April 26, 2015 - Christ King Parish


April 26, 2015 - Christ King Parish
Parish Wauwatosa,
WI wi
Christ King Parish
Wauwatosa, WI
March 22nd, 2015
Christ King Parish
Saturday, April 25th
Mass for the Lord’s Day
JH 4:30 PM †Frank Jankowski (Family)
Sunday, April 26th
Fourth Sunday of Easter
PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
PB 10:30 AM †Ron Hutchinson (Charolette Blackstone)
6:00 PM Tosa Trio Youth Ministry Mass at St. Pius X
Monday, April 27th
Easter Weekday
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Nora F. Dahlgren (Family)
Tuesday, April 28th
Easter Weekday / St. Peter Chanel, Priest-Martyr / St.
Louis Grignon de Montfort, Priest
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
8:00 AM Ann (Friends)
7:00 PM Family Rosary — Use 91st St. Entrance
Wednesday, April 29th
St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin-Doctor
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Margaret Dunn (Family)
Thursday, April 30th
Easter Weekday / St. Pius V, Pope
6:00 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament til 8:00 AM
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Paul Uselmann (Pickart Family)
First Friday, May 1st
Easter Weekday / St. Joseph the Worker
6:00 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament til 8:00 AM
7:35 AM Daily Rosary
PB 8:00 AM †Joanne O’Brien (Family)
8:45 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament til 1:00 PM
First Saturday, May 2nd
St. Athanasius, Bishop-Doctor
PB 9:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation
PB 2:00 PM Wedding: Erin Brehm & Rick Fifrick
Mass for the Lord’s Day
PB 4:30 PM †James Johnson (Family)
Sunday, May 3rd
Fifth Sunday of Easter
PB 8:00 AM For Parishioners of Christ King
PB 10:30 AM †Michael Schroeder (Conrad & Gretchen
6:00 PM Tosa Trio Youth Ministry Mass at Christ King
PB=Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki
Apr. 25-26 Pastoral Council Nominations
26 Parish Library Open, both Masses
29 The Gospel at Breakfast, 7:00 AM, Contact
Ray Clark at 262-628-7470
Parish Corporation Treasurer Nominations
and Background Checks Due
30 Men’s Ministry, doors open at 5:45 AM,
breakfast and meeting begin at 6:00 AM, Parish
Simply the WORD Scripture Study, 9:15-11:00
AM or 6:30-8:15 PM, Parish Center
2-3 Pastoral Council Nominations
2 Habitat for Humanity House Blessing, 1:002:00 PM, 2125 N. 41st St.
Parish Library Open, 4:30 PM Mass
3 Share Sunday
Parish Library Open, both Masses
11 Sacrament of Confirmation at Christ
King, 7:00 PM
16 St. Vincent de Paul Spring Clothing Drive,
10:00 AM-1:00 PM, South Hall
18 Common Meeting Night, 6:30 PM, Church
June 15-19 Vacation Bible School, at St. Sebastian Parish
Pray for the Sick
Please pray for the following with acute health problems this
week and for all those in nursing homes and those with
continuing health concerns: Austin Sobczak, Cheryl Bausch,
Will Jauch, Kathi Burwell, Antonia Studenec, Joan Bielefeld,
Elaine Fernando, Eli Anderson, Maureen
Ivans, Sharon Jensen, Barbara Tyler, Frank
Kohler, Don Hanbury, Tom Stepp, Steven
Neitzke, Michael Harvey, Brian Higgins,
Janice Higgins, Teagan Lane, Craig Baker,
Jimmy Higgins, Jane Gamez, Carol
Machulak, Ruth Murphy, Lois Dries,
Savanna Heltemes, Ray Palmieri, Doug
Shears, Dolores Schendt, Fr. Luke Strand,
Angeline Garner, Margie Makal, Ann K,
Carmelo Cusma, Mary Matuszewski,
Roger Sherman, Tony Berg.
JH=Very Rev. John Hemsing
Please welcome Emerson Anders Kuehnel,
Owen Daniel Gorrilla, Caroline Bridget
Johnson, and Lydia Ruby Schiel, who are
being baptized here at Christ King this
Next Sunday:
Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18
Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10
Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30
Acts 12:24-13:5/Jn 12:44-50
Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20
Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14
Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Financial Report
Parish Corporation Treasurer
Week #41 (Weekend of April 18th/19th)
Regular Stewardship ............................................. $ 16,309.68
Offertory ............................................................... $
Total for Week ...................................................... $
The corporate entity of the parish requires two trustees. The
term of each position is two years, renewable. This year the position of Trustee-Treasurer is up for election. A potential trustee
must be available for all pastoral council meetings (as an exofficio member), agenda setting meetings, and the potential appointment to the finance council. Most of these meetings are on
Mondays. Nominees must be 25 years old, registered and active
members of the parish, must pass a credit check as well as a
background check.
Year to Date Total................................................. $ 1,084,137.31
Habitat for Humanity Good News
Our homeowner, Arilynn Harris and her four daughters moved
into their new Habitat for Humanity home on April 2nd. It has
four bedrooms and two bathrooms which the girls are thrilled
about! The construction site is now a home for this deserving
family. Christ King is proud to have been a part of making this a
reality for them.
After Arilynn and her family have some time to settle in, there
will be a house dedication which is scheduled for Saturday, May
2nd. All volunteers and pastors from the three participating
churches (Christ King, Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist
and Emmanuel Community United Methodist) are invited to
attend this event where the house will be blessed and gifts will
be presented to the family.
Saturday, May 2nd
1:00-2:00 PM
2125 N. 41st St. (this is a one way street
north bound; best to turn south on 42nd St.
from North Ave. and go south to Lloyd St.,
turn west one block and head back north
on 41st St).
Christ King Parish is happy to
have been supporting Habitat for
Humanity in many ways since
1996, helping people achieve
their dream of owning their own
home. Congratulations to Arilynn and her girls.
Share Sunday
Next Sunday is Share Sunday. Monies collected in this monthly
appeal are distributed to several food programs for the needy.
Boxes for your contributions will be located in the vestibules of
the church
The pastor may nominate someone and Fr. Phillip has nominated Margaret Capper, current Trustee-Treasurer, to continue in
her role. She has been a member of the parish since 1996. After
Margaret and her husband Paul married, they became members
in 2002. Their son Sam and daughter Emily are students in the
day school. Margaret is a Vice President at Northshore Bank and
Manager of Commercial Lending.
Nominations and background checks are due before Wednesday,
April 29, 2015. Call Fr. Phillip at 414-258-2604 if you wish to
nominate someone.
St. Vincent de Paul
Spring Clothing Drive
Saturday, May 16th
Our spring clothing drive to help those in need in our community
is scheduled for Saturday, May 16th, from 10:00 AM until 1:00
PM in the South Hall. We are looking for spring and summer
clothing at this time. You may also donate accessories (purses,
shoes, belts, etc.) baby and children’s clothing; blankets; kitchen
items; linens (sheets, towels, curtains, tablecloths, etc.) and small
working appliances. Please bring only clean, wearable and usable items. If you can't get to the drive on the 16th and would
like a pick-up, please contact Steve Obscherning at 414-5599146 by May 13th to arrange one. The less fortunate in our
greater community truly benefit from this drive, and we thank
you for your caring and continued generosity.
Oh good and gracious God, we thank you for all you have given
to us. We know that we are blessed with more clothes than we
really need. Help us to share with those who have very little. As
we stand before our closets and look at all we own, open our
hearts to the needs of others and help us to generously give to
our brothers and sisters in need. We ask this in Jesus' name.
(This is a Human Concerns Sponsored Activity)
Christ King Mass League
Banns of Marriage
†John Beres, Sr., has been enrolled in the Christ King Mass
League by Fran Clemens and will share in monthly Mass intentions for the next twelve months.
III Erin Brehm & Rick Fifrick
II Leslye Schlack & Jeff Bronstad
I Cindy Marcetich & Michael Lopez
Habitat for Humanity Award
On April 22, 2015 Christ King received the “Community Builder of the Year” Award from Milwaukee Habitat for
Humanity. The award recognizes the longtime contribution of CK parishioners, alongside other denominations in
the Wauwatosa and Milwaukee area, who have committed to the mission and work of Habitat. Thanks especially
to Sue Schmitt who has driven the work of CK and its commitment to the excellent work of Habitat for Humanity.
Religious Education Registration 2015- 2016
We are now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 Religious Education program! Look for a new, exciting program starting in fall. Our emphasis this upcoming year will be on the Sacramental life of the Church, Classroom
formation, an updated family component, retreats and service opportunities. The deadline for applicants is August 14th. All the information you will need is included in the registration packet located at both entrances of the
church. If you have any additional questions after picking up your packet, you may contact our Director of Formation for Children, Abigail Kohal at kohala@christkingparish.org or 414-258-2604.
Auction Items
Just a reminder from the Parish Office and the Christ King Auction Committee that we have many wonderful auction items still waiting to be claimed. Please stop by the rectory during business hours (Mon– Fri, 8:30am9:00pm) to collect your auction winnings! Feel free to call 258-2604 with any questions. Thank you.
Parish Nominations– Pastoral Council
Nominations for Pastoral Council will take place the weekends of April 25th & 26th and May 2nd & 3rd. Nomination forms will be located at the end of the pews. Please prayerfully consider this position for yourself or another
Christ King Parishioner. Please contact Caron Kloser, Chair of Pastoral Council, with any questions.
Christ King Play Group
Are you a parent looking to meet other parents in the parish? Join us for a playgroup on Friday 5/1 from 9-11am.
The playgroup will coincide with monthly adoration so you'll have the opportunity to leave your little ones and
head upstairs for quiet prayer, if you'd like. The playgroup is in the basement play room (enter 91st St doors and
go down stairwell on the left just before entering the church). Contact Ruth Gerstl (rpgerstl@gmail.com) or Kelly
McQuillan (kmcquillan@sbcglobal.net) with questions. Anyone is welcome!
Hunger Taskforce
75 Minutes of Service –
Hunger Taskforce
Stockbox build
Last Fall we had information and signups for
these Hunger Task Force projects. The dates
were changed due to availability. Our first night
for this will took place on April 14th from 5-8
PM. The second date is May 7th from 5-8 PM.
We need between 15 – 25 volunteers on both
nights to help build food stock boxes for seniors. This is for 12 and over and must be able
to lift 30 pounds. I will be contacting those
families that signed up in the fall. Please call or
email me if you are interested in helping us for
this event.
Human Concerns
Steve Obscherning
or steve_obscherning@yahoo.com
Monthly Blood Pressure Screening
We all have our Highs and Lows! Christ King Blood Pressure Committee has restarted the program. Would you
like to have your Blood Pressure checked by trained professionals? Please come to the Parish Center between
the 8am and 10:30am masses on the fourth Sunday of
each month for a screening. There is an elevator accessible on Sundays for those who need it to get to the first
floor of the Parish Center.
Tootsie Roll Drive
.The weekend of May 2 & 3, after all masses, the Knights
of Columbus will be accepting donations for their Developmentally and Cognitively Disabled programs at Christ
King as well as other Milwaukee area organizations. The
Christ King SPRED program is a direct beneficiary of part
of these donations. Please consider a donation to the
Tootsie Roll Drive and accept a Tootsie Roll as the
Knights of Columbus’ way of saying ’Thank you” for your
Low Gluten Hosts
“For bread to be valid matter for the Eucharist, it must be made solely of wheat; contain enough gluten to effect the confection of bread.”
--“Celiac Disease, Alcohol Intolerance, and the Church's Pastoral Response”
from the Committee on Divine Worship Newsletter, October 2012 © 2012,
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Church reminds us of this fact on a fairly regular basis. But this is of concern among an escalating number of Catholics
who suffer from Celiac Sprue disease or some form of gluten intolerance.
In an attempt to try to be more inclusive of those who are so afflicted, low-gluten hosts will be made available at the Sunday
Masses, beginning this weekend. These hosts are not gluten-free, though the level is extremely low (less than twenty parts
per million [<20 ppm]) and are therefore in strict adherence to Canon Law.
If you are intolerant of gluten and would like to receive one of these hosts, the priest will have them available in his ciborium.
Get into his line at the Communion procession and indicate this fact when you receive. The hosts will be placed in a special
container to help minimize cross contamination.
The reality is that the trace amounts of gluten that is contained in the low-gluten hosts or the residue that may cling to Father’s hands after handling the regular hosts may still make it impossible for some to receive the Holy Eucharist under the
form of bread. If this is the case, we encourage you to receive the Blessed Sacrament under the form of wine, and remind
you that the Church teaches that under either species of bread or wine, the whole Christ is received. Therefore, be confident
that the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is received, even under only one or the other species.
You are Invited
Come to the Parish Library and check out our newest CareNotes. These small pamphlets are full of wisdom and
offer hope and compassion to the reader. Take one for yourself or give one to a friend. Some of the newest titles are, “Overcoming Everyday Anxiety”, “Addiction, Grace and Healing” and “Walking with God through Grief
and Loss”.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day May Crowning
Join Roses for Our Lady at their 35th annual May Crowning and
outdoor Eucharistic Rosary Procession on Sunday, May 10th, at
2:00 PM at the Archdiocesan Marian Shrine, 68th and Stevenson
St. The May Crowning includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a traditional May Crowning of Our Lady’s statue, a Eucharistic procession with rosary and hymns, and benediction. This is
an outdoor event — please bring a lawn chair to sit on. First
Communicants are invited to wear their First Holy Communion
attire. Each First Communicant in attendance will receive a
blessed rosary. In case of rain, please go to St. Vincent Pallotti
East, 5424 W. Bluemound.
For more information, visit
www.rosesforourlady.org or call Anne Bender, 414-328-1568.
See You at Mass!
Sun., Apr. 26th
Sun., May 3rd
Mass with Class: Mass with Fr. Joe Rodriguez at 6:00 PM. All classes to follow. Last
class for 7th and 8th grade, freshmen and
Juniors Confirmation Practice at Christ
King: Mass at 6:00 PM. Practice for candidates and sponsors from 7:00 to 8:00 PM in
the church at Christ King.
Mon., May 11th Sacrament of Confirmation at Christ King:
7:00 PM. Candidates and sponsors arrive by
6:30 PM.
Sun., May 17th
Summer Outreach Mission Trip Participant: Reminder, Tool Time at 4:00 PM at St.
Pius X in the gym.
Questions? Call Barb at 414-322-0298 or e-mail
ablerb@archmil.org or visit tosayouthministry.com.
Nazareth Family Day at Holy Hill
Sunday, July 12th, 12:30 PM
Cost: $20 per family (includes meal after Mass)
Families are invited to this special day which will begin with
Mass at 12:30 PM with Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. Confessions will be heard from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Mass will be
followed by a picnic, games, for all ages, face painting, music,
relay races and a “bouncy house” for younger children. For
more information and a registration form, please visit
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew
your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend June 12th through 14th in Brookfield. For
more information visit alifetimeoflove.org or call 888-574-5653.
Vacation Bible School
Registration is OPEN!
Vacation Bible School will be June 15 – June 19 from 8:30 AM
to Noon. VBS will again be a collaboration of several District
12 parishes, but this time will be held at St. Sebastian’s Church.
VBS is open to all children going into K4 through 5th grades.
Youth going into 6th grade and above and adults are invited to
be assistants and leaders. Baking and preparing crafts at home
are also encouraged. Registration for both participants and volunteers (including home volunteers) will be online at https://
The Registration Deadline is May 15th or when VBS reaches
capacity! Families will be contacted about the $25.00 fee per
participant once they register. The theme for this summer is
EVEREST – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.
Check out the stories in your Bible – 1 Kings 17, 1 Kings 19, 2
Kings 5, Luke 22:31—24:12, John 14: 1—3.
If you have any questions, please contact Abigail Kohal at 414258-2604, ext. 33 or kohala@christkingparish.org. We hope to
see you on the Mountaintop!
April 26, 2015
Baptism: Please call the Rectory about the baptism preparatory
session, which must be completed before the baptism.
Arrangements should be made several months in advance. An
explanation of sponsor requirements is available at the Rectory.
Reconciliation: Individual Confessions are heard in church at
9:00 AM each Saturday (unless otherwise noted).
Marriage: Please make arrangements with a parish priest at
least one year in advance because of preparation requirements.
Tri-Parish Collaboration
Christ King is fortunate to work in collaboration with two other Wauwatosa parishes to coordinate our activities and maximize our resources. They are:
St. Pius X, www.stpiusparish.org
2506 Wauwatosa Ave., 414-453-3875
Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:15 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00-4:30 PM
Becoming Catholic….
Have you ever thought about taking the next step? Perhaps you
have never been part of a Christian community or never been
baptized, but now you have felt drawn to begin this journey of
faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps you’ve been baptized and raised in
another Christian tradition, but now you want to continue your
life of faith in the Catholic Church ... or at least explore what that
means. If either of these describes you, we would very much
like to hear from you. We want to listen to your story of faith or
non-faith, answer your questions, and share with you the beauty,
truth, and wonder of the Catholic faith. If you want to know
more, please contact the Parish Office at 414-258-2604.
We Make House Calls
We’d be happy to do so. There are a number of parishioners
who are active Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and homebound.
They would like to make a visit to chat, pray and bring communion. If you or a family member or neighbor would like to arrange for a house call, please call the Rectory at 258-2604.
St. Bernard, www.stbernardparish.org
7474 Harwood Ave., 414-258-4320
Weekend Masses: Sat. 4:00 PM; Sun. 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses: Mon., Tue., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat. 3:00 PM
Christ King Parish Offices
2604 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa WI 53226
Phone: 414-258-2604
Fax: 414-258-1993
Parish website: www.christkingparish.org
E-mail: parish@christkingparish.org
Pastor: ..........................................Very Rev. Phillip Bogacki, ext. 20
Parish Deacon:................................Rev. Deacon John A. Ebel, ext. 18
Director of Administrative Services: ........... Kathleen Grasse, ext. 12
Director of Finance: ............................................... Ron Braier, ext. 34
Director of Liturgical Music: ................................Bill Lieven, ext. 22
Director of Liturgy:.........................................Maggie Pernice, ext. 23
Director of Formation for Children: ............... Abigail Kohal, ext. 33
Daytime Secretaries (8:30 AM-5:00 PM): .......... Ann Murtha, ext. 10
.... Shelley Harrington, ext. 10
Evening Secretary (5:00-9:00 PM):....................... Bill Meyer, ext. 17
Christ King School 414-258-4160
2646 N. Swan Blvd., Wauwatosa 53226
School Website: www.christkingschool.org
Principal: ............................................................. Dr. Kevin F. Hughes
Reach Out Reach In
Reach Out Reach In, July 12th through 17th, is a unique opportunity for teens ages 15-18 to roll up their sleeves and dig into the
good work being done by community organizations that meet the
needs of the poor and vulnerable within the Archdiocese. Teens
serve others, experience community, learn and pray together.
Scholarships are available. To learn more, contact Mary Osep at
414-541-9470, ext 15, or visit www.archmil.org/RORI.
Youth Ministry 414-322-0298
Director of Youth Ministry: .............................................. Barb Abler
SPRED (Special Religious Development) 414-607-7008
Chairperson: .........................Eileen Wingenter, Leeniewing@aol.com
Greater Tosa Interfaith 414-453-5750
Director: ........................................................................... Diane Euting