place program registration checklist
place program registration checklist
Rev. 2015 RESET PLACE PROGRAM REGISTRATION CHECKLIST For Office Use Only SITE: --SELECT-- DATE: STUDENT: CLIENT(S) _ Registration Form Original to site/copy to client. District Office Approval Codes are required. Client Tuition/Enrollment Status Form Fiscal Procedures Form Financial Responsibility Form Client Handbook Verification Form PLACE Program Behavior Policy Form District School Board of Pasco County Media Release Non-Consent Form - MIS 667 FERPA Form Subsidized Client Acceptance Form - (If applicable) (Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc.) Subsidy Eligibility/Rate Certificate - (If applicable) PEEPS Client Acceptance Form - (If applicable) DSBPC Employee Application for Discount – (If applicable) This form must be completed by new clients or those with a break in service. Discount will be effective upon District Office approval. School Board Employee Authorized Pick Up Liability Waiver – (If applicable) ADA Medical Form (If applicable) Tuition Express ID Code Approval Number NBIS (No Break in Service) Rev. 2015 PLACE Department PLACE PROGRAM Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment REGISTRATION FORM PLACE Site --SELECT-Student (Full legal name) Date of enrollment Preferred Name Student Address Student lives with (Full legal name) Date of Birth Sex (M/F) -SELECT- Grade Student ID# Parent/Guardian (Full legal name) Relationship to student Address Home Phone Work Mobile Work Mobile E-mail address Parent/Guardian (Full legal name) Relationship to student Address Home Phone E-mail address Is there a custody issue regarding this student? Is there a court order regarding this student? NO NO NOTE: Florida statute provides that both parents have equal rights and access to their child and his/her records, unless a court order states differently. Court order(s) should be copied and kept in the child’s record at the PLACE site. I understand I must maintain health/accident insurance for my child Specific Food Allergies Initial Other Allergies Please indicate if your child has a qualifying disability, which may require reasonable accommodation(s) in order to participate in this program. You are entitled to, at no cost to you, the provision of reasonable accommodations. Additional information will be required from your medical provider regarding the medical diagnosis and subsequent limitations. □ NO (My child has no qualifying disability) □ YES (My child has a qualifying disability) In order to better assist in caring for your child, PLACE staff members may want access your student’s educational records or meet with teachers to discuss participant needs and supports. Although PLACE is not your student's educational institution, and, thus, does not have a “legitimate educational interest” as defined by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), we believe that open communication with school staff supports our efforts to contribute to the community of caring for each participant. By signing the attached FERPA-compliant records release, you give permission to the PLACE staff to obtain and utilize information gathered through conversation or educational records for the purpose of providing support to your child while attending PLACE. EMERGENCY CONTACTS (Names/Phone #s) School Board Employee □YES □YES □YES □YES □NO □NO □NO □NO Authorized to Pickup □YES □YES □YES □YES □NO □NO □NO □NO How did you hear about us? □ Flyer □ Facebook □ Family/Friend □ Newspaper □ Twitter □ Website/Search Engine □ Van □ Other For Office Use Only: Registration Paid Date D.O Approval #_ Ck/M.O. # Account Key DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE Program Client Tuition/Enrollment Status Form Client Name: Name(s) of Child(ren): FEE STATUS: Full-Time (unlimited services) Before school only (attendance for any portion of the day during a full day program will require full-time tuition for that week). After school only (attendance for any portion of the day during a full day program will require full-time tuition for that week). Subsidized (unlimited services) Drop-in (payment due at time of service) PLACE Staff (hired prior to 7/27/2010) PEEPS (unlimited services) Total Weekly Tuition Due: Weekly tuition due from client for all children on this account (excluding additional charges such as: late fees, late pickup fees, registration fees, etc.) Effective Date (Pending D.O. Approval) Site Manager’s Signature Date Client’s Signature Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Status Change to: FT ST Effective Date/Client Initial New Weekly Tuition Due: Status Change to: FT ST Effective Date/Client Initial New Weekly Tuition Due: NOTE: ANY ADDITIONAL CHANGE IN STATUS WILL INCUR AN ADDITIONAL REGISTRATION FEE PER CHILD. DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE Program Fiscal Procedures Site: --SELECT-- Primary Payer: The following fiscal procedures will take effect as of August 24, 2015. Please initial each one after discussing it with the Site Manager. TUITION and FEES Tuition and fees are due in advance of the week’s services, even when the child is not in attendance. A late payment fee will be assessed if payment of tuition in full and all outstanding fees are not received by 6:00 p.m. on the second day of program. All past due balances must be paid in full by the last day of program in the week for which the balances are due to avoid disabling of and/or terminating the account. Students will not be permitted to re-enter program until past due balances are paid in full. A break in service requires new paperwork and payment of registration fee. Client adjustments will not be issued for late payment of tuition fees, late pick-up or registration. Changes in fee status will require amending and signing the Enrollment Status Form. Change in status will not be made if there is any unpaid balance due. A fee status change may be made two times per school year. Additional status changes will incur an additional registration fee per child before becoming effective. The PLACE Program is not responsible for payments sent in students’ backpacks or left at the school offices. Pasco County Schools utilizes CheckCare to assist in the recovery of all returned checks. The PLACE Program reserves the right to require payment by Money Order only. DROP-IN STATUS If payment for Drop-in service is not received at the time a child is dropped off at program, a late payment fee will be assessed. Drop-in service will not be available to any client who owes money to any PLACE Program. Clients may not reduce status to Drop-in for Winter Break, Spring Break or extended school holidays. VACATION Vacation requests and vacation credit will not be granted after the fact. Clients must have a zero balance at the time they take vacation. CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT Each person authorized to drop off/pick up a registered child must establish and use his/her own personal code or identifier. All students must be signed out by 6:00 p.m. All students must be signed out by 6:00 p.m. Beginning at 6:01 p.m., a late pick- up fee will be assessed, per child, for every 15 minutes or any part thereof. SUBSIDIZED CLIENTS A late payment fee will be assessed if payment of tuition is not received by 6:00 p.m. on the second day of program. Clients are responsible for payment of additional tuition charges if the child exceeds the three (3) absences granted per month by their contract with the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc. Clients are not eligible for vacation credits. Annual PLACE Program registration will be deferred until the ELC contract ends or there is a change in status. My signature below indicates that I have read, discussed with the Site Manager and will abide by each of the aforementioned procedures. _____________________________________________ Primary Payer Signature Date Site Manager Signature Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FORM Payers listed below will have access to all financial information including account statements, information for tax purposes, and payment receipts. Only the payers listed below will have the ability to make payments at our check-in screen and online. Student (Full legal name) Account Key (Office Use Only) Student ID PLACE Site --SELECT-- PRIMARY PAYER Full Legal Name Date of Birth (Required) Relationship to Student (Required) Address Telephone (Required) (Required) Home Work (Required) Mobile (Required) (Required) E-mail address Signature Date (Required) (Required) My signature above confirms I am acknowledging and accepting shared Financial Responsibility for this account, if applicable, with the Secondary Payer as indicated below. SECONDARY PAYER (Optional) Full Legal Name Date of Birth (Required) Relationship to Student (Required) Address Telephone (Required) (Required) Home Work (Required) Mobile (Required) (Required) E-mail address Signature (Required) Date (Required) My signature above confirms I am acknowledging and accepting shared Financial Responsibility for this account with the Primary Payer as indicated above. DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE PROGRAM CLIENT HANDBOOK VERIFICATION My signature indicates that I have received a copy of the PLACE Program Client Handbook or reviewed the handbook online at and will abide by all of the policies and procedures. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signature of Client ___________________________________________ Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE PROGRAM BEHAVIOR POLICY PLACE staff are committed to provide a safe, positive and enriching environment for all children in our program. Although the PLACE Program is a different setting than the regular school day, appropriate behavior is still expected. Please review the following expectations of appropriate behavior: 1. Listening and following directions. 2. Keeping hands, feet, legs and objects to self. 3. Speaking in a normal tone of voice, in a courteous manner and utilizing acceptable language. 4. Using materials and equipment appropriately. 5. Following safety rules. PLACE staff will use positive behavior management techniques that include: 1. Guiding children by setting clear, consistent expectations for program behavior. 2. Redirecting children to a more acceptable behavior or activity. 3. Using positive reinforcement 4. Making eye contact and listening when children talk about their feelings and frustrations. 5. Guiding children to resolve their own conflicts through the use of conflict resolution skills. PLACE staff will use the following discipline action steps: 1. Verbal communication to parent/guardian regarding child's behavior. 2. Written Behavior Notice. 3. Suspension from program – Serious or repeated behavior problems will result in a 1- 2 day suspension from the program. 4. Parent Conference with site and/or District Office PLACE staff member(s). 5. Termination - PLACE will be unable to serve children who display chronically disruptive and/or dangerous behavior. Chronically disruptive behavior is defined as verbal or physical activity which may include, but is not limited to: • • • 6. Behavior that requires constant attention from staff. Behavior that inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children or self. Behavior that is abusive toward staff and/or non-compliant with the program rules. If a child's PLACE service is terminated because of a violation of this Behavior Policy, the parent/guardian(s) may seek to re-enroll their child no earlier than one year from the date of termination. The decision to approve re-enrollment will be made on a case-by-case basis and may require documentation that the child’s behavior has significantly improved. PLACE does not discriminate and gives children with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in all services, which includes the provision of reasonable accommodations that do not fundamentally alter the program, provided that the child’s participation does not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of himself or others. If reasonable efforts have been made and a child continues to pose a direct threat to the health or safety of himself or others, PLACE services may be terminated. My signature indicates that I have read, understand and will abide by the procedures described above. _______________________________________________ __________________________ Client Signature Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY MEDIA RELEASE NON-CONSENT FORM The District School Board of Pasco County (DSBPC, the District) strives to celebrate the accomplishments of its students by sharing information with the community. To do this, the District may submit press releases to local media (newspapers, radio, television, online news blogs) that include student names, student work, student photographs, and video and/or voice recordings. In addition, the District may choose to publish and/or display this information in District-sponsored publications, at various school or public functions, on the District’s local cable channel, website(s) and various social media channels, or in the school yearbook. While the intent of this practice is to be informative and celebratory, the District recognizes that concerns may arise regarding a student’s right to privacy. Pursuant to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), school districts are permitted to release "school directory information" unless parents exercise their right of refusal. Under the FERPA law, this information could include: student name, residential address, e-mail address, phone numbers, photographs/images, school locations, field of study, degrees, honors and awards received and participation in athletics and other activities. It is the intent and practice of the School District to publish, post, or release ONLY a child’s name, photograph, audio and/or video recording, displays of student work or other school-related information and ONLY as related to student achievement (e.g. academic/athletic recognition or award) or student accomplishment (e.g. a specially selected piece of work). If you agree to allow the DSBPC to publish and/or display such information about your student for noncommercial purposes and without cost, no action is required. If you DO NOT grant permission for the District to release your child’s name, photograph, schoolwork, and/or video or voice recording in the manner stated above, you must complete, sign and return this Media Release Non-Consent form to your child’s school. Please note that the Media Release Non-Consent Form is available in the administrative office of your child’s school and on the District web site, and a signed form is considered valid for one (1) school year. By signing and returning this form to my child’s school, I formally state that I DO NOT grant permission to the District School Board of Pasco County to release my child’s name, photograph, audio and/or video recording, or displays of work to the media; to publish information about my child’s accomplishments or achievements in District-sponsored publications; or to display such information on the District’s local cable channel, website(s), various social media channels, in the school yearbook, or at school or public functions during the current school year. Last Name of Student First Name Student # Grade School --SELECT-- I understand fully the conditions set forth in this document. Name of Parent or Guardian (Please Print) Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Contact Phone Number DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian PLACE Department Mary Grey, Director 813/ 794-2180 Fax: 813/ 794-2487 727/ 774-2180 TDD: 813/ 794-2484 352/ 524-2180 E-Mail: FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) REQUEST TO RELEASE/ACCESS STUDENT RECORDS I, , (Name of parent of minor student), HEREBY REQUEST that the School Board of Pasco County, its employees, agents, and assigns (hereinafter SCHOOL BOARD), provide release of student records, for: (Name of Student) which are in possession of the SCHOOL BOARD, to Pasco Learning & Activity Centers of Enrichment (PLACE). I understand that I can limit the SCHOOL BOARD'S release of records to certain specified records. I wish to have the SCHOOL BOARD give access to and/or communicate regarding all student records in its possession OR only allow access to and/or communication related to . If the "all student records" option is chosen, I understand that the records provided may include materials that are not student records, or that may otherwise be confidential, including but not limited to criminal records, whether student was an offender or victim of any type of crime. I further understand that all such records may be confidential under Federal Law and Florida Law, including, but not limited to §1002.22, Florida Statutes and 20 U.S.C.A. § 1232g, and I waive all rights of confidentiality as to this request, thereby allowing SCHOOL BOARD to openly communicate with the PLACE staff, The reason for this release of records is to allow the PLACE staff to access student educational records or meet with teachers to discuss participant needs and supports.(20 U.S.C.A. 1232g(b)(2)(A) requires the requestor to specify the reason for the request for release). I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify the SCHOOL BOARD for any and all damages or claims arising out of the SCHOOL BOARD’S compliance with my request to provide access to my student’s records to the PLACE program. Parent/Guardian (or eligible student) Date Witness Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE PROGRAM SUBSIDIZED CLIENT ACCEPTANCE FORM As a client receiving subsidy form the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc., I understand that: • I am not entitled to vacation credit in the PLACE Program. In lieu of vacation credit, the PLACE Program will defer the annual registration fee. • I am responsible for payment of additional tuition charges if my child exceeds the three (3) absences per month by my contract with the Early Learning Coalition of Pasco and Hernando Counties, Inc. • I am responsible for notifying the Site Manager of any changes in my ELC Contract. • I am responsible for payment of late fees that will be assessed if payment of tuition is not received by 6:00 p.m. on the second day of program or if I fail to pick my child(ren) up by 6:00 p.m. My signature indicates that I have read, understand and will abide the procedures described above. Client Signature Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 PLACE PROGRAM PEEPS CLIENT ACCEPTANCE FORM I understand that as a client of the PEEPS Program, the PLACE Program will receive a subsidy for payment of weekly tuition. In lieu of this, the PLACE Program will expect clients to be responsible for the following charges, if accrued. • A charge for late pick-up in the amount of $15.00 per child for every 15 minutes or any part of that time past 6:00 p.m. My signature indicates that I have read, understand and will abide by the policy described above. PEEPS Client Signature Date DISTRIBUTION: Original – Site; Copy – Parent/Guardian Rev. 2015 Pasco Learning & Activity Centers of Enrichment Medical Certification of Student’s ADA Qualifying Impairment Parents/Guardians requesting a reasonable accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 are required to have an appropriate health care provider complete the following form certifying that the student qualifies to receive an accommodation. This information is treated confidentially, is not maintained in the student’s main file, and will be used only by authorized individuals with direct need to know. Please return this form to: ATTN: Sandy May, Equity Manager District School Board of Pasco County 7227 Land O’Lakes Blvd. Land O’Lakes, FL 34638 OR Fax: (813) 794-2119 Name of Student Requesting ADA accommodations: First: Last: DOB: As it relates to this request for ADA accommodation(s) only, I authorize this health care provider to submit accurate and complete information and communicate, verbally and/or in writing, to the PLACE staff regarding the diagnosed medical condition and my request for reasonable accommodation(s). Parent Signature: Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED AND CERTIFIED BY HEALTHCARE PROVIDER: Name of Healthcare Provider: __________________________________________________ Specialty/Type of Practice: Office Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Office Phone: _______________________ __ Office Fax: ______________________ 1. In your professional judgment, does this individual have a physical impairment that is a physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss? Y or N 1-3 2. In your professional judgment, does the individual have a mental impairment that meets the following d e f i n i t i o n : “Any mental or psychological disorder such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities?” Y or N 3. Please state the patient’s diagnosis and describe the medical facts that support your certification: 4. When did symptoms first appear? Reported symptoms: 5. Under ADA regulations, major life activities are described as activities that an average person can perform with little or no difficulty. The regulations do not offer an exhaustive list but mention the following examples: sitting, standing, walking, speaking, breathing, seeing, hearing, learning, working, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, lifting, bending, reading, thinking, communicating, concentrating, and interacting with others. In your professional judgment, does this student have an impairment that limits one or more major life activities according to this definition? Y or N If yes, please describe 6. The limitation to major life activities must be substantial under the regulations: “An impairment is substantially limiting if it prohibits or significantly restricts an individual’s ability to perform a major life activity as compared to the ability of the average person in the general population to perform the same activity.” There are three factors to consider in determining whether an impairment is substantially limiting: a. Does the nature and severity of the impairment make it substantially limiting? Y or N b. Does the anticipated duration of the impairment make it substantially limiting? Y or N c. Does/Will the impairment have a long-term impact that prohibits or significantly restricts the ability to perform a major life activity? Y or N If yes to any of the above, please explain 7. If you believe the individual has a disability that substantially limits the individual’s ability to perform one or more major life functions, in your professional opinion, can the individual participate in the Pasco Learning & Activity Centers of Enrichment (PLACE) before and after-school program without direct threat to their own health and safety and/or the health and safety of others in the program? Y or N 8. Is/Are reasonable accommodation(s) required to enable the individual to participate in the program? Y or N If yes, what is the specific activity that requires reasonable accommodation(s)? 2-3 Please suggest reasonable accommodation(s) which should be considered that would specifically and directly address/ameliorate the substantial limitation and enable the student to successfully participate in the program, without fundamentally altering the services provided: 9. Please provide any additional information that you feel would be useful in evaluating the student’s medical condition: Signature of attending physician: Printed name of attending physician: Date: 3-3