April 5, 2015 - Christ King Parish


April 5, 2015 - Christ King Parish
Parish Wauwatosa,
Christ King Parish
Wauwatosa, WI
March 22nd, 2015
Christ King Parish
Sunday, April 5th
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
JH 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
PB 10:30 AM †Carol Higgins (Jim Higgins Family)
Wed. 8 The Gospel at Breakfast, 7:00 AM, Contact Ray
Clark at 262-628-7470
Marthas & Matthews, after 8:00 AM Mass, Church
St. Vincent de Paul Southside Meal Program, see
Bulletin Item
Sat. 11 Parish Library Open, 4:30 PM Mass
Sun. 12 Parish Library Open, both Masses
Monday, April 6th
Monday within the Octave of Easter
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PM 8:00 AM Intention to be Determined
Saturday, April 4th
Easter Vigil
PB 8:00 PM Intention to be Determined
Tuesday, April 7th
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
RT 8:00 AM †Margaret Dunn and †Robert
Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald Family)
7:00 PM Family Rosary — Use 91st St. Entrance
Wednesday, April 8th
Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
RT 8:00 AM Ann (Friends)
Thursday, April 9th
Thursday within the Octave of Easter
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Irv & †Andy Blechacz (Kathy Blechacz)
6:00 PM Prayer, Adoration & Reconciliation til 7:00 PM
Friday, April 10th
Friday in the Octave of Easter
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Margaret Dunn (Fitzgerald Family)
Saturday, April 11th
Saturday in the Octave of Easter
JH 9:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
Mass for the Lord’s Day
JH 4:30 PM Robert & Tracy Kumershek (35th Wedding
Sunday, April 12th
Second Sunday of Easter or Sunday of Divine Mercy
PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
PB 10:30 AM †George Charles (The Family, Brothers &
PB=Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki
PM=Rev. Peter Mitchell
JH=Very Rev. John Hemsing
RT=Rev. Russ Tikalsky
Office Hours
The Parish Office will be closed for the day this Monday, April
6th. Please plan your business accordingly.
13 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church
16 Simply the Word Discipleship Study Begins,
also April 23rd, 30th and May 7th.
Apr. 17-18 Called and Gifted Workshop Session 2, Friday
7:00-9:00 PM and Saturday 8:30 AM-12:00 Noon
18 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church
Pray for the Sick
Please pray for the following with acute health problems this
week and for all those in nursing homes and those with
continuing health concerns: Austin Sobczak, Cheryl Bausch,
Will Jauch, Kathi Burwell, Antonia Studenec, Joan Bielefeld,
Elaine Fernando, Eli Anderson, Maureen Ivans, Sharon Jensen,
Barbara Tyler, Frank Kohler, Don Hanbury, Tom Stepp, Steven
Neitzke, Michael Harvey, Brian Higgins,
Janice Higgins, Teagan Lane, Craig Baker,
Jimmy Higgins, Jane Gamez, Carol
Machulak, Ruth Murphy, Lois Dries,
Savanna Heltemes, Ray Palmieri, Doug
Shears, Dolores Schendt, Fr. Luke Strand,
Angeline Garner, Margie Makal, Ann K.
Marthas & Matthews
The Marthas & Matthews will meet to clean the church this
Wednesday, April 8th, after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Marthas &
Matthews meet for an hour or two on the second Wednesday of
each month after the morning liturgy to do some light cleaning of
the church. They can always use more help. For more information, please call Adam Hartung at 262-252-8073.
Acts 10:34,37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6-8/Jn
20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7
Acts 2:14,22-33/Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15
Next Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Faith, Service and Stewardship
Happy Easter
A blessed Easter Day and season to all. Thank to you who may be visiting Christ King or in the area but not here
very often. Your presence is a true gift and is a gift that we need every Sunday.
Thanks to all who made these most sacred days wonderful. Maggie Pernice, our director of liturgy, is a genius in
so many ways but most importantly in pulling together the massive jigsaw puzzle of the liturgies these days. We
are so blessed to have Maggie with us. Thanks to Bill Lieven, director of liturgical music, who always raises the
bar on our sacred music and so wonderfully and impressively helps us to pray through sound. Thanks to liturgical
ministers, choir members, cantors, and musicians who have given their time and talents. And thanks to the many
hands who have helped with environment setup and cleanup. Large tasks that many of you so generously helped
And welcome to the wonderful individuals who, as of this Easter, have been formally received into the Catholic
Church. Our parish and our Church is made more beautiful by these new members.
Easter is a joyous time and my life is made more joyous by the wonderful individuals above and all of you who
give so much to the parish, most importantly by your presence.
Happy Easter and see you at Mass,
Fr. Phillip
Financial Report
Week #38 (Weekend of March 28th/29th)*
Regular Stewardship .............................................. $ 15,020.35
Offertory ................................................................ $
Total for Week ....................................................... $ 15,820.15
Year to Date Total ................................................. $1,014,983.52
(*the dates for last weekend’s report were stated incorrectly. Last
weekend’s report was for the weekend of March 21st/22nd.)
75 Minutes of Service
Hunger Taskforce Stockbox Build
Last Fall we had information and signups for these Hunger Task
Force projects. The dates were changed due to availability. Our
first night for this will be taking place on April 14th from 5:00 to
8:00 PM. The second date is May 7th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM.
We need between 15 – 25 volunteers on both nights to help build
food stock boxes for seniors. This is for 12 and over and must be
able to lift 30 pounds. I will be contacting those families that
signed up in the fall. Please call or email me if you are interested
in helping us for this event.
Human Concerns - Steve Obscherning
414-559-9146 or steve_obscherning@yahoo.com
Simply the WORD
Catholic Scripture Study
What are you doing about your
call to live as Jesus’ disciple?
Do you know what you should be
doing about your call to live as Jesus’ disciple?
Simply the WORD is offering a four-week Scripture study in
which we will learn about Jesus’ call to discipleship, and how it
applies to each of us. In this short study, entitled Jesus’ Disciple—Me, Myself, and I, we will explore Jesus’ discipleship call
as explained in the Gospel of St. Luke.
The dates for our Discipleship Study are Thursday April 16th,
23rd, 30th, and May 7th.
Simply the WORD’s morning session meets Thursday mornings
from 9:15-11:00 AM, and our evening session is from 6:30-8:15
PM. We meet in the Christ King Parish Center (enter on 91st
Street through the double white doors north of the Church).
Newcomers are welcome to join us for this short exploration of
Jesus’ call to be His disciple.
To register, or for more information, contact Cindy Schmidt
schmidtcynthiaa@gmail.com or 414-476-2413 (current Simply
the WORD participants need not re-register).
Our thanks for Easter Flowers
With the Special Intentions of:
Greg & Marilyn Baker by Gregory Baker
Bill & Marian Baker by M/M Richard Baker
Ervin & Andy Blechacz by Kathleen Blechacz
Kevin & Anne Bresnahan
M/M Andrew Brodzeller
M/M Tim Brunow
M/M John Buechel
Patrick & Mary Burns
Souls freed from Purgatory by Canfield Family
by M/M Michael Canfield
In Memory of Michael Cary by his Family
Timothy Cleary by Cleary Family
William Zuraski & Sarah Poniewaz by M/M Steve Dettmann
Anthony J. DiCastri by M/M Frank Dicastri
Rachel Dobrauc
M/M Kurt Drezek
Deceased members of the Dries family by Eugenia Dries
Raymond & Lucille Rafenstein and Florian & Maria Feltz by
Jim Feltz Family
Dr. & Mrs. Ken Ferentchak
M/M James Finn
Deceased family members by M/M Gerald Fournier
Mary Harris by M/M John L. Fox
Fannie Burns, Albert & Josephine Wodke, Larry & Viola
Zingale , William Garland & Francis Garland
by Violet Garland
Anthony Getschman
James L. Grassl, Sr, M/M John Rock, Bonnie & Jayne Waga
By Barbara Grassl
M/M Brian Grube
Guadagni & Warras families by M/M Paul Guadagni
Peter Haberkorn by Ethel Haberkorn
In Loving Memory of George & Mary Haeckel
by Mary Anne Haeckel
Harris & Larson families by M/M Mike Harris
Patrick Hawley by Mrs. Patrick Hawley
Mrs. Catherine Hepp
Shirley Heron
M/M William Jackson
Frank, Katherine & Michael Jankowski by Ronald Jankowski
Jerry Jung by Sherry Jung
Chester & Julianne Schmidt, Frank & Lorraine Kalz
By Mary Paule Kalz
Mary Karkow
Anne Kasdorf
Chad Keller & Rita Schneider
Mr. James Kelly & Mrs. Anna Yarka
Joe & Rosie Battocletti & Stan & Anne Kenwood
by M/M John Kenwood
Yvonne T. Kimball by Junior Kimball
M/M Ken Kloser
Mrs. Dorothy Kara
Mathias & Frances Kreitzer by Dr. & Mrs. Frank Kreitzer
Bill & Marian Baker, Bob & Edie Kumershek
by M/M Bob Kumershek
M/M Ned La Presti
Gray & Landisch families by Dr. & Mrs. James Landisch
Mary Beth Leahy
Daniel Ziegler by Michael Lennartz
Deceased member of the Rodman & Lodde families
by Frances Lodde
Maria Rosario Luna
Zaitz, Matuszewski, Baker Families & Vernon Fleischman
by M/M John Matuszewski
Thomas & Kitty Miller
Jon & Beth Mulcahy
Timothy Murphy by Ruth Murphy
Ken Urlakis by Jim & Ann Murtha & Family
M/M Thomas Nelson
Max Pankratz Family by M/M John Pankratz
Sorce & Passante Families by Eugene & Josephine Passante
Roger & Mary Jane Peterson
M/M Ronald Pipping
Vincent Pscheid by Mrs. Vincent Pscheid
M/M Hal Puchalski
Mrs. Margaret Raeburn
Ben & Jo Robinson by Karen Robinson
William Ruppier
Ruth Johnson, Patricia Kraus & Irene Pool
by Karolyn Samman
Mr. D. Michael Schaefer
Behling & Schmitt Families by M/M James Schmitt
Margaret Frederick by M/M Rick Schuster
M/M Chris Schwake
Ralph & Elfrieda Sikora
M/M Henry Slocum
M/M James Somers
Jim & Edythe Blommer by Ann Swan
Ronald & Louise Starck by Catherine Starck
M/M E. Treggiari by Lucille Talbot
Lyman & Leone Tanty, William & Helen
Maloney and William Malony, Jr.
by Daniel & Mary Tanty
M/M Paul Thibaudeau
Brian Tran & Thao Nguyen
Steusloff & VanGroll families by M/M Mark Van Groll
Cheryl Wallner
Weiland & Hepp Families by Carol Weiland & Family
Emil & Loraine Gastrau & Paul Wick by M/M Allen Wick
Marilyn Miller by M/M Jeffrey T. Wickert
Ms. Eileen Wingenter
Wituschek & Bancroft families by Nancy Wituschek
Frank & Adeline Lownik, Mary Lownik;
Frank & Martha Worzala
by M/M Frank Worzala
Alvin & Mildred Zeise by Ronald Zeise
Anna & Idella Zimmer by Lawrence Zimmer
Sarah Poniewaz & William Zuraski by Joan Zuraski
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Called & Gifted:
Discerning Charisms
God has given you a special set of
gifts; do you know what they are?
Shouldn’t you want to know what they
See You at Mass!
Sun., Apr. 19th
Mass with Class
Sun., Apr. 26th
Mass with Class
Sun. May 17th
Summer Outreach Mission Trip Participant: Reminder — TOOL TIME at 4:00 PM
at St. Pius X Gym.
The Called & Gifted workshop will
give you the opportunity to discern and
explore your unique spiritual gifts. A
Called & Gifted workshop will be held
Friday and Saturday, April 17th &
When: Session 2
Friday, April 17th, 7:00-9:00 PM and
Saturday, April 18th, 8:30 AM-Noon
Where: Christ King Parish Center
Cost: $20.00
Have a Blessed Easter!
Registration: Registration for each session is limited to 30 participants. Register at parish@christkingparish.org or 414-2582604.
Questions? Please call Barb at 414-322-0298 or
e-mail ablerb@archmil.org or visit tosayouthministry.com
Questions: Contact Cindy Schmidt,
schmidtcynthiaa@gmail.com or 414-476-2413
St. Vincent de Paul Meal Program
Our regular second Wednesday meal program is scheduled for
April 8th. There is no need to sign up, just let your heart decide
and drop it off anytime before 4:00 on the second Wednesday of
every month (coolers provided). Another great way to help is to
donate money on Share Sunday, the first Sunday of each month.
These funds are used to purchase ham, cheese and hard rolls
each month. Thank you! Please contact Julie with any questions
at wendelberger@earthlink.net or 453-2326. Drop-off locations:
Sweet Bread: ...................................... Campbell, 2565 N. 86th St.
Jello: ................................................. McLennon, 2571 N. 86th St.
Hard Boiled Eggs: ....................... Wendelberger, 2435 N. 94th St.
Becoming Catholic….
Have you ever thought about taking the next step? Perhaps you
have never been part of a Christian community or never been
baptized, but now you have felt drawn to begin this journey of
faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’ve been baptized and raised in
another Christian tradition, but now you want to continue your
life of faith in the Catholic Church ... or at least explore what
that means. If either of these describes you, we would very
much like to hear from you. We want to listen to your story of
faith or non-faith, answer your questions, and share with you the
beauty, truth, and wonder of the Catholic faith. If you want to
know more, please contact the Parish Office at 414-258-2604.
Tri-Parish Collaboration
Christ King is fortunate to work in collaboration with two other Wauwatosa parishes to coordinate our activities and maximize our resources. They are:
St. Pius X, www.stpiusparish.org
2506 Wauwatosa Ave., 414-453-3875
Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00-4:30 PM
St. Bernard, www.stbernardparish.org
7474 Harwood Ave., 414-258-4320
Weekend Masses: Sat. 4:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Tue., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 3:00 PM
Baptism: Please call the Rectory about the baptism preparatory
session, which must be completed before the baptism.
Arrangements should be made several months in advance. An
explanation of sponsor requirements is available at the Rectory.
Reconciliation: Individual Confessions are heard in church at
9:00 AM each Saturday and Thursday nights at 6:00 PM (unless
otherwise noted).
Marriage: Please make arrangements with a parish priest at
least one year in advance because of preparation requirements.
April 5, 2015
Hungering for
We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and
now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey
with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own
hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us
rejoice in our risen Lord—and in the lives
we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania,
Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the
world! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS
Rice Bowl. Please bring your CRS Rice
Bowl donations to church or the rectory
today or next weekend Checks should be
made payable to Christ King: Attn: CRS/
Rice Bowl
Through your generosity, Christ King
positively changed lives this Lenten season! Catholic Relief Services and the
millions of people who receive help
through CRS are most grateful! THANK
Reach Out Reach In
Reach Out Reach In, July 12th through
17th, is a unique opportunity for teens
ages 15-18 to roll up their sleeves and dig
into the good work being done by community organizations that meet the needs
of the poor and vulnerable within the
Archdiocese. Teens serve others, experience community, learn and pray together.
Scholarships are available. To learn
more, contact Mary Osep at 414-5419470, ext 15, or visit www.archmil.org/
Christ King Parish Offices
2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa WI 53226
Phone: 414-258-2604
Fax: 414-258-1993
Parish website: www.christkingparish.org
E-mail: parish@christkingparish.org
Pastor: ......................................... Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki, ext. 20
Parish Deacon: ............................... Rev. Deacon John A. Ebel, ext. 18
Director of Administrative Services: ........... Kathleen Grasse, ext. 12
Director of Finance: ............................................... Ron Braier, ext. 34
Director of Liturgical Music: ............................... Bill Lieven, ext. 22
Director of Liturgy: ........................................ Maggie Pernice, ext. 23
Director of Formation for Children:................ Abigail Kohal, ext. 33
Daytime Secretaries (8:30 AM-5:00 PM): .......... Ann Murtha, ext. 10
.. Shelley Harrington, ext. 10
Evening Secretary (5:00-9:00 PM):....................... Bill Meyer, ext. 17
Christ King School 414-258-4160
2646 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa 53226
School Website: www.christkingschool.org
Principal: ............................................................. Dr. Kevin F. Hughes
Youth Ministry 414-322-0298
Director of Youth Ministry: ............................................... Barb Abler
SPRED (Special Religious Development) 414-607-7008
Chairperson:......................... Eileen Wingenter, Leeniewing@aol.com
Greater Tosa Interfaith 414-453-5750
Director: .......................................................................... Diane Euting