benefit Children, Youth, and Families (Awarded by the APA Committee on Children,
Youth, and Families)
Early Career Award, American Psychological Association, Division 53,
Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Named Florida International University Top Scholar
Awarded Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Named one of the Association for Psychological Science’s (APS) “Rising Stars” (2013)
President’s New Researcher Award, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Early Career Award, Anxiety Disorders Special Interest Group, Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (ABCT)
Charles H. Hood Foundation, Child Health Research Award recipient
International Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Foundation grant recipient
NIMH Child Intervention, Prevention, & Services (CHIPS) Fellow
Mental Health Initiative (MINT) grant recipient
APA Division 53 (Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology) Dissertation Prize
Faculty Commendation for Excellence, Temple University
Presidential Fellowship, Temple University
Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Trainee Award
Faculty Commendation for Excellence, Temple University
Faculty Commendation for Excellence, Temple University
High Honors in Psychology, University of Rochester
Magna Cum Laude, University of Rochester
Phi Beta Kappa
Dean’s List, University of Rochester
Fellowship and Grant Support
NICHD (R01 HD084497)
“Internet treatment for behavior problems in preschoolers with developmental delay”
Role: Co-Principal Investigator, $3,175,609.00
NICHD (R03 HD082632)
“The effects of emotion conversations on children’s stress reactivity, emotion processing,
and memory following a stressful event”
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Klemfuss), $140,712.00
“DIGI-Teen study: Randomized effectiveness trial of a telehealth service delivery to
adolescents with depression”
Role: Consultant (PI: Myers)
NIMH, Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award
(K23 MH090247)
“Evaluating the Feasibility of Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy”
Role: Principal Investigator, $892,769.00
Charles H. Hood Foundation, Child Health Research Award
“A Controlled Trial of Telemethods to Expand the Availability of Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy for Disruptive Preschoolers”
Role: Principal Investigator, $150,000.00
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Pilot Project Award
“Development of a video-conferencing interface for the delivery of behavioral
interventions to teens with ADHD”
Role: Consultant (PI: M. Sibley)
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund
“Development and Evaluation of an Interactive, Internet-Based Treatment for Youth with
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Reducing Disability and Expanding Access to
Evidence-Based Psychological Services in Schools”
Role: Consultant (PI: D. Pincus)
Center for Children and Families, Intramural Research Award
“Using mobile phone global positioning technology to improve the objective assessment
of behavioral avoidance among anxious youth”
Role: Principal Investigator, $4,000.00
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
“Comparing Health Delivery Models for Treatment of Behavioral Disorders in Young
Children Identified in Primary Care Pediatric Practice”
Role: Consultant (PI: M.L. Kerwin)
The Barlow Research Fund
“Psychological adjustment among area youth after the Boston Marathon attack and
subsequent manhunt”
Role: Principal Investigator, $5,000.00
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders Research Fund
“Psychological adjustment among area youth after the Boston Marathon attack and
subsequent manhunt”
Role: Principal Investigator, $10,000.00
Boston University Department of Psychology Research Fund
“Psychological adjustment among area youth after the Boston Marathon attack and
subsequent manhunt”
Role: Principal Investigator, $2,000.00
International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF) Research Award
“Internet-delivered EX/RP for Early-Onset OCD: A Pilot Feasibility Trial”
Role: Principal Investigator, $38,600.00
NIMH Child Intervention, Prevention, & Services (CHIPS) Fellowship
Role: Fellow, $3,000.00
NIMH (T32 MH016434)
Research Training in Child Psychiatry
Role: Fellow
The Mental Health Initiative (MINT)
“Adapting Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders”
Role: Principal Investigator, $30,000
APA Division 53 (Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology) Graduate Student Research
Grant, “Parenting and Terrorism-Related News: Examining Coping and Media Literacy”
Role: Principal Investigator, $2,500.
Presidential Fellowship, Temple University
Role: Fellow, $80,000.00
Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Trainee Award
Role: Fellow, $1,500.00
Mentored or co-mentored student funded projects and awards
“Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Others’ Distress among Children with
Conduct Problems”
Honorable Mention
Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus (APSSC)
Student Research Competition
Mentor (PI: Kathleen I. Crum, M.A.)
“Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: A Multiple
Baseline Evaluation”
Summer Research Fellowship
Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Co-Mentor (PI: Aubrey Edson, M.A.)
“Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: A Multiple
Baseline Evaluation”
American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award
Mentor (PI: Aubrey L. Carpenter, M.A.)
“Anxiety in children with callous unemotional traits: The role of emotional processing in
American Psychological Foundation Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Graduate Student
Mentor (PI: Kathleen I. Crum, M.A.)
Violent crime exposure moderates conduct problems among youth exposed to the Boston
Marathon attacks.
Distinguished Contribution
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) Student Competition
Mentor (PI: Kathleen I. Crum, M.A.)
Clinical Correlates and Consequences of the Revised DSM-5 Agoraphobia Definition:
Are Impaired Youth Left Without a Diagnostic Home?
Honorable Mention
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) Student Research Award
Mentor (PI: Danielle Cornacchio, M.S.)
“Shaking the stigma”
Global Civic Engagement Student Advisory Board
Mentor (PI: Alejandra Golik)
Student Government Association Travel Award
Florida International University
Mentor (PI: Alejandra Golik)
“Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxious Youth: A Multiple
Baseline Evaluation”
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: Aubrey Edson, M.A.)
Virginia A. Roswell Dissertation Award
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Mentor (Awardee: Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
“Psychosocial Distress and Anxiety in Food Allergic Youth: Identification and Risk
Weil Foundation Award
Co-mentor (PI: Candice Chow, M.A.)
“Psychosocial Distress and Anxiety in Food Allergic Youth: Identification and Risk
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: Candice Chow, M.A.)
“Psychophysiological Correlates of Oppositionality and Noncompliance in
Preschool Children during Interactions with Parents and Other Adults”
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: Christine Cooper-Vince, M.A.)
“Development of a Tool for Assessment of Clinical Decision Making: Clinical Utility of
a Measure for Use in Dissemination of Treatment for Internalizing and Externalizing
Disorders of Childhood”
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: Aubrey Edson, M.A.)
“A Multimodal Investigation of Distress Intolerance in Youth Anxiety Disorders”
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: R. Meredith Elkins, M.A.)
“A randomized controlled trial examining direct-to-consumer marketing of
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Mentor (PI: Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
“Investigating parental distress tolerance in parents of young children with and without
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship Award
Co-mentor (PI: Caroline Kerns, M.A.)
APA Division 53 Student Achievement Award
Co-mentor (Awardee Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
“The interaction of family income and parental intrusiveness in the prediction of child
ABCT Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group Student Prize
Co-mentor (PI: Christine Cooper-Vince, M.A.)
APA Division 12 Distinguished Student Practice Award in Clinical Psychology
Co-mentor (PI: Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
APA Assembly of Scientist/Practitioner Psychologists Student Award
Co-mentor (Awardee: Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
APA Section 10, Division 12 Presentation Award
Co-mentor (Awardee: Kaitlin P. Gallo, M.A.)
“Predictors and Correlates of Sleep Related Problems in Anxious Youth”
Clara Mayo Memorial Fellowship
Co-mentor (PI: Courtney Weiner, M.A.)
Licenses, Registries
Psychologist, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
Professional Organizations and Societies
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
American Psychological Association (APA)
APA Division 12, Society for Clinical Psychology
APA Division 37 Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice
APA Division 53, Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP)
APA Division 54, Society of Pediatric Psychology
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (IOCDF)
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)
Teaching Experience and Responsibilities
Abnormal Psychology
Directed Studies
Clinical child psychology
Developmental psychopathology
Individual Reading Seminars
Terrorism and youth
Media and the family
Undergraduate Research Mentor
Undergraduate Research Mentor
Undergraduate Honors Research Mentor
Research Methods in Clinical Psychology, Florida International University
Research Methods in Clinical Psychology, Boston University
Clinical Prevention of Mental Disorders, Boston University
Child Psychopathology, Columbia University School of Social Work
Guest Lecture: “Treating Childhood Anxiety Disorders”
Guest Lecture: “Parent Training and Childhood Anxiety Disorders”
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy seminar, Boston University, Department of Psychology
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy seminar, Columbia University, Teachers College
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Columbia University, Harlem Hospital
Psychiatry Residency Training Program
Empirically Supported Treatments, Columbia University
Child Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program
Guest Lecture: “Parenting and Anxiety”
Guest Lecture: “CBT for Adolescent Depression”
Guest Lecture: “CBT Toolkit”
Guest Lecture: “Agenda Setting in CBT”
Guest Lecture: “Assigning homework in CBT”
Guest Lecture: “Working with parents in child CBT”
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Boston University School of Medicine
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship Training Program
Topics in Evidence-Based Practice, Columbia University Harlem Hospital
Psychiatry Residency Training Program
Guest Lecture: “Behavior Therapy”
Guest Lecture: “CBT for Panic Disorder”
Guest Lecture: “Cognitive Restructuring”
Fundamentals for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Child Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program
Guest Lecture: “Assessment”
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Summer CME Series, Columbia University
The Child/Adolescent Multimodal treatment Study (CAMS)
Student Research Committees
Teresa Au (Masters Thesis Reader, 2012)
Jacqueline R. Bullis (Masters Thesis Reader, 2012)
Jenna Carl (Masters Thesis Reader, 2012)
Candice Chow (Masters Thesis Advisor, 2011; Dissertation Advisor, 2011; Dissertation Advisory
Committee, 2011; Dissertation Defense Committee, 2013)
Tommy Chou (Masters Thesis Mentor, 2014)
Kelly Cromer (Masters Thesis Reader, 2015)
Christine Cooper-Vince (Masters Thesis Mentor, 2012; Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2013;
Dissertation Mentor; 2015; Dissertation Defense Committee, 2015)
Danielle Cornacchio (Masters Thesis Mentor, 2014)
Kathleen Crum (Dissertation Mentor, 2015)
Kaitlin P. Gallo (Dissertation Mentor, 2012; Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2011; Dissertation
Defense Committee, 2013; Dissertation First Reader, 2013)
Clark Goldstein (Dissertation Chair, 2010)
Aubrey Edson (Master Thesis Mentor, 2012)
R. Meredith Elkins (Masters Thesis Advisor, 2012; Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2013; Dissertation
Mentor, 2013)
Benjamin O. Emmert-Aronson (Masters Thesis Reader, 2012)
Tracie Goodness (Masters Thesis Reader, 2013)
Carl Kantner (Masters Thesis Reader, 2012)
Caroline Kerns (Masters Thesis Mentor, 2012; Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2013; Dissertation
Defense Committee; 2015; Dissertation Mentor, 2015)
Elizabeth Langer (Senior Honors Thesis Advisor, 2012)
Logan McDowell (Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2014; Dissertation Defense Committee, 2015)
Elizabeth Miguel (Senior Honors Thesis Mentor, 2015)
Anthony J. Rosselini (Dissertation Advisory Committee, 2011; Dissertation Defense Committee, 2013)
Amanda Sanchez (Masters Thesis Mentor, 2015)
Lauren Santucci (Dissertation Chair, 2011)
Elizabeth Sburlati (International Dissertation Examiner, 2012)
Courtney L. Weiner (Dissertation Advisor, 2010; Dissertation Defense Committee, 2010)
Other Professional Activities
NIH Grant Reviewing
National Institute of Health (NIH), Grant Reviewing
- Harnessing Advanced Health Technologies to Drive Mental Health Improvement, Special
Review Committee, November 2012
Professional Work Groups and Committees
Chair, Program Committee
Niagara in Miami Conference on Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Member, Workshop Review Committee
49th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Member, Review Committee
National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Member, Dissemination Committee
Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
American Psychological Association, Division 53
Chair, Committee on Continuing Education
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Member, Executive Committee
Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
American Psychological Association, Division 53
Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
American Psychological Association, Division 53
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Research Task Force Committee Member
PCIT International
Dissemination Project Task Force
American Psychological Association Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology)
Convention Program Co-Chair
2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention
Boston, MA
Review Committee
APA Science Directorate’s Dissertation Research Award
American Psychological Association
Anxiety Disorders SIG Early Career Award Evaluation Committee
Anxiety Disorders Special Interest Group
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Member, Dissemination Evaluation Subcommittee
American Psychological Association Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology)
Convention Program Chair
American Psychological Association Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology)
Program Committee
Selective Mutism Conference, Child Mind Institute/Selective Mutism Group
Convention Program Co-Chair
American Psychological Association Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology)
Program Committee
44th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Program Committee
43rd annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Program Committee
42nd annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Editor-in-chief, The Clinical Psychologist
Official publication The Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12)
Guest Editor, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Special Section on “Applying new
technologies to extend the scope and accessibility of mental health care”
Guest Editor, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Special Section on “Trauma and Child
Guest Editor, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Special Section on
“Technology and child psychiatry”
Senior Editor, Oxford Research Reviews in Psychology, Oxford University Press
Co-Editor, Newsletter for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Child
and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group (CAASIG)
Journal Editorial Board Service
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Anxiety Disorders*
* Awarded Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by Editor, 2014
Journal Ad Hoc Review Service
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
American Psychologist
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
Behaviour Research and Therapy
British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychology Review
Cognitive Therapy and Research
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Depression and Anxiety
Developmental Science
Disaster Health
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Adolescence
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Psychiatry
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
Psychological Bulletin
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, and Training
Book Series and Publisher Ad Hoc Review Service
Oxford University Press, Library of Psychology
External reviewer for promotions to Associate Professor
1 candidate, 2013-present
External reviewer for institutional grants
CUNY Collaborative Incentive Research Grant (CIRG), 2015
Media Appearances and Community Organization Consultation
Learning from the Challenges of Our Times: Global Security, Terrorism, and 9/11 in the Classroom
Washington Post
Associated Press
CBS Boston
Sirius XM Doctor Radio
National Public Radio (NPR)
The Early Show (CBS)
Boston Herald
Boston Globe
Boston Magazine
The Jewish Exponent
WBZ Nightly News
APA Monitor
Boston Bulletin
MetroWest Daily News
7 News (Boston)
2 Minute Medicine
BU Today
NBC News
APS Observer
The Boston Channel
New England Cable News (NECN)
WHDH Boston
WCVB Boston
NBC Boston News
World Trade Center Family Center
Departmental Service (Florida International University)
New Faculty Search Committee (Chair)
2014-present Space Committee, Psychology Department (Chair)
New Faculty Search Committee (Chair)
2013-present Professional Development Committee, Center for Children and Families (Chair)
2013-present Research Resources Committee, Center for Children and Families (Member)
2013-present Intake Battery Committee, Center for Children and Families (Member)
2013-present Clinical Revenue Committee, Center for Children and Families (Member)
Expert Witness Service
Retained as expert witness for prosecution in federal trial of
United States v. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Bibliography (*denotes student first author)
Original Peer Reviewed Articles
In press
1. *Gallo, K.P., Comer, J.S., Barlow, D.H., Clarke, R.N., & Antony, M.N. (in press).
Direct-to-Consumer marketing of psychological treatments: A randomized controlled
trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
2. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Cooper-Vince, C., Madigan, R.J., Chow, C., Chan, P.T., Idrobo,
F., Chase, R.M., McNeil, C.B., & Eyberg, S.M. (in press). Rationale and considerations
for the Internet-based delivery of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Cognitive and
Behavioral Practice.
3. Comer, J.S., & Myers, K.M. (in press). Future directions in the use of telemental health
to improve the accessibility and quality of children’s mental health services. Journal of
Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
4. Comer, J.S. (in press). Introduction to the special section: Applying new technologies to
extend the scope and accessibility of mental health care. Cognitive and Behavioral
5. *Crum, K.I., & Comer, J.S. (in press). Using synchronous videoconferencing to deliver
family-based mental health care. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
6. *Chou, T., Comer, J.S., Turvey, C.L., Karr, A., & Spargo, G. (in press). Technical
considerations for the delivery of real-time child telemental health care. Journal of Child
and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
7. *Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Sacks, H., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (in press). Clinical
consequences of the revised DSM-5 definition of agoraphobia in treatment-seeking
anxious youth. Depression and Anxiety.
8. Green, J.G., Holt, M.K., Kwong, L., Reid, G., Xuan, Z., & Comer, J.S. (in press). School
and classroom-based support for children following the 2013 Boston Marathon attack and
manhunt. School Mental Health.
9. Hardway, C.L., Pincus, D.B., Gallo, K.P., & Comer, J.S. (in press). Parental
involvement in intensive treatment for adolescent panic disorder and its impact on
depression. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
10. Myers, K., & Comer, J.S. (in press). Introduction to the special series: The case for
telemental health for improving the accessibility and quality of children’s mental health
services. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
11. Chu, B.C., Carpenter, A.L., Wyszynski, C., Conklin, P., & Comer, J.S. (in press).
Scalable options for extended skill building following didactic training in cognitivebehavioral therapy for anxious youth: A pilot randomized trial. Journal of Clinical Child
and Adolescent Psychology.
12. *Weiner, C.L., Elkins, R.M., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2015). Anxiety sensitivity
and sleep-related problems in anxious youth. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 32, 66-72.
13. *Chou, T., Cornacchio, D., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Crum, K.I., & Comer, J.S. (2015).
DSM-5 and the assessment of childhood anxiety disorders: Meaningful progress, new
problems, or persistent diagnostic quagmires? Psychopathology Review, 2, 30-51.
14. Comer, J.S., Dantowitz, A., Chou, T., Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., Brown, B.,
Green, J.G. (2014). Adjustment among area youth after the Boston Marathon bombing
and subsequent manhunt. Pediatrics, 134, 7-14.
15. Comer, J.S., & Barlow, D.H. (2014). The occasional case against broad dissemination
and implementation: Retaining a role for specialty care in the delivery of psychological
treatments. American Psychologist, 69, 1-18.
16. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Cooper-Vince, C., Kerns, C., Chan, P.T., Edson, A.L., Khanna,
M., Franklin, M.E., Garcia, A.M., & Freeman, J.B. (2014). Internet-delivered, familybased treatment for early-onset OCD: A preliminary case series. Journal of Clinical
Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43, 74-87.
17. Comer, J.S., Kerns, C., Elkins, R.M., Edson, A.L., Chou, T., Dantowitz, A., Miguel, E.,
Brown, B., Coxe, S., & Green, J.G. (2014). Adjustment among children with relatives
who participated in the manhunt following the Boston Marathon attack. Depression and
Anxiety, 31, 542-550.
18. *Cooper-Vince, C., Emmert-Aronson, B., Pincus, D.B., Comer, J.S. (2014). The
diagnostic utility of separation anxiety disorder symptoms: An item response theory
analysis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 417-428.
19. *Gallo, K.P., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Hardway, C., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014).
Trajectories of change across outcomes in intensive treatment for adolescent panic
disorder and agoraphobia. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43, 742750.
20. *Cooper-Vince, C., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Maternal intrusiveness, family
financial means, and anxiety across childhood in a large multiphase sample of
community youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 429-438.
21. *Elkins, R.M., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014). A psychometric evaluation of the
Panic Disorder Severity Scale for Children and Adolescents. Psychological Assessment,
26, 609-618.
22. *Carpenter, A.L., Puliafico, A.C., Kurtz, S.M.S., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014).
Extending Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for early childhood internalizing problems:
New advances for an overlooked population. Clinical Child and Family Psychology
Review, 17, 340-356.
23. *Kerns, C.E., Elkins, R.M., Carpenter, A.L., Chou, T., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S.
(2014). Caregiver distress, shared traumatic exposure, and child adjustment among area
youth following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Journal of Affective Disorders,
167, 50-55.
24. *Elkins, R.M., Edson, A., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Inattention symptoms and
the diagnosis of comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among youth with
generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 754-760.
25. *Thompson-Hollands, J., Edson, A., Tompson, M.C., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Family
involvement in the psychological treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A metaanalysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 287-298.
26. *Thompson-Hollands, J., Kerns, C.E., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Parental
accommodation of child anxiety and related symptoms: Range, impact, and correlates.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28, 765-773.
27. *Cooper-Vince, C.E., Chan, P.T., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Paternal
autonomy restriction, neighborhood safety, and child anxiety across time in a large
multiphase sample of community youth. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,
35, 265-272.
28. Matsumoto, H., Williams, B.A., Comer, J.S., Fisher, P.W., Neria, Y., Roye, B.D., Roye,
D.P., & Vitale, M.G. (2014). Psychosocial effects of repetitive surgeries in children with
early onset scoliosis: Are we putting them at risk? Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 34,
29. *Kerns, C., Comer, J.S., & Zeman, J. (2014). A preliminary psychometric evaluation of
a parent-report measure of child emotional awareness and expression in a sample of
anxious youth. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 38, 349-357.
30. Comer, J.S., Chow, C., Chan, P., Cooper-Vince, C., & Wilson, L.A.S. (2013).
Psychosocial treatment efficacy for disruptive behavior problems in young children: A
meta-analytic examination. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 52, 26-36.
31. Barlow D.H., & Comer, J.S. (2013). What are the optimal treatment courses for geriatric
anxiety, and how do we find out? American Journal of Psychiatry, 170, 707-711.
32. Barlow, D.H., Bullis, J.R., Comer, J.S., & Armetaj, A.A. (2013). Evidence-based
psychological treatments: An update and the way forward. Annual Review of Clinical
Psychology, 9, 1-27.
33. *Gallo, K.P., Comer, J.S., & Barlow, D.H. (2013). Direct-to-consumer marketing of
psychological treatments for anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 27, 793801.
34. *Read, K.L., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2013). The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale
for Children (IUSC): Discriminating principal anxiety diagnoses and severity.
Psychological Assessment, 25, 722-729.
35. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., & Albano, A.M. (2013). Coaching Approach behavior and
Leading by Modeling: Rationale, principles, and a case illustration of the CALM
Program for anxious preschoolers. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 20, 517-528.
36. *Kerns, C.E., Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B., & Hofmann, S.G. (2013) Evaluation of the
proposed social anxiety disorder specifier change for DSM-5 in a treatment-seeking
sample of anxious youth. Depression and Anxiety, 30, 709-715.
37. Marker, C.D., Comer, J.S., Abramova, V., & Kendall, P.C. (2013). The reciprocal
relationship between alliance and symptom improvement across the treatment of
childhood anxiety. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 42, 22-33.
38. *Gallo, K., Wilson, L.A.S., & Comer, J.S. (2013). Treating hoarding disorder in
childhood: A case study. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2, 6269.
39. *Au, T.M., Dickstein, B.D., Comer, J.S., Salters-Pedneault, K., & Litz, B.T. (2013). The
co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms after sexual assault: A
latent profile analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 149, 209-216.
40. Comer, J.S., Gallo, K., Korathu-Larson, P.A., Pincus, D., & Brown, T.A. (2012).
Specifying child anxiety disorders not otherwise specified in the DSM-IV. Depression
and Anxiety, 29, 1004-1013.
41. Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B., & Hofmann, S.G. (2012). Generalized anxiety disorder and
the proposed associated symptoms criterion change for DSM-5 in a treatment-seeking
sample of anxious youth. Depression and Anxiety, 29, 994-1003.
42. Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A.C., Aschenbrand, S.G, McKnight, K., Robin, J.A., Goldfine,
M., & Albano, A.M. (2012). A pilot feasibility evaluation of the CALM Program for
anxiety disorders in early childhood. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 40-49.
43. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., & Pincus, D.B. (2012). Adapting Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy to treat anxiety disorders in young children. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Clinics of North America, 21, 607-619.
44. Comer, J.S., Mojtabai, R., & Olfson, M. (2011). National trends in the antipsychotic
treatment of psychiatric outpatients with anxiety disorders. American Journal of
Psychiatry, 168, 1057-1065.
45. Comer, J.S., Blanco, C., Grant, B., Hasin, D., Liu, S.M., Turner, J.B., & Olfson, M.
(2011). Health-related quality of life across the anxiety disorders: Results from the
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry, 72, 43-50.
46. *Benjamin C.L., Beidas R.S., Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A.C., & Kendall, P.C. (2011).
Generalized anxiety disorder in youth: Diagnostic considerations. Depression and
Anxiety, 28, 173-182.
47. Beidas, R.S., Crawley, S., Mychailyszyn, M., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2011).
Cognitive behavioral treatment of anxious youth with comorbid school refusal in a
university based clinic: Clinical presentation and treatment response. Psihologijske Teme
(Psychological Topics), 2, 255-271.
48. Comer, J.S., Olfson, M., & Mojtabai, R. (2010) National trends in child and adolescent
psychotropic polypharmacy in office-based practice, 1996-2007. Journal of the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49, 1001-1010.
49. Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Edmunds, J., & Kendall, P.C. (2010). Disasters and youth: A
meta-analytic examination of posttraumatic stress. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 78, 765-780.
50. Comer, J.S., Fan, B., Duarte, C., Wu, P., Musa, G., Mandell, D., Albano, A.M., &
Hoven, C. (2010). Attack-related life disruption and child psychopathology in New York
City public schoolchildren 6-months post-9/11. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent
Psychology, 39, 460-469.
51. Wu, P., Goodwin, R. Comer, J.S., Hoven, C., & Cohen, P. (2010). The relationship
between anxiety disorders and substance use among adolescents in the community:
Specificity and gender differences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 177-188.
52. Comer, J.S., Roy, A.K., Furr, J.M., Gotimer, K., Beidas, R.S., Dugas, M.J., & Kendall,
P.C. (2009). The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale for Children: A psychometric
evaluation. Psychological Assessment, 21, 402-411.
53. Kendall, P.C., Comer, J.S., Marker, C.D., Creed, T.A., Puliafico, A.C., Hughes, A.A.,
Martin, E., Suveg, C., & Hudson, J.L. (2009). In-session exposure tasks and therapeutic
alliance across the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 77, 517-525.
54. Suveg, C., Sood, E., Comer, J.S., Kendall, P.C. (2009). Changes in emotion regulation
following cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxious youth. Journal of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology, 38, 390-401.
55. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Beidas, R.S., Weiner, C.L., Kendall, P.C. (2008). Children and
terrorism-related news: Training parents in coping and media literacy. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76, 568-578.
56. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Beidas, R.S., Babyar, H., & Kendall, P.C. (2008). Media use and
children’s perceptions of societal threat and personal vulnerability. Journal of Clinical
Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 622-630.
57. Hudson, J., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2008). Parental responses to positive and
negative emotions in anxious and non-anxious children. Journal of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology, 37, 1-11.
58. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2007). Terrorism: The psychological impact on youth.
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 14, 179-212.
59. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2007). Social phobia in youth: The
diagnostic utility of feared social situations. Psychological Assessment, 19, 152-158.
60. Pimentel, S.S., Robin, J., Comer, J.S., Regan, J., & Albano, A.M. (2007). From
everyday worries to anxiety disorders in youth: A cognitive-behavioral approach for
helping children cope with a scary world. Child and Family Journal, 10, 31-44.
61. Gibb, B.E., Alloy, L.B., Walshaw, P.D., Comer, J.S., Shen, G.H.C., & Villari, A.G.
(2006). Predictors of attributional style change in children. Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology, 34, 425-439.
62. Suveg, C., Kendall, P.C., Comer, J.S., & Robin, J.A. (2006). Emotion-focused cognitivebehavioral therapy for anxious youth: A multiple-baseline evaluation. Journal of
Contemporary Psychotherapy, 36, 77-85.
63. Kendall, P.C., & Comer, J.S. (2006). Trauma and emotional adjustment in children.
Parenting information and advice. World Trade Center Family Center Report, March, pp
64. Suveg, C., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., & Kendall, P.C. (2006). Adapting manualized CBT
for a cognitively delayed child with multiple anxiety disorders. Clinical Case Studies, 5,
65. Comer, J.S. (2006). Rewriting the field, one article at a time. The Behavior Therapist,
29, 174.
66. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2005). High-end specificity of the Children’s Depression
Inventory (CDI) in a sample of anxiety-disordered youth. Depression and Anxiety, 22,
67. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2004) A symptom-level examination of parent-child
agreement in the diagnosis of anxious youths. Journal of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 878-886.
68. Comer, J.S., Kendall, P.C., Franklin, M.E., Hudson, J.L., & Pimentel, S.S. (2004).
Obsessing/worrying about the overlap between obsessive-compulsive disorder and
generalized anxiety disorder in youth. Clinical Psychology Review, 24, 663-683.
Under review
69. Comer, J.S., DeSerisy, M., & Green, J.G. (under review). Internet exposure and
posttraumatic stress symptoms among Boston-area youth following the 2013 Marathon
bombing. Journal of Affective Disorders.
70. Albano, A.M., Comer, J.S., Compton, S.N., Coffey, K., Piacentini, J., Kendall, P.C.,
Birmaher, B., Walkup, J.T., Ginsburg, G.S., Rynn, M.A., McCracken, J., Keeton, C.,
Sakolsky, D.J., Sherrill, J.T., & March, J.S. (under review). Secondary outcomes from the
Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): Implications for clinical practice.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
71. *Crum, K.I., Cornacchio, D., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S. (resubmission under review).
Conduct problems among Boston-area youth following the 2013 Marathon bombing: The
moderating role of prior violent crime exposure. Journal of Clinical Child and
Adolescent Psychology.
72. *Elkins, R.M., Gallo, K.P., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (under review). Moderators of
intensive CBT for adolescent panic disorder: The roles of fear and avoidance. Child and
Adolescent Mental Health.
73. *Chow, C., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (second resubmission under review). Pediatric
food allergies and psychosocial functioning: Examining the potential moderating roles of
maternal distress and overprotection. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
74. Green, J.G., Xuan, Z., Kwong, L., Holt, M.K., & Comer, J.S. (revision under review).
Mental health supports and service referrals by teachers following the 2013 Boston
Marathon attack. Journal of School Health.
75. *Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., Chou, T., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S.
(resubmission under review). Event-related household discussions following the Boston
Marathon bombing and associated posttraumatic stress among area youth. Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.
76. *Carpenter, A.L., Pincus, D.B., Conklin, P.H., Wyszynski, C., Chu, B.C., & Comer, J.S.
(under review). Assessing cognitive-behavioral clinical decision-making among trainees
in the treatment of childhood anxiety. Training and Education in Professional
77. Green, J.G., Comer, J.S., Nadeau, M., Donaldson, A., Elkins, R.M., Reid, G., & Pincus,
D.B. (under review). School functioning and use of school-based accommodations by
treatment-seeking anxious children. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
In preparation
78. Comer, J.S., Cooper-Vince, C.E., & DeSerisy, M. (in preparation). The psychosocial
treatment of anxiety in early childhood: Emerging, converging, and diverging trends.
79. *Cornacchio, D., Sanchez, A.L., Roy, A.K., Pincus, D.B., Read, K.L., Kendall, P.C., &
Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Examining the underlying factor structure of the
Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale for Children.
80. Cooper-Vince, C.E., DeSerisy, M., Cornacchio, D., Sanchez, D., Pincus, D.B., Musser,
E., McLaughlin, K., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Parasympathetic reactivity and
disruptive behavior problems in young children during interactions with mothers and
other adults.
81. Kerns, C., Pincus, D.B., McLaughlin, K.A., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Maternal
emotion regulation during child distress, child anxiety accommodation, and links between
maternal and child anxiety: A sequential mediation analysis.
82. *Chou, T., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Patterns and correlates of
sluggish cognitive tempo among youth with anxiety disorders.
83. Comer, J.S., Chou, T., et al. (in preparation). Sluggish cognitive tempo and responses to
antidepressant and cognitive-behavioral treatments for child anxiety disorders.
84. *Crum, K., Cornacchio, D., Coxe, S., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). The
co-occurrence of child posttraumatic stress and conduct problems following the Boston
Marathon bombing: A latent profile analysis.
85. *Cornacchio, D., Crum, K.I., Coxe, S., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation).
Irritability and anxiety severity among anxious youth.
86. *Chou, T., Carpenter, A., Kerns, C., Elkins, R.M., Coxe, S., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S.
(in preparation). Evaluating the revised DSM-5 definition of PTSD among Boston-area
youth following the 2013 Marathon bombing.
87. *DeSerisy, M., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Family burdens associated with earlyonset OCD among treatment-seeking youth.
88. Miguel, E., Golik, A., Chou, T., Cornacchio, D., Sanchez, A., DeSerisy, M., & Comer,
J.S. (in preparation). Examining the scope of self-injury content in popular social media.
89. *Elkins, R.M., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Using the Internet to remotely deliver live
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy to the home setting: A case study.
90. *Cooper-Vince, C., Chou, T., Furr, J.M., Puliafico, A.C., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation).
Using videoconferencing technology to remotely deliver the CALM Program for early
child anxiety directly to the home setting: A case study.
91. *Cooper-Vince, C., Kerns, C., Cheron, D., Whitton, S., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (in
preparation). Psychometric properties of the Parental Behavioral Control Scale in a
sample of anxious youth.
92. *Sanchez, A.L., Golik, A., Kendall, P.C., & Comer, J.S. (in preparation). Evaluating the
link between mother intolerance of uncertainty and child intolerance of uncertainty.
93. *Sanchez, A.L., Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Leyfer, O., Coxe, S. & Pincus, D.B., Comer,
J.S. (in preparation). Development of a scale to evaluate young children’s responses to
uncertainty and low environmental structure.
Chapters, Books, and Scoring Manuals
In Press
94. *Chou, T., Golik, A., DeSerisy, M., & Comer, J.S. (in press). Disorders of negative
affect. In H. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health. NY: Elsevier.
95. *Chou, T., DeSerisy, M., Garcia, A.M., Freeman, J., & Comer, J.S. (in press).
Obsessive-compulsive problems in very young children. In J.S. Abramowitz, D. McKay,
& E. Storch (Eds.), Handbook of obsessive-compulsive disorder across the lifespan. New
York: Wiley.
96. *Cornacchio, D., Sanchez, A.L., Chou, T., & Comer, J.S. (in press). CBT in children and
adolescents. In S.G. Hofmann & G. Asmundson (Eds.), The science of cognitive
behavioral therapy: From theory to therapy. New York: Elsevier.
97. Comer, J.S., Elkins, R.M., Chan, P.T., & Jones, D.J. (2014). New methods of service
delivery for children’s mental health care. In C.A. Alfano & D. Beidel (Eds),
Comprehensive evidence-based interventions for school-aged children and adolescents.
New York: Wiley.
98. *Elkins, R.M, & Comer, J.S. (2014). Internet-based implementation: Broadening the
reach of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for early child behavior problems. In R.S.
Beidas & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), Child and adolescent therapy: Dissemination and
implementation of empirically supported treatments. New York: Oxford.
99. Pincus, D., Madigan, R., Kerns, C., Hardway, C., & Comer, J.S. (2014). Managing
maladaptive mood and arousal. In E. Sburlati, H. Lyneham, C. Schniering, & R. Rapee
(Eds.) Evidence Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A
Competencies Based Approach. New York: Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
100. Detweiler, M. F., Comer, J.S., Crum, K.I. & Albano, A.M. (2014). Social anxiety in
children and adolescents: Biological, developmental, and social considerations. In S. G.
Hofmann, & P. M. DiBartolo (Eds.), Social Anxiety: Clinical, developmental, and
social perspectives (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Academic Press.
101. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (Eds.) (2013). Oxford Handbook of Research Strategies
for Clinical Psychology. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
102. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2013). Methodology, design, and evaluation in
psychotherapy research. In M. J. Lambert (Ed.), Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of
Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, 6th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
103. Comer, J.S., Tomb, M., & Hunter, L. (2013). Effective interventions for students with
obsessive-compulsive disorder. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.),
The School Services Sourcebook (Second edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
104. *Gallo, K., Comer, J.S., & Barlow, D.H. (2013). Single case experimental designs and
small pilot trial designs. In J.S. Comer & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
105. Kendall, P.C., Comer, J.S., & Chow, C. (2013). The randomized controlled trial:
Basics and beyond. In J.S. Comer, & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
106. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2013). A place for research strategies in clinical
psychology. In J.S. Comer & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Research
Strategies for Clinical Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
107. Kendall, P.C., & Comer, J.S. (2013). Decades not days: The research enterprise in
clinical psychology. In J.S. Comer & P.C. Kendall (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of
Research Strategies for Clinical Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
108. *Sacks, H.A., Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B., Camacho, M., & Hunter, L. (2013). Effective
interventions for students with separation anxiety disorder. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris,
& P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook (Second edition). New
York: Oxford University Press.
109. Kendall, P.C., & Comer, J.S. (2011). Research methods in clinical psychology. In D. H.
Barlow (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Psychology. NY: Oxford University
110. Kendall, P.C., & Comer, J.S. (2010). Childhood Disorders: Second Edition. NY:
Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
111. Comer, J.S., & Olfson, M. (2010). The epidemiology of anxiety disorders. In H.B.
Simpson, F. Schneier, Y. Neria, & R. Lewis-Fernandez (Eds.), Anxiety Disorders:
Theory, Research, and Clinical Perspectives (pp. 6-19). NY: Cambridge University
112. Hambrick, J.P., Comer, J.S., & Albano, A.M. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral treatment of
anxiety disorders: Model and current issues. In H.B. Simpson, F. Schneier, Y. Neria, &
R. Lewis-Fernandez (Eds.), Anxiety Disorders: Theory, Research, and Clinical
Perspectives. NY: Cambridge University Press.
113. Detweiler, M. F., Comer, J.S., & Albano, A.M. (2010). Social anxiety in children and
adolescents: Biological, developmental, and social considerations. In S. G. Hofmann, &
P. M. DiBartolo (Eds.), From social anxiety to social phobia: Multiple perspectives (2nd
ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
114. Comer, J.S. (2010). Terrorism. In I. Weiner & E. Craighead (Eds.), Corsini
Encyclopedia of Psychology (4th Edition). NY: John Wiley & Sons.
115. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., & Albano, A.M. (2008). Coaching Approach behavior
and Leading by Modeling: The CALM Program for anxious preschoolers. New York,
NY: Columbia University.
116. Shaffer, D., Fisher, P., Lucas, C., & Comer, J.S. (2007). Scoring manual: Diagnostic
Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-IV). New York, NY: New York State
Psychiatric Institute.
117. Kurtz, S.M., Comer, J.S., & Masty, J. (2007). Selective Mutism Interaction Coding
System-Revised (SMICS-R). New York, NY: New York University.
118. Robin, J., Puliafico, A.C., Creed, T.A., Comer, J.S., Hofflich, S., Barmish, A., Suveg,
C., & Kendall, P.C. (2005). Generalized anxiety disorder. In M. Hersen & J.C. Thomas
(Eds.), Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Volume 3: Child
Psychopathology. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Presentations and Posters
119. Comer, J.S. (2015, August). Using technology to expand the quality, scope,
and reach of children's mental health care. Talk given to the Society on Children and
Family Policy and Practice (APA Division 37) at the 123rd annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
*Presentation given in acceptance of the 2015 Society on Child and Family Policy
and Practice’s Diane Willis Early Career Award
120. Comer, J.S. (2015, August). Trends and Advances in the Use of Technology to Expand
the Reach and Scope of Mental Health Care. Paper presented at the 123rd annual meeting
of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
121. Cornacchio, D., Crum, K., Coxe, S., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2015, May).
Structural relationships between anxiety severity and irritability among clinically
anxious youth. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for
Psychological Science (APS). New York, NY.
122. Crum, K.I., Comer, J.S., Waschbusch, D., Musser, E., & Chou, T. (2015, May).
Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Others’ Distress among Children with
Conduct Problems. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association
for Psychological Science (APS). New York, NY.
* Honorable Mention, Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus
(APSSC) Student Research Competition
123. Comer, J.S. (chair) (2015, April). What can the functioning of Boston-area families
following the 2013 Marathon bombing teach us about the impact of terrorism on youth?
Symposium presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression
Association of American. Miami, FL.
124. Comer, J.S. (2015, April). Adjustment among area youth after the Boston Marathon
bombing and subsequent manhunt. Paper presented at the 34th annual meeting of the
Anxiety and Depression Association of American. Miami, FL.
125. Cornacchio, D., Kerns, C., Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S. (2015, April). Caregiver distress,
shared traumatic exposure, and child adjustment among area youth following the 2013
Boston Marathon bombing. Paper presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Anxiety
and Depression Association of American. Miami, FL.
126. DeSerisy, M., & Comer, J.S. (2015, April). Internet exposure and posttraumatic stress
among Boston-area youth following the 2013 Marathon bombing. Paper presented at the
34th annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of American. Miami,
127. Sanchez, A., Greif Green, J., & Comer, J.S. (2015, April). Adjustment among children
with relatives who participated in the manhunt following the Boston Marathon attack.
Paper presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Anxiety and Depression Association of
American. Miami, FL.
128. Green, J.G., Xuan, X., Kwong, L., Holt, M.K., Fasman, A., & Comer, J.S. (2015,
April). Teacher support for student mental health following the 2013 Boston Marathon
attack. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Convention.
Chicago, IL.
129. Comer, J.S. (2015, February). Using technology to expand treatment for children and
adolescents. Keynote given at the Biennial Niagara in Miami Conference on EvidenceBased Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Miami, FL.
130. DeSerisy, M., & Comer, J.S. (2015, February). Parental locus of control factors
associated with early-onset OCD among treatment-seeking youth. Poster presented at
the Biennial Niagara in Miami Conference on Evidence-Based Practice in Child and
Adolescent Mental Health. Miami, FL.
131. Miguel, E.M., Golik, A.M., Chou, T., Cornacchio, D., Sanchez, A.L., DeSerisy, M., &
Comer, J.S. (2015, February). Suicide and self-injury content on popular social media.
Poster presented at the Biennial Niagara in Miami Conference on Evidence-Based
Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Miami, FL.
132. Edson, A.L., & Comer, J.S. (co-chairs) (2014, November). Psychological Adjustment
Among Area Youth After the Boston Marathon Bombing and Subsequent Manhunt.
Symposium presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
133. Comer, J.S., Dantowitz, A., Chou, T., Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C.E.,
Brown, B., & Green, J.G. (2014, November). Posttraumatic stress, emotional problems,
and overall functioning among area youth following the 2013 Boston Marathon
bombing. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
134. Chou, T., Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C.E., Dantowitz, A., & Comer, J.S.
(2014, November). Was type of traumatic exposure associated with differential child
outcomes following the Boston Marathon bombing? Paper presented at the 48th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
135. Kerns, C., Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Chou, T., & Comer, J.S. (2014, November).
Parental distress, shared traumatic exposure, and child adjustment among youth
following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Paper presented at the 48th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
136. Carpenter, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., Chou, T., Brown, B., Dantowitz, A., &
Comer, J.S. (2014, November). Attack-related family discussions and children’s mental
health following the Boston Marathon bombing. Paper presented at the 48th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
137. Elkins, R.M., Carpenter, A.L., Chou, T., Dantowitz, A., Kerns, C.E., Miguel, E.M.,
Green, J.G., & Comer, J.S. (2014, November). Psychological adjustment among youth
with relatives who participated in the manhunt following the Boston Marathon attack.
Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
138. Cooper-Vince, C., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Franklin, M.E., Khanna, M., Garcia, A.M.,
& Freeman, J. (2014, November). Internet-delivered treatment for early-onset OCD:
Interim results from a randomized clinical trial. Paper presented at the 48th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
139. Comer, J.S. (Discussant) (2014, November). Novel and innovation applications of
evidence-based treatments for emotional disorders in adolescent patients. Symposium
panel presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
140. DeSerisy, M., & Comer, J.S. (2014, November). Family burdens associated with earlyonset OCD among treatment-seeking youth. Poster presented at the Child and
Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group at the annual convention of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
141. Cooper-Vince, C.E., McLaughlin, K.A., Cornacchio, D., & Comer, J.S. (2014,
November). Psychophysiological correlates of oppositionality and noncompliance in
very young children during interactions with parents and other adults. Paper presented at
the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Philadelphia, PA.
142. Eng, L.A., Leyfer, O., Comer, J.S., & Pincus, D.B. (2014, November). Anxiety
sensitivity in a school refusing outpatient sample of anxious youth. Poster presented at
the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Philadelphia, PA.
143. Korn, A.S., Carpenter, A.L., Rodrigues, A.L., Comer, J.S., Langer, D.A., Pincus, D.B.,
& Mian, N. (2014, November). Do Parents’ Agree on Motives when Seeking Treatment
for their Anxious Children? Poster presented at the Child and Adolescent Anxiety
Special Interest Group at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
144. Pincus, D.B., Leyfer, O., Hardway, C.L., Elkins, R.M., & Comer, J.S. (2014,
November). Recent advances in the development of psychological treatments for
adolescents with panic. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
145. Kerns, C., Elkins, R.M., Zeman, J., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2014, November).
New advances in the evidence-based assessment of emotion-related constructs among
youth with anxiety disorders. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
146. Gallo, K.P., Comer, J.S., Barlow, D.H., Clarke, R.N., & Antony, M.M. (2014,
November). Direct-to-consumer marketing of psychological treatments: A randomized
controlled trial. Paper presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
147. Cornacchio, D., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Franklin, M.E., Khanna, M., Garcia, A.M., &
Freeman, J.B. (2014, November). Acceptability and feasibility of Internet-delivered
treatment for early-onset OCD: Interim results from a randomized clinical trial. Paper
presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
148. Crum, K., Cooper-Vince, C., Cornacchio, D., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., Chou, T.,
Carpenter, A., Dantowitz, A., & Comer, J.S. (2014, November). Trauma response
profiles in children exposed to the 2013 Boston Marathon events: A Latent Class
Analysis. Poster presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
149. Elkins, R.M., Nadeau, M., Kerns, C.E., Reid, G., Pincus, D.B., Comer, J.S., & Green,
J.G. (2014, November). Role of schools in supporting students with anxiety: Available
resources, common strategies, and perceived barriers. Poster presented at the 48th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
150. Golik, A., Chou, T., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C.E., Carpenter, A.L., & Comer, J.S. (2014,
November). The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and clinical outcomes among
Hispanic/Latino youth. Poster presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
151. Donaldson, A., Green, J.G., Comer, J.S., & Pincus, D.B. (2014, November). Parent and
child agreement on the school resources survey for anxiety (SRSA): An evaluation of
clinically anxious youth. Poster presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Philadelphia, PA.
152. Comer, J., Dantowitz, A., Chou, T., Carpenter, A., Elkins, R.M., Kerns, C., & Green,
J.G. (2014, November). Post-traumatic stress and psychosocial functioning among area
youth following the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. In K.A. McLaughlin (chair),
Terrorism and Child Mental Health: The Impact of the Boston Marathon Bombings.
Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic
Stress Studies. Miami, FL.
153. Green, J.G., Holt, M., Kwong, L., Reid, G., Xuan, Z., & Comer, J. (2014, November).
Teacher crisis response following the Boston Marathon attack and manhunt. In K.A.
McLaughlin (chair), Terrorism and Child Mental Health: The Impact of the Boston
Marathon Bombings. Paper presented at the 30th annual meeting of the International
Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Miami, FL.
154. Comer, J.S. (2014, October). New advances in the used of videoteleconferencing to
remotely deliver behavior therapy for early child problems. Paper presented at the 61st
annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. San
Diego, CA.
155. Myers, K., Lieberman, D. (chairs), Stephan, S.H., Rockhill, C.M., Lieberman, D., &
Comer, J.S. (panelists) (2014, October). Telemental health interventions: Expanding
our repertoire. Paper presented at the 61st annual meeting of the American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. San Diego, CA.
156. Comer, J.S. (2013, September). Adjustment among Boston-area youth after the
2013 Marathon bombing and subsequent manhunt. Paper presented at the Florida
International University Center for Children and Families Colloquium Series. Miami,
157. Comer, J.S. (Discussant) (2014, May). Square Pegs and Round Slots: Evaluating key
DSM-5 changes for anxiety disorders Panel presented at the 26th annual meeting of the
Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
158. Cornacchio, D., Chou, T., Sacks, H., Pincus, D., & Comer, J.S. (2014, May). Clinical
Correlates and Consequences of the Revised DSM-5 Agoraphobia Definition: Are
Impaired Youth Left Without a Diagnostic Home? Poster presented at the 26th Annual
Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
* Honorable mention, Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) Student
Research Award
159. Crum, K.I., Cornacchio, D., & Comer, J.S. (2014, May). Violent crime exposure
moderates conduct problems among youth exposed to the Boston Marathon attacks.
Poster presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological
Science, San Francisco, CA.
* Awarded Distinguished Contribution in the Society for a Science of Clinical
Psychology (SSCP) Student Poster Competition
160. Elkins, R.M., Comer, J.S., Green, J.G., & Pincus, D. (2014, February). School-based
resources accessed by students with anxiety. In Green, J.G. (chair), The Gap between
Real-World Mental Health Practices and Evidence-Based Strategies. Presented at the
National Association of School Psychologists annual convention. Washington, DC.
161. Comer, J.S. (2013, November). The occasional case against broad treatment
dissemination for child anxiety and related problems: Retaining a role for specialty care
in the delivery of psychological treatments. Keynote address given at the Child and
Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group (CAASIG) meeting of the 47th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
162. Thompson-Hollands, J., Edson, A., Tompson, M.C., & Comer, J.S. (2013, November).
The effect of family-inclusive CBT on obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analytic
investigation. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
163. Cooper-Vince, C., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Franklin, M.E., Khanna, M., Garcia, A.M.,
& Freeman, J. (2013, November). Internet-delivered treatment for early-onset OCD: A
pilot feasibility trial. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
164. Comer, J.S. (Discussant), Elkins, R.M., & Chan, P.T. (Chairs) (2013, November).
Breaking down brief treatments for childhood anxiety disorders. Panel presented at the
47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Nashville, TN.
165. Elkins, M.R., Comer, J.S., Gallo, K.P., & Pincus, D.B. (2013, November). Moderators
of intensive CBT for adolescent panic disorder: The role of fear and avoidance. Paper
presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. Nashville, TN.
166. Kerns, C.E., Furr, J.M., Franklin, M.E., Garcia, A.M., Freeman, J.B., & Comer, J.S.
(2013, November). Internet-delivered family-based CBT for early childhood onset
OCD: A case series. Paper presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
167. Elkins, R.M., Chou, T., Dantowitz, A., Edson, A.L., Kerns, C., Brown, B., Green, J.L., &
Comer, J.S. (2013, November). Child anxiety and PTSD symptoms in Boston-area
youth in the aftermath of the 2013 Boston Marathon attack. Paper presented at the 47th
annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville,
168. Gallo, K.P., Comer, J.S., Clarke, R.N., & Barlow, D.H. (2013, November). Getting the
word out: A randomized controlled trial of direct-to-consumer marketing of
psychological treatments. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
169. Chou, T., Cornacchio, D., Franklin, M.E., Khanna, M., Garcia, A.M., Freeman, J., &
Comer, J.S. (2013, November). Parent satisfaction with Internet-delivered, familybased treatment for early-onset OCD. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
170. Cornacchio, D., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2013, November).
Parental locus of control and externalizing disorders among youth with anxiety
disorders. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
171. Thompson-Hollands, J., Kerns, C., & Comer, J.S. (2013, November). Parental
accommodation of child anxiety: Range and impact. Poster presented at the 47th annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Nashville, TN.
172. Peterman, J.S., Carper, M.M., Elkins, M.R., Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B. & Kendall, P.C.
(2013, November). Predictors of agreement between anxious youth and their parents on
sleep metrics. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies 47th Annual Convention, Nashville, TN.
173. Butler, E., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2013, November). Predictors of anxiety and
compliance to bracing regimens in youth with idiopathic scoliosis. Paper presented at
the 47th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Nashville, TN.
174. Comer, J.S. (2013, November). Extending the scope and accessibility of children’s
mental health care through technology. Brown bag presentation given to Clinical
Science Doctoral Program in Child and Adolescent Psychology, Florida International
University, Miami, FL.
175. Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B., & Puliafico, A.C. (2013, September) Adapting Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy to treat anxiety disorders in young children. Paper presented at the
2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
176. Pincus, D.B., Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A.C., & Eyberg, S.B. (2013,
September). Adapting PCIT to treat anxiety disorders in young children. Paper presented
at the 2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
177. Puliafico, A.C., Pincus, D.B., Comer, J.S. (2013). (2013, September). The CALM
Program: PCIT adaptation for anxiety disorders in early childhood. Paper presented at
the 2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
178. Cooper-Vince, C.E., Chan, P.T., Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Furr, J.M., Kerns, C.,
Madigan, R., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy delivered to the home: Clinical considerations. Paper presented at the 2013
Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
179. Kerns, C., Chan, P.T., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Furr, J.M.,
Madigan, R., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy delivered to the home: Video illustrations I. Paper presented at the 2013
Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
180. Chan, P.T., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Furr, J.M., Kerns, C.,
Madigan, R., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy delivered to the home: Video illustrations II. Paper presented at the 2013
Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
181. Edson, A.L., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Chan, P.T., Elkins, R.M., Furr, J.M., Kerns, C.,
Madigan, R., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy delivered to the home: An overview of current clinical trials. Paper presented at
the 2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
182. Elkins, R.M., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Chan, P.T., Edson, A.L., Furr, J.M., Kerns, C.,
Madigan, R., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy delivered to the home: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at the 2013
Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
183. Comer, J.S. (Moderator), Cooper-Vince, C.E., Chan, P.T., Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M.,
Furr, J.M., Kerns, C., & Madigan, R. (2013, September) Internet-based Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy delivered to the home: Clinical considerations. Paper presented at
the 2013 Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
184. Chou, T., Wilner, J., & Comer, J.S. (2013, September) Parent satisfaction with Internetdelivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (I-PCIT). Poster presented at the 2013
Biennial PCIT International Convention. Boston, MA.
185. Comer, J.S., Compton, S., & Albano, A.M. (2013, August). Secondary outcomes from
the Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study. Paper presented at the 121st annual
meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.
186. Hardway, C., Pincus, D.B., Gallo, K.P., & Comer, J.S. (2013, April). The effects of
intensive treatment of adolescent panic disorder on their parents’ negative emotional
symptoms. Poster presented at the 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in
Child Development. Seattle, Washington.
187. Kurtz, S.M.S., Comer, J.S., Gallagher, R., Hudson, J.L., & Kendall, P.C. (2013, April).
Parental solicitations for child verbal behaviors across anxious and non-anxious youth.
Poster presented at the meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, La
Jolla, CA.
188. Comer, J.S. (2013, March). Introduction to clinical child psychology. Presentation
given at Boston University. Boston, MA.
189. Comer, J.S. (2013). Childhood Disorders. Presentation given at the Boston University
School of Medicine, Boston Medical Center. Boston, MA.
190. Comer, J.S. (2012, December). Expanding the scope and accessibility of evidencebased care for anxiety disorders across development. Research colloquium given at
Emory University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences. Atlanta, GA.
191. Comer, J.S. (2012, November). Harnessing technology to expand the scope and
accessibility of children’s mental health care. Research colloquium given at Florida
International University, Department of Psychology. Miami, FL.
192. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Cooper-Vince, C., McNeil, C.M., & Eyberg, S.M (2012,
November). Development of an Internet-delivered protocol for Parent-Child Interaction
Therapy: Implications of real-time feedback in a technology-assisted intervention.
Paper presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
193. Comer, J.S. (2012, November). Expanding the scope and accessibility of evidencebased care for anxiety disorders across the lifespan. Paper presented to the Anxiety
Disorders Special Interest Group (ANXSIG) at the 46th annual meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
* Presentation given in acceptance of the 2012 Anxiety Disorders SIG Early Career
194. Edson, A.L., Comer, J.S., Pincus, D.B., Albano, A.M., Chase, R., & Franklin, M.
(2012, November). Development of a Measure of Clinical Decision Making in CBT for
Children: A Novel Approach to Assessing Change in Therapist Trainees. Paper
presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
195. Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Sacks, H., Chan, P.T., Kerns, C.E., Feinberg, L., Wilson, L., &
Kurtz, S.M.S. (2012, November). The Boston University Brave Buddies Program: A
Replication of the Brave Buddies Intensive, Outpatient Treatment Program for children
with Selective Mutism. Paper presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
196. Edson, A.L., Elkins, R.M., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2012, November). High-end
specificity of the Child Behavior Checklist in detecting ADHD in a sample of youth
with generalized anxiety disorder. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
197. Chou, T., Cooper-Vince, C., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2012, November). Treatment
seeking decisions in relation to economic advantage among families seeking care for
childhood anxiety. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
198. Cooper-Vince, C.E., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2012, November). The interaction of
family income and parental intrusiveness in the prediction of child anxiety. Poster
presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
* Winner of ABCT Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group (CAASIG)
Student Poster Award
199. Elkins, R.E., Comer, J.S., & Pincus, D.B. (2012, November). A psychometric
evaluation of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale for Children (PDSS-C). Poster presented
at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
National Harbor, MD.
200. Albano, A.M., & Comer, J.S.. (Co-Chairs), Barlow, D.H. (Discussant) (2012, August).
Evidence-based treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. Symposium panel
presentation at the 120th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.
Orlando, FL.
201. Comer, J.S. (2012, August). New developments in the treatment of anxiety disorders in
early childhood. Paper presented at the 120th annual meeting of the American
Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
202. Comer, J.S. (2012, August). Using videoconferencing technology to deliver ParentChild Interaction Therapy directly to the home. Paper presented at the 120th annual
meeting of the American Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.
203. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Edson, A., Khanna, M., Franklin, M.E., Garcia, A.M., &
Freeman, J.B. (2012, July). Internet-delivered treatment for early-onset OCD: A pilot
feasibility trial. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the International
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation. Chicago, IL.
204. Edson, A.L., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Edmunds, J., & Kendall, P.C. (2012, November).
Posttraumatic stress in children affected by disaster-related loss: A meta-analysis. Poster
presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. National Harbor, MD.
205. Cooper-Vince, C., Chow, C.W., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2012, June). Income
level and the relationship between parental intrusiveness and the developmental
trajectory of anxiety in childhood. Paper presented at the European Association for
Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Geneva, Switzerland.
206. Cooper-Vince, C., Emmert-Aronson, B., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2012, June). The
diagnostic utility of separation anxiety disorder symptoms: An item response theory
analysis. Paper presented at the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive
Therapies. Geneva, Switzerland.
207. Comer, J.S., & Gallo, K. (Co-Chairs), Albano, A.M. (Discussant) (2011, November).
Modeling the shape and sequence of changes in the treatment of youth anxiety: Moving
beyond traditional two-wave evaluations. Symposium panel presentation at the 45th
annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto,
ON, Canada.
208. Comer, J.S., Mojtabai, R., & Olfson, M. (2011, November). Recent national trends in
off-label youth psychotropic polypharmacy in community care: Underscoring the
urgency for the dissemination of effective psychosocial treatments. Paper presented at
the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Toronto, ON, Canada.
209. Comer, J.S., McNeil, C.B., & Eyberg, S.M. (2011, November). Development of an
Internet-delivered protocol for in-home Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Paper
presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
210. Gallo, K.P., Cooper-Vince, C.E., Marker, C.D., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2011,
November). Shape of change in an intensive treatment for adolescent panic disorder and
agoraphobia. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
211. Marker, C.D., Abramova, V., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2011, November).
Modeling the dynamic relationship between alliance and anxiety symptoms across
treatment. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
212. Chow, C., Weiner, C.L., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2011, November). An eight-day
intensive treatment for adolescents with panic disorder: Predictors and moderators of
treatment outcome. Paper presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
213. Kerns, C., Furr, J.M., & Comer, J.S. (2011, November). The association between
maternal suppression and child anxiety: The role of maternal anxiety. Poster presented at
the 45th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Toronto, ON, Canada.
214. Cooper-Vince, C., Emmert-Aronson, B., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2011,
November). The diagnostic utility of DSM-IV separation anxiety disorder symptoms:
An item response theory analysis. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
215. Read, K.L., Settipani, C. A., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P. C. (2011, November). The
Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale for Children: Identifying Specific Anxiety Disorders.
Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies. Toronto, ON, Canada.
216. Sacks, H.A., Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Pincus, D.B., & Kurtz, S.M.S. (2011, November).
Daily Speech Changes Across an Intensive Group Behavioral Treatment Program for
Early Childhood Selective Mutism. Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the
Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Child and Adolescent Anxiety
Special Interest Group Exposition. Toronto, ON, Canada.
217. Chou, T., Gallo, K.P., Cooper-Vince, C., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2011,
November). Differences in Clinical Presentation Between High and Low SES Families
Seeking Specialty Care for Childhood Anxiety Disorders. Poster presented at the 45th
annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Child and
Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group Exposition. Toronto, ON, Canada.
218. Gallo, K.P., Pincus, D.B., & Comer, J.S. (2011, November). Anxiety Disorder NOS or
GAD?: Patterns and Correlates of Anxiety Disorders Not Otherwise Specified
Resembling Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Youth. Poster presented at the 45th annual
meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Child and
Adolescent Anxiety Special Interest Group Exposition. Toronto, ON, Canada.
219. Corona, J., Williams, B.A., Matsumoto, H., Comer, J.S., Fisher, P.W., Neria, Y., Roye,
B.D., & Vitale, M.G. (2011, October). Psychosocial effects of repetitive surgeries in
children with early onset scoliosis: Are we putting them at risk? Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Boston, MA.
220. Kurtz, S.M., & Comer, J.S. (2011, October). Treating professional’s guide to the
functional behavioral assessment of selective mutism. Paper presented at the Child Mind
Institute-Selective Mutism Group Selective Mutism Conference. New York, NY.
221. Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Kerns, C., Feinberg, L., Wilson, L., & Kurtz, S.M.S. (2011,
October). The Boston University Brave Bunch Program: A replication of the Brave
Buddies intensive, outpatient treatment program for children with selective mutism.
Poster presented at the Child Mind Institute-Selective Mutism Group Selective Mutism
Conference. New York, NY.
222. Comer, J.S. (2011, October). Using technology to expand access to Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy. Colloquium given to McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
Belmont, MA.
223. Comer, J.S. (2011, October). Using technology to expand access to Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy. Colloquium given to the Early Child Intervention Program,
MassGeneral Hospital for Children at North Shore Medical Center, Harvard Medical
School. Salem, MA.
224. Comer, J.S. (2011, October). Using technology to expand access to Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy. Colloquium given to the Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Fellowship Training Program. Boston University School of Medicine. Boston, MA.
225. Comer, J.S. (2011, June). Identification and treatment of anxiety disorders in children
and adolescents. Presentation given to Edison K-8 School, Boston Public Schools.
Brighton, MA.
226. Comer, J.S. (2011, April). Using technological innovations to expand the reach of
children’s mental health care. Colloquium given at the Center for Anxiety and Related
Disorders (CARD), Boston University, Department of Psychology, Boston, MA.
227. Corona, J., Williams, B.A., Matsumoto, H., Comer, J.S., Fisher, P.W., Neria, Y., Roye,
B.D., & Vitale, M.G. (2011). Psychosocial effects of repetitive surgeries in children with
early onset scoliosis: Are we putting them at risk? Paper presented at the 30th annual
meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, Basel, Switzerland.
228. Comer, J.S. (Chair), Kurtz, S.M., Pincus, D., & Puliafico, A.C. (2010, November). New
advances in the treatment of anxiety disorders in young children: Adapting Parent-Child
Interaction Therapy for an Overlooked Population. Paper presented at the 44th annual
meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
229. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., Aschenbrand, S.G., Goldfine, M., McKnight, K., Robin,
J.A., & Albano, A.M. (2010, November). A multiple-baseline examination of the
CALM Program for anxiety disorders in early childhood. Symposium given at 44th
annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San
Francisco, CA.
230. Comer, J.S. (2010, November). Recent national trends in the outpatient treatment of
childhood mental disorders. Talk given to the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Special
Interest Group (CAASIG) at 44th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
231. Benjamin, C.L., Beidas, R.S., Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A., & Kendall, P.C. (2010,
November). Generalized anxiety disorder in youth: Diagnostic considerations. Poster
presented at the Association Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
232. Kurtz, S.M.S., Masty, J., Comer, J.S., & Gallagher, R. (2010, November). Adaptations
of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for the assessment and treatment of selective
mutism. Paper presented at 44th annual meeting of the Association for the Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
233. Comer, J.S. (2010, October). Child anxiety and the threat of disasters and terrorism.
Colloquium presented to the Department of Clinical Psychology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA.
234. Comer, J.S. (2010, October). Child anxiety and the threat of disasters and terrorism.
Colloquium presented to the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Central
Florida, Orlando, FL.
235. Comer, J.S. (2010, March). Treating childhood anxiety disorders. Presented to
Columbia University School of Social Work, New York, NY.
236. Comer, J.S. (2010, March). Child anxiety and the threat of disasters and terrorism.
Colloquium presented to the Department of Clinical Psychology, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA.
237. Dublin, R., Pimentel, S.S., Albano, A.M., Hoagwood, K., & Comer, J.S. (2010, April).
Large-scale dissemination of evidence-based treatments for children: Does training
affect practice? Poster presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders
Association of America, Baltimore, MD.
238. Comer, J.S. (2010, January). Child Anxiety and the Threat of Terrorism: Training
Parents in Coping and Media Literacy. Colloquium given to the Department of Clinical
Psychology, Boston University, Boston, MA.
239. Comer, J.S. (2010, January). Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.
Presentation given to Columbia University Postdoctoral Fellowship in Developmental
Neuroscience. New York, NY.
240. Comer, J.S. (Moderator), Albano, A.M., Franklin, M., Heimberg, R.G., Hollon, S., &
Kendall, P.C. (2009, November). “What’s in a site difference? The nuisance (and
revelatory potential) of differential outcomes in the age of the multicenter trial. Paper
presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, New York, NY.
241. Pimentel, S., Albano, A.M., Hoagwood, K., Comer, J.S., Dublin, R. (2009, November).
Large-scale dissemination of evidence-based treatments for children: Does training
affect clinician practice? Symposium given at 43rd annual meeting of the Association for
Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
242. Comer, J.S. (2009, November). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Panic Disorder.
Presented to Harlem Hospital Psychiatry Residency Program. Columbia University,
New York, NY.
243. Benjamin, C.L., Beidas, R.S., Crawley, S.A., Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A.C., & Kendall,
P.C. (2009, November). Separation anxiety disorder in youth: Diagnostic considerations.
Poster presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
244. Comer, J.S. (2009, September). New directions in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.
Colloquium presented to Teachers College Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology,
Columbia University, New York, NY.
245. Comer, J.S. (2009, May). Internet-delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for
disruptive preschoolers. Presented to the Columbia University Anxiety Disorders
Research Group.
246. Comer, J.S., & Rynn, M. (2009, July). The Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal
treatment Study (CAMS). Presented to the Columbia University Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry Summer Continuing Medical Education (CME) Series. New York, NY.
247. Marker, C. D., Kendall, P. C., Comer, J. S., Creed, T. A., Puliafico, A. C., Hughes, A.,
Martin, E. D., Suveg, C., Hudson, J. (2008; November). The relationship between
anxiety symptoms and therapeutic alliance across the course of therapy. Presented at the
42nd annual meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando,
248. Beidas, R.S., Comer, J.S., Benjamin, C., Puliafico, A., & Kendall, P.C. (2008).
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in youth: Diagnostic considerations. Poster presented at
the 6th annual Kansas conference in clinical child and adolescent psychology,
Lawrence, KS.
249. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., Beidas, R.S., Weiner, C.L., & Kendall, P.C. (2008;
November). Children and terrorism-related news: Training parents in coping and media
literacy. Paper presented at at the 42nd meeting of the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.
250. Furr, J.M., Comer, J.S., Edmunds, J., & Kendall, P.C. (2008; November). Disasters and
youth: A meta-analytic examination of posttraumatic stress. Paper presented at the 42nd
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.
251. Comer, J.S. (2008; November). New frontiers in the study of disasters and youth.
Symposium chaired at the 42nd meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, Orlando, FL.
252. Comer, J.S., Gallagher, R., Puliafico, A.C., Rackley, C. & Verduin, T. (2008, January).
The Neuropsychology of CBT for Children: What Cognitive Demands Are Required of
Our Patients? Grand Rounds presented at the New York University School of Medicine,
Department of Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
253. Comer, J.S., Gallagher, R., Puliafico, A.C., Rackley, C. & Verduin, T. (2007,
November). The Neuropsychology of CBT for Children: What Cognitive Demands Are
Required of Our Patients? Clinical Round Table given at the 41st meeting of the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
254. Comer, J.S., Angelosante, A., Krain, A.L., Furr, J.M., & Kendall, P.C. (2007,
November). The Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale for Children: A psychometric
evaluation. Symposium talk given at the 41st meeting of the Association for Behavioral
and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
255. Comer, J.S., Kendall, P.C., Furr, J.M., Beidas, R., & Weiner, C.L. (2007, November).
Terrorism risk and parenting: Examining coping and media literacy. Poster presented at
the 41st meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies,
Philadelphia, PA.
256. Comer, J.S., Furr, J.M., & Kendall, P.C. (2007, November). Predicting youth response
to terrorism-related news. Poster presented at the 41st meeting of the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.
257. Comer, J.S., Puliafico, A.C., & Sheridan, M. (2007, May). The dialogue between
research and practice: What’s lost in translation. Grand Rounds presented at the New
York University School of Medicine, Department of Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds.
258. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2006, March). The psychological impact of terrorism
upon youth. Talk given at the annual convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of
America, Miami, FL.
259. Comer, J.S., symposium organizer (2006, February). Science in action: Basic research
informs effective childhood psychological treatments. Symposium given at the annual
meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, St. Louis, MO.
Panelists: Stephen P. Hinshaw, Anne Marie Albano, Thomas H. Ollendick, John Lochman, &
Philip C. Kendall
260. Suveg, C., Kendall, P.C., Comer, J.S., & Robin, J.A. (2005, August). A multiplebaseline evaluation of an emotion-focused CBT for anxious youth. Poster presented at
the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
261. Comer, J.S., & Puliafico, A.C. (2005, February). Child and adolescent anxiety in the
classroom. Half-day workshop presented at Foundations Behavioral Health,
Doylestown, PA.
262. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S, & Kendall, P.C. (2004, November). Social anxiety disorder
in youth: Exploring the diagnostic utility of feared social situations. Poster presented at
the 38th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New
Orleans, LA.
263. Suveg, C., Zeman, J., Cassano, M., Stegall, S., Comer, J.S., & Robin, J. (2004,
November). Emotion socialization in families with an anxious child. Poster presented at
the 38th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New
Orleans, LA.
264. Comer, J.S., Holaway, R.M., Heimberg, R.G., & Kendall, P.C. (2004, November).
The nature of thought-action fusion: Are everyone’s thoughts special, or just mine?
Poster presented at the 38th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, New Orleans, LA.
265. Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2004, May). High-end specificity of the Children’s
Depression Inventory in a sample of clinically anxious youth. Poster presented at the
16th annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.
266. Hudson, J.L., Angelosante, A.G., Comer, J.S., Robin, J. & Kendall, P.C. (2003,
November). Anxiety disorders and over-involvement in parents of anxious children.
Symposium presented at the 37th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of
Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.
267. Puliafico, A.C., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2003, November). An analysis of
anxiety-evoking situations in childhood social anxiety disorder. Poster presented at the
37th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.
268. Robin, J. Comer, J.S., Mars-Garcia, A., & Kendall, P.C. (2003, November). The
relationship between GAD, worry, and emotion regulation in clinically anxious youth.
Poster presented at the 37th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Boston, MA.
269. Hedtke, K., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2003, November). Internal construct validity
of DSM-IV anxiety disorders in children: A confirmatory factor analysis. Poster
presented at the 37th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Boston, MA.
270. Pimentel, S.S., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2003, March). Physiological symptoms in
children with generalized anxiety disorder: Severity ratings and rates of parent-child
agreement. Poster presented at the 23rd National Conference of the Anxiety Disorders
Association of America, Toronto, Canada.
271. Angelosante, A.G., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2003, March). Patterns of
symptomatology of separation anxiety disorder in youth. Poster presented at the 23rd
National Conference of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Toronto,
272. Comer, J.S., Angelosante, A.G., Puliafico, A.C., & Kendall, P.C. (2002, November).
Predictors of parent-child disagreement in anxious youth: A look at parental
symptomatology and marital adjustment. Poster presented at the 36th meeting of the
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
273. Gibb, B.E., Alloy, L.B., Villari, A.G., Comer, J.S., Chang, G.H., & Walshaw, P.D.
(2002, November). Emotional maltreatment and attributional styles in children. Poster
presented at the 36th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
274. Puliafico, A.C., Verduin, T.L., Angelosante, A.G., Comer, J.S., & Kendall, P.C. (2002,
November). The effects of birth order on the development of social anxiety disorder in
children. Poster presented at the 36th meeting of the Association for the Advancement of
Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.
275. Lucas, L., & Comer, J.S. (1999). The Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children: A
demonstration. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Child Welfare League
of America, Cape Cod, MA.
David H. Barlow, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry
Founder and Director Emeritus
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Boston University
Department of Psychology
648 Beacon Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02215
Telephone: 617.353.9610
Electronic Mail:
Philip C. Kendall, Ph.D., ABPP
Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology
Director, Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders Clinic
Temple University
Department of Psychology
Weiss Hall
1701 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Telephone: 215.204.1558
Electronic Mail:
Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D., ABPP
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry
Director, Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders
Columbia University Medical Center
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 74
New York, NY 10032
Telephone: 212.543.5339
Electronic Mail:
Mark Olfson, M.D., M.P.H.
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Columbia University Medical Center
New York State Psychiatric Institute
1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 24
New York, NY 10032
Telephone: 212.543.5293
Electronic Mail: