CCHL- Lower Mainland CHapter Newsletter #1


CCHL- Lower Mainland CHapter Newsletter #1
CCHL-­‐ “Advancing leadership, shaping health systems”
Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL)-­‐
BC Lower Mainland Chapter Newsletter #1
Spring, 2015
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Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the 1 edition of our Chapter Newsletter. As
Chapter Chair, I am honored to serve our membership, to
work with a fully committed Chapter Executive and to
remain focused on meeting the needs of our membership.
A recent Chapter membership survey, education session
feedback, executive self-­‐reflection plus direct feedback from members have provided
rich input into Chapter priorities and has shaped our strategic work-­‐plan. This plan will
be shared with you for your review and comment in the next month.
I joined CCHL in 2006 with the hope of increasing my health leadership network and to
further my understanding of the broad issues affecting the health of Canadians. I can
assure you CCHL has exceeded my expectations. Our 335 BC Lower Mainland members,
forms the second largest Chapter in Canada, and in my opinion the most active Chapter
nationally. CCHL, in my view, is much more than a professional
college. CCHL it is about building relationships and networks
with people coast to coast, committed to supporting one
another along our individual journey.
I encourage you to become increasingly involved through local
and national opportunities such as:
sharing your experience with
other members and non-­‐members
nominating a colleague for
recognition through various
awards programs
connecting with our Chapter via social media
participate in a committee or working group
running for our local executive
pursuing your CHE or Fellowship
I encourage you to be increasingly social, provide ongoing input, and shape the future of
health leadership locally and throughout Canada. Resources, social media links, and our
Executive contact details are listed on our website. Please visit often:
Sowing CHE Seeds…
In October 2014, the Canadian
College of Health Leaders (CCHL)
and the Mennonite Benevolent
Society (Menno Place) have
signed the first agreement in
British Columbia health care that
commits to setting the Certified
Health Executive (CHE)
designation as a standard for
leaders to develop skills and
competencies and to increase
capabilities of health leaders in
Canada. This will help raise the
level of leadership and
management in the care of
seniors in the province of British
Columbia. This agreement ensures
that there will be ongoing
professional development for
health leaders at Menno Place. It
also ensures a collaborative
environment that will help the
College and its members keep
abreast of trends in health
leadership and management.
Thank you for your commitment to health leadership. I look forward to seeing you or
hearing from you in the near future.
Paul W. Gallant, CHE,
Chair-­‐ BC Lower Mainland Chapter
Strategic Alliances-­‐ We strive to partner with health related associations, education institutions, local agencies and other
CCHL Chapters to improve opportunities for our members
CCHL-­‐ “Advancing leadership, shaping health systems”
Who is the
Executive Team?
The chapter is led by an elected executive team
who volunteer their time to ensure that health
leaders are able to personally connect with
each other and collectively advance the issues
that are important to them in their local
Paul Gallant, CHE-­‐ CHAIR; Gallant Healthworks
Moe Baloo, CHE-­‐ VICE-­‐CHAIR; PHC
Karen Baillie, CHE-­‐ PAST CHAIR; Menno Place
Zahida Esmail-­‐ TREASURER; VCH
Michelle de Moor, CHE-­‐ PROGRAM LEAD; VCH
Abdulkader Kadernani-­‐ MHA Year 1 REP;
UBC School of Public & Pop Health
Marissa Mar-­‐ MHA REP; Centre for Health
Evaluation and Outcome Sciences
Dionne Ng-­‐ EHL REP; FHA
David Thompson, CHE-­‐ CCHL National Rep; PHC
Kris Gustavson-­‐ PHSA
Patricia Hunt-­‐ PHSA
Chun Ko-­‐ PHSA
Jennifer MacKenzie-­‐ VCH
Sadiq Panjwani-­‐ GE Healthcare
Julia Raudzus-­‐ PHC
Susan Schroeder-­‐ PHSA
Jerry Stanger, CHE – Fraser Health
Members Speak Up
BC Lower Mainland Chapter recently conducted a survey of members to review
its services and how to better engage and align to member needs. Some key
findings from respondents are as follows:
Profile: 61% of respondents have been associated with the chapter over 5 years
with 11% of new members
who have enrolled within
last 12 months
Expectation: Respondents
expects chapter to focus on
networking activities,
certifications & arranging
educational events
Events: 69% of respondents attends 2 or more event each year. They consider
location, event dates and price to be key factor for increasing participation
Communication: Email is the preferred way of communication. Respondents
requested bi-­‐annual newsletter as a method for updated about chapter
In addition, members provided much candid feedback about improving
member engagement and participation. A subcommittee of chapter executives
have been tasked to look into respondent’s recommendations and align
chapter’s strategic priorities with member’s feedback.
Several actionable items from this survey will be implemented immediately.
This includes this inaugural bi-­‐annual newsletter as recommended by our
members and offering alternative locations for our events (webinar and FHA
site). Over next few weeks we will take a look into event venues, pricing and
speaker profiles. Active work is also being conducted in heightening the
recognition of the CHE designation.
Any and all additional feedback that you may have is welcome. You can send us
Any and all additional feedback that you may have is welcome. You can send us
an email at For members who were not able to participate in
an email at For members who were not able to participate in
member’s survey, we are pleased to reopen survey for additional 2 weeks for
member’s survey, we are pleased to reopen survey for additional 2 weeks for
your participation. Click here to complete the short survey.
your participation. Click here to complete the short survey.
Don’t Miss Upcoming -­‐ Professional Development Opportunities
April 24
May 11
Health Service Consolidation-­‐ the Good, the Bad, & the Future
11:30-­‐ 1:00
Lunch & Learn-­‐ Leadership-­‐ FHA partnership
June 19
Annual General Meeting (AGM)-­‐ Private/Public Healthcare
Oct 20-­‐21
BC Health Leaders Conference **Abstracts currently being accepted-­‐
Contact us:
Chair Person: Paul Gallant
**photos courtesy of Kris Gustavson, Member-at-Large