(Limit of 2 photos)
(Limit of 2 photos)
CAMAS HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2015 - SENIOR YEARBOOK AD ORDER FORM We have 24 Senior Ad pages in our CHS Yearbook this year, which amounts to 96 quarter page ad spaces available for sale. We will not be adding any pages beyond this number. Please Note: You will not be able to pay (purchase) an Ad until ALL related pictures and text have been submitted. Pictures and text can be submitted via email, or in person through the ASB office. Detals for both methods are outlined below… Ad Purchasing Option Quarter Page Ad ($50) No half page ads are not being offered this year. There is a limit of two pictures and a 150 words in a quarter page Ad. Submitting Pictures & Text Related Documents You can submit documents by one of two methods, email or in person via CHS ASB office. 1. EMAIL TO: camasyearbookads@gmail.com Attach to the email the (2) JPEG or PNG picture files. Type related text in the email or attach a text document to the email. Text is limited to 150 words. You will receive an email confirmation when we receive the email and content. This confirmation will be shared with our ASB office notifing them you are eligible to purchase your ad at that time. 2. DELIVERED IN PERSON TO: Maria Klein (CHS ASB Office) Digital content (text and photos) can be submitted in person on a CD or USB Thumb Drive. Digital photos being submitted need to be in a JPEG or PNG format. Hard copy printed text can be hand written or word processed (ex. MS Word). Hard copy photographs can be submitted and we will scan the photos here. Please do not make your own cut and paste layout and submit. Pictures that are photocopied or copied into a Word or Power Point file WILL NOT be accepted. Do not cut or crop photos, we will do this for you when we create your layout. 3. Purchasing ON-LINE via CREDIT CARD (Must submit text and photos first to use this option) Submit text and photos “first” prior to purchasing on-line. Choose one of two methods outlined above for submitting these documents. Purchase on-line here… https://wa-camas.intouchreceipting.com/ ADS WILL START SELLING ON September 15th Ads will be sold until they are gone. Questions relating to Ad Sales call: Mrs. Klein at 833-7258 Questions relating to content (photos/text) call: Kelly Williams 833-5750 ext. 78471 Checks made to: ______Camas High School________ Name of student: Parent(s) Name(s): Phone Number: Can your student be contacted by us if needed, and/or to return photos? YES NO Attach document with text or print below and on back: $50.00 4.25” x 5” (Limit of 2 photos)
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