
FINAL PROGRAMME Please see for venue locations Venue: Budapest Marriott Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 4 SUNDAY, 14 JUNE 1300 -­‐ 1815 ISPIM JUNIOR RESEARCHER LAB (Budapest Ballroom) The ISPIM PhD Community provides activities and networking for junior researchers from around the world. All junior researchers are invited to attend this Lab and must sign-­‐up well in advance. Full details can be found here 1830 -­‐ 2000 WELCOME RECEPTION & REGISTRATION (Budapest Ballroom & Terrace) 1845 -­‐ 1915 Facilitator & Moderator Briefing (Budapest Ballroom) Final instructions and Q&A session for all session facilitators and round table moderators. Led by Steffen Conn -­‐ ISPIM Operations Director, & ISPIM Scientific Co-­‐ordinators: Sabrina Schneider and Uros Sikimic 1930 -­‐ 1945 Welcome to Budapest Venue: Budapest Marriott -­‐ Terrace Róbert Ésik, President, Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) Dress Code: Casual MONDAY, 15 JUNE Venue: Budapest Marriott Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 4 Keen runners can start the day with fresh minds and lots of energy on a friendly, guided run along the Danube and over its famous bridges. Start and finish nd
in front of Budapest Marriott Hotel. Please tell Sabrina Schneider that you‘re coming by 22 May. Small group, limited places. from 0815 DELEGATE REGISTRATION 0800 -­‐ 0830 THE NEWCOMERS BREAKFAST (Room Erzsébet A & B) Your first time at ISPIM? Start the first morning with a new set of friends to make you feel at home right away! We will open the registration desk 15 minutes before the Newcomers Breakfast starts for attendees of this session. Read more and sign up. 0845 -­‐ 1030 OPENING SESSION (Budapest Ballroom) Chaired by Iain Bitran -­‐ Executive Director, ISPIM 0845 -­‐ 0900 Opening Address: László Palkovics, Minister of State for Higher Education, Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities 0900 -­‐ 0930 Keynote Address: Andy Zynga, CEO, NineSigma: Emerging Trends in Open and Collaborative Innovation 0930 -­‐ 1000 Knut Holt Memorial Address: Max von Zedtwitz, Managing Director, GLORAD, the Center for Global R&D and Innovation: 4 Myths of Global Innovation 1000 -­‐ 1030 Keynote Address: Sanjay Gupta, Director -­‐ Business Intelligence and Information Management, T-­‐Systems Hungary: Innolution – Beyond Innovation 1030 -­‐ 1100 COFFEE BREAK (Budapest Ballroom & Conference Foyer) 0700 -­‐ 0730 ISPIM RUNNERS 1100 -­‐ 1230 HOT TOPIC DISCUSSION CIRCLES 1100 -­‐ 1230 THE ERICSSON 1100 -­‐ 1230 DEEP DIVE SESSION CHALLENGE (Erzsébet Room B) (Room Erzsébet A) Getting Your Paper published: A Innovation Culture, Brand & Creativity & People Education, Training and Innovation Ecosystems and Innovation Challenges Can you demonstrate a clear gamble or a skill? Policy (Room Corso A) Engagement (Room Corso B) Universities for Innovation Networks (Room Margit A) (Room Margit B) correlation b
etween i
nnovation, (Room Lanchid A) employee e
ngagement a
nd Led b
y E
elko H
uizingh, Huizingh 1. How can organisations 6. Creativity IN innovation: 15. Business and innovation 20. The death of IP-­‐rich productivity?
Academic D
evelopment & create and sustain a genuine How do we infuse more 11. How should universities ecosystems: Old wine in a companies: Why do some University of Groningen culture of innovation? creativity in innovation provide support to new bottle or something companies that hold If you have some knowledge, Peter Robbins, Director, The projects? sustainable entrepreneurs else? extensive IP fail? experience or expertise to share Full details Innovation Foundation -­‐ Ramon Vullings, ideaDJ & and their eco-­‐innovation Paavo Ritala, Professor of Uros Sikimic, Scientific about the proposed problem, join NovaUCD, Belfield Mark Vandael, CreArrangeur, through diverse activities Strategy and Innovation, Coordinator, ISPIM COCD such as education, research, Lappeenranta University of us for this interactive ISPIM Seeks 2. How can organizations incubation and transfer? Technology 21. How will access to data, Solutions workshop. gain competitive advantage 7. Creative leadership: What Klaus Fichter, Professor, privacy and society drive or from a culture of innovation is it? What is it not? Oldenburg University & 16. What are the constrain innovation in the Full Details and entrepreneurship? Detlef Reis, University Director, Borderstep opportunities and risks for future? Discussion circles on innovation "hot topics" for groups of around 10 per circle. Sessions last for 45 minutes and will be repeated once. Delegates are required to change circles half-­‐way through the session. Seating is on a first-­‐come-­‐first-­‐served basis. Jens-­‐Uwe Meyer, Managing Lecturer, Mahidol University Institute for Innovation & SMEs in Open Innovation? Tim Jones, Programme Director, Die Ideeologen Sustainability Michael Dell, CEO, RATIO Director, Future Agenda 8. Customer input to strategy & innovation 3. How can you build your innovation -­‐ why, when and 12. How can we improve consulting 22. How can large company brand around how? teaching & coaching enterprises keep up with innovation and why does it Kevin McFarthing, innovation? 17. Is monitoring the startup the pace in the innovation matter in B2B markets? Innovation Fixer Ltd John Bessant & Anna ecosystem a way to race? Juha Hinkkanen, Account Trifilova, Teaching & measure (the Stefan Kohn, Head of T-­‐
Manager / Outperformer, 9. How to involve a diverse Coaching Innovation SIG commercialization of) Gallery, Deutsche Telekom Hilti team of top managers, key ISPIM, University of Exeter innovation? employees and other Omar Mohout, Growth 23. How to define, balance 4. What are the limitations relevant stakeholders in the 13. How can universities Engineer, Sirris & Irina and manage the right of the government-­‐driven strategy process? collaborate effectively in the Fiegenbaum, Innovation innovation portfolio for innovation and when is Rui Patricio, CEO, era of open innovation? Scholar, Lappeenranta you? government an obstacle? ContinueToGrow Tibor Dory, Director, University of Technology Joanne Hyland, President, Byoung Soo Kim, Head of Széchenyi István University rInnovation Group Planning & Budget Team, 10. Do companies need 18. How can platforms KISTEP Open Innovation Managers? 14. Can you certify support external 24. How can you assess and If so, what skills are innovation management? innovation? develop an organisation’s 5. How to bring innovation required? Ekaterina Albats Andrew Maxwell, Professor Samuli Kortelainen, digital readiness as pre-­‐
back to Central Eastern Project Researcher & Daria Entrepreneurial Engineering, Researcher, Lappeenranta requisite for future Europe? Podmetina, Project Manager, York University University of Technology innovation? Max von Zedtwitz, both Lappeenranta Eva Diedrichs University of Technology 19. Which Ecosystems / Managing Director, IMP³rove Managing Director, Networks should I build and European Innovation GLORAD which should I buy in? Management Academy EWIV Andy Zynga, CEO, NineSigma 1230 -­‐ 1330 LUNCH (Budapest Ballroom) 1330 -­‐ 1500 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion, except EU Project Spark Session, which ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 1 is 5 mins per presenter & remaining time facilitated discussion) DEVELOPMENT SESSION 1 Room Corso A Room Corso B Room Margit A Room Margit B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Session 1.1: Business Model Innovation I (SIG) Facilitator: Patrick Spieth Andreas Wald -­‐ The Role of Model Consistency in Business Model Innovation Paavo Ritala -­‐ Antecedents and Consequences of Business Model Innovation Capability Frederike Beha -­‐ Business Model Innovation: the Role of Different Types of Visualizations Sven M Laudien, Birgit Daxboeck -­‐ Antecedents and Outcomes of Collaborative Business Model Innovation Session 1.2: WORKSHOP Session 1.3: European Session 1.4: Innovation Session 1.5: Session 1.6: Teaching & Session 1.7: Living Labs Open Innovation & Collaboration & Open Projects on Innovation: for Sustainability I Entrepreneurship and Coaching Innovation I (SIG) Collaboration Innovation in Industry Spark Session Innovation in Start-­‐ups (SIG) & HRM 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 (SIG) I mins feedback per presenter The Fuzzy Front End Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitators: Anne-­‐Laure Facilitator: Kevin McFarthing Workshop Bruno Woeran Erik Hansen Michael Dell Max von Zedtwitz Christoph Köller Mention & Kyvik Øyvin Romy Hilbig -­‐ Farley Nobre -­‐ Andrea Weigl -­‐ Heidi Olander -­‐ Seppo Leminen -­‐ Laurent Scaringella -­‐ Hannes Erler, Swarovski Led by Bridge-­‐Project: Business Design thinking for Start-­‐Up Ecosystems for Empirical examination Paradoxical tensions in Open innovation processes and Professional -­‐ Early-­‐Stage innovation: Models for Vocational sustainability: fighting Technology-­‐Triggered of protective HRM -­‐ Living Labs existing theories: A conceptual Design Thinking, R&D and Open SIG Trainings -­‐ Dynamic against hunger and Social Innovation Proactive assessment framework Innovation -­‐ How Creativity and Capabilities Approach poverty Dimitri Schuurman -­‐ Inter-­‐organizational Susanne Kistler -­‐ Jennie Schaeffer -­‐ Impact of Jarkko Pellikka -­‐ collaboration can be managed Maria Bodone Harsanyi John Bessant -­‐ Is 'Effectuation' a Cross-­‐
'Company-­‐selfies' Methodological Set-­‐up Managing Open Innovation -­‐ -­‐ Crisis-­‐driven innovation: cultural Concept? Boundary Negotiating on Innovation Business Process Management Calvin Smith, EMC Corporation -­‐ Multidisciplinary The case of Decision Principles of Artefacts in Group Contribution in Living Perspective How to recognize external approach and humanitarian German Entrepreneurs Discussions on Labs opportunities, validate them gamification to innovation Innovation Dominik Weidmann -­‐ internally, and identify SMEs to motivate non-­‐business Maroun Jneid -­‐ Birgitta Bergvall-­‐
Framework of an Open advance them organically students to innovate Elke Perl-­‐Vorbach -­‐ Improving Start-­‐ups Sandra Murth -­‐ Kåreborn -­‐ Organization Approach Sustainable open Competitiveness and INNUX -­‐ A methodology The importance of Mark Wilson, GlaxoSmithKline -­‐ Christian Haider -­‐ innovation and its Innovation Performance for a human centered space to the living lab Gabor Rethi -­‐ The Practicalities of “Open Adoption of Living Labs influence on innovation approach concept Open Innovation practice in Innovation” in Technology for the Conceptual economic/sustainability Elina Karttunen -­‐ Hungary Development -­‐ Perspectives Term "Industrial innovation performance Anticipating Edward Faber -­‐ Karin Tausz -­‐ from a Large Pharmaceutical Mobility" Competitive Position of Towards a A comparison of Pavel Bednář -­‐ Company Nina Tervonen -­‐ Start-­‐Up in Pre-­‐Entry comprehensive different Living Lab Using a Social Network Analysis Christofer Daiberl -­‐ Genuine Sustainability: Stages framework to analyse concepts in cluster collaboration for Matt Asman, Cisco -­‐ Community-­‐based Opportunity Cost and edutainment innovation Lifting the lid on Cisco Service Innovation for Outcome Uncertainties applications Innovation & IT Industry Mega E-­‐Mobility in Sustainability Thomas Damerau -­‐ Trends Development 3D Data for Customer Integration -­‐ Study Results & Implications 1500 -­‐ 1530 COFFEE BREAK (Budapest Ballroom) 1530 -­‐ 1700 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Corso A Room Corso B Room Margit A Session 2.1: Business Session 2.2: Session 2.3: Early-­‐Stage Model Innovation II Open & Collaborative Innovations (SIG) (SIG) Innovation I (SIG) Room Margit B Session 2.4: WORKSHOP ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 2 DEVELOPMENT SESSION 2 Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Session 2.5: Session 2.6: Session 2.7: Living Labs Technology & Product Innovation Challenges Entrepreneurship & Design, Design Thinking II (SIG) Innovation Innovation in Start-­‐ups & Creativity 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 II mins feedback per presenter Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: SHIFT Support Systems Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitators: Max von Zedtwitz & Facilitator: Liz Jones Sabrina Schneider Paavo Ritala Joanne Hyland Irina Fiegenbaum Rob Dew Dimitri Schuurman Kyriaki Papageorgiou for Sustainable Mirjam Rössler -­‐ Svetlana Khomich -­‐ Florian Redeker, Steven Entrepreneurship and Maria Christina Longo, Marian Garcia -­‐ Soile Juujärvi -­‐ Joan Edwards -­‐ Christophe Deutsch, Telops -­‐ Corporate Incubation as Does Cooperation Schepurek -­‐ Sonia Giaccone -­‐ Why Too Much Enhancing Innovation Iteration and Shaping Identity: Portfolio and product Eco-­‐Innovation a Tool to Foster Depend on the Stage of Early Prototyping for The Incubation Diversity can be Bad for among Actor Roles in an Characterising Performative management: theory and Business Model Innovation Process? Organisational Learning Experience on takeoff Creativity? Urban Living Lab Aspects of Technological practice at Telops Innovation in Uncertain of Fast-­‐growing Innovation Annika Dingler -­‐ Environments Innovative Start-­‐ups So Young Sohn -­‐ Bastiaan Baccarne -­‐ Tom De Ruyck, Insites Marianne Hock -­‐ Socialization and its Bayesian Network Facilitating Quintuple Erich Prem -­‐ Consulting -­‐ Business Model Facilitation for Cross-­‐
Jimmi Normann Chien-­‐Chiang Lin -­‐ Analysis for Helix innovation with The Role of Technology for Disruptive innovation through Innovation and Industry Innovation: An Kristiansen -­‐ Entrepreneurial Organizational Urban Living Labs Innovation Management social technology, crowds and Behavioural Explorative Study Is Radical Innovation Intention: An Integrated Creativity Research Methodology creativity Management: Insights Management Perspective Walter Aigner -­‐ for Future Research Nadia Weidner -­‐ Misunderstood: Tobias Axelsson -­‐ How we have evaluated Benedikt Müller-­‐Stewens -­‐ Michal Dunaj, Deutsche How Open is "Low-­‐tech Problematizing the Ellen Drost -­‐ Group creativity and 50+MEURO budget The Multifaceted Use of Telekom Innovation Sebastian Brenk -­‐ Innovation"? Radical Innovation Entrepreneurial work process structure metropolitan Living Controls in New Product Laboratories -­‐ Business Model Design: Discipline Organizational Culture Labs Development Innovating the ways DTAG Process Model Leena Aarikka-­‐Stenroos as a Predictor of Kristian Wengen, David group integrates with start-­‐up Development through -­‐ Stefan Kohn -­‐ Entrepreneurial Cropley -­‐ Wolfgang Schildorfer -­‐ Chao Hsiang Wang -­‐ ecosystem Design Science Distributors as market Why large enterprises Outcomes Creativity as a driver of Urban Mobility Living Moderating effects on Research orientation agents in cannot cope with innovation. diagnosis, Lab Vienna (Austria) international cross-­‐functional Mark Bazzacco, CSIRO -­‐ innovation disruptive innovation Kaisa Oksanen -­‐ recommendations and "Future will be integration and new product Impact assessment: value, Albrecht Fritzsche -­‐ development and Anticipating the implementation different" success opportunities & challenges for Can Customers commercialization Louise Broennum -­‐ Emerging Innovation publically funded research Innovate Business Enacting and Re-­‐
Ecosystem of Synthetic Mai Khanh Tran -­‐ Models? Enacting the Biology User-­‐innovator typologies in co-­‐
Constitution of innovation: from creativity to Development reality Katharina Apfel -­‐ Framework for Transfer Processes between Technology and Product Development 1700 -­‐ 1815 THE GRAND PRIZE FINAL (Room Erzsébet A+B) Moderated by Tim Jones, Founder and Programme Director, Future Agenda (Chair of Panel) & Kevin McFarthing, Innovation Fixer Ltd (ISPIM Advisory Board) 1700 -­‐ 1745 Presentations by the 3 finalists from Tata, Cisco, US Department of Energy followed by audience voting 1745 -­‐ 1810 Fabian Schlage, Head of Idea and Innovation Management, Nokia: Industrialized Applied Innovation Management plus the Technological Implications Award by Nokia 1810 -­‐ 1815 Presentations to the winner and runners-­‐up -­‐ prizes provided by Swarovski 1815 END OF SESSIONS -­‐ DAY ONE 1900 -­‐ 1930 ISPIM MEMBERS MEET AND GREET COCKTAIL (ISPIM MEMBERS ONLY) (Vigadó Concert Hall) A chance for members to get to know more about ISPIM and its members by sharing a cocktail with other members, the ISPIM Board, Advisory Board and Fellows. 1930 -­‐ 2230 CONFERENCE DINNER Vigadó (usually translated as "Place for Merriment") is Budapest's second largest concert hall, located on the Eastern bank of the Danube. Designed by Frigyes Feszl in 1859, the building makes a bold impression along the Pest embankment. Badly damaged during World War II, the post-­‐war reconstruction, which took some thirty-­‐six years to complete, remains faithful to his original design and continues to attract leading conductors and performers from around the world. Delegates are invited to a Hungarian-­‐inspired Dinner, which is accompanied by live classical music. Awards: Knut Holt Award for Best Conference Paper; Alex Gofman Award for Best Student Paper; ISPIM PhD Dissertation Award; ISPIM Scientific Panel Award plus That’s Interesting Award by Aalto University School of Business Dress Code: Smart Casual (i.e. ties not required). Please make your own way there and don't forget to bring your badge. Venue: Vigadó Concert Hall Venue: Budapest Marriott Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 4 TUESDAY, 16 JUNE 0900 -­‐ 1030 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Corso A Session 3.1: Business Model Innovation III (SIG) ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 3 DEVELOPMENT SESSION 3 Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Room Corso B Room Margit A Room Margit B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Session 3.2: Open & Session 3.3: Innovation Session 3.4: Teaching Session 3.5: Session 3.6: Design, Session 3.7: Entrepreneurship & Strategic Approaches to Innovation Collaborative for Sustainability II Innovation (SIG) Invited Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking & WORKSHOP Foresight Innovation II (SIG) Speaker Session Innovation in Start-­‐ups Creativity II 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 III mins feedback per presenter Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: How can we innovate in Facilitator: Facilitator: Living Lab Services and Facilitators: Rowena Barrett & Facilitator: Andrew Maxwell Dirk Schneckenberg Frank Lillehagen Sally Davenport the teaching of Ekaterina Albats Eelko Huizingh Applications Samuli Kortelainen innovation? Majbritt Evald, Ann H Alireza Khorakian -­‐ Sarah Mahdjour -­‐ Kaisa Still -­‐ Sara Logghe -­‐ Natasha Bank -­‐ Michael Bartl, HYVE AG -­‐ Led by Clarke -­‐ A framework for Set up for Growth? Accelerating innovation Designing library tools Green incubators and their Innovation Mining -­‐ An Led by ENoLL -­‐ European Business Model Change assessing innovation through crowdsourcing: The (un)importance of criteria for recruiting tenants Innovation Story from the ISPIM through Co-­‐
capability through Urs Daellenbach -­‐ a case combining employee involvement Network Of Living Labs Chemical Industry development with system dynamics Innovative Firm Growth Innovation Teaching & people and knowledge Roman Teplov -­‐ Coaching SIG Multiple Stakeholders approach and the Search for Peter Robbins -­‐ Role of Business Incubators on Rui Patricio, Continue To Grow -­‐ Elusive Gazelles Irina Fiegenbaum -­‐ Collaboration and Start-­‐ups Innovativeness and IdeaChef -­‐ How to generate Christiana Mueller -­‐ Colin Cheng -­‐ Power of Twitter: Creativity: A Design Innovation Output new ideas and build stronger Enabling Flexibility in Identifying Open Christina Grundström -­‐ Building an innovation Thinking case study in teams with game approaches Business Models of Innovation Capabilities: Growth ambitions vs. radar using social media Tourism Christina Koenig -­‐ Companies in High-­‐
A Critical Literature actual growth in Which Indicators are suitable Dan Hackman, Sorin & Liz Jones, Technology Industries Review established SMEs Marjaana Komi -­‐ Angelika Trübswetter: for use in Technology Strategy Regeneration -­‐ Accelerating the Discover Markets -­‐ Intelligence? Innovating for growth in a Christian Comberg -­‐ Daria Podmetina -­‐ Loreta Vaicaityte -­‐ innovation process of Participatory design for challenging environment The Design Logic for What Skills and Innovation Stumble-­‐
start-­‐ups innovations Konstantin Vishnevskiy -­‐ Business Model Competences are Stones Strategic Foresight for SMEs: Wil Schoenmakers, PA Innovation in Sharing required to Implement Arto Wallin -­‐ Muhammand Abdu ?hoice of the Most Relevant Technology & Innovation -­‐ Economies Open Innovation? Start-­‐up entrepreneurs' Malik -­‐ Methods Innovation – ‘beating the big key concerns on path of Different Rewards -­‐ boys’ Minttuu Laukkanen -­‐ Christiane Rau -­‐ entrepreneurial Distinct Creative Michi Fukushima -­‐ Promoting sustainable Critical Capabilities to innovation Behaviors Serial entrepreneurs and cluster business model Profit from Customer formation through spin-­‐offs innovation with Co-­‐creation in scenario planning Organizations Péter Kristóf-­‐ How Established Companies Can Master Disruptive Innovation Like Startups? 1030 -­‐ 1100 COFFEE BREAK (Budapest Ballroom) 1100 -­‐ 1230 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Corso A Session 4.1: Service Innovation ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 4 DEVELOPMENT SESSION 4 Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Room Corso B Room Margit A Room Margit B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Session 4.2: Open & Session 4.3: Innovation Session 4.4: Coaching Session 4.5: Living Labs Session 4.6: Innovation Session 4.7: Business Model Innovation Creative Leadership & Collaborative for Sustainability III Innovation (SIG) Invited III (SIG) Measurement & WORKSHOP 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 Challenges Innovation III (SIG) Speaker Session Performance I mins feedback per presenter Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Games & Gamification Facilitator: Facilitator: NOT INVENTED HERE -­‐ Facilitators: Dirk Schneckenberg Facilitator: Joanne Hyland Erich Prem Letizia Mortara Frank Lillehagen As training methods Seppo Leminen Jens-­‐Uwe Meyer cross-­‐industry & Patrick Spieth In innovation innovation Tarja Meristö -­‐ Oana Maria Pop -­‐ Nicole vom Stein -­‐ Anna Ståhlbröst -­‐ Chien-­‐Che Chiu -­‐ Marc G. Villinger -­‐ Taewan Kim, ETRI -­‐ Electronics Wellbeing Service Understanding Open Still waiting for electric Understanding How to Evaluate the Establishing a continuous & Telecommunications Led by Led by Innovations -­‐ a Innovation Practice in cars to break through Crowdsourcing Modes Value of corporate business model Research Institute -­‐ Collaborative Case Eastern European SMEs and Crowd Motivators Internationalized Ramon Vullings & EACI -­‐ innovation process: Process Methodology for Implementing ISPIM Study in Finland Sunyoung Yun -­‐ Inventive Activities? European Association antecedents Creative Ideas: From Innovation Teaching & for Creativity and Jonas Van Lancker -­‐ Technology strategies Olivier Rits -­‐ Imagination to R&D Projects Coaching SIG Innovation Grant Hemple -­‐ Challenges Adopting for solar energy Exploring the Benefits Merja Hoppe -­‐ Christine Beatrix-­‐Barbier, Liv Productization as a Open Innovation industry under of Combining Business Measuring innovation Lefebvre -­‐ Necessary Patricie Merkert, Service: Innovation Practices in a Public technological Modelling with Living in industry on a trans-­‐
capabilities to realize Business MANN+HUMMEL -­‐ through Standards in Research Institute turbulence Labs. regional comparison Model Innovation Product Champions as an B2B Relationships engine for innovation Shiv S Tripathi -­‐ Samuel Wicki, Erik G Annabel Georges -­‐ Mehdi Shahbazpour -­‐ Mario Schaarmidt -­‐ Tor Helge Aas -­‐ Open Service Hansen -­‐ Managing the attrition Innovation classification Hybrid Offerings Innovation Detlef Reis, Thinkergy -­‐ Service Innovation Innovation in Functions of Innovation of end-­‐users during and measurement Capability: Conceptualization Developing Authentic Creative Practices in Tourism: Information Technology Systems: the Case of Living Lab field trials system for construction and Empirical Evidence Leaders for the Innovation The Case of Hotel Services Industry Flywheel Energy industry Economy Chains Storage Serge Rijsdijk -­‐ Tina Mäkitalo-­‐Keinonen Eva Diedrichs -­‐ Product Innovativeness, Shared Béatrice Maurier, Total Vasilisa Sayapina -­‐ -­‐ Jyrki Kettunen -­‐ Innovation Responsibility and Escalation of Consulting -­‐ Measuring service Examining Innovation Bioenergy Scenarios Management: How do Commitment Innovation Management and innovation and Barriers along 2033 -­‐ a Platform for you measure its success Standardization: Is it a crazy innovativeness from the Innovation Process in the Innovations? and why? Haijie Gu, Liu Chengchen -­‐ How idea? customer perspective Multi-­‐industry Hygiene-­‐
gender differences affect online technology Network retail business entrepreneurship performance Maria Klewer -­‐ Innovative Forms of Using Insects in a Bioeconomy: A Typology 1230 -­‐ 1330 LUNCH (Budapest Ballroom) 1330 -­‐ 1500 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Corso A Room Corso B Room Margit A Session 5.1: Innovation Session 5.2: Open & Session 5.3: Technology in the Public Sector Collaborative Management & Innovation IV Innovation I Facilitator: Tor Helge Aas Marja-­‐Liisa Niinikoski -­‐
User-­‐driven innovation in public organizations Thomas Wihlman -­‐ Creating innovation in Swedish municipalities Sari Mäenpää -­‐ Public-­‐sector as an Initiator in a Collaborative Innovation Process Room Margit B Session 5.4: WORKSHOP Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Session 5.5: Strategic Session 5.6: Session 5.7: Foresight, Strategic Innovation WORKSHOP Agility & Future Measurement & Orientation I (SIG) Performance II Facilitator: Facilitator: The ISPIM Innovation Facilitator: Facilitator: How to manage the Teemu Santonen Petra Turkama Theatre Heather Moore David Cropley innovation strategy process with the Paula Anzola -­‐ Samuel Wicki, Erik G Louis Lu -­‐ Teresa Tiaojung Hsu -­‐ support of a smart Profiting from Open Hansen -­‐ Development trajectory Market knowledge crowd Innovation: an Exploring Green and research fronts of dimensions and product Exploratory Research Technologies in SMEs: foresight performance: the Led by Ambidexterity, Domain contingency view Rui Patricio, CEO, Matthias Guertler -­‐ Separation and Shin Juneseuk -­‐ Continue To Grow Systematic selection of Commercialization Strategic foresight to Henri Inkinen -­‐ suitable Open detect weak signal with Intellectual capital Innovation methods Letizia Mortara -­‐ young high-­‐potential profiles and innovation Communicating researchers performance Marco Greco -­‐ Intelligence Exploring New Aspects Heli Aramo-­‐Immonen -­‐ Tamara Keszey -­‐ of Inbound Open Lorenzo Ardito -­‐ Meeting radical change: Antecedents and Innovation: the Developing general SMEs' innovation outcomes of sales-­‐
Consolidation Index purpose technologies capabilities and marketing strategic foresight encroachment in Nagwan Abu El-­‐Ella, Tomokazu Umezawa-­‐ innovation sucess John Bessant -­‐ Spiral technology Victoria Kayser -­‐ The Involvement of progress in Using Twitter for Marco Chiesa, Simone Qualified Freelance nanotechnology Foresight: An Franzò -­‐ Workers: An Opportunity? Performance Opportunity for Measurement of Innovation Collaborative Research and Development: an Exploratory Analysis 1500 -­‐ 1530 COFFEE BREAK (Budapest Ballroom) ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 5 DEVELOPMENT SESSION 5 Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Innovation Approaches & Tools 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 mins feedback per presenter Capabilities & Systems for Innovation Facilitators: Allen Alexander & Facilitator: Max von Zedtwitz Seppo Leminen Henrique Barros -­‐ Desai Narasimhalu, Singapore How Changes in the Market for Management University -­‐ Ideas Impact Appropriability Capturing the value across Behaviour? service and product innovations Mark Phillips -­‐ François-­‐Eudes Ruchon, An integrated approach to SpecialChem -­‐ innovation in convergent Accelerating Disruptive industrial ecosystems Innovation With The Power Of A Crowd Uros Sikimic -­‐ Generative Appropriability: Hans-­‐Jürgen August, Siemens Balancing Cumulative Convergence Creators -­‐ Component and Preclusive A toolbox to effectively improve Component within Ecosystem an organization's innovation ecosystem Pekka Rintala -­‐ Assessment of interventions Joanne Hyland, rInnovation applied for improving the Group -­‐ organizational innovation The Innovation climate Incrementalization Crisis Is Upon Us -­‐ How to set in motion Linda Nhu Laursen & Poul the right mindset and system to Houman Andersen -­‐ get beyond it Is a problem well-­‐stated, a problem half-­‐solved? Quasi-­‐
experiments inside Unilever 1530 -­‐ 1700 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) ACADEMIC RESEARCH INNOVATION INSIGHTS 6 DEVELOPMENT SESSION 6 Room Arpad Room Erzsébet A + B Room Corso A Room Corso B Room Margit A Room Margit B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Istvan Session 6.1: Innovation Session 6.2: Open & Session 6.3: Technology Session 6.4: R&D & Session 6.5: Strategic Session 6.6: Session 6.7: Innovation Industry Insights & Innovation in Health Care Collaborative Management & Disruptive Innovations Foresight, Strategic WORKSHOP with the 3rd Platform Methods Innovation IV (SIG) Innovation 2 Agility & Future 6 presentations of 4 mins & 11 Orientation II (SIG) mins feedback per presenter Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: Facilitator: RTOs within National Facilitator: Facilitators: Andrew Maxwell & Anton Kriz Shiv S Tripathi Letizia Mortara Sabrina Schneider Eric Stevens Uros Sikimic Innovation Systems: Heli Aramo-­‐Immonen Jaana Thomas Clauß -­‐ Gaël Le Hir -­‐ Stefan Kinkel -­‐ Adalton Ozaki -­‐ Petra Turkama -­‐ Lisa Larsson -­‐ Measuring Performance Woiceshyn -­‐ Governance of open Are European Space Trends and patterns of Agile Roadmapping: and Impact Workshop Cloud Computing as a Innovation for competitive Implementation innovation networks Firms Facing an R&D relocation and co-­‐ How Brazilian Software Platform Ecosystem for manufacturing challenges: Integrated with national vs. Innovator's Dilemma? location Companies Evolve Their New Value Creation versus fragmented international scope Products Thomas Matheus -­‐ innovations in health Peter Teirlinck -­‐ Mathias Beck -­‐ Matthias Hartmann -­‐ Empirical evidence of an care Pia Hurmelinna-­‐
Strategic R&D decision Diversification in R&D Andreas Riel -­‐ Management of innovation archetype in the Laukkanen -­‐ and financial Collaboration Partners. Innovation Driver New Innovation in the aerospace industry Cristina Paez Aviles -­‐ Survivor -­‐ innovation: performance Does Sequential Variety Production Industrial Internet of CoPs in Innovation and Dynamism and Improve Performance? Technologies: Strategic Things Ferenc Marofka -­‐ Technology Transfer of instability in networks Oyvin Kyvik -­‐ Planning using Understanding the divide in Medical Devices Technical-­‐ and Ferdaous Zouaghi -­‐ Technology Juha Arrasvuori -­‐ European health research and Tove Brink -­‐ Managerial Innovations Alliance Portfolio Roadmapping Analysing management innovation Felix Larrinaga -­‐ Innovation and growth in Offshore Shipping Diversity: The of Social Innovation Case study in Health in SME Networks moderating role of R&D Hubert Preisinger -­‐ activities that use open Marcelo Amaral -­‐ industry for early stage Pekka Torvinen -­‐ human capital Innovation Roadmap data Knowledge Flows Management: innovation Katie Hyslop -­‐ Technology for Market Success Open Innovation + Utilising the network Management Strategies Abayomi Baiyere -­‐ Martin Kisch -­‐ Triple/Quadruple/Quintuple/N-­‐
Leid Zejnilovic -­‐ for SME open in Emerging Markets When Disruptive Scott Dacko -­‐ Data Glasses Inspection tuple Helix User innovation in innovation-­‐ An Austrian Innovation is not only Methodology for System to Optimize Healthcare case. about Companies Identifying Hidden Traditional Industry Anton Remnev -­‐ Customer Needs in Services Smart events: innovating large-­‐
Sergey Yablonski -­‐ China's Automobile scale event management with Disruptive innovation Market Salla Lutz -­‐ smart city solutions potential of multi-­‐sided Managing Innovation platforms: case of Through Social Media in Jayanta Chatterjee -­‐ digital books B2B SME-­‐Context Exploring future urban greenery by using living laboratory for prototyping Industry Workshop Facilitator: John Bessant Constructing the Open Innovation Manager: Renaissance 2.0 1700 -­‐ 1800 OPEN INNOVATION (Room Erzsébet A+B) Moderator: Nadine Roijakkers, Professor of Strategy and Innovation Management at KIZOK-­‐Hasselt University Mathea Fammels, Acting Head of Unit "Policy and Communications", European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT): Innovation through the integration of higher education, research and business -­‐ the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities Pauli Kuosmanen: CEO, DIGILE Oy: Challenges in creating and maintaining large scale industry driven research ecosystems 1800 END OF SESSIONS -­‐ DAY TWO 1930 (BOAT LEAVES AT 2000) -­‐ 2300 CONFERENCE SOCIAL EVENING ON THE RIVER DANUBE Delegates are invited to a Danube River Cruise on the Europa Boat. A Hungarian buffet and drinks will be accompanied by a live band and the much anticipated fourth outing of “ISPIM Rocks”. The boat leaves promptly at 2000 so don’t be late! Dress Code: Casual. Please make your own way there and don't forget to bring your badge. Venue: The Europa Boat Venue: Budapest Marriott Hotel, Apáczai Csere János utca 4 WEDNESDAY, 17 JUNE 0900 -­‐ 1030 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Erzsébet A+B Session 7.5: Innovation Research Session 7.6: ARIS I Session 7.7: Trends & Storytelling 6 presentations of 10 mins + WORKSHOP discussion Facilitator: Frederike Beha Facilitator: Christina Grundström Facilitator: John Egan Facilitator: Allen Alexander Facilitator: Keith Bevis Facilitator: Eelko Huizingh A MADONE tutorial: Holistic Design & Operation Susan Standing -­‐ Tibor Döry -­‐ Carolina Haddad -­‐ Pirjo Yli-­‐Viitala -­‐ Teemu Santonen -­‐ Jiseok Kang -­‐ of Networked Enterprises Authentic Innovation in the Do SMEs Perform Better When TRM in Emerging Systems of Reframing the Problem as a Tool Research Topics at ISPIM: Introducing living labs in Korea: Animation Industry Using Open Innovation Methods? Innovation: the Automobile for Industrial Renewal Popularity-­‐based Scientometrics Obstacles and solutions Industry Case keyword analysis Led by Marc Osswald -­‐ Marko Torkkeli, Anne-­‐Laure Anton Kriz -­‐ Koichi Hasegawa -­‐ Frank Lillehagen, R&D Manager, Analysis of Intersections between Mention -­‐ Florian Wohlfeil -­‐ Lessons about transforming Shino Iwami -­‐ Design Policy of Local Commitment A/S Innovation and Product Innovation Strategies & A Critical Success Factors Model regions: Not simply get set, go! Growing Topics and Emerging Government and SME's Management in B2B Performance: Exploring complex for Radical Technological Researches in Science Innovation in Japan relationships Innovations Hsin-­‐Ning Su -­‐ Michael Plasch -­‐ Location Based Services in the Anna Trifilova -­‐ Priscilla Kan John -­‐ Consumer-­‐centric structuring to Olga Kokshagina -­‐ Bernhard Lingens -­‐ Asia-­‐Pacific: Anti Vs. Pro Evolving innovation through Mechanisms to facilitate industry identify key aspects in online Role of Open Innovation The CSE Tool for Technology Innovation storytelling engagement with business food retailing intermediaries to accelerate the Decisions schools for innovation absorptive capacity Chie Sato -­‐ Natalya Sergeeva -­‐ Jonas Kahlert -­‐ Who is a "key person" in a Storytelling of business Marcin Baron -­‐ Christophe Deutsch -­‐ Structures, stakeholders and regional innovation process? innovation leaders Open Innovation in Phoenix Solving Complex Problems with innovativeness: A new Industries: Towards a Open Innovation and perspective on technology Jukka Laitinen -­‐ Multinational Study Collaboration decisions Future Skill Profiles -­‐ a Key to Renew Marine Industry Marcus Tynnhammar -­‐ Open Innovation in SME:s: Interaction within and around an automation-­‐network Simone Franzò -­‐ The Role of Organizational Culture in OI Process: Theoretical Framework Room Corso A Session 7.1: Tools & Methods I Room Corso B Room Margit A Session 7.2: Open & Session 7.3: Technology Collaborative Innovation VI (SIG) Management & Innovation III Room Margit B Session 7.4: Regional and Industrial Renewal 1030 -­‐ 1100 COFFEE BREAK (Budapest Ballroom) 1100 -­‐ 1230 SCIENTIFIC & PRACTITIONER SESSIONS (15 mins per presenter & 30 minutes facilitated discussion) Room Corso B Room Margit A Room Margit B Room Lanchid A Room Lanchid B Room Erzsébet A+B Session 8.2: Open & Session 8.3: Technology Session 8.4: Value-­‐driven Session 8.5: University-­‐industry Session 8.6: ARIS II Session 8.7: Collaborative Innovation VII Management & Innovation IV Innovation Collaboration for Innovation 6 presentations of 10 mins + WORKSHOP (SIG) discussion Facilitator: Bruno Woeran Facilitator: Marcin Baron Facilitator: Murk Peutz Facilitator: Ger Post Facilitator: Paul Ellwood Facilitator: Urs Daellenbach The Open Innovation Cookbook Bill Russell -­‐ Fang-­‐Mei Tseng -­‐ Syuan-­‐Yi Jiang -­‐ John Egan -­‐ Zorica Led by Innovation Portfolio Moderating effects on customer Assessing Patenting Strategy of Value Creation in a Model Allen Alexander -­‐ Zagorac-­‐Uremovic -­‐ Management: Emerging involvement and new product Non-­‐Practicing Entity-­‐ An Enterprise Open for Business: Universities, Opportunity Recognition and OINET, ISPIM OI & Collaboration SIG and ISPIM Teaching & Structures and Market Insight performance Empirical Study Entrepreneurial Academics and Business Ideation from a Learning SIG Processes Henning Breuer -­‐ Open Innovation Cognitive Perspective Yu-­‐Xiang Yen -­‐ Ming-­‐Yeu Wang -­‐ Values-­‐Based Innovation Samuli Kortelainen -­‐ Supplier Influences on Buyer Firm patent application and Framework -­‐ Innovating by What Eric Jolivet -­‐ Anne-­‐Laure Mention -­‐ Diffusion in Platform-­‐Based Market Competitiveness-­‐ The renew processes: an evolutionary We Care About Accounting for the knowledge New frontiers of collaboration: Markets: Simulation approach to Opportunism Perspective perspective dynamics process of a science-­‐
innovation labs PS3 vs. Xbox360 Erik Lindhult -­‐ based innovation János Kiss -­‐ Hiromi Saito -­‐ Value driven innovation in Yukiwo Iwasaki -­‐ Eelko Huizingh -­‐ The impact of supplier and Who supports Science and industrial companies. A Jes Broeng -­‐ Organizational Routines for The Innovation Portfolios Risk customer involvement on Technology Policy? complexity approach Bridging the gap from research-­‐
Chemical SMEs to Manage Matrix: An Empirical Test innovation performance to-­‐high-­‐technology ventures with Effective R&D Rafalea Kunz -­‐ Eric Stevens -­‐ experienced entrepreneurs Shyam Sethi -­‐ Minna Oinonen -­‐ How to find the Best Patent The design of Value Co-­‐Created Irma Agardi -­‐ Collaboration for Innovation -­‐ A Knowledge Integration between Attorney? Systems: the Case of Endre Spaller -­‐ Outsourcing of Impact of diversification on case study of Whirlpool-­‐
Customers and Suppliers during Configurators State Innovation innovation and performance of Kelvinator Solution Development Process Fred Phillips -­‐ European retailers The Circle of Innovation and its Ekaterina Albats -­‐ Roalt Aalmoes -­‐ Implications Determinants of university-­‐
Ana Procopio Schoen -­‐ Supporting Change in Air Traffic industry collaboration success: Strategic Innovation in Resource-­‐
Management using Serious values and mission limited Settings: Developing Gaming Capabilities and Fostering Frugality Patrick Ansgar Hacker -­‐ Success Factors in Cross-­‐National Technology Transfer: Evidence from German-­‐Brazil cooperation Room Corso A Session 8.1: Tools & Methods II 1230 -­‐ 1330 LUNCH (Budapest Ballroom) 1330 -­‐ 1400 INNOVATION IN HUNGARY (Room Erzsébet A+B) Moderated by Iain Bitran Csaba Márkus, Partner, Deloitte: Promoting Innovation in Hungary -­‐ Is it good or could it be better? Iain Bitran, Executive Director, ISPIM: Conference Contributions 1400 INNOVATION TOURS (meet in front of the Marriott hotel main entrance) Please sign up for tours at Places will be allocated on a first-­‐come-­‐first-­‐served basis with priority given to ISPIM Members. T-­‐Systems Ericsson Nokia Tour Leader: Julianna Szuszékos Tour Leader: Tamara Szabo Tour Leader: Imre Boór A visit to the Data Centre of T-­‐
Join the tour to the biggest Visit includes: Systems Hungary with a question research and development centre -­‐ Welcome by Head of Nokia and answer session in Hungary, and check out the way Budapest Technology Center of working there, the innovation -­‐ Demo & Nokia Lab tour More details mechanisms, and the little tricks to -­‐ Lab Future View Video keep up the spirit for innovation. -­‐ Technology & Innovation Demo The visit includes:
This is a 60-­‐minute tour plus -­‐ Agile Gemba Tour
More details transfer by bus of approx. 20 -­‐ Innovation Garage Tour minutes. Return to the Marriott at This is a 3-­‐hour tour plus transfer around 1530. This is a 2-­‐hour tour plus transfer by bus of approx. 30 minutes. by bus of approx. 30 minutes. Return to the Marriott at around Please bring your photo ID or Return to the Marriott at around 1730. passport 1630. EvoPro Open Innovation Network Tour Leader: Balázs Bodnár Tour Leader: Ekaterina Albats Visit includes: Learn, share and generate new -­‐ welcome on the board the new ideas on teaching and coaching urban/suburban bus with open innovation composite structure and electric drivetrain More details -­‐ visit to the bus factory -­‐ opportunity to test drive the This is located a short 10-­‐minute electrical bus in the factory test walk from the Marriott. The visit area starts at 1500 and ends at 1700. More details This is a 2-­‐hour tour plus transfer on an EvoPro electric bus. Return to the Marriott at around 1630. 1400 – 1530 THE WILEY WORKSHOP (Room Erzsébet A + B) New Teaching Resources for Innovation & Entrepreneurship CLOSE OF CONFERENCE EVENT PARTNERS & SPONSORS