`Serving God, seeking others` - St. James` Church, Hemingford Grey


`Serving God, seeking others` - St. James` Church, Hemingford Grey
Sunday 24th Pentecost
9.00 am
Holy Communion
Morning Worship
Romans 8:1-17, Luke 3:21-22
7.30 pm Pentecost Praise @ Ely
Sunday 31st Trinity
10am Joint Service of Morning Worship
1 John 3:12-24, Matthew 12:46-50
May 2015
Sunday 3
5 of Easter
Morning Prayer
All Together Worship
with the baptism of Esther Fleur Angel
Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 16:13-20
Wednesday 6th
Holy Communion
Acts 15:1-6, John 15:1-8
Sunday 10
6 of Easter
9.00 am
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
2 Timothy 2:17-19, Hebrews 12:14-29
Sunday 17th
7th of Easter
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
1 Corinthians 12:12-20, Ephesians 4:1-16
4.00 pm
New Wine Celebration
Wednesday 20
Holy Communion
Acts 20:28-38, John 17:11-19
June 2 01 5
Wednesday 3rd
Holy Communion
1 Peter 1:18-25, Mark 12:18-27
Sunday 7th
1st after Trinity
Morning Prayer
All Together Worship
1 Peter 2:4-12, Hebrews 3:1-6
Church Away Day
Sunday 4th October 2015
The Haycock Hotel,
Wansford is now booked.
Please bring your deposits of
£10 per person to the office
Thank you
Our new churchwardens are:
Clive Joseph and Mandy Latimer
Grave Occurrence
Parents please note our concern for
younger children in the churchyard after
one gravestone broke off last weekend.
‘Serving God, seeking others’
Nepal Earthquake Appeal
Seeta and all at the Samaritan Home are
unharmed though shocked. INF has sent a
medical team to the epicenter and the
churches are getting involved in relief.
Giving may be made direct through INF at
http://inf.org/giving-europe-middle-eastafrica/inf-uk. or through St James’ by gifts
marked for Nepal. Information is available
from Alison. acraven@waitrose.com
Outreach UK - Sat June 13 th
10.30 am - 4.00 pm @ Parish Centre
An opportunity for us all to develop our
personal witness with training provided by
Trevor Dickerson from Outreach UK
Richard and Suzanne Cunliffe
are planning to go as missionaries to Nepal
later this year, if you would like to keep in
touch, pray or give towards their support
please contact them on: 07804323275 or
richard.cunliffe@gmail.com or write to
them: 50 Alex Wood Road, Cambridge, CB4
2EH. Every contact will encourage them.
Precept Ministries UK
Wednesday 24th June 7.15pm
Here at St James
“National Change through Individual
Answering God’s call to make disciples/
Mission prayer meeting
No meeting in May. June date to be confirmed
New Wine Celebration
Sunday 1 7 th May 7 -9 pm @ St James
Worship, Contemporary Music,
Bible Teaching and Prayer Ministry.
Guest Speaker will be Nadine Parkinson,
working with New Wine & Tearfund as
part of the ‘Change a Nation’ initiative.
Please park in Braggs lane, coffee will be
served at the end of the evening.
Coffee and Chat
The next ladies coffee morning will be on
11th May, 10.30–12 in the Garden Room.
All ladies welcome.
Prayer meeting – Fridays from 7 - 8pm
@ The Parish Centre
Listening to God for each other
(as a follow-on of the PCC teaching morning)
1st Sat: June 6th - 8 - 9am in Church
Coffee & croissants. All Welcome
Like a good story ? Ever read Esther?
Join us to explore this exciting book. Thurs
mornings starting May 7th. Book costs £10.
For more details ask Pam Flach 495458/
Janet Burden 494338 / Becca Pluke 462623
Notices for the June bulletin to the office
by Wed 27th May please. If you have news
or events to share please email
From Paul …….
I ask—ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory—to make you
intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear,
so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity
of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his
work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!
Ephesians 1:17-19 The Message
Prayer Focus
‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. . .
In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants – men and women alike –
and they will prophesy.’
Act 2, 17 (a), 18
Pray for our church:
• For the Holy Spirit to be poured into each one of us and to empower us to share God’s love and word
with those around
• For Clive and Mandy, our new Church Wardens, giving thanks for the service of Cynthia and Tim up to
last month.
• For the new PCC, for Allen as he chairs, and new and old members as they take up their joint
responsibility before God and the law, for the running of our church
• For the evangelistic opportunities of Introducing God (Fri. am) & Alpha (Wed. am & Sun evening) and
for all those attending and leading, that God will be at work in them
• For all leading and being part of the New Wine Celebration, in church,17th evening that it may be
glorifying to God and uplifting for all who are there
• For more people to be involved in prayer together, morning prayer, 7pm Friday, midday Wednesday
Prayer Walks as well as other groups
Pray for our country:
• For the Queen and her family, for health, strength and God’s wisdom in all they do
• For the local and national elections, for wise choices by us all and responsible decisions after the
election as leaders are appointed, the government formed and in particular that all elected will make
decisions according to the needs of people not themselves or their party.
Pray for the world situation:
• For Syria and surrounding countries, North Africa, Saharan countries, Yemen and others facing death
and destruction, that God will turn men from evil to himself and will provide relief to Christians and
freedom for captured women and children
• For Ukraine and its leaders in its ongoing unrest, and for others involved to be wise in their actions
• For the Burundian, presidential election campaign after riots last weekend, that the many who have fled
may return in safety
• For Nepal and its people after the earthquake, that seismic activity will end and people be rescued,
treated and fed, especially for church relief going to the epicentre with basic needs sourced locally and
transported by local people
Pray for our mission partners:
• For Mano back at Baldaeus College and the new term starting May 3rd
• For Seeta, the Samaritan Home residents and INF people after the earthquake, for freedom from
fear, especially for the children, and strength to help as needed
‘But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ V 21
Typical Weekly activities: * meet in the Parish Centre V meet at St Margaret’s
Half Term – Monday 25th – Friday 29th May
8.00 am
Morning Prayer — St James’ V
10.30am - 12
Ladies coffee & chat (2nd Mon, Garden Room)
3.15 pm
Kings Kids (in school)
8.00 – 9.30 pm
Deeper 19 St Ives Road Yrs. 12 & up. (1st and 3rd Mons)
7.30 – 9.00 pm
Deeper 19 St Ives Road Yrs. 10-11 (2nd and 4th Mons)
8.00 am
9.30 – 11.30 am
7.30 – 9.00 pm
Morning Prayer — St Margaret’s V
First Steps *
Thrive * - Yrs. 7 - 9
8.00 am
10.30 am
12.00 noon
2.30 pm
7.30 pm
8.00 am
Morning Prayer — St James’ V
Holy Communion V (6th & 20th)
Prayer Walks – restart date TBC
Pleasant Hour* (13th & 27th)
Bell Ringing Practice V Newcomers Welcome
Morning Prayer — St Margaret’s V
10.00 am
1.45 pm
6 – 7.30pm
7.45 for 8pm
Keep Fit *
Tots Praise V
Blaze Children’s Club - Yrs. 3, 4, 5 & 6
Men’s Group (Mark Latimer’s home)
7 – 8 pm
Prayer meeting *
8 – 10 am
Dads’ Breakfast * 3rd Saturday (16th)
8 – 9 am
Future Diary Dates:
Sunday 17th May
Sunday 17th May
Sunday 24th May
Listening to God V 1st Saturday (6th)
F4 @ 4 in church
New Wine Celebration in Church at 7pm
Pentecost Praise @ Ely Cathedral
Key Rota
27 April – 4 May – Gordon & Doreen Steptoe
4 – 11 – Sheena Henderson - 11th – 18th – Nick Greatores-Davies
18th – 25th – Ian Cooke – 25th – 1st June – Janet Burden
Parish Office 01480 375939 Revd Peter Cunliffe 394378
Jesus said, “For it is written:
‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
Matthew 4: 10
Vision: Lives transformed by Jesus