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Page 2B - Crosby-Ironton Courier
Driver’s education classes
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
School Rules!
Kids Camp starts July 6
Monday through Thursday
from July 6 to 16 for the 2015
Summer Kids Camp for ages
three to five. At Kids Camp
we will have fun making
exciting crafts, play activities,
stories, snack time and gym
or outside games. It is a fun
time for kids to get ready for
the new preschool or kindergarten year. It also gives children an opportunity to make
new friends their own age or
reconnect with kids from previous preschool classes.
Contact Miss Molly to
reserve your spot. For more
information call 545-8800,
extension 6976 or e-mail
Dates for Kids Camp are
July 6 through 9 and 13
through 16. Children ages
three and four attend from
8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and children ages four and five from
noon to 2:30 p.m. Classes will
be held in the CRES Early
Childhood Room.
The fee for the class if
$65, due by the first day of
class or with the registration
The instructor is Molly
U of M Duluth
dean’s list
Minnesota Duluth announces
the dean’s list for the spring
semester, 2015. Area students
Human Services Professions;
Rachel E. Maschhoff, Fifty
Lakes, Labovitz School of
Business and Economics and
Services Professions.
Instruction is offering driver’s
education classes which
include 30 hours of classroom
instruction and/or six hours of
behind-the-wheel instruction.
Classes are open to students
who are 14 years of age.
Class size is limited to 35 students. Enrollment is based on
age and first registrations
received. Cost for this year’s
sessions are $335, $95 to be
Area students graduate
from St. Scholastica
The College of St.
Scholastica held its spring
2015 commencement ceremony May 9 in Duluth. The
ceremony included the following local students:
Benjamin Carlson of
Crosby graduating with a
Bachelor of Science in
Class Reunions
Class of 1953
The Crosby-Ironton class of
1953 will gather for an informal
luncheon at the Deerstand in
Deerwood at 11:30 a.m. on
Thursday, Aug. 6. Orders will
be taken from the menu.
For more information, contact Jack Couture at 546-2758.
Class of 1957
reunion July 24
The C-I class of 1957 will
hold its fourth annual Get
Together with a Mixer on
Friday, July 24 at the
Deerwood Legion beginning
at 4:30 p.m. For more information call Gerry (Bierman)
Nyberg at 534-3619 or
Class of 1995
reunion July 3
The class of 1995 will
hold a reunion July 3 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Bridge
For more information
check the Facebook page or
call Kelly at 612-338-1558,
Jenny at 341-7356, Jessica at
821-9149 or Laura at 8660275.
Class of 1962 will
meet July 9
The C-I class of 1962 will
have its annual gathering on
Thursday, July 9 at the 40
Club in Aitkin. Social hour
will be 4:30 to 5 p.m. with
dinner at 6 p.m.
Please R.S.V.P. to
Class of 1980
The class of 1980 will hold
a reunion on Saturday, July 11.
Contact Julee Swensen Johnson
at 507-382-4554 or for more
Class of 1943
meets Aug. 5
The C-I class of 1943 will
hold its 31st reunion on
Wednesday, Aug. 5 at noon at
the Crosby Bar and Grill in
downtown Crosby.
For information, please
contact Ethel Olson Plasek at
3112 Armour Terrace NE,
Minneapolis, 55418-2515,
call 612-781-7803 or e-mail
Class of 1951
The C-I class of 1951 will
hold its class reunion
Saturday, Sept. 12 at the
Deerwood American Legion,
beginning at noon. A head
count is needed, so please
register by Aug. 15 with
ViEtta Rude, 772-0021.
Class of 1952
A luncheon get-together
Deerwood is planned for
Monday, Aug. 10 at 11:30
a.m. for the graduating class
of 1952.
For additional information contact Mike Hawks,
Schroeder, 715-246-5222.
Class of 1964
picnic Aug. 1
The Crosby-Ironton class
of 1964 will hold a picnic at
Marilyn Hendrickson’s (Don
Hendrickson’s mom) home at
416 Sixth Avenue NE in
Crosby on Aug. 1 beginning
at noon.
Bring your own beverage
and something to share.
Weiners and brats will be provided.
Class of ‘75 to
hold reunion
Crosby-Ironton Class of
1975 is planning its 40-year
reunion on July 24 through
A get-together is planned
at 21910 County Road 28,
Deerwood, on Friday, July
24. There will be a golf tournament on Saturday and
social hour and buffet dinner
at Cuyuna Rolling Hills in
Deerwood on Saturday, July
There is a Class of 75
Facebook page for updates.
Please contact Judi (Anderson)
or 839-3583 with questions or
to register. We are missing
many addresses so please
pass the word. Faculty welcome.
Class of 1990 25th
reunion July 18
The C-I class of 1990 25
year reunion will be held on
Saturday, July 18 at the C-I
Pub in Ironton. There will be
a buffet served and social
hour will start at 6 p.m.
For more information,
join the C-I Class of 1990
Facebook page or contact
Amy Turk at 820-5274, or
Kristina Holtzleicer-Draeger
at or
Class of 1956
luncheon July 17
The C-I Class of 1956 will
hold an informal luncheon on
Friday, July 17 at the C-I Pub
(formerly Gary’s) in Ironton
beginning at 11 a.m.
For further information or
if you are planning to attend,
contact Mary Lou Houle at
546-6143 or R.S.V.P. to
Class of 1965
reunion July 18
The Crosby-Ironton graduating class of 1965 will hold
its 50-year reunion on July 18
at the Deerwood American
For additional information, please contact Candy
Turner at 546-5782 or Chick
Turk at 546-5377.
Class of 1957
mixer on July 24
The C-I High School class
of 1957 will hold its fourth
annual get together with a
mixer on Friday, July 24 at
the Deerwood Legion beginning at 4:30 p.m.
On Saturday, July 25 they
will meet again at the
Deerwood Legion at noon.
Lunch will be served at 1 p.m.
For more information
contact Gerry Nyberg at 5343619 or denger3619@hotmail.
For nearby accomodations, contact the Country Inn
at 534-3101 or Deerwood
Motel at 534-3163.
Class of 1954
The class of 1954 will
gather at the Deerstand in
Deerwood at 11:30 a.m. on
Saturday, Aug. 8. Orders will
be taken from the menu.
Please respond by July 25
if you will be attending.
Jim Nelson has invited the
class to his home following
lunch for a social hour.
Please respond to Jean
Sharp, 18866 State Highway
6, Deerwood, 56444, by telephone,
Class of 1955
meets July 10-11
The Crosby-Ironton High
School class of 1955 will
meet Friday, July 10 for an
informal mixer at the Ironton
American Legion at 7 p.m.
On Saturday, July 11, the
class will meet for luncheon
at the Deerwood Legion at
11:30 a.m.
remember to bring their
scholarship money to the
reunion and turn it into Gene
For more information
contact Janet Almquist at
Moved? Let the
Courier know!
If you subscribe to the
Courier and have moved,
please let us know by calling
546-5029 or e-mailing courier
paid during classroom and
$240 to be paid during
The class will be held at
Crosby-Ironton High School
in room 126 Monday through
Friday from 8 to 11 a.m. July
13 through 24.
To register for the classes
call Tim or Catrina Roth at
320-676-3409 or 952-8365535 or e-mail
DVDs now ready
for pick-up
If you are a 2015 graduating senior, a DVD from the
Grad Blast Committee is now
available for you to pick-up at
the Crosby-Ironton Courier
during normal business hours.
These DVDs are a gift
from the Grad Blast
Committee to all seniors.
Collect labels
for education
Campbell’s Soup labels,
Box Tops for Education are
more valuable than you think!
These and other labels and
product UPCs are collected by
area schools to be redeemed
for education equipment and
the entire community can
These items can be
dropped off at Cuyuna Range
Elementary School or the
Crosby-Ironton Courier. In
addition, a full list of products
eligible for the program is
available at the school office.
Deerwood graduated with a
Master of Science in Family
Nurse Practitioner.
Ironton graduating with a
Master of Science in Family
Nurse Practitioner.
Minecraft Movie
Making July 20
Minecraft is the game
phenomenon focused on creativity and building, allowing
players to build environments
out of textured cubes in a virtual 3D world. Working in
groups, students will be introduced to Minecraft in real life
with our customized Legos
and finally film a stop-motion
movie using Minecraftinspired Lego creations. The
focus will be on creating
worlds and filming. Students
will take home two Lego
Microfigs and an animated
movie to show off their creations.
Please bring a drink and
snack daily.
The class will be held July
20 and 21 from 9 a.m. to noon
in the CRES Art Room. The
fee is $54.
The class is available for
children in grades one
through five. Minimum is
eight participants; maximun
is 20 participants.
Contact Crosby-Ironton
Community Education at
545-8822 to register for the
Berg open
house Saturday
A graduation open house
will be held for Madison
Berg, daughter of Brian
Berg, on Saturday, July 11
from 1 to 5 p.m. 8836
Dorothy Avenue, Brainerd
(Take County Road 3
through Merrifield to County
Road 127, go left and follow
the signs). All friends and
family are invited.
Children’s theatre
program July 27
This program offers children the opportunity to learn
about theatre and will teach
children how to build props,
make costumes and put on
makeup along with learning
the finer points of acting.
The week will end with a
performance for the public on
the last day.
The program is for children ages five to 18.
The dates are July 27
through Aug. 1 from 8 a.m. to
noon in the Mayberry
Auditorium. The cost is $50
per day or $300 for the week.
The minimum class size is
10 participants, maximum is
25 participants.
Stephanie Kloss.
Contact Crosby-Ironton
Community Education at
545-8822 to register.
Remember When?
Excerpts from the Courier files
95 years ago…
Friday, June 25, 1920
J.D. MacDonald, who has
been employed at one of the
mines was arrested last Sunday
morning for stealing a bicycle
belonging to Frank Petrusic.
Judge Johnson fined him $25.
The Standard Oil Company
has installed a large gasoline
tank at its filling station on the
corner of Cross Avenue and
Main Street.
Leave your laundry at Joe’s
Barber Shop. Fancy French Dry
Cleaning, an agency for
Peerless Laundry, will do family washing for nine cents per
Honeymoon Row no
longer...inhabitants of the domicles comprising this residential
section of our fair city will have
you know, it will be known as
Petunia Boulevard and they
have put forth quite an effort to
bring about this change of identity. The planting of petunias has
transformed the street aglow
with a profusion of vari-colored
flowers, enhancing the appearance to the section immeasurably and consequently creating
the incentive for changing the
name to Petunia Boulevard.
65 years ago…
Thursday, June 29, 1950
William Oppelt was seriously injured in a leap from a water
truck at the Hanna mines on
Thursday, June 26, 1930
June 23. He was driving a 20-ton
July 1 marks the opening Euclid truck down one of the
date of one of the finest tented hills at the mine when the truck
theatres in the Northwest at the jumped out of gear. The speed
Ironton play grounds. The with which the truck was going
Curtis-Christopher Players will down the incline burned out the
pay their first visit here, present- brakes. Unable to stop the truck,
ing the latest New York plays Oppelt leaped from the cab,
and comedies. They also have landing on some rocks by the
snappy vaudeville specialties road. He suffered a compound
between acts. The opening play fracture of the left leg and is in
will be “Extra Dry.” Others pre- Miners hospital.
sented furing the week are “The
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polich
Broken Road,” ‘Too
Much purchased the White Pine Inn
Married,” “All of a Sudden from Fred Babbe over the weekOle,” and “We’re in the Army end. They are planning to open
Now,” and two other late plays. the Serpent Supper Club next
Onstrom week. Remodeling and redecoreceived a new model A pur- rating is now under way.
chased through the LaVictoire
Jack Ruspino, son of Mr.
Motor Co., to be used in con- and Mrs. James Ruspino of
nection with the tank and trailer Crosby, was killed in a plane
purchased by the Cuyuna Oil crash in Washington on June 28.
Company of Crosby. The tank He is employed by an airlines in
which has a capacity of 853 gal- Washington.
lons, will go a long way in fillling orders to outlying points.
“Sally’s” South Seas
Islanders are pleasing large
Wednesday, June 29, 1960
crowds at the firemen’s carniA grand opening at the
val. Lovers of good dancing Crosby Theatre has been
should not fail to pay this show announced by Jim Skeim for
a visit.
July 6. A “free” show “Seven
Thieves” starring Edward G.
Robinson, Joan Collins and Rod
Thursday, June 27, 1940
Stan Wood and Paul
The Red Cross Car Relief Habighorst are among those
Fund has reached the total of entered in the 1960 Minneapolis
$566.55 which is a very gratify- Aquatennial Canoe Derby
ing amount to be collected by which starts its 10-day, 450 mile
the Crosby-Ironton branch of race on July 6. A large crowd is
the Crow Wing County chapter. expected to be on hand July 10
The quota for Crow Wing when the canoeists pass the
County, $1,120, has been Highway 6 bridge north of
increased and the range is doing Crosby.
its share to meet the increase.
Area residents are asked
Alex J. Ruttger, Bay Lake, once again to assemble and tie
was re-elected president of the their old newspaper and magaCrow Wing County Tourist zines for collection by the St.
Boosters Association at the Joseph’s Home and School
annual meeting held in the Iron Association.
Exchange Hall in Brainerd.
85 years ago…
55 years ago…
75 years ago…
45 years ago…
Wednesday, July 1, 1970
Residents at Riverton,
Independent School District 187
voted recently to consolidate
with the Brainerd and CrosbyIronton School Districts as outlined in a plat drawn up by the
State Department of Education.
The vote to consolidate part of
the district with Brainerd was
approved by a 22-11 vote;
Crosby-Ironton by a 25-9 vote.
Some 250 boys from C-I,
Aitkin, Remer and Onamia
turned out for a baseball clinic
conducted by Dick Siebert,
University of Minnesota baseball coach, assisted by Ken
Staples, baseball coach at
High School
Robbinsdale and former manager of the St. Cloud Rox.
The Wheels Day Parade will
take place on July 8 at the
Playground starting at 1:30 p.m.
featuring bikes, trikes, etc. The
fun day for the kiddies will also
feature races. Prizes will be
awarded for the best decorated
35 years ago…
Wednesday, June 25, 1980
A high speed chase ran a
gamut form Emily through
Crosby, Ironton, Irondale and
Deerwood before it ended on
Highway 6 in Deerwood. Emily
Police Chief Al Jensen was
investigating the firing of
Roman candles from a location
near the Ann Lake Road north of
Emily at 2 a.m. Upon his arrival
four people scrambled into a van
and shots were fired at the squad
car. The police vehicle was damaged but driveable. Jensen fired
a number of shots back at the
van before it drove off up the
road, one of the occupants
jumped out and ran into the
woods. A short time later the van
came back the same way where
Jensen was waiting on Highway
6 with back up on its way. It
wasn’t until the the van passed
Jensen that he realized it was the
same vehicle as the lights had
blinded him. They fired more
shots, this time hitting Jensen in
the face. Another exchange of
gunfire was near the Dairy
Queen in Crosby while the van
ran through a road block. The
van also ran through another
road block on County Road 28
near the cemetery. More shots
were fired. The chase ended
when the van turned south on a
dead end (Tysk) road. The fourth
individual was captured the next
Murder suspects, three
Aitkin men, were apprehended
at Lakeview Motel in Crosby.
The three, Timothy Tibbetts,
John Lemir and Edward Cox,
were charged in the death of
Mrs. Inga Warren, 70, owner
and operator of Warren’s Bait &
Tackle Store on Highway 169
south of Aitkin.
25 years ago…
Wednesday, June 27, 1990
Crosby approves $16,969
loan to McKenzie Signs through
its UDAG money, to be paid
back in five years at an interest
rate of two percent less than the
New York Prime rate.
The C-I School Board hired
Roger Twigg as the district’s athletic director. Twigg will also
teach two class periods a day and
his contract will include 20 extra
The Crosby Chamber of
Commerce completed the installation of the new sign just west
of the Highway 210 and 6 intersection and it reads “Crosby, a
community for all seasons.”
15 years ago…
Wednesday, June 28, 2000
Treasure Your Library is the
theme for the summer reading
program at Jessie F. Hallett
Memorial Library in Crosby.
Two books are now for sale
at the Hallett Library in Crosby
titled, “Rembembering E.W. and
Jessie Hallett” and “A Bit About
the Life of Ernest W. Hallett.”
Find Unique Treasures
Nestled in the North Woods in
Emily. The 100th Anniversary of
the City of Emily is being commemorated each week in Emily.
Erika Geske of Trommald
has been selected again this year
as a Minnesota Vikings
Cheerleader/Dance member.
5 years ago…
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Deerwood Bank was
robbed during and daring daylight heist last Saturday. The
public is asked in helping to
identify the individual who
walked away with an undetermined amount of money.
Louie’s Bucket of Bones in
Ironton, owned by Joyce
Hoggarth, is featured in the July
issue of Minnesota Monthly
magazine as one of the top 10
barbeque spots in the state!
The Crosby Eye Clinic celebrates is 35th anniversary of eye