March 31, 2015 President Barack Obama The White House 1600


March 31, 2015 President Barack Obama The White House 1600
March 31, 2015
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
As members of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2)[i], we recognize that carbon
pollution is creating economic and environmental disruptions, that strong climate
policies will create jobs, and that U.S. leadership is essential to secure aggressive action
by other countries. Therefore, we write in support of your proposal to commit the U.S.
to further reduce its emissions by up to 28% below 2005 levels by 2025 as a part of the
new international agreement to be adopted this December.
Your Administration has finalized or begun to implement a number of measures to
reduce America’s emissions that are driving climate change. These are important efforts
to meet the U.S. commitment to cut emissions 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.
Continued robust action on carbon pollution standards from power plants, oil and gas
methane, and super-potent heat trapping HFCs will be critical.
The commitment to further cut U.S. emissions by 2025 will send an even stronger
market signal than existing policies can do alone. It will build upon these current efforts
and help drive even more innovation, job creation, and pollution reduction. We have
seen first-hand the ability of robust U.S. policies to spur clean energy deployment.
Although clean energy is still an emerging energy sector, representing only 6 percent of
generation, it is a strong economic growth sector. Including all clean energy sectors, the
U.S. has an estimated 3.4 million clean jobs as of 2013 – a number which is steadily
growing.[ii] In the last two years E2 has tracked nearly 700 clean energy and clean
transportation project announcements that could create more than 233,000 jobs when
completed.[iii] Well-designed additional measures will capitalize on these existing
investments in clean energy and support new investments that create more opportunities
to unleash America’s clean energy economy.
The innovations we develop domestically will also help American entrepreneurs export
to the expanding international market for clean energy - a multi-trillion dollar
opportunity. U.S. manufacturers can be the leading global suppliers of cleaner cars,
cleaner fuels, cleaner power, and technologies that improve industrial, power plant and
building efficiency.
Our actions at home also send a powerful signal abroad by helping spur action in other
111 Sutter Street, Fl 20
San Francisco, CA 94104
TEL 415 875-6100 FAX 415 875-6161
40 West 20th Street
1152 15th Street NW, Suite 300
20 N Wacker Drive, Suite 1600
New York, NY 10011
Washington, DC 20005
Chicago, IL 60606
TEL 212 727-2700 FAX 212 727-1773 TEL 202 289-6868 FAX 202 289-1060 TEL 312-663-9900FAX 312-332-1908
countries, helping to create the necessary global action and stimulating new clean
energy markets throughout the world. The recent joint announcement between the U.S.
and China demonstrates that when the U.S. shows it is prepared to act at home it can
help secure strong commitments in other major emitters. As the world’s strongest
economy, America can and must lead in this arena.
For all of these reasons, we strongly support your goals to cut U.S. emissions 26-28
percent below 2005 levels by 2025. We are ready to work with you to ensure this plan
works for our communities to protect them from the risks of climate change while
providing new economic opportunities and helping spur global action.
Dan Abrams (California)
President/CEO, Wynkoop
Clifford Adams (New York)
Managing Director, Coady
Diemar Partners
Dora Barlaz Hanft (New York)
Environmental Science Teacher,
Horace Mann School
Frederick Baron (California)
Partner, Cooley LLP
Mark Bauhaus (California)
Former Executive Vice President,
Juniper Networks
Elizabeth Bekiroglu
Pacific Northwest Director,
Environmental Entrepreneurs
Dave Belote (Virginia)
Senior Vice President, Cassidy
and Associates
Tod Bensen (California)
Director, WildAid
Laura Berland-Shane
Director, Utility Markets - West,
Eric Berman (Washington)
Angel VC
Tony Bernhardt, PhD
Northern California Director,
Environmental Entrepreneurs
Maureen Blanc (California)
Environmental Entrepreneurs
Stewart Greenfield
Chairman, Alternative Investment
Eric Grunebaum
Chief Business Development
Officer, Business Dev't. at
TeraCool & Producer ''The Last
Tom Haggin (California)
Co-Founder, Sybase and Tilden
Park Software
Berl Hartman (Massachusetts)
E2 New England Chapter
Director, Hartman Consulting
Carol Hazenfield (California)
Communications Coach
Sheryl Heckmann (California)
Events Coordinator, Law
Foundation of Silicon Valley
Mark Heising (California)
Managing Director, Medley
Ward Hendon (California)
Cofounder, Axiom Legal
Mitch Hescox (Pennsylvania)
President and CEO, Evangelical
Environmental Network
Shiela Hingorani (California)
First Vice President, Morgan
Jerry Hinkle (California)
Northern California Regional
Coordinator, Citizens Climate
David O'Leary (Maryland)
Technology Strategy, Better World
Doug Ogden (California)
CEO, North Ridge Investment
Michael Brian Orr (Washington)
Senior Computer Scientist, Adobe
Lyn Oswald (California)
E2 Membership Director
Peter Papesch (Massachusetts)
Architect, Papesch Associates
Vic Parker (California)
Managing Director
Neela Patel (California)
Director, Biology, Poniard
Rebecca Patton (California)
Ethan Podell (New York)
President, Babel Networks Limited
Christopher Pribe (California)
Emily Rice (Iowa)
Business Development Manager,
The Energy Group
Kate Ridgway (California)
Real Estate Professional
Jamila Rockette (Colorado)
Laurie Rothenberg (New York)
Jacqueline Royce
Independent Scholar
Paul Salinger (California)
VP, Marketing, Oracle
John Santoleri (New York)
Page 2 of 5
Barbara Blumenthal (New
Executive Coach, Leaders In
Julie Blunden (California)
Former CEO, ClimateWorks
Bill Boyk (Oregon)
CEO/Founder, GyroVolts by
Ameristar Solar, LLC
Tim Brummels (California)
CEO, Canergy LLC
Reid Buckley (California)
Principal, Orion Renewable
Energy Group
Barbara Brenner Buder
CFO, San Francisco Theological
Dianne Callan (Massachusetts)
Independent Legal Consulting,
Green Tech Legal
Hamilton Candee (California)
Partner, Altshuler Berzon LLP
Peter Carson (California)
Partner, Sheppard Mullin
Hampton & Richter LLP
Pete Cartwright (California)
CEO, Avalon Ecopower
Steve Chadima (California)
Senior Vice President,
Communications & Director of
California Initiatives, AEE
Advanced Energy Economy
Michael Cuddehe (New York)
Principal, Strategic Global
Advisors, LLC
Andrew Currie (Colorado)
Investor, Active Minds LLC
Mary Ann Cusenza (California)
Independent Consultant for high
tech and cleantech companies
Vincent Cushing (Illinois)
President & CTO, QCoefficient,
Peter Davis (California)
Retired Attorney
Michael Delapa (California)
DeLapa Consulting
Chris Dennett (Oregon)
Environmental Entrepreneurs
David Hitchcock (Virginia)
Senior Vice President, Corporate
Operations, Harvest Power
Wendy James (California)
President, Better World Group
Delayne Johnson (Iowa)
CEO & Founding Board Member,
Quad County Corn Processors
Nicholas Josefowitz (California)
Executive Director, Leadership
For A Clean Economy
Derry Kabcenell (California)
Former Executive Vice President,
Oracle Corporation
Jerome Kalur (Montana)
Attorney at Law
Ron Kamen (New York)
CEO, EarthKind Solar Energy
Christopher Kaneb
Principal, Catamount
Management Corporation
Arthur Keller (California)
Managing Partner, Minerva
Will Kenworthy (Illinois)
Vice President, Regional
Operations - Midwest, Microgrid
Charly Kleissner (California)
Co-Founder, KL Felicitas
Stephen Koch (California)
Portfolio Manager, AIG Global
Real Estate
David Kolsrud (South Dakota)
President, DAK Renewable
Philip Korsant (Florida)
Managing Member, Korsant
Felix Kramer (California)
Founder, California Cars Initiative
Chip Krauskopf (California)
Chief Operating Officer,
Chromasun Inc.
Pete Krull (North Carolina)
President and Founder, Krull &
DC Kuhns (Delaware)
Partner, StoneWork Capital
Tedd Saunders (Massachusetts)
CSO, The Saunders Hotel Group
David Schwartz (California)
Kathleen Scutchfield (California)
Lt Gen (ret) Noman Seip
Owner, NS Solutions, LLC
Laura Shenkar (California)
Principal, The Artemis Project
Barbara Simons (California)
Research Staff Member, Retired,
IBM Research
Jon Slangerup (California)
CEO, Port of Long Beach
Sandra Slater (California)
Owner, Sandra Slater
Bryce Smith (Washington)
CEO, OneEnergy Renewables
Gregrey Smith (Ohio)
President, Energy Optimizers
Peter Sullivan (California)
Founder, Clear Light Ventures
Sally Supplee (California)
Former Chief Financial Officer,
various companies
Todd Thorner (California)
CEO / Founder, JTN Energy
John Tourtelotte (Massachusetts)
Managing Director, Rivermoor
Mike Ubell (California)
Architect, Oracle
Bill Unger (California)
Partner Emeritus, Mayfield Fund
Thomas Van Dyck (California)
Sr. Vice President, RBC Wealth
Mark Vander Ploeg (California)
Retired, Investment Banker
Alex Wall (Oregon)
Attorney, Wall at Law
Bill Weihl (California)
Sustainability guru, Facebook
Jeffrey Weiss (Rhode Island)
Member, Clean Energy Venture
Eric Wepsic (New York)
Managing Director, D. E. Shaw &
Page 3 of 5
Manager, ACME Business
Ted Driscoll (California)
Partner, Digital Healthcare Lead,
Claremont Creek Ventures
Tim Dwight (Iowa)
Business Development, Integrated
Power Corporation
Niko Elmaleh (New York)
Vice President, World-Wide
Holdings Corp.
Bob Epstein (California)
Co-founder, Sybase, New
Resource Bank, Environmental
Rob Erlichman (California)
Founder & President, Sunlight
Electric, LLC
Lynn Feintech (California)
Anne Feldhusen (California)
Consultant, Green Business
Technology Marketing
Steve Flick (Missouri)
Principal, Environmental
Ecologist, Flick Seed Company
Nancy Floyd (California)
Founder and Managing Director,
Nth Power
Jon Foster (California)
Chief Financial Officer, Nexant
Chris Fowle (New York)
VP, Investor Initiatives, CDP
Nell Freudenberger (New York)
Rona Fried (New York)
Guillaume Gauthereau (New
Founder and Chairman, Sequoia
Nancy Gail Goebner
Owner, Gardenpeach Place
Mitchell Golden (New York)
Principal, Jun Group
Susan Goldhor (Massachusetts)
Biologist, C.A.R.S.
Ken Goldsholl (California)
CEO, x.o.ware, Inc.
Environmental Entrepreneurs
CEO, Executive Director,
Founder, EDEN Delmarva
Susan Labandibar
President, Tech Networks of
Nicole Lederer (California)
Chair and Co-Founder,
Environmental Entrepreneurs
Waidy Lee (California)
Advisory Board Member,
Sustainable Silicon Valley
Sam Leichman (California)
Co-Founder, LivingPlug
Florence W. Liddell (New York)
Environmental Advocate
Mark Liffmann (Washington)
Vice President of Business
Development, Clean Power
Steve MacKay (California)
Principal, Scourie Network
Ryan Martens (Colorado)
Founder, CTO & CSO, Rally
Software Development
James Marvin (Massachusetts)
Regional Manager, East &
Canada, Expeditors
Andy Mendelsohn (California)
Sr. Vice President, Server
Technologies, Oracle
David Miller (Massachusetts)
Executive Managing Director,
Clean Energy Venture Group
Carol Moné (California)
Producer, Our Earth Productions
Jay Morrow (Pennsylvania)
Senior VP, AIG Property
Liz Muller (California)
Director of Sustainability, U.S.
Biodiesel Group
Susan Nedell (Colorado)
Carl Nettleton (California)
President, Nettleton Strategies
Armand Neukermans
Bonni Widdoes (Massachusetts)
President, Gladden House
Erik Wohlgemuth (Oregon)
COO, Future 500
Gary Wolff (California)
Former Vice Chair, CA State
Water Resources Control Board
Ion Yadigaroglu (California)
Managing Partner, Capricorn
Investment Group
George Yandell (California)
Director of Real Estate, Nature
Mary M. Yang (California)
Scientist and Entrepreneur
Daniel Yost (California)
Partner, Orrick, Herrington &
Sutcliffe LLP
Paul Zorner (California)
Venture Partner, Finistere Ventures
Page 4 of 5
Founder, Xros
Wes Goldstein (California)
Senior Partner, Hobbs & Towne, Al Nierenberg (Massachusetts)
President, Evergreen Consulting
& Training
Standish O'Grady (California)
Managing Director, Granite
Ventures, LLC
144 members
[i] E2 is a nonpartisan, national community of business leaders who promote sound
environmental policies that grow the economy. We are entrepreneurs, investors, and
professionals from every sector of the economy who collectively have been involved in
the financing, founding or development of more than 1,700 companies that have created
more than 570,000 jobs. Our members manage billions of dollars in venture and private
equity capital that will flow over the next several years into new companies.
[ii] “Employment in Green Goods and Services – 2011,” U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, March 2013.
[iii] Available at
Environmental Entrepreneurs
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