Our Lady of the Pines & St. Theodore of Tarsus


Our Lady of the Pines & St. Theodore of Tarsus
Our Lady of the Pines
St. Theodore of Tarsus
Catholic Churches
NEVIS, MN 56467
Parish Office: 205 Main Street West, PO Box: 378, Nevis, MN 56467
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:30 – 2:30 PM; Wednesdays & Thursdays 8:30 - 1:30 PM
Parish Email: maryolp@unitelc.com Phone: 218-652-4005
Fr. Tony Fernando
Phone: 218-652-4022 (Office)
218-652-2785 (Residence)
Email: ccnevis@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Pat Hrubes
Phone: 218-652-4005
Email: maryolp@unitelc.com
Bookkeeper: Rebecca Scraper
Phone: 218-652-4005
Email: olpbookkeeper@gmail.com
March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
Our Lady of the Pines & St. Theodore’s Catholic
Churches: Nevis/ Laporte
Monday, March 30
07:00 PM: Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Crookston
Tuesday, March 31
01:00 PM: Individual Lenten Confessions at OLP,
soon after the Noon Mass and Lunch
OLP Faith Formation Coordinator:
Richelle Kowalke
Phone: 218-652-4005
Email: olpfaithform@gmail.com
Wednesday, April 01
06:00 PM: Stations of the Cross, followed by Soup Supper at OLP, Nevis
OLP Custodian: Pat Dietenberger
Phone: 218-652-3811
Email: pat_dietenberger@hotmail.com
Holy Thursday, April 02
06:00 - 06:45 PM: Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLP, Nevis
07:00 PM: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at OLP, Nevis
STC Custodian: Lisa Katzenmeyer
Phone: 218-224-3219
Email: lmkatzenmeyer@gmail.com
Good Friday, April 03
01:00 PM: Good Friday Services at STC, Laporte
07:00 PM: Good Friday Services at OLP, Nevis
Diocesan Victim Assistance
Coordinator: LouAnn McGlynn
Phone: 218-281-7895
Email: lmcglynn@crookston.org
Holy Saturday, April 04
06:00 - 06:30 PM: Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLP, Nevis
07:00 PM: Easter Vigil Service at OLP, Nevis
Mass Timing
Our Lady of the Pines, Nevis
Tuesdays: 12 Noon
Wednesdays - Fridays 09:00 AM
Saturdays: 05:00 PM
Sundays: 10:30 AM
St. Theodore’s Church, Laporte
Sundays 08:30 AM
Eucharistic Adoration at OLP
Thursdays: 09:30 -10:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 04:15 - 4:45 PM at OLP
Sundays 08:00 AM at St. Theodore’s
Easter Sunday, April 05
08:30 PM: Easter Mass at STC, Laporte
10:30 PM: Easter Mass at OLP, Nevis
New Parishioners
Welcome to Our Lady of the Pines Church, Nevis and St. Theodore Church, Laporte, MN. We are happy to
have you worshipping with us! If you consider becoming a member of either of our parishes, please stop by the
parish office or call us at 218-652-4005 to send you a registration form.
Information on Reception of Sacraments
Baptism: We are delighted to welcome you or your children into our faith community. Please call the
Pastor at 218-652-4022 for Baptism preparation and for scheduling a date of your child’s Baptism.
Marriage: Congratulations! We are happy to assist you in preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Do call
the Pastor at 218-652-4022 as early as 6 months in advance.
Pastoral Visitation: We want to be a part of your life. If you desire a home visit with
communion for the sick and homebound or intend to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation or
Anointing of the Sick, or just a pastoral visit, please call the pastor at 218-652-4022.
Saturday, 03/28
09:30 AM
STC Spring Clean up
04:15 - 04:45 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLP
05:00 PM
Mass at OLP: For + Kathy Duclos by Mike Duclos
Sunday, 03/29
08:00 AM
08:30 AM
Palm Sunday
Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Theodore’s Church, Laporte
Mass at STC: + Marie Fabiani by Fabiani Family
09:15 - 10:15 AM First Holy Communion Classes at OLP
Rosary at OLP
10:00 AM
Mass at OLP: For the Members of our Parishes
10:30 AM
CLOW Leaders: Wendy McGillivray-Bjorklund & Clayton DeWulf
Money Counters: Theora Goodrich, Chuck Tangeman & Deb Tangeman
Monday, 03/30
07:00 PM
Chrism Mass at Crookston Cathedral
12:00 Noon
01:00 PM
Mass at OLP: For + Marcy Anderson Mark and Jeff Anderson
Lunch, followed by Lenten Individual Confessions
Tuesday, 03/31
Wednesday, 04/01
No Morning Mass
12:00 –03:00 PM OLP Faith Formation Class for Grade 1– 6
06:30 PM
Thursday, 04/02
Stations of the Cross at OLP
Lenten Soup Supper served by Faith Formation Students
No Morning Services
Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLP
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Our Lady of the Pines Church, Nevis:
For + Alfonse DeCrans by Bob and Mary DeCrans
08:30 - 10:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration
Holy Thursday
06:00 - 6:45 PM
7:00 PM
Friday, 04/03
01:00 PM
07:00 PM
Good Friday Services at St. Theodore’s Church, Laporte
Good Friday Services at Our Lady of the Pines Church, Nevis
Saturday, 04/04
6:00 - 6:30 PM
07:00 PM
Sacrament of Reconciliation at OLP
Easter Vigil at Our Lady of the Pines Church, Nevis:
For + Mary Fernando by Ed and Cecilia Pettit
Sunday, 04/05
08:00 AM
08:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Theodore’s Church, Laporte
Easter Sunday Mass at STC: For the Members of our Parishes
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday
STC Second Collection: 10:00 AM
For Laporte Food Shelf 10:30 AM
Rosary at OLP
Easter Sunday Mass at OLP: For + Lucy Carlson by Doc Carlson
CLOW Leaders: Help Needed
Holy Thursday Liturgical Ministers: 04/02/2015
Sacristans: Mary & Bob DeCrans, Cantor: Choir
Musician: Ardis Johnson & Don Hudson
Commentator: John Lindow;
Presentation of Oil: Faith Formation Youth
Lectors: Theora Goodrich, Bonnie Conrad, Linda Adelman
Greeters: Nancy Greene & Michelle DeCrans
Ushers: Ed Dvorak & Mike Greene
Altar Servers: George Bjorklund, Adeline Bjorklund,
Lydia Bjorklund, Help Needed
Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy Greene (C), Sue Joerger,
Bob Lindow, Leah Pigatti, Charlotte Rauch
Washing of the Feet: 3 From DeWulf Family;
3 From McNamee Family; 2 From Tangeman Family;
2 From King Family and 2 from Noyes Family
OLP Good Friday Liturgical Ministers: 04/03/2015
Sacristans: Leah Pigatti & Anna Hudson
Musician & Cantor: Don Hudson
Commentator: John Lindow;
Lectors: Carol Lindow & Jill Clack; John Lindow (P)
Passion Reading: Anna Hudson (N), Chuck Tangeman (S)
Ushers: Tom Walz, Chuck Tangeman,
Mike Greene & Ed Dvorak
Greeters: Dee Dvorak & Ed Juelich
Altar Servers: Help Needed
Eucharistic Minister: Theora Goodrich
Our Lady of the Pines Liturgical Ministers
Holy Saturday, April 04, 2015
Stewardship Report
For the week of 03/15/15
Kevin Lindow & Leah Pigatti
Sunday Offering
Ardis Johnson & Don Hudson
Our Lady St. Theodore’s
of the Pines
Easter Flower Envelopes
KC Food Shelf Drive Donations
Don Hudson, Leah Pigatti, John Lindow,
Jesse Clack, Char Rauch, & Carol Lindow (P)
Hospitality Free will Offering
Altar Servers
Tyler Lindow, Spencer Lindow,
& Brenna Lindow
Candle Offering
Gift Bearers
Help Needed
OLP Fuel Envelopes
Mike Greene & Ed Dvorak
Catholic Relief Service Envelope
Dee Dvorak & Nancy Greene
Ash Wednesday Envelope
Sue Joerger (C), Anna Hudson, Bob Lindow,
Denise Hawes and Kevin Lindow
Easter Sunday, April 05, 2015
Bob and Mary DeCrans
Ardis Johnson and Don Hudson
Theora Goodrich, Bob DeCrans
& Help Needed
Altar Servers
Help Needed
Gift Bearers
Help Needed
Help Needed
Help Needed
Kevin Lindow (C), Pat Hrubes, Michael Van
Guilder, Anna Hudson & Help Needed
Judy Karl (C), Joan Dart, Leah Walters,
Kathy Wold, Jeannene Johnson, Arlys Kramer,
Shelly Mahowald, Kathy Nagel, Mary Schiebe
& Kelly Kramer.
St. Theodore Liturgical Ministers
Easter Sunday, April 05, 2015
Charlotte Rauch
Don Hudson
Don Hudson
Rosemary Moss & Bonnie Conrad
Altar Servers
Brady Duff, Evan Pohl & Anna Katzenmeyer
Oz Adelman & Roger Rudbeck
JoAnn O’Connell
Jackie Duff (C)
& Rosemary Moss
No Hospitality on Easter Sunday
Haiti Mission Envelopes
STC Good Friday Liturgical Ministers: 04/03/2015
Sacristan: Charlotte Rauch
Musician and Cantor: Sharon Lembke
Lectors: Rosemary Moss, Carol Wellen & Charlotte Rouch (P)
Passion Readers: Bonnie Conrad (N), Linda Adelman (S)
Altar Servers: Brady Duff, Evan Pohl & Anna Katzenmeyer
Ushers: Roger Rudbeck & John Duff;
Greeter: Linda Adelman
Eucharistic Minister: Priest
STC Ushers and Greeters Training
A training Program for all the Ushers and Greeters of St.
Theodore’s Parish, Laporte is scheduled for Saturday, April 11,
2015 at 11:00 AM. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend
this training session.
Holy Thursday Offertory Procession
with Operation Rice Bowls
Kindly bring the Rice Bowls of “Catholic Relief Services” on Holy
Thursday with your contribution. You can offer them during the
offertory procession. This program helps the countless hungry
people in our country and all over the world. Rice Bowl Boxes are
available at the gather place of our Churches.
Prayer Requests
Diane Dudley, Jackie Brakke, Dorothy Goeden, JoAnn O’Connell,
Clarence Moss, Jerome Herdina, Priscilla Dietenberger, David
Rosener, Becki Bosca, Peggy McAllister, Pat Kienlen, Neil
Cassanelli, John Hagge, Kathy Marcussen Quinn, Terry Schrader,
Connie Rice, Tom Kellner, Mary Kellner Navin, Betty Rand,
Candy Clausen, Ray Kienlen, LaVerna Schulte, David Marcussen,
Harry Kany, Paul Mockenhaupt, Ron Goehring, Mike Jay, Karin
Robinson, Joe & Kay Knuth, Ambrose Blaeser, Don Carlson,
Angela McCluhan, Gene Johnson, Delano Bunker, Jayne Frank,
David Albold, Jo Dahms, Paul Wendlandt, Michelle Jackson,
Colleen Ottman, Joanne Kohler, Alice Larson, Ted Giese, Laurie
Koehly, Nancy Buck, Joan Dart, Lillian Wahl & Ron Kimbell.
Please call the Parish Office at 652-4005 to keep a name
on the Prayer list or add someone new.
Names will be removed after 4 weeks, unless a fresh request is made.
OLP Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls are hand knitted or crocheted piece of
material that was blessed for the use of the Sick in our
community. They are intended to be a reminder of God’s
ever-present love and given to parishioners who are facing
serious illnesses and personal losses of many kinds to
reassure them they are not alone. Thanks to the generosity
of Anna Hudson, a number of prayer shawls were blessed
and distributed at the Mass of the Anointing of the Sick on
Tuesday, March 24. If you would like to participate in this
new ministry, please contact Anna Hudson at 2528409. Once Prayer Shawl makers are identified, the group
will determine a ‘knitting schedule’.
Good Friday Collection: For Holy Land
Good Friday Collection is requested by the Holy Father and
it supports for the care of Christianity’s Holiest Sites and for
the people living in the Holy Land. Please be generous
when you come for Good Friday Service, as your
abundance allows.
OLP Easter Sunday Mass on KPRM AM 870
Tune to AM 870 on Easter Sunday morning, at 10:30 AM.
We thank all our sponsors who make this broad cast possible.
News from OLP Guild
OLP Guild is pleased to make a donation to Northwinds
Grocery to purchase 2 bikes for the Annual Easter
Celebration they organize for our community. Brian and
Sarah are grateful to receive our support as we too have
received their help in many occasions for our Church
Another donation is made to Akeley Food Shelf this month,
as the month of March is considered to be a time to pledge
our supports to the Food Drive efforts in our community.
Please note that we will be resuming OLP Guild’s Regular
Meetings from April. Our spring meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 22 at 9:30 AM. We hope to see many of
you participating in our regular meetings. ~ Nancy Greene
Palm Sunday Reflection
Palm Sunday appears to be about two events, the entrance
with palms into Jerusalem and the exit with a cross to
Calvary. But it is really about one event: the call to follow
the Lord wherever He leads us in joy and in sorrow.
We are tempted to consider Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem,
but ignore His exit from the city. It is easy to join in the
joyful celebrations of our faith. We go to Church on
Christmas and Easter and leave full of warmth. We present
our children for baptism, communion and confirmation,
and believe that God walks with them. We attend a retreat
or conference and have a deep experience of the Lord’s
presence. And so we say, “Isn’t it great to be a Catholic?”
In these and many other ways we join the crowd welcoming
the Messiah into our city, into our lives.
Then we realize that the palms are followed by the passion.
And the joy of experiencing the Presence of the Lord is
followed by His demand to join Him in the journey of
sacrificial love, in the journey up to Calvary.
And this is difficult, at times even overwhelming. We know
that we are called to stand apart from the immoral aspects
of society. We know that we are called to be holy. But we
are continually drawn in to join those who don’t for a
second care about God. They are the vocal majority. They
host the best parties with all the worst elements. They
confuse freedom with licentiousness.
But then we look at the cross. We shout out, “It is good for
us to be here,” not on the Mountain of the Transfiguration,
but on the Mountain of Calvary. And we experience the joy
of following Him, following Him not just in the triumph of
the palms, but also in the triumph of the cross. We walk
away from the immoral crowd and walk with Jesus. He
draws us to Himself, to His cross. And in this way He frees
us from enslavement to sin.
May our celebration of Holy Week and Easter lead us to a
deeper personal experience of Jesus’ life, death and
~ Joseph Pellegrino
Easter Flower Offering
KC Food shelf Drive Report
If you wish to make a memorial for a deceased
loved one or honor a living during this season of
Easter, you may use the Easter Flower Envelope
in your offering box or use this Bulletin cut out
box. Your contributions will be used for flowers
and decorations during Easter and all memorials will be
published in our parish bulletin.
Last weekend donations from both STC and OLP pushed
us to over 1350 lbs of goods and $760 cash donations
to-date. We are Blessed to have such giving members in
both communities to support families in need. Be aware
that some companies have matching fund programs that
you can leverage, if your cash donation dollars can be
stretched! Palm Sunday weekend will be the conclusion to
our KC Food Drive and both food shelf programs have
expressed their appreciation towards the donations made
to-date. If you donated goods but didn't fill out a donation
slip, please contact one of the KC members. By filling them
out, you can receive a credit in your Statement of 2015
Church Contribution.
~ Marcel Noyes
Your Name: ___________________________________
In Memory of : + __________________________________
In Honor of: _____________________________________
Thank You