Chiefs for Change Issues Statement on Every Child Achieves Act


Chiefs for Change Issues Statement on Every Child Achieves Act
Contact: Ali Littman
April 7, 2015
Chiefs for Change Issues Statement on Every Child Achieves Act
WASHINGTON – In response to Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn), and Patty Murray’s
(D-Wash), bipartisan bill, Every Child Achieves Act, the rewrite of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act, Chiefs for Change released the following statement:
“Chiefs for Change thanks Senator Alexander and Senator Murray for their leadership in
creating a bipartisan bill that preserves students' rights to annual measurement and
continues to cut through bureaucracy. The Every Child Achieves Act puts us on the right
path to prioritizing students and teachers above politics. For too long, the federal role
has been unclear in this regard. States and large city school systems need clarity, and we
need it now. The Every Child Achieves Act is a very good start to making that happen.”
About Chiefs for Change
Chiefs for Change is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose members are state and local
education chiefs who have achieved some of the strongest academic gains for students
of diverse backgrounds, and are committed to helping far more children succeed
nationwide. Through Chiefs for Change, officials share their united viewpoint on what
is working best to help all students succeed and weigh in on major issues that affect
American parents, students and teachers. They also work to grow a strong network
that furthers state and city momentum to create school cultures that empower, while
helping to develop the next generation of state and city education leaders nationwide.
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