Call for papers Wireless Communications Symposium


Call for papers Wireless Communications Symposium
Call for papers
Wireless Communications Symposium, ICNC 2016
Kauai, Hawaii, Feb. 15-18, 2016
Symposium Co-chairs
David Love, Purdue University, USA, E-mail:
Shi Jin, Southeast University, China, Email:
Wei Zhang, University of New South Wales, Australia, Email:
The Wireless Communications Symposium will focus on topics related to all aspects of Physical layer (PHY), MAC
layer, Cross-layer, and Physical layer-related network analysis and design. To ensure complete coverage of the
advances in wireless communications technologies for current and future systems, the Wireless Communications
Symposium invites original contributions in, but not limited to, the following topical areas:
Antennas, smart antennas, and space-time processing
Broadband wireless access techniques, systems, and standards
Cognitive radio communications
Channel modeling and propagation
Cross-layer design and physical-layer based network issues
Device-to-device and machine-to-machine communications
Distributed, relay assisted, and cooperative communications
Energy harvesting communications & Wireless power transfer
Full-duplex radio communications
Green communications
Heterogeneous and small-cell networks
Hybrid communication systems (e.g. satellite/terrestrial/wireline hybrids)
Interference characterization and modeling
Interference management, alignment, and cancellation
Localization and navigation techniques
Millimeter wave and Terahertz communications
MIMO, multi-user MIMO, and massive MIMO
Modulation, coding, and diversity techniques
Multiple access techniques and air interfaces
OFDM and multi-carrier systems
Performance analysis of wireless systems
Physical-layer network coding
Physical-layer security
Physical-layer aspects of wireless sensor networks
Radio resource management
Radio Systems Virtualization
Ultra-wideband communications (UWB)
Underwater wireless communications
Visible light communications
Wireless communications testbeds, field tests, and measurements
Submission Guidelines
Please follow the author instructions at
Direct paper submission web link of this symposium can be found at
Paper Submission: 5 July 2015
Acceptance Notification: 20 Sept. 2015
Camera-ready Paper: 20 Oct. 2015
Conference: 15-18 February 2016
Short biography of co-chairs
David J. Love received the B.S. (with highest honors), M.S.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of Texas at Austin in 2000, 2002, and 2004, respectively. Since August 2004, he has been with the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, where he is now a Professor
and recognized as a University Faculty Scholar. He has served as an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on
Communications, an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and a guest editor for special
issues of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications and the EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking. His research interests include massive MIMO, distributed MIMO, millimeter
wave communication, signal processing to minimize electromagnetic exposure, spectrum sensing, and MIMO array
processing. Dr. Love is an inventor on 23 issued US patents. He has received various paper awards including the
2009 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Jack Neubauer Memorial Award and multiple Globecom best
paper awards. He is recognized as an IEEE Fellow and Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher.
Jin Shi received the Ph.D. degree in communications and information systems from the Southeast University,
Nanjing, in 2007. From June 2007 to October 2009, he was a Research Fellow with the Adastral Park Research
Campus, University College London, London, U.K. He is currently with the faculty of the National Mobile
Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University. His research interests include space-time wireless
communications, random matrix theory, and information theory. He serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Wireless Communications, and IEEE Communications Letters, and IET Communications. Dr. Jin
and his co-authors have been awarded the 2011 IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award
in the field of communication theory and a 2010 Young Author Best Paper Award by the IEEE Signal Processing
Wei Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, The
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research interests include cognitive radio, cooperative
communications, space-time coding, and MIMO. He serves as Editor for IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications,
Editor for IEEE Trans. Communications, and Editor for IEEE Trans. Cognitive Communications & Networking. He
was Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Cognitive Radio Series (2012-2014). He is the
Secretary of the IEEE ComSoc Wireless Communications Technical Committee. He was the TPC Co-Chair of ICC
2011 - Communication Theory Symposium the TPC Chair of GlobalSIP 2014 - Cognitive Radio Symposium. He
received the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009. He also received the best
paper award at IEEE Globecom 2007 and the best paper award at IEEE GlobalSIP 2014. He is an IEEE Fellow.