Minutes of the First Management Committee Meeting
Minutes of the First Management Committee Meeting
COST Office Avenue Louise 149 1050 Brussels, Belgium t: +32 (0)2 533 3800 f: +32 (0)2 533 3890 office@cost.eu www.cost.eu Brussels, 24 April 2014 Subject Minutes of the First Management Committee Meeting of COST Action ES1308 “ClimMani: Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach ” Brussels, Belgium 24 April 2014 1. Welcome to participants The participants were welcomed by Dr Deniz Karaca, Science Officer for the Earth System Science and Environmental Management (ESSEM) Domain at COST, and by Mr Christophe Peeters, Administrative Officer for this Action. Deniz Karaca chaired the first part of the meeting, including the election of the Action Chair, Vice Chair, and Grant Holder which was carried out under agenda item 9. 2. Adoption of the agenda st The draft agenda for the 1 Management Committee (MC) meeting was adopted (Annex 1). 3. Status of the COST Action CSO Approval: 15/11/2013 End of Action: 23/04/2018 DC Rapporteur: Prof Zoltan Dunkel (HU) Total number of accepting Parties to date: 23 Total number of parties intending to accept: 0 4. Presentation of the delegations The delegates presented themselves in a “tour de table”. Each delegate also expressed interest for the Action involvement. With 18 parties present out of 23 (Table 1) the necessary quorum was achieved allowing the Management Committee meeting to officially take place in accordance with Article 8 of the Rules of Procedure for the Management Committee. 1 Table 1. Attendance list FRANCOIS LOUIS BE VICCA SARA BE WOHLGEMUTH THOMAS CH HOLUB PETR CZ JENTSCH ANKE DE TIELBORGER KATJA DE LARSEN KLAUS STEENBERG DK KUPPER PRIIT EE OSTONEN-MARTIN IVIKA EE ALEBIC-JURETIC ANA HR POTOCIC NENAD HR LANIGAN GARY IE OSBORNE BRUCE IE SIGURDSSON BJARNI IS LANFRANCO SANDRO MT AERTS RIEN NL TIETEMA ALBERT NL BEIER CLAUS NO ILIEVA-MAKULEC KRASSIMIRA PL OLEJNIK JANUSZ PL ABRANTES NELSON PT HALBAC-COTOARA-ZAMFIR RARES RO GALIC ZORAN RS HANSEN KARIN SE LINDER SUNE SE INESON PHILIP UK 5. General information on COST mechanism and the Annual Grant Scheme Deniz Karaca gave a presentation on COST and the ESSEM Domain (Annex 3). Relevant information can be found on the COST website at: http://www.cost.eu. Deniz Karaca and Christophe Peeters then continued with an introduction to the COST Grant System (Annex 2). Relevant documentation may be found at the official COST website at http://www.cost.eu/guidelines, including the following reference documents: Rules of Procedure for the Management Committee (COST doc. 4114/13) COST Grant System Vademecum (Part 1) Progress Report and Final Report templates Grant Agreement Template 2 Lastly, Christophe Peeters informed the delegates about the principles and procedures related to the administration of COST Action grants (Annex 2). 6. Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the Management Committee of the COST Action The Rules of Procedure for the Management Committee (Annex 3) were presented as hangouts by Deniz Karaca from Annex II of COST 4114/13 (COST Action Management). The Rules of Procedure were approved by the MC. 7. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Management Committee Dr Claus BEIER (NO) was elected unanimously as the Chair. Dr Karin HANSEN (SE) was elected unanimously as the Vice-Chair. 8. Election of the Grant Holder Institution Grant Holder: Agricultural University of Iceland (IS) was elected as the Grant Holder Institution for the Action. Deniz Karaca passed the chairing of the meeting to Claus Beier. 3 9. Workplan for the implementation of the COST Action (based on the Memorandum of Understanding – Presentation of the Action by the proposer). Objectives and working programme The objectives and working programme as presented in the MoU was approved. Working method - organisation and management (including working groups) The CLIMMANI COST action will be coordinated by a Chair. Overall decisions are taken by the MC who can delegate specific management decisions to the Core group. The work will be organised in 4 working groups, each managed by a WG chair. Activities related to STSM, summerschools and dissemination will be coordinated by an internal working team. Management – Core Group: The MC decided to form a Core Group (CG) to coordinate the dayto-day activities and management of the COST action. The CG consist of: The Grant Holder, The Chair and vice Chair, the 4 WG members and the IWT chair. Working groups: 4 WG and WG-chairs were decided WG1 – Experimental best practice in Climate change manipulation experiments. Chair: Klaus Steenberg Larsen, DTU, DK WG2 – Climate change studies using gradient approaches. Chair: Anke Jentsch, University of Bayreuth, DE WG3 – Data Synthesis of climate change experiments. Chair: Sara Vicca, University of Antwerp, BE WG4 – Data-model interaction in climate change experiments. Chair: Louis Francois, Université de Liège, BE STSM-manager – Internal Working Team: An Internal Working Team (IWT) for “Capacity building and dissemination” was formed. IWT will take care of STSM, summer schools and dissemination. Chair: Bogdan Chojnicki, Poznan University of Life Sciences, PL Distribution of tasks Chair coordinates the COST action and the program of the first MC meeting (the first year) to be held in October/November 2014. Vise Chair assists the Chair in the work and contributes to the launching of the Web-site. Grant Holder takes care of all Grant Holder obligations and collaborates closely with the Chair, the WG chairs and the local organizers of activities. Core group has the mandate to decide about the venue, programme and organisation of the next combined MC and WG meeting. WG chairs will be responsible for the planning of the WG relevant activities at the next meeting in consultation with all MC members expressing an interest to be member of the WG. This includes a responsibility to investigate and propose potential ideas for the future work and coordination with other WGs during the COST action. IWT will initiate, coordinate and evaluate STSM calls, summerschools and dissemination activities. IWT consists of the IWT chair, one representative from each of the WG1-WG4, the COST Chair or vice Chair and the Grant Holder. The WG chairs contribute with inputs to IWT on STSM and elect a member from the WG to participate in IWT for evaluation of STSM. 4 Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) In addition to the already well balanced Gender Balance of the COST action, the 4 scientific WG-chairs (WG1-4) and the COST chair/vice Chair are equally shared among genders. ESRs will be prioritised when STSM grants and summer schools are distributed and a minimum fraction of ESR will be prioritised for each WG meeting. 2 WG Chairs (WG1 and WG3) are ESR. See rules under 12. Time-table The following plans and activities for year 1 were decided: May 2014: Finalize both the program and financial plan of 1st year in cooperation with all core-group members and: • Put in for a vote among MC members. • Send it to the COST office for acceptance. Signing of MoU The Chair will distribute meta-data material and final report from previous ESF network to all MC members. The Chair distributes participant list for all MCs (even substitutes) with request to decide which WGs they want to be members of. Chair sends a doodle to all MC members to set a date for the 1st COST action meeting in October Initiating the setup of the CLIMMANI web site June 2014: WG inputs to potential WG members. WG inputs to first meeting including potential speakers and participants. To be coordinated and decided at first CG Tele-meeting 1st CG tele-meeting. Draft planning of first COST Action meeting including sessions, external speakers and participants. Send out invitations for the first COST meeting Launch of CLIMMANI Website August 2014 Fine tuning of scientific programme of the 1st COST action meetin g Call for c. 4 STSM grants September 2014 Final programme for COST action meeting 2nd CG tele-meeting Distribution of 4 STSM grants October 2014 1st COST action meeting December 2014 Programme and invitation for 1st WG workshops 5 3rd CG tele meeting Call for c. 4 STSM grants January 2015 Distribution of STSM grants March 2015 WG1 workshop in DK WG2 workshop in DE WG3 Workshop in BE WG4 workshop in BE May 2015 Evaluation of STSM 10. Budget plan for the first period The budget for 2014/2015 was estimated by the COST office to be 151.000 Euro. The MC decided to allocate the budget as below: MC meeting combined with workshop - 3 days 43900 WG members for next meeting 25000 STSM 10154 Web site 3500 WG workshops - March 2015 48750 Sum 131304 Adminstration (15%) 19696 Total EURO 151000 11. Place and date of next meeting The first meeting will be held in October/November 2014 at a venue with possibilities for a field trip to a scientific project dealing with experimentation. Candidates were: Portugal, Spain or Czech Republic. It was decided that the CG can make the final decision about the exact venue and timing for the first meeting in October/November based on a Doodle survey of the availability of MC members. The Chair will investigate the possibilities for a venue and negotiate with the MC members from the relevant countries. The programme of the meeting will be delegated to the CG based on inputs from the WG chairs (break-out sessions were held after the closure of the official meeting to collect ideas from the MC members present at the Kick Off meeting). Exact venue, time and programme will be distributed to all MC th and WG members no later than 25 June. 12. AOB Selection critieria for participants in CLIMMAN I WG meetings and for selecting participants to WG sessions in CLIMMANI MC/WG meetings 1. The total number of available seats for each WG meeting is decided by the MC 2. An organizing committee is appointed by the MC or delegated to be appointed by the WG chair 6 3. The theme/title of the WG meeting is decided by the MC or the MC will delegate this to the WG chair and/or an organizing committee 4. The organizing committee selects the participants according to the following priorities: a. COST office participants b. Key speakers (max 50% of total number of seats) to contribute to the programme – preferably from within the WG members (max 4 non-WG members). At least 10% should be ESR and at least 10% should be from COST promoted countries. c. The “rest of the seats” up to the total number of “seats” (point 1) selected from WG members who have registered interest in the meeting. 5. If the total number of participants will exceed the total number of seats defined by the MC, then the following priorities for selecting participants for “rest of the seats” should be applied: a. Members who will contribute actively to the COST meeting by providing a scientific presentation. b. More than 15% of the participants should be ESR c. More than 20% of the participants should be from “inclusiveness COST Member Countries” d. Each gender should have at least 30% of the participants e. Max 2 from any country 13. Closing Nothing 7