GCS GENERAL COUNSEL SUMMIT G Gr ua ou rd p ia Co n m M m ed e ia rcia SA G l L RA ro eg H up a D PL l Dir AV C ect IS (U or K ) Australia’s Premier In-House Legal Event Th e Pr oc D E te Ch BO r & ie RA f G Leg H P am a L bl l O AT e ffic T C e M om r & A pa Se JO ny cr RA (U etar S SA y ) 5 & 6 May 2015 Amora Hotel, Sydney RY el ER s K oun rce . . F C e t N l m ns T O era m s I MI ER en f Co ing lar, G o ok o AM r C rme nt ro Sch e B Fo rtm w, ting a llo isi ep Fe V D ng S i U isit V ed h is AR M l& U se ion K n t ) LI ou va SA JA al C nno (U AN ner ial I ker e G Soc Par of by ad ar He W gu in st Di M LI & A r l C ffice nse EC O ou up EB ce C ro R lian ral c G e a p m en stp Co p G e ef rou W i Ch G Gold Sponsor Y ER & M cer ry M fi ta d f A D l O cre ite D ega Se im R A L y L H ef an hs IC hi p rt R C om wo C ol R D o W Event Partner Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Networking Drinks Sponsor Lunch Day One Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Lunch Day Two Sponsor Thought Leadership Cameron F. Kerry Former General Counsel, US Department of Commerce & Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Brookings Inst. & Visiting Scholar, MIT Deborah Platt Majoras Chief Legal Officer & Secretary The Procter & Gamble Company (USA) Sarah Davis Group Commercial Legal Director Guardian Media Group PLC (UK) Dr Richard Dammery Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary Woolworths Limited Anjali Kumar General Counsel & Head of Social Innovation Warby Parker (USA) Rebecca Lim Chief Compliance Officer & Group General Counsel Westpac Group Peter Horton Group General Counsel & Company Secretary QBE Insurance Group Craig Cawood Vice President General Counsel McDonald’s Australia Carmel Mulhern Group General Counsel Telstra Senator the Hon George Brandis QC Attorney-General Minister for the Arts, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate Julian hoskins General Counsel Tabcorp John O’Grady Group General Counsel & Company Secretary Ramsay Health Care Claude Harran Senior Legal Counsel Nissan Motor Corporation John Fitzgerald General Counsel AGL Energy Maria Polczynski Head of Group Legal Bendigo Bank Campbell Jackson Partner - Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Ernst & Young Michael Tidball Chief Executive Officer The Law Society NSW Jasna Bratic Former General Cousel & Company Secretary Lonely Planet Stuart Thomas General Counsel Network Ten Rob Simpson Director Legal & Business Affairs Australian Broadcasting Corporation Katherine Grace General Counsel & Company Secretary Stockland Delia Rickard Deputy Chair ACCC Allison Stanfield Director, New Business 02 8004 8590 Christian Paech General Counsel Santos Christine Covington Partner Corrs Chambers Westgarth GENERAL GCS COUNSEL SUMMIT 14 Sessions 2 Days 200 + #theGCS Delegates 1 Essential 40 + Speakers In-House Event The Experience In Australia’s increasingly complex regulatory landscape, the focus is on the General Counsel to navigate compliance risks and use their unique perspective to shape core business strategy. Negotiating legal issues as well as the wider economic and social forces driving business change calls for superior risk management without sacrificing innovation. This demands a new breed of General Counsel with the confidence and direction to expand into unfamiliar Jurisdictions in the pursuit of growth. The General Counsel Summit is the nation’s premiere networking and learning platform that brings together an unprecedented calibre of in-house legal minds from Australia’s leading Companies. Tailored exclusively for board level inhouse legal professionals, this ideal networking environment coupled with this focused program will arm executives with actionable insights and exemplary strategies to steer the corporate agenda to success in 2015. The Advantage GAIN invaluable insights from the experiences of the world’s most influential organisations. BE INSPIRED by the most distinguished minds in the industry, locally and internationally. LEARN the lessons of exemplary practice and understand how you can gain from it. ENGAGE with your fellow industry professionals from across the nation in one place. NETWORK effectively at dedicated lunches, breaks and networking drinks sessions GENERAL GCS COUNSEL SUMMIT 9:10 Opening Remarks from the Chairman Michael Tidball, CEO, The Law Society NSW 9:15 Official Video Welcome The Federal Governments Reform Agenda and What it Means for General Counsels Senator the Hon George Brandis QC Attorney-General Minister for the Arts, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate 9:30 Outlook Session On the Agenda: the Legal and Regulatory Outlook for 2015 Organisations are reliant on their general counsel to direct them through Australia’s complex and changing regulatory landscape and to knowledgably advise them on the nature and effects of any such changes. What are the regulatory changes that in-house legal teams need to be paying attention to? Where are the big changes that are occurring in Australian legal practise? How will the Federal Government’s legislative agenda shape in-house practise? What will be the priorities of Australia’s regulatory bodies in 2015? Mark McFarlane Partner King & Wood Mallesons Peter Horton Group General Counsel & Company Secretary QBE Insurance Group Delia Rickard Deputy Chair ACCC 10.20 Morning Refreshments & Networking 11:00 Partner Keynote: Regional Differences John W.H. Denton AO Partner & Chief Executive Officer Corrs Chambers Westgarth 11:30 Leadership Session ,QKRXVH,QÀXHQFH'ULYLQJ%XVLQHVV6WUDWHJ\WKURXJK/HJDO/HDGHUVKLS As general counsel take on an increasingly strategic role within their organisations there is a need to understand and influence the decisions made by the c-suite. How should general counsel use their seat at the table? What policies do in-house departments use to align compliance with broader business strategy? How are Australia’s most influential general counsel using their unique understanding of risk to add value and create competitive advantage for their organisations? Dr Richard Dammery Chief Legal Officer & Company Secretary Woolworths Limited Maria Polczynski Head of Group Legal Bendigo Bank Craig Cawood VP General Counsel McDonald’s Australia Christine Covington Partner Corrs Chambers Westgarth 12:20 Lunch & Networking sponsored by Exigent Nicola Stott Global Managing Director Exigent 13:30 Compliance Session (QJLQHHULQJ$FFRXQWDELOLW\&UHDWLQJDQG0DLQWDLQLQJD&XOWXUHRI&RPSOLDQFH Setting clear standards of ethical behaviour and legal compliance is a central function of in-house legal departments, and one that has to be responsive to regulatory changes. How are general counsel embedding accountability throughout their organisations? What are the challenges of communicating the need for compliance? What are effective strategies for information governance that protect against privacy concerns? How are general counsel ensuring that their compliance agenda is up to date with a changing regulatory environment? 14:20 Mastermind Keynote Governance and the Future of the Digital Economy Simon Snow Partner Gilbert + Tobin Julian Hoskins General Counsel Tabcorp John O’Grady Group General Counsel & Company Secretary Ramsay Health Care Trish Russell General Counsel Thiess Cameron F. Kerry, Former General Counsel, US Department of Commerce & Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution, & Visiting Scholar, MIT (USA) 15:05 Afternoon Refreshments & Networking 15:35 Visionary Keynote On Foresight - Legal Practices that Promote and Protect Innovation Anjali Kumar General Counsel & Head of Social Innovation Warby Parker (via video) 16:05 International Session %H\RQG%RUGHUV0DQDJLQJWKH*OREDOLVDWLRQRIWKH/HJDO)XQFWLRQ General Counsel face the dual challenge of navigating compliance issues across different jurisdictions and working with a legal function that is becoming increasingly globalised. What strategies are general counsel using to operate in the legal and regulatory frameworks of other countries? How can they avoiding being held hostage to offshore policy decisions within transnational corporations? How do you align objectives across international organisations? Jane Englefield Senior Counsel Google Campbell Jackson, Partner - Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Ernst & Young Jasna Bratic Former General Counsel & Company Secretary Lonely Planet 16:55 Closing Remarks from the Chairman Michael Tidball, CEO, The Law Society NSW 17:00 Networking Drinks sponsored by Ally Group Joanne Rees, CFO, Ally Group 18:00 Close of Day One Become a Sponsor & position yourself as a thought leader. Contact: Vanessa McKinney Commercial Manager Tel: (02) 8090 4363 Email: DAY 1: Tuesday 5 May 2015 8:30 Registration, Refreshments & Networking 9:25 Opening Remarks from the Chairman Michael Tidball CEO The Law Society NSW 9:30 Global Keynote Procter & Gamble’s ‘Legal Renewal’: Collaboration and Agility Deborah Platt Majoras Chief Legal Officer & Secretary The Procter & Gamble Company (via live link) 10:00 External Session 7RPRUURZ¶V/HJDO7HDP6WUDWHJLHVIRU(IIHFWLYHO\8VLQJ([WHUQDO&RXQVHO By effectively co-ordinating internal and external counsel General Counsel are finding innovative approaches to the challenge of creating high quality and low cost representation. How are general counsel structuring their use of law firms to maximise their budget and ensure value? What mix of the Big Six and smaller boutique firms is effective? How are general counsel managing specialist legal services such as litigation? Will time-based billing be replaced by alternative fee arrangements? Christian Paech General Counsel Santos Allison Stanfield Director, New Business Katherine Grace General Counsel & Company Secretary Stockland 10:50 Morning Refreshments & Networking 11:30 Platinum Keynote: 7DPLQJWKH%HDVW7HFKQRORJ\DQG(YLGHQFH Allison Stanfield Director, New Business 11:55 Service Delivery Session 6WUDWHJ\DQG'HOLYHU\(QVXULQJ+LJK4XDOLW\,Q+RXVH/HJDO6HUYLFH In managing the legal function the General Counsel has to find smart and effective ways to provide legal services to their organisations and deliver value. What can general counsel do to create and maintain a high performance legal function? How are they expanding their role as advisors into other services such as dispute resolution? How are general counsel helping navigate their companies through mergers and other complex changes in their businesses? How do you balance the need to give independent advice and the desire to be an integrated part of business strategy? Should General Counsel do pro bono legal work? Claude Harran Senior Legal Counsel Nissan Motor Corporation John Fitzgerald General Counsel AGL Energy Rob Simpson Director of Legal & Business Affairs ABC Evan Savva Head of Sales & Marketing Law In Order 12:55 Lunch & Networking sponsored by Law In Order 14:10 Future Session &KDQJLQJ&KDOOHQJHV7KH5HVSRQVLELOLWLHVRIWKH1H[W*HQHUDWLRQRI*HQHUDO Counsel As a changing profession, the role of the general counsel continues to be defined and redefined by innovative practitioners and a business environment with a greater need for regulatory intelligence and risk management. What is next for the role of general counsel? How can general counsel lead organisational adaption to a society that demands both transparency and accountability? What can Australia learn from International models of in-house legal practise, such as having a Chief Legal Officer rather than a General Counsel? Ian Goddard CEO Yarris - Dazychain & Legal Panel Gateway Carmel Mulhern Group General Counsel Telstra Rebecca Lim Chief Compliance Officer & Group General Counsel Westpac Group Stuart Thomas General Counsel Network Ten 15:00 Headline Keynote :LNLOHDNV0HGLD3ULYDF\DQG6HFUHF\,VVXHV Sarah Davis Group Commercial Legal Director Guardian Media Group PLC (UK) 15:45 Closing Remarks from the Chairman Michael Tidball CEO The Law Society NSW DAY 2: Wednesday 6 May 2015 9:00 Registration, Refreshments & Networking 15:50 Close of Summit Standard Rate One Delegate Four Delegates $ 1,900 Includes One Free Service Provider $ 5,700 $ 2,500 02 8004 8590 REGISTRATION FORM 5 - 6 May 2015 Amora Hotel, Sydney Group Discount Organisation Details Register 4 delegates includes 1 FREE Register 8 delegates includes 2 FREE Organisation Name: Address: Postcode: State: Tel: Fax: How to Register Country: Online: Phone: Email: Fax: Delegate 1 Details 02 8004 8590 Complete registration form and fax to 02 8079 6133 Mr/Ms/Mrs: Firstname Venue & Accommodation Surname Position: Email: Tel: Amora Hotel, Sydney 11 Jamison St, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2 9696 2500. Delegate 2 Details Quote ‘A-CON0405‘ to receive a discount on rooms. Mr/Ms/Mrs: Firstname Terms and Conditions Surname Position: Delegate Package: Delegate Pass includes access to all sessions, refreshment breaks, networking lunches, networking drinks reception, and access to speaker presentations. Please note: not all speakers choose to provide presentation papers. One delegate ticket is entry for one person only, passes cannot be shared. Organiser’s reserve the right to deny entry to anyone not registered. A delegate list is available for viewing at the event, and will not be distributed. Email: Tel: Delegate 3 Details Mr/Ms/Mrs: Firstname Surname Position: Payment & Discounts: Payment of invoice is due within 7 days of registration. A 3% surcharge is payable for all credit card transactions. Only one promotional discount code can be applied per registrant. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST. Payment in full is required by the first day of the event. Email: Tel: Delegate 4 Details (FREE) Mr/Ms/Mrs: Firstname Surname Position: Email: Tel: Registration Fees Promotional Code Standard Price Enter Promotional Code One Delegate $1,900 inc. GST Four Delegates (Includes 1 free) $5,700 inc. GST Service Provider* $2,500 inc. GST * This option is for a legal firm or service provider to in house legal professionals Payment Details Payment is due at the time of registration. By signing and returning this form your are accepting our terms and conditions. Visa Mastercard Card Number: &DUG+ROGHUV1DPH American Express - - EFT Payment - Invoice Me Expiry Date: Cheque / / &DUG+ROGHUV6LJQDWXUH EFT Payments: Connect Events Pty Ltd %DQNQDPH Westpac %6% 032 023 $FFRXQW1XPEHU 28 0080 Cheque Payable to: Connect Events Pty Ltd Mail to: Studio 3B, 63-73 Ann Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Total Amount Payable: $ Organiser’s Rights: Connect Events endeavours to ensure the conference programme and speaker line-up is correct at the time of the event. All advertised details are correct at time of publishing. Due to unforeseen circumstances Connect Events reserves the right to alter the programme prior to the event without notice. We also reserve the right to cancel or postpone this event when full refunds will be issued. Connect Events reserves the right to deny access to any individual that engages in or is alleged to engage in practices that are considered unprofessional and inappropriate for a business conference. We reserve the right to deny access to delegates that may affect the client/ vendor ratio of attendance in favour of the interests of sponsors and commercial partners of the event. In registering for this event, delegates grant permission to Connect Events to take and to have full and free use of video/photographs containing their image/ likeness for promotional use. Should a delegate not agree to the above image release, they must advise Cancellation Policy: A substitute delegate is welcome at any time provided the request is made in writing. A full refund less a $250 (GST Inclusive) processing fee is applicable on cancellation requests made in writing within 10 days of registration. No refunds are available for cancellations made more than 10 days after registration. Privacy Disclosure: Information collected on this registration will be held in the strictest of confidence on a secure database. This information may be used in order to contact you regarding future events, product development and services offered. If you do not wish to be contacted please email: See Online for Full Privacy Policy: Visit · email: tel: 02 8004 8590 · fax: 02 8079 6133