GOLDEN POINT Golden Point Landcare Group


GOLDEN POINT Golden Point Landcare Group
Who supports us ...
When we meet...
We work closely with the local community – Chewton Bushlands, Chewton Landcare, Chewton Primary
School, Chewton Domain Society, Post Office Hill
Action Group, Castlemaine Landcare, Friends of the
Box-Ironbark Forests, Castlemaine Field Naturalists
and Connecting Country.
Meetings are advertised in the local monthly newsletter, the Chewton Chat, and are usually held on the
4th Sunday of the month starting at 10.00 a.m. We
also conduct working bees and education events.
How to join us...
Contact Secretary Jennifer Pryce on 0423 900 590
or come along to a meeting. Membership is $10 per
property payable each year at the AGM.
Useful contacts:
* Connecting Country: 5472 1594,
* FOBIF:, - for a full range of links
We work in partnerships with agencies:
* Parks Victoria – the land managers for the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park
* North Central Catchment Management Authority
* Mount Alexander Shire Council
* Department of Environment and Primary Industry.
* Parks Victoria Castlemaine: 5470 4000,
* North Central Catchment Management Authority:
5448 7124,,
* Mount Alexander Shire Council: 5471 1700,
Golden Point
Landcare Group
Find out more about Landcare contact Max Schlachter, Landcare Facilitator
for the Mount Alexander Region 5472 1594
Why this area is so special ...
What we do ...
We use the Forest Creek Action Plan for the section
of the Forest Creek catchment from Expedition Pass
Reservoir downstream to the Monster Meeting site at
Chewton. This map gives an indication of the area
we work in.
Why we do it ...
We like learning about our
natural environment and we
enjoy the bush with its beautiful plants, birds and animals.
We like working with others to
improve it. By doing this we
also increase the value of our
own properties.
How we do it ...
Most of our properties adjoin, overlook or are surrounded by the Castlemaine Diggings National
Heritage Park and the Box-Ironbark Forest and
woodlands. The flora and fauna that is special to this
area need our help to survive into the future.
We work together to support each other with advice,
information and equipment.
We apply for funding that will help us do the work:
planing working bees, managing pest plant and animal control, buying or propagating indigenous plants
and seed and having field days to help people learn
about different ways of doing things.
Brush-Tailed Phascogale photo courtesy Michael Grinter.
Who we are ...
We endeavour to take care of our own properties using good natural resource management practices.
Golden Point Landcare (GPL) is a group of people
who live and have properties in the Forest Creek
catchment and who like working towards improving
the natural environment. The group started in 1994
and over the years has seen many changes to the
management of both private and public land.
We encourage the community to take pride in the
surrounding bush by keeping it weed and rubbish
free – garden rubbish and garden escapees (eg gazanias) cause problems.
We report regularly in the local newsletter, the Chewton Chat.