Continuing Excellence in Critical Care and Cardiovascular Nursing
Continuing Excellence in Critical Care and Cardiovascular Nursing
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian / Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart & Vascular Institute CARDIOVASCULAR AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING CONFERENCE Continuing Excellence in Critical Care and Cardiovascular Nursing Conference Hoag Conference Center 3900 Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach, California 92663 Friday, May 1, 2015 This conference is supported by a generous donation made by Marilyn McIntyre in memory of her husband, Robert McIntyre. CARDIOVASCULAR AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING CONFERENCE Program Committee Natalie de Haas-Rowland, MSN, RN, CCRN-CSC-CMC Deborah Lepman, MPH, RN, CEN, PHN Bonnie Millett, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CNML Diana Tai, MSN, ACNS-BC, CCRN, CNRN Conference Overview This educational symposium will focus on current and future trends in both critical care and cardiovascular patient care. The faculty will present a wide range of topics that will stimulate your passion for best practices in nursing and provide key strategies for optimal care for your patient. Target Audience CVOR, CV and Critical Care Nurses from across Southern California. Acknowledgement This conference is supported by a generous donation made by Marilyn McIntyre in memory of her husband, Robert McIntyre. CEU Accreditation & Credit Designation This conference has been approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, with provider number 00146, for a total of eight and one-half (8.5) CE hours of continuing education credit for RNs. P R O G R A M A G E N DA Friday, May 1, 2015 7:30 – 8 am Registration, Breakfast & Exhibits 8 – 8:15 am Opening Comments Deborah Lepman, RN, MPH, CEN, PHN 8:15 – 9 amBedside Tracheostomy in the Critical Care Setting Anthony D. Caffarelli, MD, FACC CO-Director of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart & Vascular Institute Andre Vovan, MD Intensivist, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian 9 – 9:40 am CardioMEMS: A New Tool in our Heart Failure Toolbox Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC, FESC Cardiologist, Robert and Georgia Roth Endowed Chair for Excellence in Cardiac Care Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart & Vascular Institute 9:40 – 10:20 amPost Procedural Care of the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair (TMVR) Patient Jorge M. Castellanos, MD, MPP Interventional Cardiologist, Physician Advisor, Transcatheter Valve Program Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart and Vascular Institute 10:20 – 10:40 am Morning Break and Exhibits 10:40 – 11:20 am Seizures in the ICU David Millett, MD Neurologist, Program Director, Epilepsy Program Hoag Neurosciences Institute 11:20 am – 12 pm Stroke in the ICU David M. Brown, MD Neurologist, Program Director, Stroke Program Hoag Neurosciences Institute Deborah Mastrolia, BSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN, SCRN Nurse Navigator, Stroke Program Hoag Neurosciences Institute 12 – 1 pm Lunch and Exhibits 1 – 1:40 pm Leadless Pacemakers – The CRM Game Changer Rajesh Banker, MD, MPH Electrophysiologist, Jeffrey M. Carlton Heart & Vascular Institute 1:40 – 2:20 pm The Master Gland: Function and Malfunction Robert G. Louis, MD Neurosurgeon, Program Director, Skull Base and Pituitary Tumor Program Hoag Neurosceinces Institute 2:20 – 3 pm The Utilization of High-Fidelity Simulation in Nursing Education Diana Tai, RN Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian 3 – 4 pm The Gift of Life - Why It Is Important Mr. Dick Veale Organ Recipient and Donor Rosemary O’Meeghan, MD Critical Care Intensivist, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian E D U C AT I O NA L O B J E C T I V E S • Identify the benefits of performing Tracheostomy in the critical care setting and describe the appropriate selection criteria for this critical care population • Describe new pulmonary artery pressure measurement technology as a means to reduce heart failure readmissions • Describe the new technology of Leadless Pacemakers • Describe post-operative care for pituitary patients • Describe the common manifestations of both functional and non-functional pituitary tumors • Identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the mitral clip procedure for patients needing mitral valve repair • Identify integral components of a simulated learning experience • Appropriately identify and manage seizures in the ICU • Describe current hospital best practice for organ and tissue donation understanding CMS metrics • Discuss hemorrhagic stroke and treatment in the ICU and describe critical care management of the hemorrhagic stroke patient • Describe an organ donor and recipient perspective R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Cardiovascular / Critical Care Nursing Conference • Friday, May 1, 2015 Hoag Nursing/Staff Registration: Register online at Non-Hoag Registration: Register online at When completing your registration form, use your Hoag email address when you register for this program. Please submit registration deposit by one of the following: Call x44587, Monday - Friday, with your credit card deposit; Send the completed credit card information below or a $25 personal check to: Hoag Events, 510 Superior Ave., Suite 290, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Your seat will not be confirmed until we receive your deposit. Or you can mail/fax registration by completing the registration card below and mail with complete credit card information or check payable to: ❍ H oag Employees $25 Deposit Required (deposit refunded upon completion of program) Hoag Employee Number:_________________ Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Hoag Events 510 Superior Ave., Suite 290, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Or Fax to: 949-764-5820, or Email: ❍ Registered Nurses $90 ❍ St. Joseph Health Nurses: $45 (Applies to RNs employed at St. Joseph Hospital of Orange, St. Jude Medical Center, and Mission Hospital of Mission Viejo/Laguna Beach) Registration fees include conference tuition, continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments. FIRST NAME LAST NAME CLINICAL TITLE (I.E. NURSE, NURSE PRACTITIONER, ETC.) LICENSE INSTITUTION UNIT OR SPECIALTY MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATEZIP PHONE FAXEMAIL (Hoag Employees, please use email address) Payment ❍ Check (payable to Hoag Hospital) Please mail form and check to address listed above ❍ Visa ❍ MasterCard ❍ American Express ❍ Discover CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD) SIGNATURE Upon receipt of registration – a confirmation will be sent via email. The electronic syllabus will be available to the pre-registered attendees online prior to the symposium for downloading and printing. Attendees will receive an email when the syllabus materials are available online. Printed syllabus will not be available at this conference. Partial credit is not given for this program. Cancellations Written cancellations will be accepted until April 28, 2015. No refunds will be given for cancellations after April 8, 2015. No refunds will be given for no-shows. Hoag Events 510 Superior Avenue, Suite #290 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Pre-Sorted First Class U.S. Postage PAID Permit # 1271 Santa Ana, CA