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real link - Clair Mel Elementary
C.M.E.E. Parent/Staff/Community Newsletter (Clair-Mel Elementary Editorial)
Address: 1025 S. 78th St. Tampa, Florida 33619 Phone Number: 813-744-8080
Attendance Line: 813-744-6541
7:45 AM - 2:30 PM
Every Monday is an Early
Release Day at 1:30 PM
Richard Grayes
Assistant Principal:
Willie Hughes
Students are late after the 7:45
am bell rings. If your child is not
in class by 7:45, they are tardy
and you must accompany your
child into the main office to
acquire a late pass to class.
Bring your photo ID
If your child is absent, please
call the school, 744-6451,
before 8 :00 am. Listen for the
automated attendance prompt.
State the student’s name,
homeroom teacher name,
reason for absence, your name
& contact number.
If you need to sign your child out
early, we require that you do so
before 2:00 pm. Otherwise, you
must wait until the 2:30 pm
dismissal. Remember to bring
your photo ID with you.
Hillsborough County School Board
Acting Superintendent, Jeff Eakins
Susan L. Valdes, Chair
Doretha W. Edgecomb, Vice Chair
April Griffin
Sally A. Harris
Carol W. Kurdell
Melissa Snively
Cindy Stuart
School Mission:
School Vision:
Our school mission is to encourage success in our
school and throughout the community by
establishing a climate of collaboration based upon
shared goals and expectations.
“Learning for all,
whatever it takes!”
(Larry Lezotte)
Dear Parents,
I truly cannot believe that this school year is almost over. It seemed like just yesterday we were
celebrating the beginning of a new school year with our “Back to School Bash”.
This year has been filled with many new challenges and initiatives. We began our first All Pro
Dad club as well as our National Elementary Honor Society. Clair Mel also became an
Extended Reading Time school. Despite the challenge of beginning school earlier and
dismissing school at a later time, our entire faculty, staff and students remained focused on
providing our students with the best education possible.
We continued with the many Parent Involvement Nights, highlighted by the Hispanic Heritage
and Black History Night celebrations. Most recently, we celebrated another successful Health
Fair where we had a great time interacting with our families, vendors and volunteers.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of our parents, teachers, students and
especially the volunteers for your hard work and support. Having completed my first full year as
the principal of Clair Mel, I am ecstatic about what we have accomplished and I am even more
excited about what the future holds for Clair Mel!
We hope that you and your children will enjoy some great family time this summer and your
children will return to school in the fall safely and refreshed. Lastly, I would like to wish our 5 th
grade class the best of luck as they transition to middle school next year. I know they will
represent Clair Mel Elementary very well at their new school. They will always be a part of the
Clair Mel family and we are proud of their successes and accomplishments this year. We will all
miss their energy, spirit and leadership.
Have a fantastic summer!
Mr. Grayes
Curriculum Spotlight
Your spot for what is happening at Clair-Mel this month!
Media Center Happenings
School Counselor News
Character Trait for the month of May is
Citizenship. Citizenship means doing
things that make your community,
school, neighborhood, and/or country a
better place. Students are good citizens
when they respect their teachers, follow
school rules and cooperate with other
students. We have many students in our
school that practice being good citizens
each and every day. We see them get
rewarded through our Terrific Kids
program, during our Awards Assemblies
and with our school-wide PBS program.
Way to go COUGARS for another
AWESOME school year full of
In a few weeks our fabulous 4th
Graders will take a qualifying test
to see who will represent their
homeroom as members of the
Battle of the Books team!
The Clair Mel School Battle will be
held on May 7th. The winning team
will then compete against other
Hillsborough County Schools at the
Tampa Convention Center on May
Mrs. Anderson, School Counselor
The more that you read, the more
you will know. Make sure your
children spend time this summer
reading. Ask them about what
they read and require them to go
back into the text to give you
evidence. Another idea would be
to have them keep a summer
reading log where they can
journal about what they have
Parents please have your child practice
writing at home this summer. Make sure
their hand writing is neat, easy to read,
and stays within the lines. Have students
reread their pieces to check that their
piece is in the right mode (narrative,
informational, or argumentative), stays
focused on the topic, and uses proper
conventions and grammar (sentences
start with a capital letter and end with a
punctuation mark, proper nouns –
names of specific people and places –
are capitalized, the whole piece stays in
the same verb tense, and that the
subject and verb agree within a
Increases children’s ability to focus
and concentrate on school work.
Improves children’s performance,
including better test scores and
Supplies ¼ of the recommended
daily allowance
It’s nutritious and FREE for all
Hillsborough County School
Patrols of the Month
Laritza Landeros and Jose Cisneros, ClairMel’s Patrols of the Month. Laritza and
Jose take pride in their duties as patrols,
are punctual to their posts and are
considerate of others and their safety.
Way to go!! You are both Amazing Patrols!
Jr. Master Mathematicians
Congratulations to the following students
for being selected as the Jr. Master
Mathematician of the month:
Kindergarten - Daviana Santana
Bulgala,1st grade - Jesse Brown
2nd grade - Ti-kya Gadsen, 3rd grade Henry Carrillo, 4th grade - Melissa Gil, 5th
grade - Abel Olivo. These champion
Mathematicians demonstrate their
mathematical skills by showing their
work, persevering through problems by
applying different strategies, and helping
others to solve complex problems by
asking clarifying questions to their
classmates. Keep up the great work!!
WANTED: parent volunteers
for PTA –NO experience
Important Dates
August 22- Back to School
Bash/Meet your teacher
August 25- First day of school