
Operational Procedures
The operation of events and any other activities within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest
Fair Centre are regulated by the provisions of this Operational Procedures, and the relevant
Standard Contractual Clauses, rental contracts etc. Their effect extends to all fairs, exhibitions and
other events to be held in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre including their
construction, dismantling and operation phase. Compliance and continuous monitoring is
compulsory for all exhibitors, event organizers, participants, contractors, supplier, storers,
caterers and other providers (hereinafter jointly referred to as: organizer).
1. Official licenses
Within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre , the activities specified in the
following points are subject to official licences. It is the responsibility of the organizer to
obtain the license.
A copy of the license shall be submitted to Event Coordination. The organizer shall not be
able to use the rented space if they fail to obtain the license.
1.1. Food display and sale
According to Government Decree 133/2007(VI.13.), organizers and caterers processing
and selling food or food raw material products of animal origin shall apply for veterinary and
hygiene licenses for their export plans in order to commence operation. The application
for the license shall be submitted to the Budapest and Pest County Food Chain Safety and
Animal Health Directorate, Central Agricultural Office (H-1184 Budapest, Új Piac, XVIII
Kerület, on the corner of Balassa utca and Haladás utca, telephone: +36 1 291-0355 ,
except Monday, from Tuesday-Saturday 07.00-09.00 hours, from Wednesday- Friday
13.30-14.30 hours).
1.2. Radiation emitting materials
In case of displaying radiating material, a notification shall be made to the KFKI
Hungarian Academy of Sciences KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute, Radiation Protection
Research Unit (H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós u. 29–33, telephone: +36 1 3959159, fax: +36 1 395-9293, e-mail: by the organizer, and a
permit shall be requested from the Department of Radiation-Health, Hungarian National
Public Health and Medical Officer Service (H-1138 Budapest, Váci út 174, telephone/fax:
+36 1 465-3846).
1.3. Wireless network and communication services
HUNGEXPO Co. reserves the exclusive right for Wiera Kft to operate a wireless (e.g. WiFi, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n, WiMax, etc.) internet based communication service and network
that is not subject to concession. A preliminary written permission of HUNGEXPO Co. is
required for the installation or use of a wireless, internet based device or network
communication of such nature that is not subject to concession. The application for the
permit shall be submitted to the Exhibitor Registration.
1.4. Public music provision
For public music provided live or by means of machines (radio, television, VHS, record
player, CD- or DVD-player etc.) the organizer shall request a right to perform from the
Programme Licensing Department, ARTISJUS Hungarian Copyright Protection Office
Association (H- 1016 Budapest, Mészáros u. 15–17, telephone:+36 1 488-2670, fax:
+36 1 212-1546, email:,
1.5. Exhibition of firearms
The exhibition of firearms, based on Government Decree 253/2004 (August 31) on the
implementation of Act 24/2004 on firearms and ammunition, is subject to an official
The application for exhibiting firearms shall contain
- the location and duration of the exhibition, and the floor map of the room,
- the natural identification data of the person(s) responsible for organising the exhibition
- the description of the safety equipments and the security of the exhibition,
- the identification data of the firearms to be displayed.
The license can be obtained at the Police and Arms Licensing Department, Public Safety,
Division of Administration, Budapest Police Headquarters (H-1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4–6,
telephone: +36 1 443-5406, fax: +36 1 443-5000/32865).
The licensing of the import of firearms of military technology nature is covered by
Government Decree 16/2004 (Feb 6), hand firearms for civilian use, including shotguns for
sport and hunting by Government Decree 110/2004 (April 28).
1.6. Exhibition of gas and explosive materials
For exhibiting gas and explosive materials, the organizer, in addition to specialist
authority licenses, shall also obtain the permit of the Capital Headquarters of the Fire
Service, Fire Prevention Division (H-1081 Budapest, Dologház u. 1, telephone: +36 1 4592460, fax: +36 1 459-2443, e-mail: In case of using
explosive and pyrotechnic materials, in addition to the permit of the licensing specialist
authority, the Police Sub-division, Police and Arms Licensing Department, Division of
Administration, Budapest Police Headquarters (H-1139 Budapest, Teve u. 4–6, telephone:
+36 1 443-5000/32307, fax: +36 1 443-5000/31323), 30 days prior to the event the
opinion-resolution of the Capital Headquarters of the Fire Service, Fire Prevention Division
(H-1081 Budapest, Dologház u. 1, telephone: +36 1 459-2460, fax: +36 1 459-2443, email: as competent authority, shall also be obtained.
2. Permissions related to media utilization HUNGEXPO Co. has exclusive right for controlling
and permitting recordings and transmissions of commercial nature.
2.1. The organizer is required to notify HUNGEXPO Co. in case of recordings of a commercial
nature (film and video recordings) and on-site transmissions (TV and radio).
2.2. The organizer shall only place any means of advertising, outside of the contractual
rented stand, in an area permitted by HUNGEXPO. Any means of advertising displayed
without permission will be removed by HUNGEXPO Co. at the expense of the organizer.
2.3. Advertising in conflict with legislation is prohibited!
Any advertising that are in conflict with the provisions and the amendments of Act XLVIII
of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial is prohibited.
3. Other specifications
3.1. Exclusivity
The following services can be carried out by the contractual partners of HUNGEXPO Co.:
- media and signage sale and production on-site
- transport, handling by lift trucks
- telecommunication services, wired internet
- wireless internet providing and use of equipment
- hostess, interpreter
- taxi service
- flower and plant decoration
- catering
- liability insurance
- personal and asset protection services
- stand building and associated services (carpet, curtains, furniture)
- furnishing
- AV services, conference technique
- electricity and water connection
- suspensions , rigging
The services listed above can be ordered through HUNGEXPO Co.. The order forms are
available on HUNGEXPO Co. website at
3.2. Insurance
The organizer shall have a valid liability insurance for the duration of their activities in
HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre covering any coincidental and unexpected (accidental)
damages originating from their own construction as well as that of any
organizers/participants involved by them, and/or from the construction (furnishing,
dismantling, etc.) role and responsibility of their subcontractors.
The fee for the liability insurance – to the extent regulated by a separate contract on
behalf of the insurance provider – is set by HUNGEXPO Co. and is invoiced according to
the provisions of the contract concluded with the Organizer.
The Organizer is subject to the payment obligation in accordance with the contract.
The insurance provider – in return of the paid insurance premium, without compromising
the terms of insurance policies, in accordance with the regulations a n d e x c l u d e – in
place of the Organizer (including the organizers/participants involved by the Organizer)
and/or construction (furnishing, dismantling, etc.) subcontractor, after the deduction of
100,000 HUF excess, shall reimburse any coincidental and unexpected (accidental)
damages caused within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre , for which the liable
Organizer and/or and in the role of their construction (furnishing, dismantling, etc.)
subcontractors are liable to payment of compensation under the provisions of the
Hungarian law.
The Organizer, in addition to the liability insurance – optionally – may take out insurance
(hereinafter: asset insurance) for the components, the installation and other belongings
within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre. Any damages resulting from failed or
late conclusion of the insurance contract shall be borne by the Organizer.
The Organizer shall be liable for any damages caused by their subcontractor as regards
HUNGEXPO Co. or any third party, jointly with their subcontractor.
3.3. Sale
Any sales within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre are subject to previous
approval of HUNGEXPO Co. as well as in possession of and according to the specifications
of the relevant official licenses, in the designated areas and only marketable products.
3.4. Noise protection
The sound-level at the exhibitions shall not exceed 85 dBA. Any presentation resulting in
greater sound effect can only be realized in case of a noise protection structure and
equipment, to be provided by the organizer.
3.5. Warranty of title
The organizer guarantees that the products, accessories and parts, as well as adverts
used within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre are not in violation of the
copyright or other rights (related to intellectual property, trademarks etc.) of any third
parties. HUNGEXPO Co. is not liable for any such infringement caused by the organizer
against third parties.
3.6. Pledge
The organizer acknowledges that in the case of not complying with the payment
obligation that is due by the end of the event, all movable property within the area of
HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre is transferred to HUNGEXPO Co. on expiry of the claim,
and that HUNGEXPO Co. is eligible to retain those without ownership examination.
Settlement from the pledge is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code of Hungary.
HUNGEXPO Co. shall not be liable for any injuries or damages potentially caused to the
movable property in connection with exercising the right of retention. The agreement in
this present point of the Operational Procedures is deemed as the conclusion of a pledge
agreement between the parties.
3.7. Unpermitted use of stands
An organizer may be subject to a payment of 100% surcharge stand use charge (stand
charge) as well as terminating their activity, if they carry out any organisational or
commercial activities in a area outside of their rented stand.
3.8. Abandoned equipments
Any movable property found after the dismantling in the pavilion or in the outdoor area
will be stored by HUNGEXPO Co. at the expense of the organizer, including storage and
security charges. Following clarification of the ownership regarding any exhibition objects
and components left in the area of the exhibition, left behind and belonging to the organizers,
HUNGEXPO Co. will notify the rightful owners within the shortest possible time for
removal without delay. In connection with the above, in the case of non-payment of the
expenses of HUNGEXPO Co., any actions shall be subject to the procedures of the civil
During the time of the exhibition the duty Explosives Expert of the Contingency Police
authority is authorised to efficiently open any handed in or found enclosed packages. If
the identity of the owner can be established, HUNGEXPO Co. shall make arrangement to
return the package to the owner. HUNGEXPO Co. shall bear no financial liability if the
package is destroyed.
The following rules are applicable for the construction of exhibition stands and other
structures within the area of the A HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre. In the case of
construction and contractor works in addition to the exclusivity included in point 3.1, the
organizer shall declare in writing to HUNGEXPO Co. that the works carried out by them
are in compliance with the relevant specifications and legislation, and they shall assume
full responsibility for those. The organizer shall be responsible for the stability and
durability of the stand constructed in the rented space, as well as for any financial and
moral damages caused by any insufficiencies as regards them, furthermore the safety of
the displayed equipments and all the exhibited objects.
1. General measures
1.1. HUNGEXPO Co. lets the stand under the conditions of the contracts.
1.2. The organizer can occupy the rented stand from the opening time specified in the
contract, and shall return it to HUNGEXPO Co. by the end of the dismantling period
restored to its original state. The organizer is obliged to continuously dispose of any of
their communal waste resulting from the construction and the dismantling into the waste
bins located within the area, as well as arranging for the transportation of any building
1.3 In the outdoor area, the construction of a building and/or structure with a 60 m2 floor
area, a structural height exceeding 5 m and which is to remain for a maximum of 180
days is subject to notification of the Building Construction and Civil Engineering
Department, Regional and Urban Development Bureau, Mayor’s Office, The Municipality of
Kőbánya Budapest (H-1475 Budapest, Szent László tér 29, telephone: +36 1 433-8382,
fax: +36 1 433-8390, e-mail: . If the building (structure)
does not exceed a 30 m2 floor area and a 4 m height, furthermore will not be remaining
for more than 15 days, no notification of the Local Government is required.
The building permit from the Event Coordination and the Fire, Health and Safety is
required in both cases for the erection of the structure. HUNGEXPO Co. is authorised to
stop any constructions if the organizer carries out works that are subject to construction and
dismantling permits, without permits.
1.4. Stands and structures that have been constructed without permits or differing from
the specification of the permit can be dismantled by HUNGEXPO Co. at the expense and
risk of the organizer.
1.5. All structures established by the organizer can only be of temporary nature. HUNGEXPO
Co. is eligible, without ownership examination, to have any structures and stands that
remain after the dismantling period without permission, dismantled at the expense and
risk of the organizer. HUNGEXPO Co. shall have no responsibility for the material of the
dismantled structure, or for any objects left at the stand or within the building.
1.6. Only materials and equipments that comply with European Union and Hungarian
standards can be used during the construction works.
Any building engineering and electrical equipments shall meet the specifications of the
MSZ 2364 Hungarian Standard. Any derogation from approved plans is subject to a plan
amendment permit.
2. Planning, specifications
2.1. During both the planning and construction stage, the equipments marked on the
pavilion and outdoor area drawings as well as the load and other data covered in Chapter
2.2. During both the planning and construction stage, special consideration shall be given
to ensure that safety equipments, fire hydrants, sensors, escape routes and openings as
well as any signs marking these are left free and remain accessible. These must not be
covered or a misleading sign placed on them even temporarily. No column or structure
falling within the area of the stand provides the basis for changing the designated area or
for any discount from the stand charge.
3. Specifications concerning construction works
3.1. The organizer shall make the provisions if during construction additional light is
required for the illumination of the stand and the products besides the general lighting of
the pavilions.
3.2. In the pavilions the processing of raw material, (cutting to size, planing, sanding,
varnishing etc.), furthermore wood-processing machinery, welding equipment, as well as
the use of all kinds of open flame or combustion-engine machinery (e.g. compressor) is
3.3. Converting, contaminating or painting the buildings and establishments of HUNGEXPO
Budapest Fair Centre , furthermore attaching anything to them, suspending from them,
leaning something against them, gluing or tying anything onto its supports, walls and
other building parts or hanging anything off them is prohibited. It is possible to have items
suspended from the grid structure of pavilions A, B, D F and G only with previous one off
individual permission from HUNGEXPO Co. The suspension work can only be carried out by
a designated partner of HUNGEXPO Co.
The suspension request shall contain:
- The description of the object to be suspended (material, weight),
- Number of suspension points,
- A sketch in support of understanding,
- Declaration on the stability of the object to be suspended.
HUNGEXPO Co. is authorised to dismantle any suspension assembled without permission
at the expense and risk of the organizer.
3.4 In the pavilions carpets are to be fixed only by double-sided tapes. The organizer
shall arrange for the complete removal of the carpet solvent or the adhesive tape used for
fixing the protecting covering when dismantling the structure. Only adhesive tapes of the
appropriate quality can be used, which can be removed from the asphalt covering of the
exhibition halls without any trace. The use of self-adhesive carpet or liquid solvents is
3.5 Any coverings of the pavilions must not be nailed, drilled, broken or painted.
3.6. Use of water-based paints is allowed, provided that the surface of the entire work
area is protectively covered, however the removal of any contamination from the
structures, floor or in any other places of the buildings is to be arranged by the
3.7. The organizer, in addition to their rented area, shall also cover the whole extent of
the bordering road surface by a protective sheet – for protecting the flooring, under the
restoration obligation –, if any bricklaying or special-trade construction work (e.g.
surfacing, masonry, painting, tiling etc.) can only be carried out on-site.
To minimise dust pollution, hand tools with dust bags and wet cutters are to be used. Mortar
and concrete mixers are only to be operated in the first half of the construction period and only
outside of the pavilion, in a pre-designated area that is isolated by a foil barrier. Any wall,
surfacing and roof covering materials cannot be cut with a disc cutter even outside the
3.8. In the pavilions the use of propane-butane gas, nail guns, spray guns and generator
equipments is prohibited.
3.9. For structures in outdoor areas requiring excavation, previous consultation is required
with Event Coordination. Any excavation works within the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest
Fair Centre can only be done manually. The installation of any structures, flag poles,
advertising boards etc., as well as constructions of a routing nature is subject to
permission from Event Coordination.
3.10. Any construction elements made of glass must be marked at eye-level.
3.11 Organizers must follow the instructions of HUNGEXPO Co. and also make their
contractors to do so, as well as help controlling procedures.
3.12. Manager responsible for implementation
Organizers must assign a technical manager responsible for implementation. The
responsible technical manager must stay at the construction area at all times in the
course of the implementation process. During the work, the technical manager
responsible for implementation represents the organizer in terms of bearing any costs
and liabilities. Organizers shall assume responsibility for the contractors entrusted and
contracted by them in each case. After building the stands, a „Statement of Compliance
with Electrical Fitting Standards” must be made and submitted to the technical service of
the pavilion.
3.13. Takeover and return of the area
Managers responsible for implementation may take over the rented area from the site
coordinator, and they must return it in its original state to the site coordinator as well.
3.14. Connection to the utility networks of HUNGEXPO Co.
Connection to the utility networks may only be performed by the official operator of
HUNGEXPO Co. and its energy systems. The drainage system can only be connected with
water facilities equipped with a stench-trap syphon. Organizers must ensure the accessibility
of floor shafts by cutting holes in the platforms or any other covers or by leaving the
connections uncovered. Any damage or cost caused by a failure to meet this liability as
well as the responsibility for hindering utility connection and repair works shall be borne
by the organizer. Organizers must order electric power based on the highest possible load
value required at a time.
Conditions for connecting to the energy network of HUNGEXPO Co.:
– a signed and stamped copy of the Service Sheet,
– „Statement of Compliance with Electrical Fitting Standards” as required by Hungarian
standard MSZ 1600,
– implementation according to the approved plan,
– satisfactory result of shock-proofing tests.
HUNGEXPO has the right to review the compliance of implementation with the standards,
and to refuse energy supply if the implementation is not satisfactory. Unauthorized
tampering may entail exclusion from energy supply and compensation for potential
damage, or criminal procedures in serious cases.
Requests for connection to the utilities can be submitted to the site coordinator. The
energy systems of stands meeting the connection conditions shall be connected within 12
hours after the request was submitted. HUNGEXPO Co. shall assume no liability for
damages in the case of electric blackout or stoppage. During the entire event period,
organizers must arrange for switching off stand lighting before leaving and for
disconnecting electric appliances and machines at the stands. In the case of failure to do
so, HUNGEXPO Co. will completely switch off electric systems in the utility tunnel for
security reasons, therefore the sections providing night-time electricity supply will also be
switched off. The liability for potential damages occurring at the organizer’s own stand
and the neighbouring stands connected to the same section as a result shall be borne by
the organizer failing to switch off. Appliances requiring night-time electric supply (e.g.
refrigerators) need to be fitted with a separate circuit before the main switch.
III. Security regulations:
The following regulations must be observed in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair
1./ Personal and vehicle entry regulations:
Adjusted to the requirements of the given event, as stipulated in the event security plan.
2./ Traffic order, parking order:
In addition to the speed limits and parking restrictions indicated by signs and the
specifically indicated stopping prohibitions, the provisions of the Hungarian Traffic Rules
and Regulations are valid for the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre. Violation of
parking and traffic regulations may entail the withdrawal of entry permits. HUNGEXPO
Co. shall not assume liability for the protection of vehicles staying (including parking)
in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre, or for vehicles staying in the area after
closing. HUNGEXPO Co. shall not assume liability for damage of unknown origin occurring in
the vehicles stored in the parking lots (in exhibitors’, visitors’ or other parking facilities),
or for the disappearance of such vehicles. Vehicle traffic regulations (entry and exit points,
traffic routes, cargo loading and unloading areas, assignment of parking spots, etc) shall
be adjusted to the requirements of the given event, as stipulated by the event security
plan. The event security plan shall be issued maximum 2 weeks before building the event
site, based on the type of the event and/or the content of the contract.
3./ Movement of exhibition goods and installations, order of loading and unloading:
Transportation activities, material handling with power hoisting, loading and unloading,
storage, handling of empty crates, custom-house brokering and other forwarding services
may only be performed by contracted partners of Hungexpo Co. for logistical, accident
prevention and technical reasons of site and asset security.
The only exceptions to this rule are the moving of the cargo of a tail-lift truck with the
tail lift mounted on it, as well as the moving of cargo transported by a truck equipped
with a crane, provided that the operator of the vehicle is the organizer or the contractor
company according to the registration papers of the vehicle, and the transported goods
are owned by the organizer or the contractor company.
4./ Security related information:
equipments/tools/objects are owned by Hungexpo Co., they are not there for the
protection of the organizers’ assets. Hungexpo Co. cannot provide information related to
this equipment for technical and data protection reasons as well. The organizer must
arrange for guarding its sample products, exhibition materials and other objects before,
during and after the exhibition – at the organizer’s expense. Guarding activities may only
be performed by a contracted partner of Hungexpo Co. HUNGEXPO Co. shall not assume
liability for direct or indirect damage or other harm caused for the person, exhibition
material or other objects of the organizer or anybody else in the area of HUNGEXPO
Budapest Fair Centre. The Security Service of HUNGEXPO Co. shall arrange for guarding
the pavilion outside the pavilion’s opening hours.
The organizer must arrange for guarding the installations and the exhibition materials
during the opening hours of the pavilion. The organizer must arrange for the security
protection and guarding of the stands and exhibition materials in the outdoor areas at all
5./ Order of opening/closing and key handling
Pedestrian and vehicle passage gates, entry doors of buildings and the rooms inside may
only be opened and locked by the security service, their keys shall be handled and stored
by the security service. This rule must always be observed unless otherwise ordered by
the Security Manager. Opening and closing time of the buildings shall be adjusted to the
requirements of the event, based on the event security plan.
6./ Ban on the import of equipment highly dangerous for public security:
1. Government Decree 175/2003 (Oct 28) on equipment highly dangerous for public
security is valid for the area of the Corporation as well!
2. It is PROHIBITED to transport equipment specified in the above government decree to
the area of the Corporation!
3. If the theme of the event to be organized in the area of the Corporation includes the
display of objects referred above, such objects may be transported to the area based on
the permission of the organizer of the event.
4. The permission must be submitted in writing to the Security Manager.
5. The permission must include the name of the organizer company, the number of the
stand, the name and phone number of the manager responsible for it, the licence
number of the transportation vehicle and the name of its driver.
Act 93/1993 on labour safety, Act 11/2004 amending it, the relevant ministerial decrees, the
specific regulations and standards pertaining to particular activities as well as the
employer’s regulations must be observed in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre.
Observation of the employer’s regulations must be ensured (beyond the company’s own
working site) in the case of people staying in area of work (passers-by, visitors, etc.) as
1. Security regulations for machines operated during the building, operation and dismantling
phase of the exhibition
- The provisions of Decree 16/2008 (August 30) of the Ministry for National Development
and Economy on the authentication of security requirements and compatibility of
machinery must be observed.
- During building and dismantling, work must be performed, conducted by technically
perfect equipment and machines compliant with the security requirements.
- During the event, machine presentation in the pavilions (presentation of internal
combustion machines in the outdoor areas) can only be held or operated with a written
permission of Hungexpo Co’s employee responsible for labour safety. Request for such
permission must be submitted along with the construction plan. It is PROHIBITED to
conduct a machine presentation and operate a machine without prior notice!
- The organizer shall be responsible for any damage and the harm caused thereof as well
as for the safety of visitors. Hungexpo Co’s employee responsible for labour safety may
stop any machine operated without prior notice.
- The organizer must equip the operating machines and facilities with all protective
equipment that prevent harmful noise effects, unpleasant smells, smokes, gases,
vapours and the outflow of liquids.
- The organizer must comply with the security regulations of Decree 47/1999 (August 4)
of the Ministry of National Economy on lifting machines and lifting facilities – even if such
machine is exhibition material.
2. Instruction of security regulations
Any person conducting work in the area of Hungexpo Co. /construction worker, exhibition
worker, organizer, etc./ must receive labour safety instructions before beginning to work.
One copy of the protocol verifying that the instruction took place, issued and signed by
the employer, must be kept on site.
The instruction must cover:
- labour safety and labour health regulations,
- traffic regulations related to the area
- the area of movement,
- local conditions, etc.
The organizer and its subcontractor are jointly responsible for performing the instruction
and for verifying that it took place.
3. Labour safety regulations of building exhibition stands
The provisions of the joint Decree 4/2002 (Feb 20) of the Ministry of Social and Family
Affairs and the Ministry of Health as well as the relevant labour safety, health protection,
life protection and security provisions of the National Settlement Arrangement and
Construction Requirements must also be applied to the temporary buildings consisting of
easy-to-disassemble structures in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre.
The organizer or its entrusted contractor must make a statement in writing about
meeting and complying with labour safety requirements, which must be submitted along
with the construction plan.
The construction plan must consider ensuring passage for the disabled, e.g. when building
platforms or stairs, safe passage options must be provided for them as well. The plan shall be
reviewed and signed by the Labour Safety officer. He/she shall control the work
processes based on the submitted plans and take measures against the violators of the
4. Other provisions
– It is PROHIBITED to consume alcohol or perform work under the influence of alcohol
during the building and dismantling phase of the exhibition. The Labour Safety officer
may conduct alcohol tests and he/she shall take the necessary measures in case of a
positive result.
– During the event (the building, operation and dismantling phases), the person detecting an
accident in the organizer’s area is obliged to report it to the Labour Safety officer in order to
conduct a joint investigation.
– Animals brought in the area with permission for the exhibitions and events must be
accommodated and their presentations must be performed in such a manner that it does
not cause accidents or endanger anyone. Animal shows and presentations may only be
organized in compliance with Decree 41/1997 (May 28) of the Ministry of Agriculture. It
is PROHIBITED to leave exhibition animals unattended in the pavilions for the night!
- After the show is over, animals may not stay in the pavilion, they must be
accommodated in the place assigned and furnished for them. Dogs must be led to their
assigned places on a leash with a muzzle on.
- The owner of an animal is responsible for accidents caused by the animal.
- Animals participating in the shows and/or brought in the area must have a valid
vaccination certificate, which is required to be presented to the Labour Safety
department before the beginning of the event. In lack of a vaccination certificate, the
Labour Safety officer may oblige the animal and its owner to leave the area.
– All programmes, sporting events, the presentation methods of animals participating in
various programmes as well as all activities that attract a mass of spectators and/or is
conducted with the participation of the audience during the timeframe of the event, must be
reported to the Labour Safety department. In lack of such reports, the parts of the programmes
that are considered risky of accidents may be banned.
– It is PROHIBITED to bring underage children to the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair
Centre during the building and dismantling phase.
– Medical/first-aid duty during the building, operation and dismantling phases of the expo:
Building 33, HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre. Phone: (00361) 263-6004.
– The organizer is obliged to inform its entrusted contractors about the provisions of the
Labour Safety Regulations.
The following rules of law must be observed in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair
Centre: Act 31/1996 on the protection against fire, technical rescue and firefighting,
Decree 9/2008 (Feb 22) of the Ministry for Municipalities and Rural Development on
issuing the National Fire Safety Regulations, the other rules of law relevant to the subject
as well as the provisions below:
Exhibition pavilions belong to fire safety class „C” in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair
1. General rules
1.1. Before their engagement in work, all workers performing their activities in the area of
HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre (construction workers, graphic designers, exhibition
workers, organizers, etc.) must be given fire safety education by their employers,
organizers, institutions, etc. All those involved shall certify with their signatures that the
education took place and they acknowledged the contents. One copy of the certifying
protocol is to be kept on site.
1.2. The technical description of construction plans submitted for building individual stands
must include in attachment the name of the installation structure, the fire safety categories of
the building materials used as well as the certificate of fire safety compliance.
1.3. Only difficult-to-ignite materials may be used for installations. The fire load density of
flammable materials may not be higher than 650 MJ/m2 at the stands.
1.4. The managers of organizers’ stands are responsible for closing the facilities,
unblocking the passages, closing the utilities (water, gas) after leaving the site,
disconnecting the electric equipment, ensuring the accessibility of fire protection
equipment as well as verifying whether the above-mentioned tasks have been
1.5. Facilities operated with solid or gas fuel for exhibition purposes (boilers, gas-cookers,
etc.) may only be operated in regular operation in outdoor exhibition areas. In the
outdoor areas, the facilities may be operated in open air or in a building set up
temporarily. In both cases, operation standards and requirements must be maintained,
with special regard to the emmission of the exhaust generated.
1.6. The vehicles can be exhibited only with minimum fuel. The vehicles must be powered
down by removing the battery terminals. Gas turbined cars may be presented only with
walled steel gas cylinder. From the exhibited automobiles a placement diagram shall be
prepared. For security reasons the numbered car keys shall be placed in a sealed
envelope and given to the coordinator of the event. The exhibitor must be provided with
the appropriate number of hand extinguisher at the exhibition booth. Such a device can
be rented from the Hungexpo Co. Ltd. Event Coordination Divison at the Building K.
2. Handling flammable material
It is PROHIBITED to place, store and use the following materials in the exhibition pavilions
and/or related rooms and outdoor areas even temporarily:
– highly flammable and/or explosive material,
– flammable liquids (paint, thinner, petrol, etc.),
– material prone to auto-ignition,
– such materials the chemical interaction of which may cause fire or explosion,
– pressure containers (PB, oxygen, nitrogen etc.).
In a highly justified case, the Fire Safety Department may issue a licence for storing
certain materials, based on a written request. Upon submitting such request, the place of
storage and/or use, the quantity of the material to be used, the parameters of its
containers as well as the methods of fire protection must be communicated as well. The
request for licence must be submitted 48 hours prior to beginning the storage or use.
3. Flameproofing
Organizers must arrange for the flameproofing of flammable stand structures, textiles,
papers, reed, carpets, decoration materials before using them in the building. The
certificate of flameproofing must be submitted to the Fire Safety department by 4 p.m.
on the day before the event.
4. Removal of batches and waste
Organizers must always place the waste generated during the construction of the
exhibition into the containers around the exhibition pavilions. Unused and/or flammable
waste must be delivered to the storage facility assigned for this purpose. Organizers
must arrange for the constant removal of batches. Blocking the passage routes is
considered as a violation of fire safety regulations.
The remaining areas behind the sidewalls of the pavilions and the decoration walls of the
related service rooms (boards, installations) must not be used for keeping and storing
unused installations, batches, waste or other flammable material. It is PROHIBITED to
use such areas as a temporary dressing room, smoking room, or warehouse, etc.!
5. Electric appliances
Fitting and design of electric appliances must be done in compliance with Hungarian
standards MSZ 1600 and MSZ 2364 as well as the provisions of the National Fire Safety
Regulations. The electric network of facilities built for temporary purposes must apply MT
380 V Cu in indoor areas and MT 1 kV Cu or equivalent, copper, cable-like wires. The
minimal cable diameter required in pavilions is 1.5 mm2, while it is 2.5 mm2 in outdoor
The ends of twisted pair cables must be tinned, and then fixed with a fastener. Twisted
or unfastened cabling may not be applied in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair
Centre, networks with such fitting may not be electrified.
You must place insulation boards under appliance boxes mounted on flammable
structures. Electric appliances may not be operated unattended.
It is PROHIBITED to block or build in the access to switches or switchboards even temporarily.
Cooling facilites must be operated in a separate circuit, with a disconnection option.
6. Heating appliances
Exhibition rooms, offices, stands may only be heated with closed heating systems. You must
place heating appliances far enough from flammable materials to prevent any danger of
ignition in its environment.
7. Welding – use of open flame
It is PROHIBITED to weld or conduct activities with open flame in indoor pavilions. The
Fire Safety department may exempt exhibitors from this regulation in a highly justified
case, under individually defined conditions. Welding can be conducted and open flame
can be used in outdoor areas only with prior approval of the Fire Safety department.
8. Passage
Passage routes, entry and exit doors of pavilions must be kept free in indoor and outdoor
areas as well – they may not be blocked, closed or narrowed even temporarily. Vehicle
engines must be stopped during loading and unloading. The exit doors of cable tunnels
marked with yellow-black paint underneath the pavilions and the top of escape shafts
must not be blocked, built on, carpeted or placed anything on even temporarily. It is
prohibited to enter the pavilions with a motocycle and/or store motocycles in the
9. Smoking
It is prohibited to smoke or use open flame in and near exhibition pavilions, construction sites
of outdoor exhibition areas as well as in the storage areas of batches, waste and/or flammable
materials! Act 42/1999 on the protection of non-smokers and regulation of the
consumption and trade of tobacco products must be observed in the area of HUNGEXPO
Budapest Fair Centre.
Smoking is allowed only at places assigned and properly fitted for such purpose. Ashtrays
may only be emptied into waste containers made of non-flammable material. Notice
boards warning of the appropriate fire safety conduct must be set up at the smoking
10. Operation of machines and facilities
In the case of machines requiring special water pressure or high electric output, the
technical description must be attached to the technical plans. Any machines, equipment,
facilities presented in operation in the area of HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre must be
reported to the Fire Safety department, and a copy of the installation protocol must be
11. Fire safety equipment
Covering or blocking of fire safety equipment and their markings and labels (e.g. fire
hydrant, fire alarm, sensors, fire extinguishers, etc.) is prohibited! Fire extinguishers and
extinguishing materials must not be used for any other purposes than their function.
Organizers must have standard fire extinguishers suitable for extinguishing fire potentially
starting at the stands, as follows:
In the exhibition halls:
– one piece per floor in multi-storey stands,
– one piece for each 100 m2 area,
– according to the base area at stands built from flammable installation structures,
– depending on the fire-hazardous activity conducted in the exhibition area, but at least
one piece (e.g. operation of fire-hazardous machine, baking machine, welding, highpower electric appliance, etc.),
– In the case of exhibition materials of flammability class „C” according to the base area,
but at least one fire extinguisher must be installed.
Outdoor areas: at least one fire extinguisher must be installed at each exhibition stand or
service unit, depending on the area and/or the activity.
The deadline for controlling the installed fire extinguishers must not expire before the
disassembly of the exhibition is finished.
12. Reporting fire
You may report fire:
– by dialling 105 for the Budapest Headquarters of the National Fire Department,
– by dialling 263-6151, 263-6205 for the security service on duty,
– by using the manual fire alarm built in each pavilion,
– personally at the security service on duty.
All fires, even extinguished ones, must be reported immediately to Security via phone or
During the building and operation phase, Fire Safety has the right to immediately prohibit
works and suspend ongoing works with the exclusion of any claim for damages and/or to
close the stand if it detects any violation of fire safety regulations, as well as to remove
the structure of the building if there is an immediate danger of fire and explosion.
Organizers shall bear responsibility for the fire safety of the exhibition area during the
building, dismantling and operation phases as well. Violators of fire safety regulations
may be assessed a fire safety fine, while in more serious cases a criminal procedure may
be initiated against them.
1. Pavilions
1.1. Electric supply
– Voltage: 3x400/230 V, 50 Hz.
– Directly earthed star network.
– Shock proofing: NEUTRAL WIRING (TN).
– In pavilions marked with letters, electricity is available via the floor channels, 50 kW in
each connection. Any higher demands may be provided via the Event Coordination
department with a customized solution, at the expense of the organizer.
– In pavilions marked with numbers, the maximum value of individually available power
is 10 kW. Any higher demands may be provided via the Event Coordination department
with a customized technical solution, at the expense of the organizer. Exhibition stands
are supplied with power via the sockets on the sidewalls of the buildings.
– The electric core network of Hungexpo Co. has 5 cables, in compliance with the
standards. Neutral and earth cables are separated in compliance with the shock proofing
requirements. Accordingly, exhibition switchboards are equipped with shock proofing
switches (Hungarian standard MSZ 2364).
1.2. Water supply, drainage
– In the pavilions marked with letters, water is supplied through 1/2" connections with a
pressure of 0,2 MPa (2 bar) at the connections.
– The drainage connection is 3/4". The drainage system can only drain the sewage from
the handwash basins, it is not suitable for draining the sewage of greasy vessels and/or
thick sewage.Any higher demands may be provided after special discussions and a
customized technical solution, at the expense of the organizer.
1.3. Heating, ventilation
– Pavilions A, B, C, D, F, G, 16, 17, 18, 25 can be heated, they are equipped with
individual gasoperated or central heating. Pavilions A, D, G, F are equipped with heatingventilation systems.
2. Outdoor areas
– Outdoor areas have macadam or earth-and-pebbles covers, at certain places they are
covered in concrete and/or asphalt.
– Electric supply: available connection: 10 KW. For higher energy demands, a customized
technical solution is required, which needs to be priorly discussed with the Event
Coordination department.
– Water is supplied via 1/2” connection, while drainage is provided via a 3/4" piping.
Drainage supply is limited, prior coordination is necessary in each case.
– Outdoor lighting: average lighting: 5 lux.
3. Parameters of the pavilions
Typical parameters of the pavilions are detailed in Schedule 1.
HUNGEXPO Co. reserves the right to modify the present Operational Procedures.