English Mains Test


English Mains Test
Directions: In questions 1 to 20, some of the sentences have
errors and some have none. Find out which part of a
sentence has an error. If there is no error, mark (d) as
your answer.
1. Ritu was conscious/(a) to all that was going/(b) on
around her place/(c). No error (d).
2. I want this document/(a) to be detached off the main
file/’(b) and sent to,|nq,(c). No error (d)
3. Of what I know/(a) of him I hesitate/(b) to trust hinv’(c).
No error (d)
4. The Prince came on/(a) the throne at a very/(b) early
age/(c). No error (d)
5. Considering al^out these facts/(a) the principal has/(b)
offered him a seat/(c). No error (d)
6. Two women were between/(a) those who killed in the
fire/(b) that broke out at the hotel/(c). No error (d)
7. The angry boatman threw/(a) the cracked bar in the
river/(b) and returned home/(c). No error (d)
8. You should not discuss/(a) about a matter with friends/
(b) who are likely to find it offensive/(c). No error (d)
9. Having to stay in the jungle/(a) that night they had
nothing/(b) to feed at/(c). No error(d)
10. The plane took on/(a) as soon “”S the passengers/(b)
boarded it/(c). No error (d)
11. The boy attempted the questions/(a) so well that his
teacher/(b) was exceedingly pleased at him/(c). No error
12. Amarf s habit of delaying his work/(a) put his col
leagues, (b) a lot of trouble/(c). No error (d)
13. Shiver ran to Sachin’s spine/(a) when he recalled the
accident/(b) in which he was luckily saved/(c). No error
14. I offered him part-time work/(a) but he turned it over
saying/(b) that he would rather wait for a full-time job/
(c) No error (d)
15. These days very few people/(a) bother to do the work/
(b) entrusted upon them/(c). No error (d)
16. You will be tired of writing/(a) at the time you/(b) finish
your research/(c). No error (d)
17. He came/(a) across/(b) with a beggar/(c). No error (d)
18. The visitors complained/(a) at the poor accommodation/
(b) they were given/(c). No error (d)
19. In the meeting Mr. Mehta’s suggestions/(a) with regard
for certain administrative reforms/(b) were hailed by all
the members/(c). No error (d)
20. Please do not forget to send me/(a) an express telegram
on my address/(b) when you reach Canada airport/(c).
No error (d).
Directions : In questions 21 to 25, sentences are given
with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s).
Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose
the correct alternative out of the four.
21. ...............you wake me up so early on a Sunday ?
(a) Could
(b) Dare
(c) Must
(d) Will
22. A foreign language or mathematics may call for three
or more hours per class, at least until you have mastered
(a) topic
(b) subject
(c) language
(d) fundamentals
23. ...............has been selected for the post of principal.
(a) Mrs. Meenakshi
(b) The Mrs. Meenakshi
(c) Some Mrs. Meenakshi
(d) Any Mrs. Meenakshi
24. We were completely taken...............by the estate agent
who turned out to be a crook.
(a) for
(b) on
(c) off
(d) in
25. The geocentric idea was abandoned in the seventeenth
century, partly as a result of the writings of
Copernicus...............observations made by other
(a) not only because of
(b) and also because of
(c) but also because of
(d) thus because of
Directions : In questions 26 to 30, choose the word
opposite in meaning to the given word.
(a) Confident
(b) Nervous
(c) Hopeful
(d) Anxious
(a) Comfort
(b) Luxury
(c) Anti-semitism (d) Humility
(a) Repressive
(b) Retrogressive
(c) Repulsive
(d) Aggressive
(a) Fleeting
(b) Painful
(c) Permanent
(d) Long lasting
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
(a) Retribution
(b) Establishment
(c) Persuasion
(d) Compliance
Directions: In questions 31 to 35, out of four
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the
meaning o the given word.
(a) Exhibited
(b) Devalued
(c) Mitigated
(d) Sharpened
(a) Unbearable
(b) Unpleasant
(c) Awful
(d) Stinking
(a) Emphatically (b) Forcefully
(c) Mostly
(d) Profoundly
(a) Potential
(b) Prosperous
(c) Perplexed
(d) Possible
(a) Burn
(b) Disgrace
(c) Threaten
(d) Enrage
Directions: In questions 36 to 40, groups of four words
are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find
the correctly spelt word.
36. (a) Contemptuous (b) Spontanuous
(c) Erroneuous
(d) Gorgeouous
37. (a) Limousene
(b) Paradigm
(c) Hystera
(d) Hypocricy
38. (a) Etiquettue
(b) Brunette
(c) Banquete
(d) Anttique
39. (a) Perennial
(b) Perodical
(c) Panctual
(d) Palacial
40. (a) Hazadous
(b) Percieve
(c) Incredible
(d) Knowledgable
Directions : In questions 41 to 50, four alternatives
are given for the idiom/phrase underlined in the sentence.
Choose the altrnative which best expresses the meaning of
the idiom/phrase.
41. The poor man moved from pillar to post to get money.
(a) went to pillars
(b) went to post
(c) went to money lender
(d) tried his best
42. The scheme appears worthless at the first blush.
(a) first attempt (b) first sight
(c) first step
(d) first phase
43. His pronunciation was so bad and his voice so low that
the speech he made was all Greek to me.
(a) strange
(b) incoprehensible
44. He looked blank when he was informed about his
(a) was without any emotion
(b) was puzzled and surprised
(c) was uninterested
(d) was unhappy
45. The thief passed himself off as a ticket examiner.
(a) described himself
(b) deceived everyone
(c) disguised himself
(d) was regarded
46. The boys cried with one voice that the examination
should be postponed.
(a) unanimously (b) vehemently
(c) loudly
(d) strongley
47. That fellow trumped up a story
(a) translated
(b) sang with the music of a trumpet
(c) concocted
(d) copied
48. A brave soldier will never show the white feather in the
face of his enemy.
(a) show signs of cowardice
(b) act arrogantly
(c) show intimacy
(d) act impudently
49. You have to be tactful in handling the sensitive matters
rather than putting the cart before the horse.
(a) treating these indifferently
(b) behaving thoughtlessly
(c) dealing with these in haste
(d) tacklingthses in the wrong way
50. Though he is not a scholar, he wins arguments because
he has the gift of the gab.
(a) gifts from many people
(b) a lot of money
(c) a talent for speaking
(d) a good memory
Directions : In questions 51 to 70, the Ist and the last
sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest
of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R
and S. These four pats are not given in their proper order.
Read the sentence and find out which of the four
combinations is correct.
51. 1. Surgeons are next only to god.
As such they become demigods in the eyes of their
patients and their families.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
52. 1.
53. 1.
54. 1.
And as the saying goes, cleanliness is next to
They give a new lease of life to people who are in
their deathbeds.
Further, a surgeon’s work warrants cleanliness in
every aspect.
Because of this purity which the surgeon sees
everywhere he tends to be pure in his heart too.
(b) RSPQ
(d) QPRS
We are still in the Cenozoic Era - Age of Mammals.
Will mammals, one wonders, continue to be earth’s
leading animals?
Or, in hundred million, years will most of the
mammals of today belong to a parage of ancient
animals ?
The great Ice Age and the time since forms a part
of it.
No one can tell.
At the moment, there is little to make us think
that we will be crowded off the earth.
(b) PQRS
(d) RSPQ
The decision to purchase a property involves
various factors.
There can be other factors only a seller may know
and is required to disclose.
This includes checking documents for title
verification, scrutinising the original title deeds
While purchasing a property a screening procedure
is followed.
These include matters such as agreements entered
into by the seller with third parties, power of
attorney granted by the seller and any pending
litigation of the property.
Now a days it is very difficult to verify whether
the property is subject to litigation or otherwise.
(b) QRSP
(d) SQPR
The commonest form of non-motored transport is
the bicycle.
All one has to do is to hp on to it and pedal off.
It takes only a short time for an average person to
master it.
Also, except for inner tubes and tyres, maintenance
is seldom required.
The bicycle is a very simple machine top use.
No wonder millions of people ride bicycles all over
the world.
(b) PSQR
55. 1.
56. 1.
57. 1.
58. 1.
You would hvae heard about it by now. Yes, Pluto
is no longer considered a planet.
For instance, Pluto is the only known heavenly
body that rotates in sychrony with the orbit of its
It is to be called a “dwarf planet” henceforth.
So, unlike the earth and our moon, Pluto and
Charon continuously face feach other.
Even in the past, Pluto’s status had remained shaky
and was always considered a peculiar planet.
Discovered in 1930, and named after the Roman
god of the underworld, Pluto has an icy surface
composed of nitrogen and methane and weighs just
a fifth of the weight of our moon.
(b) SQPR
(d) RQSP
A Kashmiri village chief became very friendly with
another man of his village.
After a while he found his friend to be so greedy
that he decided to send him away.
He had total him to much of his private affairs.
He did not wish to make the fellow his enemy.
This was easier said than done, for they had been
close friends.
At last he thought of a plan.
(b) PSRQ
(d) RSPQ
Poor state of public health is what allows
mosquitoes to flourish throughout India.
They can spread not only Dengue and
Chikunguniya but also Malaria and Filariasis.
It can be accomplished only if all local committees
put their shoulder to the wheel.
Ad hoc measures do very little to curb mosquito
What is needed is a sustained effort to curb the
mosquito menace.
It is high time; mosquito control once again
received the priority it deserves.
(b) PQRS
(d) SRQP
The coming of computer sparked the need for
remotely operated controls.
It is Silicon Chip that is at the heart of the remote
This produces an ifra-red beam, which is made up
of electro-magnetic waves.
When you press the button on the remote control,
the chip sets off an electronic vibratior.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
59. 1.
60. 1.
61. 1.
62. 1.
The beam carries a coded signal such as switch
on, raise volume etc.
The code is based on binary digits.
(b) RPQS
(d) PQSR
Before presenting a paper it is advisable to choose
a subject of your interest.
When presenting your paper, speak distinctly and
Next, ‘read up’ about it, before you write the paper.
Then prior to writing make a clear plan to ensure
orderly presentation.
In this way, the interest of the listeners is enhanced
and you are appreciated.
(b) PQRS
(d) SQRP
One cold night, just as I was about to jump into
bed, I heard guns firing.
The whole city seemed to be lit by heavenly light.
On looking out, I saw the flashes of the fast
travelling bullets.
I stood motionless as shells whistled past.
I ran to the nearest window.
It was almost like fireworks except that the flashes
were not for celebration, but for destruction.
(b) PRSQ
(d) SQPR
A Panther, it is reported, broke into a house
yesterday attracted by the smell of the cattle in the
shade close by.
Just as the panther was about to leap on him, he
shot out of his bed and jumped onto a cupboard of
heavy steel.
The neighbors heard his cries and broke open the
It strayed into the house where a boy, Sitaram, was
sleeping alone.
He heard sounds and woke up, took the torch from
under the pillow, shone it in the direction of the
sound and saw the green eyes of the wild beast.
By then, the panther had escaped through the open
(b) RSPQ
(d) QRPS
My principle was put to the test many a time in
South Africa.
In my heart of hearts I ways wished that I could
win only if my client’s case was right.
But I always resisted the temptation.
63. 1.
64. 1.
65. 1.
66. 1.
I remember only one occasion when, after having
won a case, I suspected that my client had deceived
Often I knew that my opponents had tutored their
witness, and if I only encouraged my clients or his
witnesses to lie, we would win the case,
In fixing my fees I do not recall ever having made
them conditional on my winning the case.
(b) PQRS
(d) RPQS
Environment is the place where all forms of life
exist, live and prosper.
Thus, there is a network of life forms with a close
association among themselves and with the nonliving matter.
Any life form can exist on earth only if the integrity
of all the components are maintained.
Human life is closely linked with all the other
forms in the environment and also with the
inanimate objects like air, water and had.
If any one component of this network is disturbed,
it will have a profound adverse effect on all other
Protecting Environment is an important item of
(b) RPSQ
(d) SQPR
It was nearly two hours before day break.
When he reached his own door he opened it softly
and walked lightly up the stairs.
He entered the room, where a candle was burning
upon the table.
The streets were deserted and silent as Bill Sikes
hurried through them.
He then drew back the curtain of the bed.
Nancy was lying, half-dressed, upon it.
(b) PQRS
(d) QSPR
There is an uncontrolled growth of periodicals and
Many readers are not capable of selecting the best
books out of the many.
In fact, bad stuff is more attractive to read.
Therefore, in confusion, people may read bad stuff.
This quantitative growth is perhaps not the one
required for the society.
Selection of good books is the most important task.
(b) SRPQ
(d) PQSR
The world is full of people - appallingly full and
they are tumbling over each other.
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
67. 1.
68. 1.
69. 1.
There are two solutions to overcome these dislikes.
One is the Nazi solution, if you don’t like kill them,
banish them.
On doesn’t like the colour of their skin, or the shape
of their nose or the way they walk and talk.
Most of the people one doesn’t t know and some
of them one doesn’t like.
The other way is much less thrilling, the way of
the democracies and is much more preferable.
(b) PSQR
(d) SRPQ
Khizer had been a very pious and wise old man.
Khizer would then appear and comfort that person.
In Persia, whoever had any problem would pray
to him for help.
He would live until the Day of Judgment.
He had drunk nectar, the water of Eternal life.
The king of Persia also desired to see the great
(b) SRQP
(d) RSQP
The neck has a long spinal column protecting the
spinal cord and nerves.
In rare cases it can occur due to cancer as well.
Neck pain can occur due to injuries, degeneration
of spine disc disorders and postural arthritis.
It is caused by different factors but most of them
are not serious.
It is prone to a lot of injuries because of its
precarious position.
Neck pain is considered one of the most common
workplace diseases.
(b) SQRP
(d) SPQR
Jagdish’s mother was out of station and had left a
few recipes for jagdish to cook for himself. Here is
After a while, he added salt and chili powder to
the slightly fried potato pieces.
He cut the washed and peeled potatoes into tiny
When the oil as hot, he put the potato pieces into
it, stirred them now and then to prevent them from
sticking to the kadai.
Then he put the kadai on the lighted stove and
poured two table spoons of oil into it.
Finally, when it was well done, he took the kadai
off the stove and transferred the fried potato into a
steel dish.
(b) QPRS
(d) PRQS
70. 1.
Caring for our elders has always been key value in
our culture.
We also feel greatly blessed if we get an opportunity
to live with them.
Q. Always remember, that this sacred duty is a part
of our religious outlook.
R. We consider it a privilege to have our parents and
grandparents living with us.
S. Besides, we believe that taking care of them in
their old age is a sacred duty.
6. Seeking the blessings of elders is a common
practice in our country.
(a) QPSR
(b) PRQS
(c) SRQP
(d) RPSQ
Directions : In questions 71 to 80, out of the four
alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for
the given words/sentence.
71. Instrument which records earth’s tremor
(a) Monograph
(b) Geographer
(c) Seismograph (d) Geometer
72. Sudden and violent change
(a) Cataclysm
(b) Catalysis
(c) Catacombs
(d) Catechism
73. Specializes in nose diseases
(a) Otologist
(b) Rhinologist
(c) Endocrinologist
(d) Gerontologist
74. Give off bubbles of gas
(a) efface
(b) effervesce
(c) effloresces
(d) effuse
75. A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a
rocky hill side is called
(a) Hurricane
(b) Stream
(c) Volcano
(d) Cascade
76. An appearance of objects often simulating the
appearance of water
(a) image
(b) mirage
(c) reflection
(d) refraction
77. A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to a large
(a) Rhetoric
(b) Cacophony
(c) Harangue
(d) Oration
78. The art of making fireworks
(a) Chromatics
(b) Numismatics
(c) Pyrotechnics (d) Cosmetics
79. The practice of woman having more than one husband
at the same time
(a) Polygamy
(b) Polyphony
(c) Polyandry
(d) Polygyny
80. A system of governance controller by persons of high
intellectual ability
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Democracy
(c) Meritocracy (d) Snobbery
Directions : In questions 81 to 100, a sentence has been
given in Active Voice/Passive Voice. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, select the one which ref expresses
the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
81. The fur coats were imported from Sweden by us.
(a) Sweden imported the fur coats
(b) Sweden was imported the fur coal
(c) We imported the fur coats from Sweden
(d) We had imported the fur coats from Sweden
82. We understand that he opposes our views.
(a) It is understood by us that he opposes our views
(b) That he opposes our views, is understood by us
(c) That our views are opposed is understood by us
(d) Our views are opposed, that is understood by us
83. Decisions must be taken.
(a) Decisions should be taken
(b) We must take decisions
(c) It is good to take decisions
(d) We should take decisions
84. You can all out your tickets at this counter.
(a) All your tickets can be bought at this counter by
(b) Your ticket can be bought at this counter by you
(c) All tickets are bought by you at this counter
(d) Your tickets can be bought by all of you at this
85. Room was cleaned.
(a) The cleaner cleaned the room
(b) The room should be cleaned
(c) I cleaned the room
(d) Someone cleaned the room
86. I should have met him yesterday.
(a) He should have met by me yesterday
(b) He should be meeting me yesterday
(c) He should have been meeting by me yesterday
(d) He should have been met by me yesterday
87. One could see her lying on the flowerbeds.
(a) Flowerbeds could be seen lying on her
(b) She could see one lying on flowerbeds
(c) She could be seen lying on flowerbeds
(d) She could be lying on flowerbeds seen
88. We expect good news.
(a) Good news is expected by us
(b) Let us expect news be expected
(c) Expecting good news from them
(d) Expecting good mews from them
89. My teacher gave me a journal to read.
(a) I was given a journal by my teacher to be read
(b) A journal to read was given to me by my teacher
(c) A journal was given to me to read by my teacher
(d) I was given a journal by my teacher to read
It is impossible to do this.
(a) To do this is impossible
(b) To do this by it is impossible
(c) It is impossible to have done this
(d) It can’t be done
Physically challenged people should not be laughed at
by the public.
(a) Physically challenged people should not laugh at
the public
(b) The public will not be laughing at physically
challenged people
(c) The public shall not be laughing at physically
challenged people
(d) The public should not laugh at physically
challenged people
He decided to sell the car.
(a) It was decided that the car should be sold
(b) The decision was made by him to sell the car
(c) The decision that the car must be sold was made
by him
(d) he decided that the car should be sold
Cam we send the parcel tomorrow?
(a) Can be the parcel sent by us tomorrow?
(b) Can we be sent by the parcel tomorrow?
(c) Can the parcel be sent by us tomorrow?
(d) Can the parcel sent by us tomorrow?
A detective arrested him as soon as he got home.
(a) An arrest was made by a detective as soon as he
got home
(b) He was arrested by a detective as soon as he got
(c) A detective was arrested by him as soon as he got
(d) An arrest was detected by him as soon as he got
They cooked the food and sent it to the orphanage.
(a) The cooked food was sent to the orphanage by them
(b) The food was cooked and sent to the orphanage by
(c) The food was sent to the orphanage by them
(d) The food was cooked and sent by them
Where were they playing the cricket match?
(a) Where was the cricket match played?
(b) Where has the cricket match been played?
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
(c) Where will the cricket match be played?
(d) Where was the cricket match being played?
97. They say he can teach almost anything in this world.
(a) It is said that almost anything in this world can be
taught by him.
(b) It was said that almost anything could be taught
by him.
(c) They say almost anything could be taught by him.
(d) They say anything almost will be taught by him.
98. Please enter by the left door.
(a) Let the left door be entered by you
(b) You are requested to enter by the left door
(c) Let it be entered by the left door
(d) The left door is requested to be entered
99. I would advise you not to get on the wrong side of your
(a) It would be advised by me not to get on the wrong
side of your boss
(b) It would be may advice not to get on the wrong
side of your boss
(c) You would be advised by me not to get on the wrong
side of your boss
(d) My advice to you would be not to get on the wrong
side of your boss
100. They have done this to defuse the crisis.
(a) The crisis has been defused by them
(b) This has been done by them so that the crisis is
(c) This have been done by them to defuse the crisis
(d) To defuse the crisis this was done by them
Directions: In Question Nos. 101 to 120 a part of the
sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the
underlined part at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the
sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no
improvement is needed your answer is (d).
101. I and my parents live together.
(a) Me and my parents
(b) My parents and I
(c) My parents and me
(d) No improvement
102. I was really criticized by the angry words of my father.
(a) jolted
(b) fluttered
(c) thwarted
(d) no improvement
103. Man has a strong desire to collect wealth.
(a) spend
(b) accumulate
(c) waste
(d) No improvement
104. She insisted to go there, though her husband cautioned
her on it.
(a) on going
(b) upon going
(c) going
(d) No improvement
105. It is sheer foolishness to think that the education system
can be improved by doing away examinations.
(a) by doing with
(b) by doing it to
(c) by doing away with
(d) No improvement
106. Do how I say.
(a) as
(b) what
(c) like
(d) No improvement
107. I am thinking to do an M.A. in English.
(a) I am wondering to do an M.A. in English
(b) I am thinking of doing an M.A. in English
(c) I am thinking dong an M.A. in English
(d) No improvement
108. You may sign on this paper.
(a) sing at this paper
(b) sing this paper
(c) sing upon this paper
(d) No improvement
109. Majority of people wrongly believe that there must be a
son in every family.
(a) the people believe
(b) people wrongly believes
(c) the people wrongly believe
(d) No improvement
110. If I followed instructions I could have averted the
(a) I had followed
(b) I would
(c) I were to follow
(d) No improvement
111. Bonded labour has been now almost a thing of the past.
(a) had been
(b) is
(c) was
(d) No improvement
112. I prefer remaining silent to speaking
(a) then
(b) more than
(c) rather than
(d) No improvement
113. He presented me a calculator on my birthday.
(a) He presented me a calculator for my birthday
(b) He presented me with a calculator on my birthday
(c) He presented a calculator for my birthday
(d) No improvement
114. The teacher saw my conversing with her.
(a) My conversation
(b) me to converse
(c) me conversing
(d) No improvement
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
115. The police booked a case against the car-driver for wrong
(a) restricted
(b) expelled
(c) filed
(d) No improvement
116. Who does not grasp the recently formed Commonwealth
of Independent States?
(a) know
(b) identify
(c) understand
(d) No improvement
117. We have received many anomalous letters about this
(a) analogous
(b) synonymous
(c) anonymous
(d) No improvement
118. The watchman asked the intruder who was he and why
was he occupying his chair.
(a) who he was and why was he
(b) who he was and why he was
(c) who he had been and why he was
(d) No improvement
119. My watch stopped, as key was not given.
(a) the key was not given
(b) it had not been wound up
(c) its key was not given
(d) No improvement
120. All that is human must revert if it does not advance.
(a) retrograde
(b) withdraw
(c) retire
(d) No improvement
Directions: In Question Nos. 121 to 145 a sentence has
been given in Direct/Indirect from. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses
the same sentence in Indirect/Direct from.
121. “Call the first witness”, said the Judge.
(a) The judge commanded to call the first witness.
(b) The judge commanded them to call the first
(c) The judge commanded that the first witness be
(d) The judge commanded the first witness to be
122. The queen said to her son, “You must go to the forest
and remain there till your father calls you back.”
(a) The queen ordered her son to go the forest and
remain threre till his father calls him back
(b) The queen told her son that he must go to the forest
and remain there till his father called him back
(c) The queen told his son that you must go to the
forest and remain there till your father called you
(d) The queen told her son to go to the forest and
remained there till his father called him back
123. I said to her, “All your faults will be pardoned if you
confess them.”
(a) I told her that all her faults will be pardoned if
you confess them
(b) I told her that all her faults would be pardoned if
she confessed them
(c) I told her that all her faults will have to be pardoned
if she confessed them
(d) I told her that all her faults would have to be
pardoned if she confessed them
124. He said to Sita, “When do you intend to pay back the
money you borrowed from me?”
(a) He enquired Sita when did she intend to pay back
the money she borrowed from him
(b) He enquired Sita when she intended to pay back
the money she borrowed from him
(c) He enquired Sita when she intended to pay back
the money she had borrowed from him
(d) He enquired when Sita intended to pay back the
money she borrowed from him
125. “Let’s give a party”, said Jay. “Let’s not”, said her
(a) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband
answered in the negative.
(b) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husand
opposed the idea.
(c) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband
contradicted her.
(d) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband
126. The old man of Latur said, “Alas, my only son is dead!”
(a) The old man of Latur exclaimed with sorrow that
his only son was dead
(b) The old man of Latur told with pain that his only
son was dead
(c) The old man of Latur expressed with anguish that
his only son was dead
(d) The old man of Latur sorrowfully narrated that
his only son was dead
127. The Chief Minister said, “What a terrible disaster the
earthquake is!”
(a) The Chief Minister cried that the earthquake was
a terrible disaster
(b) The Chief Minister expressed with surprise that
the earthquake was a terrible disaster
(c) The Chief Minister exclaimed with grief that the
earthquake was a terrible disaster
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
The Chief Minister told in pain that the earthquake
was a terrible disaster
‘Many happy returns of your birthday”, we said.
(a) We greeted him on his birthday
(b) We said that many happy returns of your birthday
(c) We wished him many happy returns of his birthday
(d) We prayed for many happy returns of his birthday
Shanker said to his friend, “Look out! There is a snake
behind you.”
(a) Shanker told his friend to look out as there was a
snake behind him
(b) Shanker exclaimed to his friend with surprise that
there was a snake behind him
(c) Seeting a snake behind him, Shanker asked his
friend to look out
(d) Shanker warned his friend that there was a snake
behind him
“Doctor”, the patient cried, “please tell me how much
time I have.”
(a) The patient pleaded the doctor how much time she
will have
(b) THe patient exclaimed to the doctor that how much
time she had
(c) The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell her how
much time she had
(d) The patient cried to the doctor that how much time
had she
“So help me Heaven!’ he cried, “I never steal again..”
(a) He wanted Heaven to help him so that he would
never steal again
(b) He exclaimed to Heaven that he would never steal
(c) He exclaimed Heaven to help him that he would
never steal again
(d) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never
to steal again.
She said, “I’ll give you Rs. 100/- to keep your mouth
(a) She said that she would give him Rs. 100/to keep
his mouth shut
(b) She offered him Rs. 100/- to keep his mouth shut
(c) She suggested to him that she would given him
Rs. 100/- to keep him mouth shut
(d) She propose that she would give him Rs. 100/- to
keep him mouth shut
“From one of the windows of my flat I can see the
QutubMinar”, said my friend.
(a) My friend told that from one of the windows of
his flat he could see the QutubMinar
(b) My friend said that from one of the windows of
his flat he can see the QutubMinar
My friend said that from one of the windows of
his flat he could see the QutubMinar
(d) My friend told that from one of the windows of
his flat he can see the QutubMinar
The teacher said to the student, “Why were you absent
(a) The teacher asked the student why had been he
absent the previous day
(b) THe teacher asked the student why had he been
absent the previous day
(c) The teacher informed the student that why he had
been absent the next day
(d) The teacher asked the student why he had been
absent the previous day
The teacher said to Ashok, ‘I shall report the matter to
the Principal if you misbehave again.”
(a) The teacher told Ashok that he would be reporting
the matter to the Principal if he misbehaved again
(b) The teacher warned Ashok that he would be
reporting the matter to the Principal if he
misbehaved again
(c) The teacher threatened Ashok to report the matter
to the Principal if he would misbehave again
(d) The teacher cautioned Ashok about reporting the
matter to the Principal if he misbehaved again
“Mohan made this mess. Let him clear it up”, said his
(a) Mohan’s father said that Mohan had made the
mess and proposed that he clear it up
(b) Mohan’s father said that Mohan had made the
mess and that he was to clear it
(c) Mohan’s father said that Mohan had made the
mess and suggested that he clear it
(d) Mohan’s father said that Mohan had made the
mess and the he should clear it
“Fie! a soldier and afraid of fighting!” said Babar.
(a) Babar exclaimed with surprise that a soldier should
be afraid of fighting
(b) Addressing a soldier, Babar him that he should be
afraid of fighting
(c) Babar cursed the soldier who was afraid of fighting
(d) Babar cursed and exclaimed that a soldier should
not be afraid of fighting
He said to her, “Did it shake you up as much as it shook
(a) He asked her if it had shaken her up as much as it
shook him
(b) He enquired of her if it shook her up as it shook
(c) He enquired of her if it shook her up as much as it
had shaken him
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
He asked her if it had shaken her up as much as it
had shaken him
139. The teacher said to Ram, “Would you like to go on a
trip to Kashmir?” Ram said, “Yes.”
(a) The teacher asked if Ram would like to go on a
trip to Kashmir and Ram replied yes
(b) The teacher asked Ram if he would like to go on a
trip to Kashmir and Ram if he would like to go on
a trip to Kashmir and Ram replied yes
(c) The teacher asked Ram if he would have liked to
go on trip to Kashmir and Ram replied in the
(d) The teacher asked Ram if he would like to go on a
trip to Kashmir and Ram replied in the affirmative
140. Everybody said, “How well she singes!”
(a) Everybody told us that she sings very well
(b) Everybody exclaimed that she sings very well
(c) Everybody exclaimed that she sang very well
(d) Everybody told us that how she sang very well
141. “Suppose you children go out for a nice long walk”, she
(a) She proposed that the children went out for a nice
long walk
(b) She advised that the children go out for a nice
long walk
(c) She suggested that the children go out for a nice
long walk
(d) She suggested that the children should go out for
a nice long walk
142. ‘Do as you wish, but don’t come and ask me for help if
you get into difficulties.”
(a) He told me to do as he wished or he wouldn’t come
and help me if I got into difficulties
(b) He told me to do as I wished, but not to go and ask
him for help if I got into difficulties
(c) He ordered me to do as I wished, but not to go and
ask him for help if I got into difficulties
(d) He told me that unless I did as I wished he would
not come and help me if I got into difficulties
143. I said, “Let Mohan do his worst, he cannot harm me.”
(a) I suggested to Mohan to do his worst, he could not
harm me
(b) I told that if Mohan did his worst, he could not
harm me
(c) I declared that Mohan might do his worst, he could
not harm me
(d) I declared that though Mohan might do his worst,
he could not harm me
144. I said, “When it gets dark, light the lantern and hang it
I said that when it got dark he light the lantern
and hung it out.
(b) I requested that when it got dark he may light the
lantern and hang it out.
(c) I said that when it got dark he should light the
lantern and hang it out.
(d) I told that when it got dark he should light the
lantern and change it out.
145. “May you live long and prosper”, said the old lady to
her son.
(a) The old lady blessed her son with long life and
wished him prosperity
(b) The old lady prayed for her son’s long life and
(c) The old lady prayed for her son and said that he
might live long long and prosper
(d) The old lady blessed her son and prayed for his
long life and prosperity
Directions: In the following three passages from Q. Nos. 146
to 170 some of the words have been left out. First read the
passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill
in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Our national leaders are still trapped in the slogans and clichés
of the freedom struggle. Day in and day out, they extol
the...(146)...of nationalism, patriotism and service to the
motherland and....(147)....on the great sacrifices made by our
leaders in the cause of Indian’s freedom. Mercifully, we still
have...(148).......of freedom fighters among us, whose
number....(149).....keeps increasing despite the country having
won freedom half a century back. Politicians are.....(150)....to
be down to-earth people, with their finger on
the.....(151).......of the masses. They should have an uncanny
knack of.....(152).....the nebulous desires and aspirations of
the people. In other words, they have to be....(153)..... in tune
with the times. But what sort of....(154).....repeated appeals
to patriotism, nationalism and sacrifices made during the
freedom struggle strike in the heart of the post-Independence
generation? It grew up when the country had already won
Independence and the freedom struggle had....(155)...into
history. Since it has grown up in a sovereign, democratic
republic, nationalism and patriotism are nice words that do
not quite inspire it.
146. (a) Standard
(b) targets
(c) ideals
(d) goals
147. (a) enlarge
(b) dwell
(c) insist
(d) expatiate
148. (a) majority
(b) groups
(c) tribes
(d) hordes
149. (a) steadily
(b) generally
(c) normally
(d) periodically
150. (a) required
(b) supposed
(c) observed
(d) expected
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
151. (a)
152. (a)
153. (a)
154. (a)
155. (a)
(b) representing
(d) articulating
(b) wholly
(d) substantially
(b) rhythm
(d) music
(b) receded
(d) retuned
It was very hot in the small court-room and everybody was
feeling sleepy. After a tiring morning, the clerks were anxious
to get....(156)....when the last case come up before the court.
A short-aged man with grey hair and small blue eyes was
now standing....(158).....him. The man had a foolish
expression on his face and he kept looking....(159)....stupidly
as if he was trying hard to....(160)...what was
going...(61)....The man was accused of ......(162).....into a
house and stealing a cheap watch. The witness, who was
called, did not give a clear.....(163).....of what had happened.
He claimed to have seen a man outside the house one night,
but on being...(164)....further, he confessed that he was not
sure whether this was the man. The judge considered the
matter for a short time and then declared that as there was no
real proof, the man could not be.....(165)....guilty.
156. (a) on
(b) about
(c) off
(d) away
157. (a) tired
(b) exhausted
(c) annoyed
(d) relieved
158. (a) before
(b) with
(c) behind
(d) against
159. (a) up
(b) around
(c) along
(d) at
160. (a) imagine
(b) understand
(c) see
(d) view
161. (a) on
(b) away
(c) about
(d) up
162. (a) going
(b) moving
(c) entering
(d) breaking
163. (a) verdict
(b) understanding
(c) account
(d) explanation
164. (a) forced
(b) threatened
(c) pulled
(d) questioned
165. (a) found
(b) discovered
(c) charged
(d) called
‘CRY-Child Relief and You’...(166)...an organization
that....(167).....started by seven such....(168)....and it has been
of....(170)....children all over Indian.
166. (a) was
(b) is
(c) are
(d) being
167. (a) has
(b) being
(c) was
(d) been
168. (a) friends
(b) men
(c) people
(d) individuals
169. (a) from
(b) diromg
(c) for
(d) unitl
170. (a) underprivileged(b) privileged
(c) hopeless
(d) denuded
Directions: In Question Nos. 171 to 200 you have six brief
passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read
the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each
question out of the four alternatives
Some people say that man’s desire for war is due to his fight
for survival and that war is necessary to preserve his virility.
Yet, war nowadays leaves a legacy of the weakest men and
stimulates not the noble but the bestial qualities of mankind.
Adventure of some kind is necessary for man; he will
inevitably deteriorate physically and mentally if his life is
one of ease and luxury lived in an atmosphere of ‘Safety First’.
This is the real reason behind our love of sports in the open
air. It is no use being a millionaire if one suffers from chronic
indigestion; a tramp with good innards is far happier. Nothing
that money can buy is worthwhile without good health. There
is no better way to perfect health and physical fitness than to
walk over or climb and mountains.
But mountains give us much more than mere physical fitness;
they exercise the mental faculties as well. Climbing a high
and difficult peak is as much a mental exercise as a physical
exercise. It calls for sense and judgment for planning and
thinking ahead, for anticipating difficulty and danger, for
responsibility towards one’s companions, and best of all, it
brings the mountaineer into touch with the beauties of the
171. According to the passage, nothing that money can buy
is worthwhile
(a) without love of sports
(b) without adventure
(c) without good health
(d) without good mental faculties
172. If a man leads of life in an atmosphere of ‘Safety First’
he will
(a) improve physically and mentally
(b) deteriorate physically and mentally
(c) improve physically but deteriorate physically
(d) improve mentally but deteriorate physically
173. Which is the best way to perfect health and physical
fitness, according to the passage?
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
(a) Fighting
(b) Seek inward happiness
(c) Live a life of luxury
(d) Climb hills and mountains
174. War nowadays stimulates
(a) noble qualities of mankind
(b) man’s virility
(c) bestial qualities of mankind
(d) man’s fight for survival
175. What is the best advantage mountaineering brings to
an adventurer?
(a) Art of Planning
(b) Thinking ahead
(c) Responsibility towards
(d) Contact with the beauties of the universe
Placebo literally means “I shall please.” Placebos are inert
substances given to some volunteers in a viven study while
other volunteers are treats with experimental drugs-whose
effect is tested by measuring the difference is response to the
powerless placebo and to the drug. Some of a group of
volunteers who had just had their wisdom teeth extracted were
given morphine to alleviate their pain; the other swallowed a
placebo they believed to be morphine. Many of the placebo
recipients said they experienced dramatic relief from their
pain. However, when a drug that blocks the effects of
endorphin was given them, the pain returned almost
immediately. The test confirmed something very important:
When a patient believes he or she has been given a pain
reliever, the brain released chemicals to substantiate that
belief. In short, the placebo effect is a act of faith. Very recent
studies have determined that the placebo effect is much more
powerful than previously imagined. So be careful what you
believe and pretend-it may come to pass.
176. What is peculiar about the volunteers’ response to drugs
given following the consumption of placebo?
(a) They experienced relief after taking the medicine
(b) They felt pain after taking them
(c) Their pain returned after taking these medicines
(d) They had faith in both the placebos and the
177. What does the writer prove?
(a) The mind realises what it belives
(b) The mind secretes chemicals
(c) The mind cannot control the body
(d) The body deceived the mind
178. What has the experiment confirmed?
(a) Effectiveness of Placebos
(b) Uses of morphine
(c) Effects of endorphins
(d) The power of faith
179. To whom are Placebos administered?
(a) To all patients in pain
(b) To some volunteers in pain
(c) To volunteers in good health
(d) To all volunteers in pain
180. Why are Placebos administered?
(a) To measure patients’ response to experimental
(b) To measure patients’ response to Placebos
(c) To measure patients’ response to endorphin
(d) To measure patients’ response to prayers
There is a general impression among the public that our
schools and colleges educate students. That some kind of
uncritical knowledge is imparted to the students is beyond
any doubt. Students are made to copy notes, learn them by
heart, and reproduce it during examination. Those who learn
by heart and reproduce it to the exact letter are considered as
the best. Others who do not succeed in the exercise are termed
‘failures’. The examination results are all a grading in memory
work which has nothing to do with education. An educated
person is one who has developed qualities of mind and heart,
and who can critically evaluate thing and objectively decide
the course of his action based on factual information.
The impression that the students gather in the years of their
academic life are important for their future. In fact, attitudes
to life are built on what is happening in the academic
institutions. They type of things that are taught, the ways and
methods of communication and the mental attitudes of these
who teach are primary in education. What are some of the
things taught in our institution? The first thing that the student
learns is that the teacher is always right. Students do not know.
181. What is the impression of the author about our schools
and colleges?
(a) That they educate students
(b) That they help students to develop qualities of mind
and heart
(c) That at best they impart some kind of uncritical
(d) That they help students to develop right attitudes
to life
182. What is the first thing that is made to learn in our
(a) That the teacher is always right and students are
(b) The ways and methods of communication and right
mental attitudes
(c) That the impressions he gathers in the years of
their academic life are important for their future
(d) That he should critically evaluate things and
objectively decide the course of his action based
on factual information
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
183. Who, according to the author, is an educated person?
(a) One who learns by heart and reproduces it to the
exact letter
(b) One who is humble enough to realize that the
teacher is always right
(c) One who has developed qualities of mind and heart
and can critically evaluate factual information
(d) One who can critically evaluate things and
objectively decide the course of action
183. Who, according to the author, is an educated person?
(a) One who learns by heart and reproduces it to the
exact letter
(b) One who is humble enough to realize that the
teacher is always right
(c) One who has developed qualities of mind and heart
and can critically evaluate factual information
(d) One who can critically evaluate things and
objectively decide the course of action
184. What is the prevailing impression about schools and
(a) That they impart some kind of uncritical
(b) That they teach the students to develop qualities
of mind and heart
(c) That they educate
(d) That they make the students humble enough to
realize that they know nothing and that the teacher
is always right
185. Who, in our educational system, are termed ‘failures’
(a) Those who are educated in our schools and colleges
(b) Those who are not good at the art of learning things
by memory and reproducing them exactly
(c) Those who learn by heart and reproduce it to the
exact letter during the examinations
(d) Those who are uncritical and subjective in their
A dog is very sensitive to atmosphere. He knows when you
have lost your temper almost before you do and if you want to
do anything with a dog never lose your temper! Whatever
you do with him. Talking of this awareness of atmosphere,
his utter loyalty can lead to great jealousy. When I married,
my little dog-Paragon was him name - nearly wrecked the
home with his jealousy. The bottom had fallen out of his life
when an intruder came into the management of the house,
and he would sit about with his back to us, his back a speaking
picture of misery, looking blindly into space. It was years
before he would condescend to recognize my wife’s existence.
More dangerous is the jealousy a dog can develop towards a
new baby in the family.
Another thing to remember is that a dog is found of compact,
specially the company of his own kind. In a wild state, they
habitually go about in groups, either small family groups or
in packs; and you see the same instinct at work, in civilization.
Dogs left loose in streets and in parks will nearly always
gravitate into gangs, following each other looking around for
mischief, adventure like so many urchins. So it is a good
thing to let your dog have plenty of friends. The lonely dog
will often become a fighter.
186. The word ‘gravitate’ in the context means
(a) join
(b) form
(c) be attracted
(d) get into
187. A dog is found of the company of
(a) other dogs
(b) human beings
(c) be attracted
(d) babies
188. When the writer’s wife came to live with him, him dog
Paragon, took years to recognize her existence. This
shows the dog’s
(a) loyalty
(b) generosity
(c) hatred
(d) jealousy
189. That your dog knows when you get angry is an example
of the dog’s
(a) sensitivity to atmosphere
(b) love of the master
(c) humility as a companion
(d) loyalty to the master
190. The writer compares loose dogs to urchins because they
(a) move in streets or parks
(b) from gangs and look for mischief and adventure
(c) follow each other around thoughtlessly
(d) from gangs to fight other animals
For the past several years, scientists have issued ominous
warning about the future of the Earth’s climate. Predictions
of dramatic global changes arising from the continued
dumping of industrial by-products into the atmosphere and
forest loss of massive scale can no longer be ignored.
Compelling scientific evidence strongly suggests that world
climate patterns, previously regarded as reliably stable, could
be thrust into a state of turmoil. Emissions of natural and
synthetic gases are increasing the heat-trapping capacity of
the atmosphere through a phenomenon known as the
greenhouse effect. The projected impacts of this world-wide
climatic disruption dwarf of the environmental problems of
the past
191. What can no longer be ignored?
(a) dramatic atmospheric change
(b) dumping of industrial by-products
(c) predictions of global change
(d) massive forest loss
192. “Ominous” in line 1 means
Head Office : 642, IInd Floor, Above Aggarwal Sweets, Near Batra Cinema, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi
Branch Office : wz-13A-13B, IInd Floor, Opp. Metro Pillar No. 655, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, Delhi
Contact No.: 09313358248, 08882299911, 09250696924, 011-47243756
(a) clear
(b) inauspicious
(c) detailed
(d) frequent
193. “Projected” in the last sentence means
(a) expected
(b) proposed
(c) stated
(d) apprehended
194. The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that increase
(a) emission of natural gas
(b) emission of synthetic gas
(c) production of heat
(d) retention of heat
195. That world climate patterns will change drastically is
(a) probable
(b) improbable
(c) possible
(d) impossible
Read policemen, both in Britain and the United States; hardly
recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they
see on TV - if they ever get home in time. There are
similarities, of course, but the cops don’t think much of them.
The first difference is that a placeman’s real life revolves round
the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to
know exactly what action are crimes and what evidence can
be used to used to prove them in court. He has to known
nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more,
he has to apply it on his feet, in the and rain, running down
an alley after someone he wants to wants to talk to.
Little of his time is spent in chatting to scantily-clad ladies or
in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. He will
spend most of his working life typing millions of words on
thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people
who are guilty - or not - of stupid, petty crimes.
Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal; as
soon as he’s arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding
criminals is seldom much of a problem. Except in very seriure
to produce results reflects on the standing of the police - little
effort is spent on searching. The police have an elaborate
machinery which eventually shows up most wanted men.
196. Which of the following statements is correct?
Policemen feel that the image of their lives shown
on TV is not accurate
(b) Policemen feel that there is a close resemblance
between their lives and what they see on TV
(c) Policemen recognize no similarity in their lives
and what they see on TV.
(d) Policemen love their image as projected on TV
197. The everyday life of a policemen or detective is
(a) exciting and glamorous
(b) full of danger
(c) spent in recording details about small thefts and
(d) wasted on unimportant matter
198. It is essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal
(a) so that that he can catch criminals in the streets
(b) because many of the criminals are dangerous
(c) So that he can justify his arrests in court
(d) because he has to identify criminal acts.
199. When murders and terrorist attacks occur the police
(a) prefer, to wait for the criminal to give himself a
(b) spend a lot of effort on trying to track their man
(c) try to make a quick arrest in order to keep up their
(d) usually fail to produce results
200. Which of the following statements is false?
(a) A policeman requires training.
(b) A policeman should know criminal law.
(c) A policeman must provide evidence in the court
of law
(d) A policeman does not need to know as much law
as a professional lawyer.
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