2015 ICAW Press Release


2015 ICAW Press Release
Spring 2015
Contact: Linda Norris-Waldt, Marketing Manager
Composting Council Members Gear Up for Compost Awareness Week
during International Year of Soil
Compost manufacturers and sellers around the United States are preparing for the
annual week marking the increasing importance of compost as a benefit to world soil
and smart resource management with the approach of International Compost
Awareness Week May 3-9, 2015.
The winning poster, one of 226 entries from around the world on the theme Be Loyal To
Your Soil—Compost! is the visible symbol of International Compost Awareness Week
and is going up on the walls of compost businesses, city, town and statehouse offices,
libraries and parks around the US this month. To order more posters, go to
To see what’s happening around the country for I.C.A.W., go to the USCC’s International
Compost Awareness Week Events Calendar, at http://compostingcouncil.org/icawpress-and-events/ where events can also be added.
This year’s theme, Be Loyal To Your Soil-Compost! generated more than 225 entries
from around the world. The winner of the design contest was Emily Mozzone, a 12th
grader from Tahoma High School in Maple Valley, WA.
“This contest grows every year in notoriety, and its great that we had such a great
response during the International Year of Soils,” said Jeff Ziegenbein, chair of the USCC’s
International Compost Awareness Week Committee and project manager for Inland
Empire Regional Composting Authority in California.
International Compost Awareness Week is an annual multi-media publicity and
education campaign that showcases composting and compost products, from backyards
to large-scale composting facilities. Sponsors of this year’s campaign include: BioCycle
Magazine, BioBag USA, City of Los Angeles, Composting News, Erosion Control Magazine,
Filtrexx International, Full Circle Organics, Georgia Recycling Coalition, Grab ‘N Grow,
Keep America Beautiful, Natur-Bag, Reotemp, VoncoII Waste Management Campus,
and WeCare Organics.
The U.S. Composting Council is a national organization dedicated to the development,
expansion and promotion of the composting industry. Established in 1990, the USCC
achieves this mission by supporting and performing compost-related research,
promoting best management practices, establishing standards, educating professionals
and the public about the benefits of composting and using finished compost. USCC
members include compost producers, marketers, equipment manufacturers, product
suppliers, academic institutions, public agencies, nonprofit groups and
consulting/engineering firms.
The USCC is a non-profit 501(c) (6) organization that also directs the Composting Council
Research and Education Foundation (CCREF), a 501(c) (3) charitable foundation, which
administers public and private research and education activities.