VI International Photography Contest Sant Just Desvern


VI International Photography Contest Sant Just Desvern
 VI International Photography Contest Sant Just Desvern ORGANIZER COLABORATE Agrupació Fotogràfica Sant Just the Unió de Botiguers i Comerciants and the Assentadors del Mercat Municipal with the collaboration of the Municipality of Sant Just Desvern Chairman of the salon is Víctor Murillo López -­‐ e-­‐mail: SECTIONS A. Black and white (according to FIAP rules) B. Colour C. Trips, black and white and colour (according to FIAP rules) PATRONAGE •
Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique 2015/098 •
Confederación Española de Fotografia: I/2015/6 •
Federació Catalana de Fotografia: 2015/10 CALENDARI Beginning of the reception 01/01/2015 Closing date 19/04/2015 (22:00 hours local time) Jury’s verdict 25,26/04/2015 Notification of the winning works 28/04/2015 Exhibition Del 30/05/2015 al 30/06/2015 Sending out of catalogue in CD-­‐ROM Juliol 2015 MEMBRES DEL JURAD •
Raimon Moreno -­‐ MFCF -­‐ JAFCF -­‐ HonFCF -­‐ ACEF – AFIAP, Presidente CEF •
Cosme Oriol Riera -­‐ MFCF -­‐ HonFCF -­‐ ACEF – EFIAP •
Manu Barreiro Rodríguez -­‐ ECEF-­‐ AFIAP .
RULES The Agrupació Fotogràfica Sant Just, the Unió de Botiguers i Comerciants and the Assentadors del Mercat Municipal with the collaboration of the Municipality of Sant Just Desvern, are pleased to invite you to participate in the V International Photography Contest AFSantJust. Works with subject matter contrary to laws for protection of PARTICIPATION honour, personal or family intimacy and/or the image of All persons, whether amateurs or professionals, may take part persons, especially of minors, will not be published or in this Contest without any exclusion because of nationality or accepted. place of residence. SECTIONS A.
Black and white (according to FIAP rules) Colour Trips, black and white and colour (according to FIAP rules) FORMAT Images must be in JPG format. Size: 2500 pixels on the longest side. Any file should not exceed 2 MB size. We do recommend sRGB as colour space. PRIZES PARTICIPANT FEES One prize of 400 Euros and a special FIAP badge (Blue Pin) to the best photographer of the Salon (according to FIAP rule 2013/311) In addition, for each section: 3 FIAP Gold medals (one per section) 3 FIAP Silver medals (one per section) 3 FIAP Bronze medals (one per section) 18 FIAP Honourable mentions (six per section) 3 CEF Gold medals (one per section) 3 CEF Silver medals (one per section) 3 CEF Bronze medals (one per section) 3 FCF Gold medals (one per section) 3 FCF Silver medals (one per section) 3 FCF Bronze medals (one per section) All FIAP Gold medal winners will also receive a 200 Euros prize. In total: 46 prizes and 1000 Euros. No photographer may be given more than one prize in the entire salon. If any author deserves various prizes, the jury will select the best classified (Regl. Patr. FIAP art. II, 11). Prizes will be subject to legally established hold-­‐backs. A unique fee of 25 Euros per author, independently of the number of participated sections. Payment of fees may be made only through PayPal, fulfilling the inscription form on the web-­‐site: As an exception, payment of fees can be made this time by bank transfer (cost free) to Agrupacio Fotografica Sant Just, IBAN ES56 2013 0052 7202 0161 9155. Participants must send a copy of the bank transfer by e-­‐mail to indicating the sender's personal data. CATALOGUE ** All participants will have the right to receive a CD copy edited specifically for this Contest including all the photographs awarded prizes and those accepted. HOW TO SEND IN ENTRIES AND NUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS Entries may be sent only by Internet. Each participant may enter up to four works per section (12 photographs as a maximum) not entered before in any International Photography Contest AFSantJust. The same photograph cannot be entered in more than one section of the Contest. Photographs may be sent from 1 January 2015 to 15 April 2015 (max. 22:00 h. local time) through the AFSantJust web-­‐
site following entry instructions. It is not permitted that identical or similar works by the same photographer be recompensed in various sections of the same Contest (Rule Patr. FIAP Art. 2013/311). Further information may be obtained via the e-­‐mail address All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author. VERDICT The jury will select the accepted photographs among the submitted works and will determine the awarded ones. EXPOSITION Aiming to give visibility to the works, the awarded photographs in the VI International Contest, will be exposed th
from the 30 May to the 30 June 2015, properly framed to 40x50cm and stating the name of the author. No objections about the results will be admitted and the verdict will be unappealable. All selected photographs may be part of the expositions organized by AFSantJust as part of Juny Fotogràfic 2015 The jury’s final verdict on the winners will be announced on th
27 April 2015. The minutes will be published on the website of the Agrupació Fotogràfica de Sant Just and will be notified individually to all participants, by email and/or phone call. SALON CALENDAR 15 April 2015 at 22:00 hours (local time) Last day for entries. 25 and 26 April 2015 The jury’s verdict will be made by score to determine which works are considered accepted. 28 April 2015 Notification of the winning works. From 30th May to 30th June 2015 Exhibition. July 2015 Sending out of catalogue in CD-­‐ROM. COPYRIGHT The rights of the works handed in a contest can just be used promotion of this contest or further editions of this contest.
The authors of those works entered, for the fact of being participants, recognize that they are the authors of these works and have every right to authorize that those works may be shown and published in catalogues, triptychs, posters, etc.. The organizers and higher bodies are free of any responsibility in case of any other claim of rights by third parties. This Contest is recognized by the FCF, the CEF and the FIAP and may contribute points for obtaining titles of Artist and Master of FCF and, because of this, the entrant cedes authorization to the organizers and higher bodies FCF, CEF and FIAP for personal data to be recorded, always within the exclusive purpose of the artistic promotion of their works and publication of their awards and prizes aimed at obtaining distinctions from FCF, CEF and FIAP. JURY All works received will be shown to the jury in Sant Just Desvern which gathered together will pronounce its verdict in two calendar days. The make-­‐up of the jury will be as follows: Raimon Moreno -­‐ MFCF -­‐ JAFCF -­‐ HonFCF -­‐ ACEF – AFIAP, President CEF Cosme Oriol Riera -­‐ MFCF -­‐ HonFCF -­‐ ACEF – EFIAP Manu Barreiro Rodríguez -­‐ ECEF-­‐ AFIAP NOTES The organizers reserve the right to introduce those modifications it deems opportune within the ambit of the regulations of the sponsoring bodies without prejudice to those bodies (FIAP, CEF and FCF) and to resolve any contingency not provided for. The organizers and the entrants accept the rules of these bases. For the mere fact of taking part, participants accept these bases and recognize the organizers’ right to make free use of works within the framework of the Contest and to publish CD-­‐
ROM containing their works, always indicating authorship. By the mere fact of participating it is supposed that the author holds all rights of image for works entered in the Contest. The organizers decline any responsibility in case of legal proceedings. Should any of the norms of these rules be contravened, the organizers may disqualify a work. In case of dispute, both parties will submit to a decision to be laid down by the sponsoring body highest in ranking should this be requested by one of the parties. Contest with points allowable for The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) with number 2015/098 Contest with points allowable for the Confederación Española de Fotografía (CEF) with number I/2015/6 Contest with points allowable for the Federació Catalana de Fotografia (FCF) with number 2015/10 Person in charge of Salon: (Chairman): Victor Murillo i López e-­‐mail More information available on web-­‐sites of Agrupació Fotogràfica Sant Just (AFSantJust) Unió de Botiguers i Comerciants de Sant Just Desvern (UBIC) and the Municipality of Sant Just Desvern Ce salon a reçu le
Haut Patronage de la FIAP
This salon has received the
High Patronage of FIAP
No 2015/098
Fédération Internationale
de l’Art Photographique
The International Federation
of Photographic Art
Fédérations et associations nationales, associations régionales
et clubs affiliés sur les cinq continents.
National federations and associations, regional associations
and clubs affiliated on all five continents.
Distinctions photographiques mondialement reconnues.
World-famed photographic distinctions.
Les acceptations obtenues à ce salon
comptent pour l’attribution des distinctions FIAP.
Acceptances obtained in this salon
are taken into account for FIAP distinctions.
Secrétariat général - Secretary general
70, Kolokotroni Street - GR-18531 Le Pirée (Grèce - Greece)