March - Community Planning Aberdeen
March - Community Planning Aberdeen
Aberdeen Integration Update March 2015 Issue 12 Welcome... the March edition of the Aberdeen Integration Update. This is issue 12 of the Update so its first birthday coincides with the last issue of the Partnership Newsletter. It’s worth noting that the Parnership Newsletter’s last issue is also its 100th issue. The Partnership newsletter’s template of communication across all sectors of health and care in Aberdeen has played a key part in progressing joint working. We’d like to thank everybody who has contributed to making the Partnership newsletter a success and we hope that this Update can also reach its 100th issue in such fine fettle. Councillor Lesley Dunbar, Chair of the Shadow Integration Joint Board Update from the Chief Officer I am delighted with the progress of our integration endeavours and recognise the ongoing contribution by many colleagues from across different roles and sectors. The integration of our health and social care functions will not be without its challenges but I would wish us to focus on the opportunities that it offers to deliver effective, person centred services. A significant integration milestone was passed earlier this month with the submission to the Scottish Government of our Integration Scheme before the prescribed deadline. We now await feedback on this and whether we need to revise any particular elements. Our attention now turns to the development of our Strategic Plan and we wish to hear your views on what matters and what our plan should say. Given the demographic and financial projections doing nothing is not an option so what should we continue to do and what should we do differently? All views and opinions welcomed. Aberdeen Integration Update 1 As of 1st April Tom Cowan, currently Head of Adult Services in SC&WB will become Head of Joint Operations. We are also endeavouring to clarify what our third tier management structure looks like to give our integrated functions the best platform from which to operate. On 31st March the CHP as a delivery structure will cease to exist and it is anticipated that on the 1st April the governance of its functions will be delegated by NHS Grampian to the shadow Integration Joint Board. I recognise the positive and effective contribution by the CHP to the wellbeing of our local population and look forward to the integration authority carrying out those functions to the same high standards. Finally, a vote of thanks to Sandy Reid (Senior Service Manager at the Health Village) for his sterling contribution over the years to the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Update. The editorial baton is being passed on and I look forward to many more editions reporting our integrated developments and achievements. Judith Proctor How Your Views are Making a Difference We are starting to develop a model of staff participation that, we feel, is allowing staff from across sectors to have an influence on how the Shadow Integration Joint Board (Shadow IJB) is working and on the decisions it is making. The heart of this model is the cycle of monthly Integration Workshops for staff and Shadow IJB workshops that are now taking place. Our aspiration is to have a close dialogue between these two workshop cycles so that information and influence can flow in both directions. This is a direct and ongoing relationship between frontline staff and primary decision makers that we want to continue and build upon. The best illustration of the success of this model so far is how our Partnership arrived at its vision and values. Ideas were initially generated by the Shadow IJB back in June 2014 (when it was still the Transitional Leadership Group). The draft vision and values were then taken to the December 2014 Integration Workshop where colleagues gave strong and helpful views. When the vision and values went back to the Shadow IJB they “When the vision and made significant changes based on what they heard values went back to from their frontline colleagues. The vision changed from “A caring city community working together to enable people to achieve healthier lives” to, “A caring partnership working together with our city communities to enable people to achieve fulfilling, healthier lives”. These changes were driven by the suggestions from the December Integration Workshop. Even more significantly, there was only one common the Shadow IJB they made significant changes based on what they heard from their frontline colleagues” Aberdeen Integration Update 2 value between the Shadow IJB and frontline colleagues after the June and December workshops. When the Shadow IJB reconsidered the values in light of what their colleagues had said in December, they ended up with four out of five values being common. Plus, the highest-rated value from staff (person-centred) ended up being the highest rated value by the Shadow IJB. And it previously hadn’t been in their top five! What we’re currently doing is by no means perfect, however. We will strive to allow opportunities for staff who find it difficult to get along to the Integration Workshops (e.g. via our Integration Conversations) to get involved. And we want to do considerably more work in giving our wider communities the chance to learn about and influence Integration. We hope, however, that we are making a good early effort at giving people a say about Integration. If you have any suggestions for what else we may do, though, it would be great to hear them – please contact our Development Facilitation Team at Integration Workshops These workshops are a great way to find out what’s happening in integration in Aberdeen and also to influence what’s happening in integration in Aberdeen. The workshops run from 12 noon. – 1.45 p.m. with a light sandwich lunch being available from 12.00 and the session proper starting at 12.15 p.m. If you are able you can attend as many of the workshops as you like. Each workshop will be on different topics and will build on the work done at previous session. The scheduled dates for the upcoming workshops are: 25 March, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 29th April, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 27th May, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 24th June, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 26th August, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 30th September, Star Room, Beach Ballroom 28th October, Star Room, Beach Ballroom We will present an integration update at each of these workshops and answer any queries that you might have about our integration journey. There will be other topics on relevant health and care matters and an opportunity to discuss these within the context of health and social care integration. Booking a place on each workshop via is essential. Aberdeen Integration Update 3 Report from February’s Integration Workshop February’s workshop saw an update on integration in Aberdeen by Kevin Toshney followed by a presentation by Tom Cowan, Head of Service for Adults in Aberdeen City Council. Tom spoke about the role and history of social work both nationally and locally and provided food for thought about how integration would both challenge and benefit social work. The workshop session asked people to think about the 9 national health and wellbeing outcomes. Participants were informed that the Scottish Government will be prescribing indicators to measure the outcomes. There will also be room, however, for us to have local indicators to sit alongside these. It is these local indicators that the findings from the workshop will contribute to in the future. People were asked to carry out 2 exercises. The first was a group, table-top exercise to ask people how they felt patients/service users would benefit if our partnership was meeting the outcomes perfectly. The second was an individual exercise to ask people what they thought would constitute success in their job/service and what could be measured to demonstrate this success. If you would like a copy of the report from the February Integration Workshop, please contact the Development Facilitation Team at Integration Conversations We are keen to increase the extent to which we are talking with people about the integration of health and social care in Aberdeen. One of the ways in which we hope to do this is to offer people ‘integration conversations’. These integration conversations are being offered by our Development Facilitation Team. This is a team of staff who are in post to facilitate the process of health and social care integration in Aberdeen. The conversation will be a fairly informal opportunity for you to hear a bit about how integration is progressing in Aberdeen, ask questions and give your views. We hope that one of the advantages of this kind of dialogue is that the Development Facilitators will be able to come to you. So if your team, group, service or organisation would like take part in one of these integration conversations, please contact the Development Facilitation Team at their email address . Alternatively you can call Gordon Edgar on 555574. The Team will do their best to plan the conversation to your requirements. Let’s talk! Aberdeen Integration Update 4 What’s New This Month? Summary of the National Integration Implementation Group Meeting held on January 28, 2015 During the meeting, members: 1. Were provided with an update on the progress with regard to submission of integration schemes - two had been formally submitted 2. Agreed that statutory guidance should be written on localities, with input being provided from the Integration Implementation Group Members 3. Received an update on and discussed the Outcomes guidance 4. Were given an outline of the Core Suite of Indicators which all Integration Authorities will be required to report on. Additionally the Scottish Government will be publishing a measurement framework 5. Heard that a National Integration Event will be held for leadership cohort to focus on people’s experiences and perspectives 6. Were informed that the NHSScotland Event will be held on June 23 and June 24, 2015 in the SECC with the main theme being leading for integration The Scottish Health Council have just completed a significant piece of work under the ‘Stronger Voice’ project where they have carried out a range of engagement activities with nearly 1200 people across Scotland to establish how service users/patients/ carers and the public can be better involved in health and care services. Follow this link to the suite of reports that are available around this work. Aberdeen Integration Update 5