Coming up …


Coming up …
Weekly News from the Office of Bentwood Elementary ● May 8, 2015
Dear Bentwood Parents,
We are in the final stretch of the school calendar. Lapathon is done. Check! Flower Day is done. Check! Field Day is well—admittedly a
sore subject! Check … we’re moving on, with deepest regrets! Field trips are in the final phase of execution and we are approaching the
final ten days of school. So much to do ~ So very little time!
Next on the list … each May I make parents aware of the anticipated changes in our staffing at Bentwood Elementary. It is always a little
bittersweet for me. While I cherish each of the staff members individually, saying goodbye to any one of them is a bit hard. I know you will
join me in sharing your own special farewells (as appropriate) to those leaving our Blue Jay Family:
After 41 years in public education, and 12 years at Bentwood Elementary in first grade, Mrs. Judy Anderson is retiring. Last fall Judy
became a grandmother to a set of triplets, and along with other grands, Judy and her spouse will be caregivers for their growing
family. Judy has invited all of her former students to her retirement Open House next week, May 14th (4-5:30 pm) for a last farewell
After just one year at Bentwood, Mr. Russell Johnston, one of our building speech language pathologists, is leaving Bentwood
Elementary to return to Kansas University in pursuit of his doctorate in speech language pathology. He will be focusing on moderate/
severe speech and language disorders and individuals with complex communication needs.
Then, not really leaving our school but leaving their current assignment, our dynamic job-share partnership in fifth grade will not be
continuing on as such. Both Mrs. Karen Davis and Mrs. Carla Rebel will be returning to Bentwood ~ both in full time positions! We
couldn’t be happier about that! Once a Blue Jay ~ Always a Blue Jay! Mrs. Davis will continue to teach fifth grade, while Mrs. Rebel
will become our second full day kindergarten teacher.
Any other staffing changes will be forthcoming following our July 23rd Enrollment Day when we know our class sizes for certain.
And there you have it! Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Bentwood Mommies! Thank you for sending us your darling babies each day!
Educationally yours,
Cathy McDonald
Follow me on Twitter: @cmcdonaldbe
Coming up …
May 11
May 12
May 13
May 14
May 15
A Day
B Day
C Day
D Day
E Day
1st Grade walking to
Kindergarten Celebration
Sack Lunch with
KDG to Arboretum
Field Day Rainout Date
5th Grade Farewell 2:00
Blue Jay Families
Judy Anderson’s
Retirement Open House
Commerce Bank
Grill Day
2nd Grade Talent Show
5th Grade Picnic
We Greatly Appreciate You!
Bentwood’s annual Flower Day on Friday was a huge success. We want to
give special thanks to our parents who volunteered by class and our first time
Watch Dog Dad, Mr. Mike Waggoner who stayed outside nearly all day to help
prepare planting areas, and guiding little hands in planting our beautiful
The staff was treated to a terrific lunch on Monday for Staff Appreciation
Week. The PTA organized and provided parents to take over the school
allowing all staff to eat together for an hour on Monday. It was wonderful.
Thank you Parents and PTA!
Newsworthy Bits of Information:
On April 4th Vikas Maganti, Lasya Maganti and Gauri Yadav participated in a Math Competition
hosted by the Math Department of KU. We congratulate them for their efforts in this
competition. Way to Go, Friends!!
Community Service for Bentwood— Each summer we look for volunteers to help with the
watering of our new flowers in effort to keep them beautiful for our return to school in August. If
you are interested in community service hours, and would like to help care for our beautiful
flowers by taking a weekend or two during the ten weeks of summer, please contact Jolene
Westwick at . Thank you for considering service to and for our school!
Student Textbooks— As we approach the close of the school year, we begin to inventory
our textbooks and library books. Books used by students this year are to be returned in good
condition. All lost/damaged textbooks and/or library books will need to be replaced …
unfortunately at parent’s expense. All library books are due next week, May 11-15. Thank you!
Moving? — If you are moving out of the Bentwood area and your students will NOT be
attending Bentwood again in the fall, please call the office, 780-7320, to let us know so that we
can plan accordingly. This information is critical in securing staff and planning for next school
year. You may leave a message on the voice mail line if the office is closed and please include
where you are re-locating. Thank-you for your help.
Summer Movie Tickets — If you would still like to order tickets, please send your money in
before Tuesday May 12th. That will be the last day money can be accepted. Thank you.
Upcoming May Birthdays:
Ethan Kruse
Addison Frigon
Arielle Li
Taylor Tobis
Garrett Li
Kathe Cho
Ellie Burton
Madison Walsh
Be A Hero and join the Olathe Public Library Summer Reading Program This Summer!
Every hero has a story – what’s yours? “Heroes” is the theme this year for the Summer Reading
program. Although the Bentwood library will close for the summer, you can still check out books and
go to special programs and events all summer long at both branches of the Olathe Public Library.
Important Dates:
May 13-19 – K-4 library classes will learn about the Summer Reading Program and take home flyers
May 20th – Summer reading folders available at both Olathe Public Library locations
May 26th – Hero Program Kick-off at Frontier Park, 10:00am-noon
July 27th -Aug. 12th – Turn in your summer reading folder and pick out a free paperback book.
Watch for flyers from our library with more information starting 5/13.
Happy Summer Reading, Blue Jays!
Final Yearbook Sales!
Last chance!
Final yearbook sales: Tuesday, May 12 and Wednesday, May 13 before school
It’s about that time … our yearbook order has arrived, and the shiny stacks of school memories
are awaiting distribution!
We have a limited quantity of extra yearbooks available for sale. If you have not already
purchased a yearbook for your student and would like to, please visit
us Tuesday or Wednesday morning between 8 and 8:20 a.m. in the lobby outside the
office. We will sell remaining yearbooks on a first come, first served basis while supplies last.
The cost is $15 per book cash (exact change) OR by check made out to the Bentwood PTA.
Books purchased on these days will be labeled with your student’s name and distributed by
their teachers in their classrooms in the final week of the school calendar.
If you have questions, please email
Lost and Found
Last Reminder!
If you have lost items; coats, jackets, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, lunch boxes,
water bottles……They could be found! Please be sure to check the container in
entry by the playground doors for your lost items. Please retrieve your lost items
soon because after that they will be donated to a local ministry in the Kansas
City area. Our Collection Date is set for May 22nd. Thank-you!
Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Olathe Public Schools prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability in its programs, activities or employment, and provides equal access to the
Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups to its facilities as required by: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination
Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other relevant state and federal laws. Inquiries
regarding compliance with applicable civil rights statutes related to ethnicity, gender, age discrimination or equal access may be directed to Staff Counsel, 14160 Black Bob Road, Olathe, KS 660632000, phone 913-780-7000. All inquiries regarding compliance with applicable statutes regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the
Americans with Disabilities Act may be directed to the Assistant Superintendent General Administration, 14160 Black Bob Rd. Olathe, KS 66063-2000, phone (913) 780-7000. Interested persons
including those with impaired vision or hearing, can also obtain information as to the existence and location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by disabled persons
by calling the Assistant Superintendent General Administration. (04/13)