MACUL 2015 Booklet -


MACUL 2015 Booklet -
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
On behalf of MACUL let us welcome you to the 2015 Student Technology
Showcase sponsored by Logo Education.
This booklet contains the project descriptions for this year’s showcase.
We would like to thank the teachers and students for participating in the
showcase and sharing their projects with MACUL attendees.
If you would like to participate in next years showcase send an email to
Chris Burnett at She will put you on our email list
for the fall showcase in Lansing and the spring showcase in Grand Rapids
on March 2016.
Christine Burnett
Jim Wenzloff
Showcase Coordinators
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Clarenceville Middle School
Clarenceville School District
Teacher: Sarai Stetson
Exploring math through Minecraft
You are invited to join us in our Minecraft classroom as we explore 7th grade math concepts! Come
learn how Minecraft can be used to develop and explore dimensional models of math concepts. We will
use both words downloaded from the world library, and student created worlds and challenges!
Clarenceville Middle School
Clarenceville School District
Teacher: Erica Sowders
Lego Movie Maker and Animoto
Middle School students can do amazing things with technology including directing their own movies!
Stop by to see our 7th grade students using Lego Movie Maker and Animoto to create short movies for
different subject areas such as math and science. If you’ve ever dreamed of directing your own movies,
this is the showcase for you to see!
Conant Elementary School
Bloomfield Hills Schools
Teacher: Marnie Diem
Making Minecraft Meaningful
Third graders love Minecraft, right? So what better way to bring authentic, engaging learning
experiences to their favorite tool? Meet a class of Thinkers who have are discovering Michigan's history
through Minecraft learning experiences. Actually, it's not just history they're learning, reading, writing,
and math have made their way into our Michigan Minecraft, too!
Deerfield Elementary
Novi Commity School District
Teacher: JoAnne North
Asian Fusion
Korea? China? India? Japan? What do these four Asian cultures have in common? Through the lens of
Project-Based Learning JoAnne North took her third grade class on a journey to discover how art unifies
four distinct Asian worlds. To help build the 21st Century skills, students used technology as a means to
research, discover and present their understanding of Asian Fusion.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Detroit Country Day School (Lower Campus)
Detroit Country Day School
Teacher: Charlayne Watkins
Students: Mackenzie Conway, John Draper, Reanna Kumar and MichaelWang
Utilizing technology to redefine learning with 3-D LEGO Model
Students will present their work of utilizing the use of technology with a real world problem. The
problem was how to redefine learning. Second Graders will discuss their display about how computers
are utilized in a Museum setting. The 3-D Lego model was comprised of research from the Internet and
other materials. They will include a simple machine from the LEGO kits, talk about how they
collaborated on this project and how they made the 3-D model move with the use of technology.
Students will also display other LEGO models and program them to move as well.
Doherty Elementary School
West Bloomfield School District
Teacher: Julie Abeska
Students: Elliot Foreman, Justin Freeman, Natalie Weissman and Kaito Kojima
Using Legos to Build Math Skills in a Virtual World
After studying and practicing measurement and graphing skills, students select Legos with specific
attributes. Second graders draw on math vocabulary to sort and classify Legos drawing on knowledge
about area, perimeter, dimensions, array, shape, and depth. The Legos are classified, sorted, and
recorded on graph paper. Second graders then use the Legos to build a model of the structure that will
later be built virtually. Using the LEGO BUILD for Chrome program, students recreate their structure
in the digital world.
Doherty Elementary School
West Bloomfield School District
Teacher: Cindy Carson
Kindergarten Creations
Kindergarten students will demonstrate how simple it is to integrate Samsung Tablets to create and share
their artwork and narrations with voice recordings. Students have enhanced their speaking skills, fine
tuned their illustrations, and utilized their creative thinking processes within this multimedia experience.
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MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
East Hills MiddleSchool
Bloomfield Hills Schools
Teacher: Sean Strasberger
Sing Along School
Sing Along School is a collection of interactive music videos including original songs, parodies, and
covers that seek to teach children of all ages academic concepts.
The videos put students in the spotlight as YouTube stars as the become masters of content using their
strength in music and dramatics to help them tackle subjects they struggle in such as math.
Erie Elementary
Chippewa Valley Schools
Teacher: Vicki Myers
"Oh, the Places You Can Go...with Technology!!"
4th grade technology leaders will share their knowledge and projects.
Hardy Elementary
South Lyon Community Schools
Teacher: Stefanie Cairns
Making Games through Coding
Students in the second grade have been using multiple websites to practice coding. From beginners to
experts, both boys and girls, there's something for everyone in the classroom. Students have applied
their lessons to create games for their classmates. Come see how you can incorporate it into your
classroom and get students interested in computer science at a young age!
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
LaMora Park Elementary
Battle Creek Public Schools
Teacher: Jeff Van Dis
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and a Common Good Project with Various
At LaMora Park Elementary students integrated various technologies to learn about Dr. Martin Luther
King, Rosa Parks, and the core democratic value of common good in their Technology class. An
Honors Team also took on extra projects to integrate more technologies in their learning where they
created iMovies and iTrailers on the IPad by taking pictures and video of students.
Luther C. Klager Elementary
Manchester Community Schools
Teacher: Joanna Van Raden
Student Passion Projects/Examples of Blended Learning Projects
Students are hoping to showcase their fully blended classroom and explain how they use technology in
all subjects in a i:1 iPad Classroom. This will be done by demonstrating both individual and
collaborative projects that they have created throughout the year. Highlights will include use of green
screen, Book Creator App, Flipped Lessons, IMovie and more. They are excited to explain our
classroom and show videos of themselves explaining and showcasing how they learn in this totally
blended approach.
Mason Elementary
Grand Blanc Community Schools
Teacher: Christina Ostrander
Empowering Learning Wherever Your Students Are with Genius Hours and BYOD
We are a BYOD classroom that has our hands in everything from Google Docs to blogging, coding,
website design, and much more. We use google slides to present information in our content areas, we
use Tynker and to create projects and to experiement with coding. Inspired by
Google's Genius Hours, the students do 3-4 projects a year based on a unique interest or passion. We
blog using kidblog and weebly to share our findings and projects. We also use Renaissance Learning's
Accelerated Reader 360 reading platform. This product allows students to read nonfiction articles and
then perform various tasks related to that article on their device. We also use Renaissance Learning’s
Accelerated math. Each student works on their own device completing math problems that are
individualized to that student. We love to showcase what we know by taking part in student EDcamps.
At our genius desk we use a boogie board to showcase what we are learning and doing we are always
working on something from google cardboard and the Daqri 4D cubes. By enabling students to use
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
whatever device works best for them -- in my current class that means 19 different gadgets! -- we're
empowering kids to take ownership of their education and to extend what we learn in our classroom
beyond the school day.
Masonic Heights Elementary
Lake Shore Public Schools
Teacher: Heather Spriet
Students: Olivia T., Gillian F., Tyler G., and Troy L.
Technology in the 4th Grade
You are invited to see how 4th grade students use limited technology in the classroom. We will be
sharing how we use our 10 iPads, our Title 1 iPads, and the school's laptops to engage in learning and
create meaningful projects. Our students use a blog for Mathematics to work on "Math Talk". We also
work with various apps such as Prezi, Haiku Deck, My Story, Write About This, and many more! We
can use our devices to practice with TenMarks, Spelling City, and gain AR Points with Accelerated
Reader. The students love using Google Drive to collect and share work as we learn to apply our
knowledge in collaborate projects. Our favorite part of the day is Genius Hour! Students are using
technology to research and create Passion Projects with their 20% time in class. The students are excited
to share all the great things they are doing with technology.
Mayfield Elementary
Teacher: Joshua Back
Electronic Portfolios and Documentary Videos
The students will be sharing their electronic portfolios created using PowerPoint. Students will also be
displaying documentary videos. These videos are produced by the students to display what they have
learned during their 2014/2015 school year.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Meridian Early College High School
Meridian Public Schools
Teacher: Joseph Ribarchik
Present-day human trafficking service project
Learn how to create your own service project - “The Chains that Bind Us: 1500 – 2014” involved
student created public service announcements/informational videos and presentations at community
organizations to generate an awareness of the problems of Human Trafficking/Slavery in Michigan, the
nation and the world. For this project the tenth grade World Studies students’ partnered with Michigan
Senator Judy Emmons. Statewide presentations have been made to LATTICE (Linking All Types Of
Teachers to International Cross-Culture Education) at Michigan State University last spring and
showcased at the ATT/MACUL Student Technology Showcase in Lansing last December. The project
was recognized by President Barack Obama, U.S. Representative Dave Camp, U.S. Senator Debbie
Stabenow Michigan’s Attorney General Bill Schuette, as well as the State of Michigan with a Special
Tribute acknowledged by Governor Rick Snyder, Senator John Moolenar and Representative Jim
Stamas. Talk with students and learn more on how to create your own service project.
Meridian Early College High School
Meridian Public Schools
Teacher: Susan Sampson
The Game of Life
(The Game of Life is based on Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle.)
In the 11th grade, learners take a political studies class incorporating both government and English
credit. The project assignment with the book required, learners paired with at least one other person to
live the life of the main characters Jurgis and Ona. Every time something important happened in the
novel, learners drew similar scenarios to integrate into their project. For instance, when Jurgis and Ona
got married, the learners also had to plan a wedding using ten percent of their combined salaries. Using
online websites/resources married couples bought a house that they could afford according to their
income level. The budget for their house had to include the down payment, monthly payments, property
taxes, and house insurance. As part of planning for their family, learners morphed their faces together to
create children. Every learner also drew a life-changing occurrence to add into their Game of Life
presentation. Retirement required learners to use the program Aging Booth to show what they would
look like as they aged. To create the presentation slides were created in PowerPoint or Prezi and
imported into iMovie for a more finished look.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Michigan Virtual School and Arbor Preparatory High School
Teacher: Amy Grover
Online Learning for High Schools Students
Students from Arbor Preparatory High School in Ypsilanti participate in any time, any place, any pace
education. Arbor Prep provides students with the opportunity to take up to two online courses as part of
their daily curriculum. In partnership with Michigan Virtual School, students participate in various
online courses such as world languages, advanced placement and computer programming. This
opportunity broadens course offerings and meets individualized academic goals. MVS provides
Michigan certified teachers, meets NCAA accreditation and provides hundreds of high quality high
school and middle school courses. Come see how APHS students have had great success in online
Morris Adler Elementary School
Southfield Public Schools
Teachers: Schera Byas and Carol Davis
Story Buddies Online
Fifth Grade students create videos from reading selected picture books aloud. Each video begins and
ends with related comprehension questions. Kindergarteners meet weekly with their buddies to discuss
story elements, participate in literature based experiences, and respond to comprehension questions.
Technology related activities include buddies posting responses on a primary pad wall. Families are
also able to view and respond on the primary pad wall.
Novi Middle School
Novi Community Schools
Teacher: Lori Burkhardt
Students: Jade Bennett, Jalie Boals. Emily Dai and Loius Wolfe
Middle School Myth Busters
Modern gods verses Greek Gods. We will be using pod casting to explain the common characteristics of
Greek gods and comparing to our modern gods. The driving question is " Do our choices lead to
wisdom or just consequences?
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Novi Woods Elementary
Novi Community School System
Teacher: Luma Jarjis
Using Genius Hour to Promote Inquiry Skills in Project Based Learning
The students will showcase a project they were involved in this year during their classroom Genius
Hour. They will talk about the process and how they used technology to research their ideas and present
their final projects.
Richmond Middle School
Richmond Community Schools
Teacher: Kathleen Campau
Programming with the Finch Robot
The students will be demonstrating the programs they created for the Finch robot and explaining how
they created them. Using its built in sensors, Finch has been programmed to go through a maze, dance,
play music, play soccer, and follow a line or flashlight.
For more information on the Finch robot, go to
Richmond Middle School
Richmond Community Schools
Teacher: Jackie Davidson
Stop Motion Animation Station
8th grade students will be showing off their stop motion animation movies made with digital cameras,
smart phones, and video editing software. The projects also include special effects, added using photo
editing software.
The students will not only show off their projects, but will also explain how they were created, including
the supplies they used, software and skills needed, and how they came up with and organized their ideas.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Romeo Middle School
Romeo Community
Teacher: Amy Ameel
Programming Club
The Finch is designed to support an engaging introduction to the art of programming. The students
designed programs to demonstrate the Finch's ability to interact with functions of: light and obstacle
sensors, accelerometers, motors, buzzer, full-color beak LED and pen mount for drawing.
Roosevelt Elementary School
West Bloomfield School District
Teacher: Kristi Law
Students: Aaryan Chandna, Kyle Kamposh, Maddie Sandberg and Meg Neeley
Our school is transitioning from a traditional education school (with a Talented and Gifted
program housed inside) school with grades K-5 to a S.T.E.A.M (science, technology,
engineering, arts and mathematics) focused elementary school. We recently created a video
project (similar to a news broadcast) to educate parents, potential business partners, and other
stakeholders on the “Why” and the “How” S.T.E.A.M will affect the education here at Roosevelt
elementary. The video project was student run. Each student contributed to the project by
doing their role. To get a role each student filled out a resume and job application. The project
involved many technology elements.
We used:
Google Docs to share information within their group, to collaborate and create a project
plan, to share completed "Designer Checkpoints" with the student Producers.
o Resume Writing Using Doc templates
Email to email the interviewees
Outlining the steps and timeline of their project portion
Video recording
Still digital photography
IMovie Technology (on a mac)
Databases/Websites for research
Transferring footage from a video camera onto a mac
Prior knowledge about technological programs
“Journal” app to document our process through the project
Screencastify extension for recording video journals
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
This project could be used in many schools to create videos for new students, Kindergarten
Round-up, Marketing, and more.
St. Johns Middle School
District: St. Johns Public Schools
Teacher: Renee Jorae
Students: Annabelle - Grade 7, Isabelle - Grade 7, Lexi - Grade 7 and Reagann - Grade 7
St. Johns Middle School’s Seventh Graders Shine Brightly!
We invite you to come meet the talented 7th grade students of St. Johns Middle School! Our students
have embraced learning in a totally paperless environment! Both in the classroom and beyond, students
access all course material through Moodle. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills on their
student-developed Weebly blogs and by completing collaborative projects using applications in Google
Drive. Students are excited to showcase what they have learned thus far in their Basic Computers course
which provides students a scaffolded, project- and quest-based digital learning experience over twelve
weeks. Various projects feature Moodle, Weebly, Google Drive,, Timetoast, Prezi, and Jing.
To view all student blogs go to
St. Johns Middle School
District: St. Johns Public Schools
Teacher: Renee Jorae
Students: Jon - Grade 8, Johnny - Grade 8, Adrianah - Grade 7, Katelyn - Grade 7 and Simon - Grade 7
Experience the Digital Connection with St. Johns Middle School’s Future Designers!
Description: We invite you to come meet the exceptional design students of St. Johns Middle
School! Simon, Katelyn and Adrianah will feature digital art (Animoto, ArtRage,,, Graffiti Creator) and their photography skills on their Weebly blogs! Jon and Johnny
will demonstrate their 3D design talents using SketchUp and Solid Edge. Students are excited to
showcase what they have learned thus far in their Digital Design Courses which provide students a
scaffolded, project digital learning experience over twelve weeks. To view all student blogs go
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
St. Johns Middle School
District: St. Johns Public Schools
Teacher: Renee Jorae
Students: Noah - Grade 8 and Anna - Grade 8
Experience the Programming Connection with St. Johns Middle School’s Future
Description: We invite you to come meet the advanced computer programming students of St. Johns
Middle School! Anna and Noah will feature 2D and 3D programming projects using Scratch, Alice 2
and Alice 3. You will be amazed by the creative, logical thinking process that goes into every project
that they have created. Students are excited to showcase what they have learned thus far in their
courses which provide students a scaffolded, project based digital learning experience
over twelve weeks. To view all student blogs go to
South Haven History Club
South Haven Public Schools
Teacher: Julie Sheppard
Multi media National History Day presentations
Students will showcase their projects that were taken to the district level Michigan History Day
competition at Western Michigan University. They will explain he procedure for completing a project
and the steps leading to final presentation. National History Day is open to all students from grade four
to twelve.
The Chatfield School
The Chatfield School
Teacher: Kristi Huestis
Raspberry Pi Demo
Middle school students will showcase how they are using the Raspberry Pi to learn computer
programming. The Raspberry Pi is a $35 computer that students put together themselves and learn to
program. The students will demonstrate programs they created using Scratch and Python.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Turrill Elementary
Lapeer Community Schools
Teacher: Robert Losinger
Blog as portfolio
My fourth and fifth grade tech team students have their own blogs where they document the activities
and accomplishments of their school experience. These blogs are managed through
Tyrone Elementary School
Harper Woods School District
Teacher: Brenda Ban
Lego Robotics Club
Students in grades 4-6 will share what they have done to program their EV3 robots during our after
school Lego Robotic Club program. Students have used math, science and coding skills to program the
robots to work through specific challenges. Girls and boys are part of the club to promote Computer
Science in the Elementary setting. They have taken a little instruction and have created mazes and
obstacles for teammates to try.
Tyrone Elementary School
Harper Woods Public School
Teacher: Andrew Hopkins
S.W.A.T. Team
Students will be show casing the S.W.A.T. (Students Working to Advance Technology) Team. This
team is made up of 4th, 5th and 6th grade students.
This team creates morning announcements. They showcase events in the building and film positive
character, and other positive behavior videos. To do this, the students use a iPad that mounts to a tripod,
an attachable LED light and an iRig with various microphone attachments.
The S.W.A.T team will have a poster display that shows how the team does preproduction, writing and
post production of the announcement.
A laptop will be there to show various videos the students have produced.
Finally, the team will be available with the equipment to demonstrate the equipment, answer questions
and interview MACUL attendees! The team will be documenting this event to share back at their school.
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL
MACUL Student Technology Showcase
March 19, 2015
Washington-Parks Academy
Cornerstone Charter Schools
Teacher: Heather Anderson
Students: Ahzahn Byrd, Asia Gardner,Teja Holland * Christian Johnson, Elasia Jones * Seth Paxton *
Malayalam Thackston Theron Woods *
Tech Maker Fun
Hello MACUL, please let me introduce some sixth grade students from our Advanced Technology class.
These students decided that since they love video games and movies so much, they wanted to create
their own! According to one sixth grade student, and Ahzahn Byrd
“From this project I learned that [there] is a lot more to making a video game then I
thought before I joined this group. I thought all you did was download software and
create, but the hard part is creating the game because of the effort you have to put into
your work. The time it takes is a struggle. Now I understand. It took me a while to
make a good project that was successful, great for playing, and enjoyable.”
The students explored a variety of free website programs where they could create video games
and movies. Along the way they had to plan, research, trouble-shoot, and prepare professional
looking presentations about their independent projects. Another student, Theron Woods, sums
up the purpose of the Advance Technology class, “I also really want this to be my career in the
future.” All of us are excited to show off our hard work!
Sponsored by: Logo for Education and MACUL