#5315-ISRS/AAO ApplicForm Final
#5315-ISRS/AAO ApplicForm Final
D E A D L I N E : 3 1 A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 Application for ISRS Membership International Society of Refractive Surgery Applications must be received by 31 August 2015 to qualify for the discount for Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day Meeting, the ISRS Annual Meeting, in Las Vegas. First Name A Partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Medical Degree (e.g. MD, MBBS, etc.) Family Name Mailing / Postal Address Date of Birth Home o Office o (Please check one) City State/Province Postal Code Country Office Phone Fax Website Email Medical School Name Completion Date (MM/YYYY) (Required) (Required) Ophthalmology Training School Name (Required) City State & Country (if outside U.S.) Beginning Date (MM/YYYY) Completion Date (MM/YYYY) (Required) (Required) AAO Member? (If so, please provide Academy ID#) M E M B E R S H I P L E V E L S Applicants can pay their application fee to join this year, as well as their membership dues for the following year. U.S. and International Members o 1 year $235 USD o P A Y M E N T o American Express o MasterCard o Visa o Discover o JCB o Check or Money Order Enclosed For wire transfer information, please email member_services@aao.org 2 years $455 USD The different dues rates are based strictly on the completion dates of your training (residency or fellowship). 1st Year in Practice o 1 year $150 USD o 2 years $305USD 2nd Year in Practice o 1 year $160 USD o 2 years $325SD 3rd Year in Practice o 1 year $170 USD o 2 years $335 USD Card Number Exp Date Name on Card Signature Cardholder’s Address Associate Members For non ophthalmologists (MD, DO, DVM or PhD) working in the field of ophthalmology or engaged in full-time ophthalmology research. City o State/Province 1 year $235 USD o 2 years $455 USD Members in Training (includes online Journal only) o No cost A letter of verification from your Professor/Program Chair with your begin and end dates must be submitted with application. o Journal of Refractive Surgery Subscription (One Year) Total Amount Due: $ USD $100 USD Postal Code Country Please return your completed application to: ISRS and AAO Member Services Dept. 34048 P.O. Box 39000 San Francisco, CA 94139 USA Tel: +1.415.561.8581 or toll-free (U.S. Only) 866.561.8558 Fax: +1.415.561.8575 Email: member_services@aao.org Do not write in this space, for accounting only: Payment Received Date Lockbox Batch # (if applicable) Amount By International Society of Refractive Surgery A Partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Join ISRS www.isrs.org Become a member of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS), a partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. ISRS is the leading organization for refractive surgeons and keeps you up-to-date on the latest clinical and research developments in refractive, cornea, cataract and lens-based surgery. Members are connected to the world’s leading refractive surgeons from over 80 countries through ISRS’ innovative meetings, popular publications and online educational tools. Membership acceptance is subject to review and approval by the ISRS Executive Committee. Benefits of Membership • Subscription to the Journal of Refractive Surgery, the official publication of ISRS, a monthly forum for original research, review and evaluation of refractive, cataract, cornea and lens-based surgical procedures. (Online subscription for Members in Training.) NEW! Download the Journal to your iPad or iPhone. • Access to the exclusive ISRS Multimedia Library providing refractive, cataract and cornea videos, presentations and conversations shared by leading surgeons from around the world. • Access to the ISRS Online Community, a place to exchange clinical information, comment on the most recent advances and theories in refractive surgery and receive advice from colleagues worldwide. • Reduced registration fee for the 2015 Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day, the ISRS Annual Meeting, an innovative meeting that assembles international leaders in refractive, cornea, contact and lens-based surgery, providing a forum for exchange of the latest information in the field. • Complimentary online listing for your practice in Find a Refractive Surgeon, a public online directory that allows patients and colleagues to easily find you. • Access to content on the ISRS website, www.isrs.org, including the latest trends, news and information on refractive and cataract surgery to further your knowledge and education. • Complimentary membership certificate. • Invitation to ISRS supported educational events around the world at international meetings with other ophthalmic societies. • Members of ISRS, who are not already members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, receive a $100 discount on the Academy’s membership application fee. For more information and an application, go to the Academy website at www.aao.org or contact Member Services at member_services@aao.org. How to Join • Access to refractive and cataract information on the Academy’s Ophthalmic News and Education (ONE®) Network, the world’s most comprehensive ophthalmic education resource. Please complete the application on the reverse side or join online at www.isrs.org. • Subscription to Refractive Surgery Outlook, a monthly clinical e-newsletter featuring expert opinion on the latest advances, highlights from peer-reviewed clinical journals, a calendar of events and ISRS information. If you have any questions or would like additional information on any of these programs and services, please email ISRS at member_services@aao.org or call us at +1.415.561.8581 or toll free (U.S. only) 866.561.8558.