rio linda-elverta Banquet


rio linda-elverta Banquet
Fifth Annual
Rio Linda-Elverta Banquet
Saturday, April 4, 2015
The American Legion
6700 8th Street
Rio Linda, CA 95673
cocktails 5:30 p.m.
Dinner 7:00 p.m.
“You Pick The Caliber” Raffle!
One lucky winner will win a Weatherby SS Synthetic.
Winner to select Caliber of choice.
$20 per Ticket - Only 100 Tickets Available
Reserved Table $525
•Eight Dinner Tickets
•Eight Memberships
•$100 in General Raffle Tickets
•Up Front Reserved Seating
•First to Eat & Wine Glasses on Table
Pre-Sale Special!!
Purchase raffle tickets by March 24th
and receive Double Progressive Tickets.
$100, $300, $500 and $1000
Limited Packs Available
$55 Per Person
$90 Per Couple
(Includes One Regular Membership and Gift)
Register Online by visiting Click on the CWA Upcoming
Events Calendar and go to the Rio Linda-Elverta Banquet Page.
A great evening featuring an outstanding raffle, auction, wildlife art and fine sporting merchandise!
For more information or to make a donation, contact
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kyle
_ _ _ _Farris
_ _ _ _ _(916)
_ _ _ 870-3345
_ _ _ _ _ _ _or_ _Dan
_ _ _Childs
_ _ _ _ _(916)
_ _ _ _712-4971.
Name _________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Phone (
) __________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________
Sign me up for CWA’s FREE eNews
Check Enclosed (make payable to California Waterfowl).
VISA/MC/AmEx/Discover (circle one)
NOTICE: Credit Cards will not be accepted without the three FFFF
digit security code located on the back of your credit card. (Last 4 digits of American Express.)
Exp. Date
I cannot attend but please renew my membership for $35
Mail to:
Kyle Farris
342 Quadra Avenue
Rio Linda, CA 95673
(916) 870-3345
_______ $55 Per Person
_______ $90 Per Couple
_______ $525 Per Reserved Table
_______ $20 Weatherby Raffle
_______ $________Raffle Tickets
________________ Total Enclosed