Worship Services March 28 2015 9:15 and 11:45


Worship Services March 28 2015 9:15 and 11:45
Worship Services
March 28 2015
9:15 and 11:45 a.m.
Largo e dolce
Organ Prelude
Chloe Kingsfield, flute
Gathering to Worship
Welcome and Sharing Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer
Pastor Adam Deibert (Second service)
Singing Praises
Rhanda Bonet-Graham, Glen Graham
Children’s Story
Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer
Mikelle Wile (second service)
Sharing Our Offerings
What a Friend We Have in Jesus Joel Brousson, Nic Roca
Congregational Prayer
“Hymns With Canadian Roots”
Denise Herr
Mark Haynal
Mark Haynal
Organ Postlude
Fugue in C Major
CUC/PAA Choral Union Director: Wendolin Munroe
Piano: Maison Leitch, Violin: Cristian Neascu
Organist: Wendy Markosky
10:30 a.m.
Singing Praises
Welcome and Prayer
Special Music
Offering for Missions
The Study of God’s Word
Josh Boyko
“Women and Wine”
Pastor Bob Schafer
HAPPY SABBATH AND WELCOME! May the Lord open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you will not have
room enough to receive it all.
THE OFFERING during the worship services today is for our local Alberta Conference Advance. It will help provide funds for
conference evangelism, building project assistance, education at all levels, and the operation of Foothills Camp for camp meeting, youth
camps and other ministry weekends. Donations for offerings may be made online through the church website: www.chsda.ca
SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places:
Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class
Education Building, Room 111 – Keith Clouten’s and Ron Bissell’s class
Pastor Sydenham’s office – study on prayer led by Sheila Clark
CUC Administration Building Chapel – 10:30 a.m. – Academy age youth
CUC Social Eyez Student Lounge – 10:30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults
Beginning at 10:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, “Revelation”
From 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 112 – “Connect - Healthy, No-Guilt Ministry” led by Bruce Boyd
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Thelma Duffy and Ivan Gimbel who are celebrating their birthdays today; to Shari Hagen and Arthur
Kapiniak who were born on March 29 and to Haeden Reutlinger who will turn seven the same day; to Louicius Michel whose birthday is
March 30; to Petr Lehocky and Dave Southcott who were born on March 31; to Chad Lechelt who will celebrate on April 2 and to Holly
Kay born on April 3.
OUR SYMPATHY goes to Vivian Kohn Thompson and Stuart on the recent loss of Vivian’s mother, Delfie (Littman) Kohn. Her funeral
service will be in our church on Monday, March 30, at 11:00 a.m. Viewing will be prior to the service.
OUR CONDOLENCES go to Alex and Keila Streicher because of the loss of Alex’s father who lived in Brazil.
KIDS CHURCH is meeting this morning at 11:45 a.m. in the Spiritual Life Centre (CUC Marketing and Enrollment) for kids ages 5 to 12.
We would love to have you there!
SABBATH SCHOOL QUARTERLIES for adults for next quarter are available from the Deacons’ Room today.
EVENSONG TODAY is at 6:00 p.m. in our church. Featuring music majors and faculty performing beautiful music for meditation. This
is Dr. Joy Fehr’s last time to give the Spoken Word.
EARTH HOUR: This afternoon our CUC Human Ecology and Environmental Biology students invite you to A Walk to Remember
around Lake Barnett at 3:30 p.m. At 4:30 p.m. there will be a tour in the Chan Shun Science Centre to see our new showcases, living
organisms like a boa constrictor and two salamanders, a display of rocks, minerals and fossils... and if you are brave enough, you can
even observe microorganisms through a microscope! Join us in our afternoon adventure discovering God’s wonderful creation!
LAST CHANCE! The Drop-in Health and Nutrition Sessions in the CUC gym, Room 213, will continue one more night! This last
session will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31. We are planning to discuss and share healthful recipes and review inspired health
counsel in light of current scientific investigation.
April 11: Lois Hymanyk’s and Elvira Gascoyne’s group
CELEBRATION: We’ve Come So Far! Your Mission School is celebrating its first year as an Adventist Senior Academy,
its first Grade 12 graduates, and recognizing the Real Alberta Adventists who made it happen. Join Mamawi Atosketan
Native School and SDACC President Mark Johnson along with other Church in Canada representatives for the Milestone
Celebration at a very special MANS Open House, Sabbath, April 25. Open House begins at 3:00 p.m. Real SDA Founders
Recognition at 3:30 p.m. See last week’s bulletin insert for map.
RightNowMedia: It’s never too late to sign up for your free RightNowMedia membership. Just email information@chsda.ca today. If
you’re a CUC or PAA student, you are also welcome to join.
A BETTER WORLD 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION will take place on April 25 at our church. There will be guest speakers
coming from Africa to share their inspirational stories with us. After the service there will be a luncheon to continue the celebration. To
purchase tickets for the luncheon contact Julie at 403-782-0325. Hope to see you there!
SAGE ANNUAL CONVENTION will be April 30 - May 3, 2015 in our church. Guest speaker will be Pastor Dan Jackson. Brochures
with registration information are on the table by the Parents’ Room. For more information, please contact Darlene Reimche at 403342-5044, ext. 206, or dreimche@albertaadventist.ca
ANNUAL MEETING: College Heights Christian School annual constituency meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 p.m. in
the school gymnasium.
LECTURE SERIES: Burman University (formerly CUC) is pleased to present a lecture by Dr. Roger Epp, the Deputy Provost of the
University of Alberta, on Monday, March 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the John McKibbin Education Building. Admission is free. Dr. Epp will
challenge and inspire his audience to re-imagine the future of education in Canada. His engaging presentation, “For the Life of the
World: Private University, Public Good,” will address the vital role of faith-based, liberal arts universities in society. This will be the first
event in Burman University’s newly named lecture series, The Denise and Larry Herr Lectures in the Humanities.
CUC SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS NIGHT 2015: Please join us on Tuesday, March 31, at 7:15 p.m. in the CUC Administration Building
Chapel as we present over $150,000 in awards and scholarships to many deserving students.
INVITATION: The children of Oran and Jeanette Davis would like you to share in their parents’ 50 th wedding anniversary by having you
attend a light evening social on April 4 at 5:30 p.m. in the Earliteen Room downstairs. Please RSVP to 403-782-4383. No gifts, please.
BENEFIT RUN which was scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed.
ADULT VOLLEYBALL: Adult Volleyball is finished for the month of March. April dates are: 9, 16, 23, 30. We invite adults over 18 to
join us at CHCS gym from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Cost - $2.00. All skill levels welcome.
THE ACRONAIRES would like to invite you to come experience “The Elements” Homeshow 2015 on Sunday, March 29, at 4:00 p.m. at
the CUC Physical Education Centre. Admission will be charged at the door. The Acronaires have been performing across Canada and
around the world for over 40 years featuring acrobatics, cheer stunting, mini tramp and more. This is a great show for all ages. For a
sneak peak, have a look at the trailer on Youtube http://youtube/t-cy4deONBs
BAND CONCERT: Mark your calendars for Monday, March 30, at the Lacombe Memorial Center at 7:30 p.m. The combined Lacombe
Lions Community/CUC Silverwinds Band will be putting on their annual Spring Concert. Admission by donation at the door. Come and
enjoy an evening of fun, music and fellowship. Conductor Leo Ganson
GOLDEN HERITAGE CLUB is off again to the Rosebud Theatre on April 8, 2015. We will leave the College Heights Church at 8:00
a.m. so be sure to arrive at 7:30 a.m. The coach will be stopping at Royal Oak to collect everyone, and also in Red Deer. The play is the
true story of Helen Keller, a little girl who was blind and deaf and how her teacher Annie Sullivan, with perseverance and patience,
released her from a world of darkness and silence. I think that it is also a story about the miracle to the human mind and how much we
can accomplish at any age. To reserve your place call Bob Bruce at 403-782-5737.
GARAGE SALE: CHCS is holding its annual Spring Garage Sale on Sunday, May 3, from 9:30 to 1:30 p.m. To book a tablecall Karyn at
403-782-2645. Donations for the Home & School table will gladly be accepted during school hours on April 29 and May 3. Stop by,
hunt for treasures and enjoy a pancake breakfast with proceeds going to the Parkland Pathfinder Club. (The tables sell out quickly so call
soon if you are interested in one.)
CHURCH BULLETIN information should be at the church office each week by noon on Wednesday. It is appreciated if it is given in
Calendar For the Week
8:00 p.m. - Sabbath Ends
9:45 a.m. - Worship Committee
12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline
7:00 p.m. - Pathfinder Staff Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting
9:30 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group
7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Group
7:30 p.m. - Vespers, Campus Ministries
8:13 p.m. - Sabbath Begins
8:45 a.m. - Sabbath Morning Prayer Group
9:15 a.m. - Worship Service, Pastor Sydenham
10:30 a.m. - Sabbath School, Candace Sayler
11:45 a.m. - Worship Service, Pastor Sydenham
Offering: Church Budget