Spydus Archives & Cultural Collections


Spydus Archives & Cultural Collections
Library Solutions
for your complete
archive and heritage
Today’s heritage collections are rich and unique
repositories of community knowledge and
information in both physical and digital formats.
However, the dilemma many organisations often
face is how to make these diverse collections
accessible and searchable to their communities.
Our solution is Spydus10 Cultural Collections,
a Web-based system for archival materials and
heritage collections, including multimedia, with
digital preservation options.
DIscover. Know. Transform.
Connecting People - Enriching Communities
One Simple Search
Spydus10 is Civica’s integrated Cultural
Collections, Library Management and
Digital Asset Management solution.
It connects today’s users with the past
and enriches the unique community
experience of each organisation.
Spydus10 Cultural Collections enables
your organisation’s rich collection of books,
papers, images, and multimedia materials
to be just one click away from discovery.
It utilises faceted search and collection
browsing features. Your organisation’s
archive collections can be refined by
material type, time period, geographic areas,
subject heading, plus more. Thumbnail
images to digital assets can be linked to
each record to create an attractive and user
friendly interface.
Spydus Cultural Collections integrates
your organisation’s archival materials with
traditional library resources for a single,
or separate if preferred, search as the
modules can be used separately or
altogether. It allows the full value of your
archives and your library collection to be
easily realised and managed.
Collection Management
Digital Preservation
Spydus10 Cultural Collections enables
you to effectively and efficiently manage
your collections. It has workflows for the
accessioning, cataloguing and the conservation
of both physical and digital assets. It also has
functionality to track requests, loans,
exhibitions and stock movement.
Civica has partnerships with major
digital preservation companies. As an
optional module, Spydus10 has developed
specific integration with third party digital
preservation software to ensure that items
continue to remain accessible and usable.
Our Cultural Collections Advantage
Library and Archive Expertise
The Spydus10 advantage lies in its ability to
provide for ISAD(G), MARC and non-MARC
resources. Spydus Cultural Collections
follows international ISAD(G) archiving
standards and workflows and co-exists
beside the other international standards.
This means a single search across multiple
records is possible.
Civica expertise delivers a world class
solution from 30 years of innovation in
library systems and over 10 years in archive
systems. Designed and tested by information
professionals, we understand the growing
demands of all organisations to cater to both
physical and online communities. Spydus10
makes managing your organisations’s
resources simple and smart.
Case Study
Masterton District Library and Wairarapa Archive, New Zealand
Civica’s archive solution has enabled the The Masterton District Library and the Wairarapa Archive, New
Zealand, to open their collections to the world through online access, enabling self-directed searching
worldwide. The ability to deliver a wide range of formats through both the digital repository and the
database has put the Wairarapa Archive at the forefront of New Zealand community archives. As Civica’s
system is ISAAD compliant it has allowed the Wairarapa Archive to contribute to federated databases such
as Digital NZ. The web based data entry has made staff training and use quicker.
Hong Kong
Tel: +61 3 8676 4400
Email: info@civicalld.com
Web: www.civicalld.com
Tel: +852 3101 7121
Email: info@civica.com.hk
Web: www.civicalld.com
Tel: +65 6511 7888
Email: info@civica.com.sg
Web: www.civicalld.com
United Kingdom
Tel: +886 2 2546 0300
Email: info.tw@civicalld.com.tw
Web: www.civicalld.com
Tel: +44 (0)1225 485000
Email: Libraries@civica.co.uk
Web: www.civica.com.uk
DIscover. Know. Transform.