CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY March 22nd, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of


CHRIST CHURCH HIGHBURY March 22nd, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of
March 22nd, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Lent
Welcome to Christ Church
If you are new to Christ Church or need to tell us of any change
of address, please fill in a white card from the pew chair
pockets and hand it in at the Welcome Desk in the Fellowship
Room, where coffee is served after the 11am service.
Leader: Tania Witter
Preacher: Jonathan Brewster
Reading: Hebrews 12: 18-29
Leader: Tania Witter
Preacher: Jonathan Brewster
Reading: Hebrews 12: 18-29
*If you would prefer to receive non-alcoholic wine, please
bring this noticesheet with you to the altar-rail
Leader: Tania Witter
PLEASE PRAY FOR – Margaret Buckingham, Mike, Vikki, Issy and Sadie of St Luke's Church, and
Andy Mallon and family, Hilary Fathers, the family of Mervyn Jones and Harry Langley (Names of
people to be prayed for appear for four weeks)
and also for our five Mission Links – Cambodia Action, Church Mission Society in the Middle
East, Church Army (UK), Potential Edge (Uganda), and the Delhi Bible Institute.
Prayer Ministry: Members of the team will be in the Prayer Corner after the 11am service to
pray with anyone who would value this.
MORNING PRAYER –Monday 9am, Tuesday 9am, Wednesday 10.30am, Thursday 9am.
VISITS - if you would like a visit from one of the visiting team, call the office on 7354 0741.
VESTRY HOUR – Mondays, 5.30-6.30pm, in the Vicarage Basement. Please come to Vestry Hour
if you would like to talk to one of the clergy. No appointment required.
You are welcome to take this noticesheet away with you
PILGRIMAGE TO ST PAUL’S: Greetings to all who have signed up for this pilgrimage. On
Saturday 28 March, please come to the Fellowship Room at church promptly for 12 noon, with
comfortable walking shoes and your packed lunch. We will supply hot soup, teas and coffee.
We will eat together, say a pilgrim’s prayer and start out walking at 12.40pm. A route
description will be provided. Rendezvous for walkers and non-walkers will be 2.00pm at
Starbucks in Paternoster Square, ready for the Cathedral tour at 2.30 pm. If you find after all
that you cannot come, please let Tania know, 0207 226 6908, or as
somebody else could use your place.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: our service on Maundy Thursday, 2nd April, will be at 7.30pm and
involves a meal so it would be a great help if you would sign up in advance. There is a sign-up
sheet on the Welcome Desk or you can contact the Church Office.
EASTER SATURDAY: On the 4th April there will be open Church and Café from 9am – 12 noon. If
you would like to donate cakes or pastries etc, please complete the sign-up sheet on the
Welcome Desk or speak with Sarah Brewster.
MENS BREAKFAST will be in the Fellowship Room on Saturday 18 April at 9.00a.m. As usual,
conversation and a short presentation will happen over a full hot breakfast. All welcome as well
as friends or visitors. Please sign up at the Welcome desk (so that we know how many eggs to
SPIRE REPAIRS AND HERITAGE DIGITISATION: Could you spare 2-3 minutes to give your views
on a proposed new Highbury Heritage visitor centre at Christ Church? This project will enable
Christ Church to meet the Heritage Lottery Fund criteria that more people and a wider range of
people will engage with our heritage. The visitor centre and audio visual information will be
planned, developed and maintained by volunteers – over 50 people have already indicated
interest in being involved as volunteers. Your views will help us to prepare our stage 2
application to the Heritage Lottery Fund - for a grant of £200,000 to repair the spire. Please fill in
the online form at or find it on the Church web page
FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Valerie Brett would like to remind everyone that it is possible each
Sunday to donate money for flowers in memorium or to mark any special occasion.
PARISH AWAY WEEKEND: Book your place at the 2015 Christ Church visit to High Leigh Friday
5th - Sunday 7th June. Room allocations are on a first come first served basis so please book
early and make payment to secure your place. Forms are available to download on the website
( and can be handed
into the Welcome desk at church or email to and for further information
HOW TO GIVE - Giving from the congregation is our major source of income - over 70% of the
total - and vital to the mission of the church. Thank you to all those who continue to give so
generously. If you would like to discuss further please talk to the clergy or Evelyn Thomas, the
giving secretary. Leaflets explaining the giving process are available on the welcome desk or go
Roots down – branches out –
QUIET DAY AT ST SAVIOURS:. We have booked another Quiet Day at St Saviour's Priory on
Saturday 25 April from 10.0 am to 3.30 pm. There will be space and silence for reflection, with
some worship and some guidance as to how to spend the time. There will also be some art
materials. Coffee and tea are provided, but please bring your own packed lunch. St Saviour's
Priory is on Dunloe St, E2 8NS and can be reached either on the 236 bus, with a short walk, or on
the overground to Hoxton station, with a short walk. A lift might also be possible. There is a
sign-up sheet on the Welcome Desk. Please indicate if you need a lift.
THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC (1928): Union Chapel warmly invites you to a FREE screening of
this silent masterpiece with live score for soprano, organ and electronics, Good Friday, April 3,
8pm (doors and bar open 7pm). Carl Dreyer's film, based on the transcripts of Joan's dramatic
trial for witchcraft and heresy, is frequently rated as one of the greatest of all time. It features
stunning camerawork, as well as a mesmerising performance by Renee Falconetti as Joan, who
must endure the taunts, deceit and ridicule of the court. It is only through her faith that she can
rise above her cruel tormentors and face her inevitable death, although even she has her
moments of doubt. Irene Buckley's score is hauntingly beautiful; she is joined by organist James
McVinnie and soprano Emma Nash for what will be an unforgettable, moving and poignant
evening. Come along and bring your friends! This screening is the third event in the
Chapel's Good Friday Project which offers people the chance to hear a free programme of live
religious music performed to a professional standard every Good Friday. Two years ago the
Project began with Scott Stroman conducting Eclectic Voices in a performance of Bach's St John
Passion; last year they sang James Macmillan's Seven Last Words From the Cross. There will be a
retiring collection for the work of the Organ Project and Union Chapel's homeless project
ISLINGTON CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND MIGRANTS is a charity which teaches English and
whose students are looked after by a dedicated team of teachers and volunteers. Lunch is
provided and food parcels distributed to those most in need. The Centre is regularly short of
non-perishable food to hand out and would appreciate donations such as bags of lentils, pasta,
rice, sugar, cans of tuna, tins of tomatoes, milk, soup, fruit, custard, stock cubes, instant coffee,
tea bags, cereal, etc. These items should be left, clearly marked for the Centre, on the table to
the right of the hatch in the Fellowship Room on Sundays. Contributions in cash are equally
welcome (please pass on to me directly or the Church Office). Thank you. Christine O’Brien.
March 29th
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Jazz Vespers
Notices for this sheet should reach the Church Office by 12 noon on Thursday. Thank you.
Gracious Father,
you gave up your son
out of love for the world:
lead us to ponder the mysteries of his passion,
that we may know eternal peace
through the shedding of our Saviour’s blood,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
MONDAY, March 23
Psalm 73
John 11: 28-44
* For Highbury Young Singers who will be holding their concert this evening
* All who are hungry
TUESDAY, March 24
Psalm 35
* For all the groups who use our church during the week
* All who work in the medical and healing professions
John 11: 45-end
Psalm 111
John 12: 1-11
* For those who work to prepare our parks and gardens for spring
* Those living in poverty or under oppression
THURSDAY, March 26
Psalm 40
* For us all as we continue our journey through Lent
* Emergency and Rescue organisations
John 12: 12-19
FRIDAY, March 27
Psalm 22
John 12: 20-36a
* For the 19 people killed and those injured in the Tunisia attacks
* Prisoners, refugees and homeless people
SATURDAY, March 28
Psalm 23
* For all those who live in fear and uncertainty
* The worship of the Church.
John 12: 36b-end
SUNDAY, March 29
Psalm 61
* For us all as we come together to worship today
* The Universal Church
Matthew 26
CLERGY: 7354 0741
(NB Friday = day off)
Revd Jonathan Brewster
Revd Tania Witter: 7226 6908
Revd Charis Enga:
On Maternity Leave
Paddy Marsh: 7226 5726
Polly Arthur: 7359 2571
Dom Sadler: 07762 917930
Simon Mason:
7354 0741
Juliette Soanes: 7354 0741
(NB Weekdays apart from Wednesday)