Worship Service June 13, 2015 10:50 a.m.


Worship Service June 13, 2015 10:50 a.m.
Worship Service
June 13, 2015
10:50 a.m.
Organ Prelude
Gathering Time
PAA Praise Team
Welcome and Sharing
Singing Praises
Pastor Myles Gillespie
PAA Praise Team
Celebrating Baptisms Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer
Ashley Desormeau, Daniel Hackett
Sharing Our Offerings
Congregational Prayer
Children’s Story
Pradeesha Gnanasekeran
Carole Jean-Baptiste
Worship With Music
If I Can Help Somebody
Lew Fleck
Pastor Ron Sydenham
Congregational Response
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Hymn No. 100
Pastor Ron Sydenham
Organ Postlude
Organist: Wendy Markosky
9:15 a.m.
Singing Praises
Elvira Gascoyne, Candace Sayler, Karen Schafer; Nancy Foreman
Welcome and Prayer
Keith Clouten, Marie and Roger Wilkins
Special Music Elvira Gascoyne, Candace Sayler, Karen Schafer; Joanne Nischuk
“Beyond the Himalayas”
Keith Clouten
Offering for Missions
Lesson Discussion
“The Kingdom of God”
HAPPY SABBATH AND WELCOME! God created us to be in communion with Him. We pray that you will be open to hear His
voice and be blessed by the moments you spend here today.
SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places:
Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class
Burman University Administration Building Chapel – 9:30 a.m. – Academy age youth
Burman University Social Eyez Student Lounge – 9:30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults
Beginning at 9:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, studying book of Romans
From 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 112 – “Connect” led by Bruce Boyd
THE OFFERING during the worship service today is the 2015 General Conference Session offering. This offering will go 100
percent to mission, service, and outreach projects that are planned, owned, and implemented by children and young people from
elementary, high school and college age groups. It will make it possible for children and young people to be involved in hundreds of
unique and creative projects to reach people with the love of Jesus and the good news of salvation. Please mark your offering
envelope, “2015 General Conference Offering.”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to those celebrating a birthday in the coming week: June 14: Briley Jeffrey, Nikki Sydenham; June 15:
Massiel Davila-Ferrer, Deanna Irish, Philip Jeffrey, Kaiden Sydenham; June 16: Tricia Gabrys, Diane Southcott; June 17: Verne
Gustavsen; June 19: Rylan Armson, Dale Carter
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ENJOY ONE DAY “CAMPING”! If you have nothing else planned this afternoon, come out to Crimson
Lake (a few miles west of Rocky Mountain House) by 2:30 or 3:00 p.m. and participate in the activities (hiking, biking, canoeing or
visiting) followed by a hotdog roast, fruit salad supper (5:30 or 6:00 p.m) and vespers with Pastor Myles Gillespie.
Please bring lawn chairs, portable musical instruments, hotdog sticks, fruit for supper; hotdogs, condiments, s’mores and tableware
will be provided. Come and enjoy the great outdoors with friends. If you have any questions or need directions, call or text Marcia
(403-302-0443) or Tena (403-785-7824). Looking forward to seeing you there! – Sponsored by the Social Committee
THANK YOU to volunteers Cleo Foreman, Jan Leavitt, Carrol Smith and Virginia Whitehead for providing food for church family
members this past week.
THANK YOU College Heights church family for your fine participation in the events of the “Burman University Homecoming”
week-end. Also for your kindness in welcoming returning alumni and friends and especially for bringing lots of great food to the
potluck. Visitors were blessed as we trust you too enjoyed what you were able to attend. Blessings to you from the Burman
University Alumni council and Advancement office.
THANK YOU to all the lovely ladies who were part of my bridal shower. Such generous gifts, thoughtful messages, and a room
FULL of smiles and love – WOW! Teagen and I sincerely appreciate each one of you sharing in our excitement and cannot wait to
use each item in our home. Love, Brittney Johnson
PRAYER MEETING which meets on Wednesday evening is on summer recess until September.
CHURCH BOARD will meet Monday, June 15, at 7:00 p.m. Board members, please pick up your packet from the Deacons’ Room.
ART FOR CHANGE: If you enjoy art and want to make a difference, come to the Burman University art room in West Hall at 3:00
p.m. today (June 13) to participate in a unique way of doing good on the Sabbath! “Art for Change” is a new ministry of Connect
Sabbath School class. Its goal is to use art in support of positive change (for example, to raise funds for A Better World projects).
For information call or text 403-352-6762.
PATHFINDER INVESTITURE, a service of recognition of the activities of the Pathfinders of the Parkland Pathfinder Club, will be
held on Friday, June 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the Earliteen Room downstairs. All are invited to come to learn first-hand what the
Pathfinders have been doing this past year.
LADIES: You are invited to the Lacombe Community Church for a special Women’s Health presentation and tea on Sunday, June
14, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Spend an afternoon with friends while learning how to improve or maintain strong health. Carolyn
Richardson will be the presenter. Her scope of practice includes health promotion, disease prevention, children and women’s health.
The Association of African Adventists will hold their 2015 camp meeting at Burman University (formerly CUC) from June 17 - 20.
Pastor Blasious Ruguri, President of the East Central Africa Division located in Nairobi, Kenya will be the guest speaker. For more
information and to register, please call Tabitha Phiri at 403-352-2108 or email tphiri@shaw.ca.
FOOTHILLS CAMP is the place to be this summer! This year’s theme is “FOLLOW JESUS!” and we are gearing up for an amazing
time with you and your kids. This year, try wake-boarding, archery, swimming, river tubing, horsemanship, crafts, wilderness
adventure and so much more! Camp is for everyone - Adventurer, Junior, Teen, Family, Senior and Blind camps. Register now at:
www.foothillscamp.org. It’s filling up fast. We hope to see YOU this summer.
MASTER GUIDE SABBATH will be held at our church on June 27. Guest speaker for the worship service will be Pastor Ken Wiebe.
Master Guides from throughout the Alberta Conference will be here for the day and local Master Guides are encouraged to wear their
CAMP MEETING RECORDINGS: All audio recordings (mp3) will be available to download free of charge at:
www.albertaadventist.ca/cm2015. No recordings (audio or video) will be sold during Alberta Camp Meeting this year. If you would
like to order audio or video copies of the main auditorium messages, an order form will be available at the main camp office. Orders
will be processed and mailed out after camp meeting.
GRADUATION INVITATION: Family and friends of the community are invited to share and help celebrate the achievements of the
College Heights Christian School grade nine class at the graduation service at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24, at the Burman
University (formerly CUC) Administration Building Chapel.
CONCERT TODAY: The Edmonton West SDA Church and community will join together this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. for a
Celebration of Life Concert in memory of Aron Horrell. Let’s celebrate the life of a beloved son, cherished student, devoted friend
and adventurous individual. Many have asked how to assist the family. There has been a foundation established on behalf of Aron to
help further the education of students in the field of Medicine. Proceeds from this concert will go to this cause. Church address:
9949 - 149 Street NW, Edmonton
BRIDAL SHOWER for Janine Howard: Please come and join us as we celebrate Janine’s (daughter of John and Theresa Howard)
upcoming marriage to Ben Benson. The shower will be in the Earliteen Room at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday, June 16. For more
information on gifts, please contact Theresa Howard at 403-782-6628.
ABW NEIGHBOURS APPRECIATION BBQ: The Neighbours Committee invites you to join them at a BBQ, celebrating the
numerous volunteers and donors that make our projects possible. If you have been involved in any of the projects or just want to
come to a casual, informative evening, please join us on Thursday, June 25 at 5:30 at the acreage of Darrell and Sue Stang, owners of
Eagle Ridge Homes, just west of Blackfalds on Aspelund Road (specific directions will be on the tickets and please bring your lawn
chair). Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased by contacting Ronda Ziakris at 403-350-7180 or rziakris@abwcanada.ca.
CONTRACT INSTRUCTORS: Burman University is seeking contract instructors for the 2015-16 academic year. We have several
courses available in the History Department. Successful candidates will have, at minimum, a MA degree in History. They will also
be committed to the vision, mission and values of Burman University. Applications must include a letter of application and a
curriculum vitae. Applications will be received until the position is filled and should be addressed to: Dr. Marc D. Froese, Burman
University, 5415 College Avenue, Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5 or sent to mfroese@cauc.ca OR to: Dr. John McDowell, Burman
University, 5415 College Avenue, Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5 or sent to jmcdowel@cauc.ca
CHURCH BULLETIN information should be at the church office each week by noon on Wednesday. It is appreciated if it is given in
writing. It may be left in the mail slot on the outside of the office, dropped off at the office, or sent by e-mail to office@chsda.ca
Calendar For the Week
9:57 p.m. - Sabbath Ends
7:00 p.m. - Nominating Committee
10:00 a.m. - Worship Committee
7:00 p.m. - Church Board Meeting
12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline
7:00 p.m. - Pathfinders Meet at CHCS Gym 7:30 p.m. - NO Prayer Meeting
9:30 a.m. - NO Ladies Prayer Group
7:00 p.m. - NO Bible Study Group
7:00 p.m. - Pathfinder Investiture
10:01 p.m. - Sabbath Begins
9:15 a.m. - Sabbath School, Josh Boyko
10:50 a.m. - Worship Service, Pastor Adam Deibert
Offering: World Budget / Canadian
French Work