District Newsletter - Columbus Public Schools


District Newsletter - Columbus Public Schools
Columbus Board of Trustees:
M AY 2015
Joe Morse - Chairperson
Debbie Crutcher - Vice Chairperson
Jason Wells - Trustee
Jonathan McDonald - Trustee
Robert Smith - Trustee
After 14 years of writing monthly newsletter articles, this will be my last. I am appreciative of the
support that I received from the Columbus community, the school board members, staff, and students as we
worked to provide a quality educational environment, a rigorous curriculum, and a caring place for our youth.
The recognition that we received in 2012 as a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence was a testament to
the combined efforts of all in creating a school system that we can be proud to call our own. I see no reason
why this should not continue into the future.
Challenges will continue to arise within our public education system. As it stands now, we have a
number of Baby Boomers who are getting close to retiring from the Columbus Schools. Within the next five
years, I see a substantial change in the personnel that will be leading our next generation of youth towards
mastering our College and Career Ready Standards. This will continue to be an exciting time as an infusion of
young teachers will challenge students in new ways utilizing increased amounts of technology and real-life
problem solving. Students will be required to perform deeper thinking tasks that will lead to a broader understanding of concepts.
Schools will continue to be under attack for the failures that occur, whether locally or by being
lumped in with some of the nationwide scandals and debacles. Few will be advocating for, or elaborating on,
the many successes for which we are responsible. Legislators (at least in the next 4-6 years) will continue to
try to divert public tax money into private schools through various means (scholarships, tuition tax credits,
vouchers, etc.) as they look to develop for-profit schools that will have little oversight of our public tax dollars. In order to convince you that schools in the state and nation are failing, they will take a sliver of what is
wrong with schools and blow it up to represent all schools. Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing!
As the population of the community grows, so will our school enrollment. The district will need to
address the pressure that this puts on our already-full classroom space. This will include the ongoing trend of
adding pre-Kindergarten programs within the state. We will need additional classrooms to do this. I am sure
that a building bond issue will be necessary within the next few years to address these pressures and changes.
It is my hope that the community will respond positively at that time in order to benefit the needs of our
school-aged population as they progress through the system and become our future taxpayers.
At the Columbus Schools, we also have many successes that I have had the pleasure to be a part of. I
have seen students progress all the way through our system from Kindergarten through graduation at the end
of their senior year. Most superintendents are never in a system long enough to see this occur. Our students
have then gone on to become excellent citizens and community members. They are now our doctors, lawyers,
accountants, laborers, technicians, law enforcement officers, mine employees, etc.
Our community has always been supportive of our students and their efforts. We have seen some
incredible feats of academic prowess and witnessed outstanding sports achievements. This is due to the efforts
of teachers and coaches. Some teachers have even been recognized at the state and national level for the things
that they do. We have been able to improve our buildings and grounds in order to provide facilities that serve
both the needs of our educational programs and the community as a whole. Our long-term, sustained professional development with staff members has kept us at the forefront of leading in student achievement. We
have improved our financial packages in order to keep employees at the Columbus Schools, rather than losing
them to the bigger regional schools.
All in all, I am proud of my time here at the Columbus Schools and I am appreciative of the support
that I have received. I would again like to personally thank all of the school board members that I have had the
pleasure to work with. As I start a new phase in my career, I hope to continue to be a part of, and accepted
into, the community that I love. Thank you, Columbus. And now as I prepare to depart the Columbus
Schools, I continue to say, “Go Cougars!”
of events
Lunch menu
“Providing a foundation of skills to prepare students for life.”
It’s May! We almost have another year completed. Time flies! Since we only have a month to go,
I have a few things I need to let you know. First, I would like to remind you that starting the beginning of
May, students will not be allowed to charge for lunch. If a student doesn’t have enough money on their
account, we will have them call home to see if they can get it. Our books have to be balanced by the end of
the year. Any money left on your child’s account will stay there for next year. Unpaid lunch bills will result in report cards being held at the end of the year. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s account in the black!
I have already started planning the 12th annual End of the Year Field Day and BBQ. This year it is
scheduled for May 28th. As always, I will be the Hot Dog Grill Master! We will be serving grilled hotdogs
with all the trimmings, chips, fruit, and a cookie. Students will be able to use their lunch accounts just as
they do everyday. The past couple of years the PTA has paid for guest lunches. I am in the process of
checking to see if this is a possibility again for this year. Please watch our weekly newsletters. I will be
sending a special note home asking for the number planning to join us at the BBQ so I can order enough
food. I hope you will be able to join us. This year we will be having our 2nd Annual Bike Safety Session on
the same day. Officer Ward is helping coordinate this. When the students aren’t doing the Field Day
events, they will be at the school doing the Bike Safety activities. Last year was a lot of fun and a huge
success, so I’m anxious for this year!
We have many activities scheduled for the various grades in the next few weeks, so please keep
checking the weekly newsletter or my website for updates.
Columbus is an awesome place to raise a child. We have a super school with dedicated teachers
and great kids. We have many volunteers that come weekly to help us out and we have parents at home
that help. We have party helpers and fieldtrip helpers. Thanks for being positive members of our community and saying good things about our school! Thank you so much for sending your child to Columbus
Elementary.! I hope you have a fun-filled summer! See you in August.
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Clerk of Columbus School District No. 6, Stillwater
County, State of Montana, that the Board of Trustees received nominating petitions equal to the
number of positions to be elected, and there is no other reason for a Trustee Election. THEREFORE, no Trustee Election will be held. BE IT RESOLVED that Trustee candidate, Joseph V.
Morse II, is hereby duly elected by acclamation for a three-year term to the Board of Trustees
of Columbus School District No. 6.
Dated and Posted April 10, 2015
By: Merridy Gauthier, Columbus School District #6 Election Administrator
“Equip students with the skills to develop their talents and become productive, responsible citizens.”
As I prepare this article I realize that another year is coming to a close. Looking back on the past
eight months and planning for next year are keeping me very busy. I wonder where the year went and as I
watch the eighth grade group of students in the classroom and hallways, I wonder where the past three years
have gone. They seem to have grown up in front of my eyes and in a few short weeks they will be ending
their Middle School years and starting a new chapter in their lives. I believe we have prepared them well for
their next phase but like in many other situations you always wonder if you have done enough. I want to
personally thank the 8th grade students for a job well done and wish them luck as they embark on new challenges that are ahead of them. I would also like to give special thanks to the parents of our 8th grade students for supporting the CMS staff. Your support has helped this to be a very memorable year for everyone,
marked by academic excellence. I am very proud to say I was their Principal.
As I look to next year, I wish to welcome the upcoming sixth grade class and their parents to our
middle school family. I’m anxious to get to know all of you and to work together for the betterment of our
students! If this will be your first experience as a Middle School parent I hope it will be a positive one.
There will be many new challenges for both you, the parent, and the student. Students will be held at a
higher standard and they will be responsible for many new and different expectations. I know the transition
from elementary school to middle school will be a successful one and with the support of the parents with
what we are trying to do with the child's education, the middle school years will be a productive and positive
Throughout the rest of the year, you may stay current on your child’s grades by using the Infinite
Campus program available at our web site. If you have any questions or need your child’s ID and password
please call the office. The grades are updated weekly. Checking the site regularly is a good way to ward off
“spring fever.”
I would also like for our students and families to keep in touch. If there’s ever anything I can do to
support you and your child, please let me know. As an important player on our team, we value your ideas,
comments, questions, or thoughts. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time via phone (322-5375 ext.
214) or email: osborner@columbus.k12.mt.us
8th Grade Recognition
Thursday, May 28, 2015
7:00 P.M. MS Gym
Due to the school year approaching its end, beginning Monday, May 9, 2014 Columbus Schools’
lunch program will not accept meal charges. The deadline date is set so that negative accounts
are paid in full and no lunch account begins the next school year with a negative balance. Thank
you for your cooperation in this matter
M AY 2015
Frank Sinatra once crooned “And now, the end is here…” (My Way). a very pertinent phrase as we
near the completion of the 2014-2015 school year. All of us at school are nearing the end of another teaching/
learning cycle. Any given student goes through this learning cycle thirteen times before they are ‘loosed’ from
their position in the rotation. This year 52 seniors will complete their program and be released into the
‘universe of opportunity’ to pursue their own dreams. A bevy of talent on many stages goes on with members
of this remarkable class. Our goal has always been to make them competent contributors to ‘communities of
excellence, one student at a time.’ We sincerely wish them all the best for their future. Congratulations CHS
Class of 2015.
For the rest of us ‘the beat goes on’, with a few exceptions. Dan and Sherry Aschim are leaving the
Columbus teaching family after 40 years of service to the community. And by reference to community I mean
AT LARGE. Sherry has dedicated, donated, volunteered, etc., many years worth of hours to innumerable special projects within and outside of the school. She has taught three generations of students and, without question, is the most highly respected teacher I have ever worked with as acknowledged by former students, parents and faculty members alike. To this day my junior son ‘straightens up’ in the presence of Dan Aschim and
my 22 year old daughter still visits with Dan in respectful admiration before she even acknowledges that her
own parents are in the room. Our best wishes for an enjoyable retirement go out to the Aschims.
Mr. Sipes, Superintendent of Columbus Schools, is leaving after 14 years of guiding our schools to
recognized prominence and performance among the state’s districts. I would be the first to tell you that he is
tough to work for. His expectations are high, he is persistent in seeing things through and he established and
realized meaningful goals for the district. Referring once again to Sinatra, his “MY WAY” of leadership is not
dictatorial but, rather, flag bearing in that he does not dictate the pathway but leads the charge into the challenge. His “MY WAY” of doing things has resulted in recognized quality in the curriculum, respectable pay
and benefits for staff, strong support for student academics and activities, enviable electronic resources, appreciated and acclaimed facilities and a position at the helm in meeting the challenges of ‘staying the course’ in
the windblown sea of educational change. Poetic huh? Mr. Sipes’ management of the budget reminds me of
the plate spinning acts of the old Ed Sullivan show where the performer gets countless numbers of plates spinning on top of flexible poles and keeps them balanced without failure. To my knowledge nary a plate has
crashed in our spinning budget under Mr. Sipes direction. When complaints and criticisms are balanced
against the progressive achievements realized during Mr. Sipes service in our district I know on which side the
pan will be lowest. Mr. Sipes concludes a long career in education and is pursuing another opportunity. Our
wishes for a successful second career go with him.
And finally, my appreciation goes out to a few retiring coaches, some of many years, some of less
tenure. Coaches suffer the greatest criticism, receive the least appreciation and are very underpaid for the services they provide. They are to blame for failure and unacknowledged for success.
To one and all of you leaving the ranks we extend our thanks, appreciation and best wishes in your
future endeavors. HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU ALL!
Sunday, May 24, 2015 1:00 P.M. HS Gym
M AY 2015
to the
Class of 2015
From Columbus School Board of Trustees,
Administration, Staff & Underclassmen.
Rachel Allen
Mason Johnston
Travis Moore
Rachael Ault
Ethan Kane
Dylan Newhall
Tanthalas Ayers
Hunter Kent
Kade Osborne
Joanne Brooks
Brooke Kern
Trey Ostrum
Hailey Campbell
Ryan Koski
Tyler Reed
Joshua Cullings
Tanner LaFlex
Kyla Rouane
Noah Daniels
Garrett Lee
Kari Ruffatto
Travis Deacon
Levi Lemmon
Kelsey Schmidt
Taylor Edwards
Padon Little
Maryssa Schultz
Elizabeth Evans
Isaiah Littlelight
Colby Simons
Brady Exner
Braden Marjerison
Madilyn Sindelar
Preston Fink
Courtney Martinez
Logan Smith
Sarah Forseth
Ashley McKee
Ruben Steinfort
Meghan Frigon
Brittney McKee
Weston Wagner
Joseph Galanti
Claytan Meier
Elias Walston
Thomas Gransbery
Andrew Wells
William Griffel
Colton Wells
Garet Hanson
Brixanna Williams
Alexa Hogstad
Hannah Wolery
M AY 2015