2015 County Presentation Day Results
2015 County Presentation Day Results
2015 Sonoma County Presentation Day Many thanks to all of the Judges and Room Hosts who stepped up to make 2015 Sonoma County Presentation Day a great success! We had 47 presentations on Saturday, February 7 – 21 Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks; 3 Interpretive Readings; 1 Prepared Speech; 2 Impromptu Speeches; 1 Cultural Arts; 1 Share the Fun Skit and 18 Educational Displays. Ten of our presenters were Primary members! Congratulations to all of the presenters for a job well done!! 26 Presenters qualified to move onto Sectional Field Day (which includes Sectional Presentation Day) on March 28 at UC Davis. These members have until March 1 to register online for the event (parents and leaders are encouraged to register as judges and eligible youth as room hosts & couriers). The full results are: Demonstrations & Illustrated Talks Alyssa Perez Andrew Thurber Bailey Glashan Caitlin Williams Caroline Hampton & Cassia Bermender Conan Skaife Corianna Edwards Elli Sage & Kelly McDonald Emily Maners Frances Marshall Greyson Bermender Steuben Steuben Sequoia Wild Oak Madrone Green Gold Gold Gold Gold Jessica Waterman Joseph Waterman Kassidy Sani Linus Bermender Melanie Hanlon Penngrove Penngrove Forestville Madrone Liberty Gold Green Gold Green Gold Wild Oak Steuben Madrone Steuben Steuben Madrone Gold Blue Blue Blue Gold Green Mia Wesselkamper Michael Sittenauer Sarah Williams Thailyn Davenport Wyatt Gersley Independence Sequoia Wild Oak Sequoia Sequoia Gold Gold Gold Blue Gold Bailey Glashan Liberty Edwards Sequoia Steuben Gateway Gold Adam Tirado Sonoma Valley Mary Lavell Gateway Sequoia Blue Alister Clark Ariel Tirado Green Valley Sonoma Valley Green Valley Penngrove Sonoma Valley Green Valley Green Valley Green Valley Sequoia Interpretive Readings Gold Green Mary Lavell Prepared Speeches Blue Impromptu Speeches Gold Wyatt Gersley Educational Displays Bryan Archer Emily Steffey & Parker Heffelfinger Hank Sullivan Jackson Chittister Jaden Archer Kaitlin Hartsock Kaitlyn Davenport Blue Blue Kyle Hardesty Kylee Johnson Green Valley Green Valley Gold Gold Green Green Gold Matt Nunes Michael Sittenauer Miette Davis-Marshall Green Valley Sequoia Penngrove Blue Gold Green Green Green Gold Gold Olivia Williams Owen Clark Rylee Randel & Taylor Crane Zoey Haines Green Valley Green Valley Penngrove Penngrove Gold Gold Green Gold Gold Jaylee Edwards Share the Fun Skits Alice in Cloverland Penngrove Cultural Arts Steuben Gold