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document in original format
o Vol. I. No. 2 WINTER 1982-83 1982 Was A Good Year! o Rd>en:cz T"'>tr - 1983 WoriJ p..,wif """"- For fans of the finest co mpe titive cycl ing, 1982 was a year to reme mber. On the inte rna tio nal scen e . Rebecca Twigg outlasted Co nnie Carpenter to win the world purs uit championship. Connie Paraskevin outsprinred Sheila Young-O ch owicz for the go ld medal in th e World S print Championship, a nd in th e Women's Road Race, Connie Carpenter and Rebecca Twigg won Srh and 6th overall. At the professionallevel, Greg u Mond won the silver medal in the grueling 272 km road race (the first A me rican ever to do so) . G reg went o n [(I des troy th e field in the brutal Tour de Lavenir and ca me away with the cove ted gold medal. another American first. On t h e do mestic scene, th e performances were no less impressive . wu h Leonard N it: personally winning th ree gold medals at the U .S . N ational Track C h ampionsh ips, O ur world cha mpion wom en fin ish ed in th e exact same order at the track n ationals, with Connie Paraskevin taking the sprint gold from She ila Young-Ochowicz, and pursuirer Rebecca Twigg stealin g the gold from Con nie Carpen te r, Carpenter reversed the fi nish ing order in the 20 km point race. forcing Twigg to settle for the silver medal. AU( on th e road , the 7-Eleven Men 's tea m an nou nced their presence by win ning first , second and third in the National C riterium C hampionsh ips. In addit io n , th e South land speedste rs won every other mad even t conducted , for a clean sweep of th e road gold. Mean wh ile , the Carpen rer-Twigg duel also moved to the streets when Conn ie put Rebecca into second place b)· winning th e criterium cha mpionsh ips. Twigg reversed th e order when she won th e individual time tri al forcing Carpenter to again settle for the silver. In additio n to th e ex traordinary in dividual ta lent and dedication. and th e in credible tra in ing necessary to perform at a world-class level. th e A merica n champions share an oth er attribute th ey all know h ow to win , Many of them have so meth ing else in common - they depend on Campagn olo com ponents, wh ich sh ould not be surprising. Campagnolo h as been win n ing cycling championsh ips sin ce 1933 - on th e track and road, in competition , and wh ere it really counts, with the cycling public. As a matter of fact : • A U ci the A meri can medal. winners at t he • • • • • • Narional RooJ • • • • • o A d.tabkd ridt'r is qWcJJ, u t\ml<'d 10 ~ TOU C..amflas:nt.... Te<:/m"aI Suppll"' T<'07>I- - a ....res, of tht 1981 WorM Cycling Chamriomhips usN Camp;lKn&>lo components. All c.i lhe xuld medals at m e 1982 Senior Women', Nallonal Road OlampiOl'lSh ip6 ""ere won on Cam~nol" ceerpcnenes. All of rhe silveI meJab at th e 196 2 Senior Women 's Nanonal R"ad Qlampi,,~h iPJ were won on Campagnolo co mponents. All " f rho: hrmu e medal, at lhe 1981 Senior Women', N~ rinnal Rood O1 aml'ion.hil'" were w"n "n Campagno lo components . All " f the ~Id medals at the 198 1 Senior Worn..n', !\arional Tra ck Championsh ips "'."... ....un on Campagnolo compr.>eno . All ci rh .. . il".". meda ls at m e 1982 Sen ior Wornm ', N ationa l TT3Ck Olampiond> ips ..-ere won on Ca mpaJ;:nOlo components. A U of lhe goIJ medols ae the 196 2 Senior Men's (J, ampionsh i~ "'one "'~Ifl on Ca mpagnolo COOlJ"OnC'fllS. A lllh ree medals in th.. 1961 Senior Men's l\'al ional Cri leIium O>ampLumh ips _ Ie won on Ca mpag nolo componenlS . All , hUI one. of rh" l:Old rneo.lals at th "' 198 1 Senior Men', Nanonal Track o,ampion. hips were w,m " n Ca mpagnolo components. All of t he silver medals at rhe 1981 Sen ior Men's N arional T rack Otampionshi,," were wtlfl 'Ifl Cempagnolo componen ts. All l hrco: m..-dals in the 198 2 Senior Men '. Nallonal K,lomete r O>a mpinnmips were __ n on Campll"",,10 corns-"lIlenlli. A lIlh rec lI'I<:XIals in m e 1982 Sen,iOf Men 's Nariunal Srt"inl CloampionsllLp5 were .....lI"l on CampaROOo c:omponcnts. The firs! TldJne in q diJlK since 1933 1 Record News Vol. I No. 2 For The Record N ew P o sitio n Annou n ced Jeff Davis, the Technica l Advisor to Campagnolo-U .S.A. , In c. over th e last year, h as been reassigned as the Technical Consultan t and O in ic Coordina tor. H e will continue to h and le the techn ica l inquiries as before , but will also prepare a techn ica l manual for Campagnolo products over the next few months. In 1983, Mr. Davis will conduct 15 clin ics th roughout th e U nited States. The cl inics will be, in-depth, one day presentations to furt her educate dealers and mechanics in the use , maintenance and sale of Campagnolo products. Mr. Davis will be working out of Hartford, Con necticut . H e ca n be contacted by mail or ph one . Any tec hn ical questions or problems should be addressed 10 Jeff Davis as follows: Jeff Davis 48 Moylan Cour t N ewington, Connect icut 06111 (201) 667· 1617 C a mpagnolo Na mes, Pranke to P.R. Post - C h uck Pranke h as been named Public Relations Coord inator for C ampagnolo-U .S. A . , ln c. , according to Julio Ma rquevich , Presiden t . Prank e \1,'3.5 a member of the 1968 U nited States Olympic Cycling Team and twice National Championshi p Silver Medallist. H e was organ izer and direc tor of the 1972 & 1973 U .S . Cycling Gran Prix, Executi ve Director of th e Enci no Velodrome, Encino . California , and since 1978, C ycling liaison to the Miller Brewing Company. H e will join Marketi ng Manager, Amos York, and Technical Su pport Liaison , Bill Woodul , in developing and implementing Cempagnolo's promotional and marketing programs. Bill Woodul will dedicate all of h is time and efforts to raci ng ac tiv ities and technical seminars. "Campagnolo's plans for the futu re are man y-fold," said Marquevich . "ln addition to ou r many well-established involvem ents and our comm itments to the 1984 Olympic G ames, we are instituting a new nation-wide cycl ing support program . This program is based on a diversifica tion of participation th at witt affec t a larger portion of rh e Bicycle Industry. A derailed announcement of C ampagn olo's total program will be forthcom ing." "Chuck's promotional skills and en thusiasm will be of great value to Carnpagnclo as we move in to 1983," con cluded Marquevich . Tullio Campagnolo A ugu st 26, 190 1 - Fe b rua r ~' I, 19 83 EDITORS NOT E We would like to thank all of the dealers and concerned individuals for the positive support th at we received following the fi rst issue of Record • News. Your respo nse, to the dealer in quiry were quite useful to us in ou r attempt to crea te a new or-en line of communica tion within the i n b~ ::v. \\'e h ope that lOU are e:1jo\"::-.i= the Camj-acnolo Olympic Lard F ;:-.~. As you can ,ee . ::: e :,-:7.:3.: oi die Record :-':ew; !1J.:> .::-.,;..-..:::e':. This is a result of the manv 'L ~ i=~:: C':-";' mar we received. -" eu n_.,.. __ ~. .. _ ..r ~ _-:"' _ .. ~_ _:., . •_. _........·... ... h • ..... , · reaJ tn].., e -- a..• " . J -, -, e 1rmma r , :,,-..:e at• Recorc News. Our :,.:",:;:1'::-";' 2:":::0,) star r the new year w:::-. a :v;::.?.:-.- :,:",,,.. rorrna t fOT your conve-uez ce. ~ ~ ~ \,....... \\.;1 • 1 - •. r-u..._ . ... :'_ • -,' vou Pr 00· ~ .~ UCt Informa -; r. ::-.':_,::-" news and ad , vice in the hcces , ,-::-..::e3.:>::1,. you r position in :.:'. e ::"..2:";';::: r ls ce, Please keep \"CIt.:.: '; _-:>::0:-";' .=.-. .': -occesnons commc. ' 1<0. .:.. ...", ''---. _; . _; ._ .-- -" ' '''' -- ,-ou'• .>. . 'or'-0 -' ~:. . _ - ~. ecord , X ews . N \\: <:-. : 0 re ;:- _: or; ocr mailing list , plea-e ; c .'; :..; '.:r_ ~ : ::-~ e; t on your I:>usin e" le:: e::-.el '; .. . , Pub1ish~s : - - , - ._~~ '. _ " ",; -_:.... • ::' n Sw.tcm~: Pubhsher: Campacnolo-Lvc.A.. .1uli" ~ la I4,. e\·;,h Alex ~ l. ['leI R,o - W e regretfully a n n o u n ce the p assing of Mr. Tullio Carnpagnolo. ... I :-. ~ . '~~:':=-:.: Vice ?= .~. - ~ ->£.,,:,c .~::lc-" y,.:;,; _ ~!a:~e:::-.~ \~. ze: ~. Cia, _ ~ a:: ":--'! ~.lJ "" Fa:,::,;'; \l.L-' ~ "" Editorial ",- - ~- ....."...r..... \ .• : a;-:-~e - ::...:::, : John 'IX'. Ca ::-., ~ :: _ \!=....:::". ~ E..i w: BIll \1;-oc"hl _ Te.:r..nlUI ~:;,r-:>I ~ Nac m ~ A complete profile o f the man and his life will appear in the n ex t issu e of Reco rd News . Contributing Editor: Jdf [la,';' - Techr ncal Conwltant ro Caml"'gnolt>.. l'.~.A .. ;;-:" Direct cdineial inquiries (0: Record Xews eo . . Bo X ). -, -_ . ' t' H.~s[on . Te~, z --: 37 Record News Vol. 1 No. 2 The Las Vegas Bicycle Show Three th ousand rwo h undred rooms make the Las Vegas H ilton the World's largest h otel. Being n ext door to the Las Vegas Convention Cen ter made Hilton the main base for many who atte nded "lnterbike '82." With no other fall sh ows, this W'd S expected to be the launch ing of the preChristmas sales push . The sh ow was well attended by manufacturers and dist ributors alike, however, the atte ndance of Bicycle Dealers was slightly less than expected. W ith the ex posi tion's timing and location , fu ture shows are expected to do even be tter. Few co mpanies had any thi ng n ew to show, most pushed with specials to encourage dealers to purchase preChn srmas merchandise. CampagnoloU .S.A . , Inc . chose to make Inrerbike '82 the America n debut of two new groups. The new products were first sh own on ly two weeks before ar rh e Cologne Germany Bicycle Show. The new components are a yet unnamed, rop-ot-the-hne series above super record and the "victory" series in a price ra nge above gran sport. Dealers were overwh elmed by the design and execution of th e new com- z " • - - • C:zmp.:.polo ~ Jwlw MOT'I"'!' ich & T«hnical Swppor: 11<100n ~ Bill \tloodwl a .......l Sol....... ~ eoncs.:......", Winid ~ ",,"lOt'" &bc:.:aI T._ ponents and quite inte rested in the exact 1984 deli very date . In true Las Vegas style, many dealers made wagers on the pri ces of the n ew equipment. But rhe final settli ng of th e wagers will have to wait as the prices have n ot yet been established. When yoo visit the 1983 edi tion of "lnterbtke". be sure and h ave di n ner at "Philli p's Supper Club," 0 0 Saha ra Avenue . The prices are reasonable , the food is good, portions are large and the cuisine is lralian - wha t else ! Congratulations Congra tu lat ions to Rich Morris for fil1i n~ out the winning ticket at the 198 2 ln terbike Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Campagnclo organ ized a dealer drawing with th e holder of the winning ticket receiving a beauriful gold-plated Campagnolo corkscrew. Rich Morris was the lucky win ner. Rich is the owner of Maplewood Bicycle, located at 7534 Manchester. Sr. Louis, Missouri, and h as been at his presen t locarion for to years. H is wife , Joyce, and tWO sons, Brian and Todd, along with Rick Burneson and Gary Layton, work with h im in his h ighly-successfu l full service faci lity. The-Morris' are currently expa ndi ng the shop from its previous 4500 square fee t area to a spacious 7000+ "s uper store. " Maplewood Bicycle deals mostl y with top of the line merchandise in cl uding Sch win n, Trek , Raleigh and h is own imported custom Mcrcian line. Rich commented that he is sure that h e owned a Campagnolo tool kit before Sch win n did . He added that after usin g th e tools on hund reds of custom fra mes. h e fin ally had to have them fluted and sharpened (for th e first ti me) . Maplewood Bicycle seems like the place to go when you are in St. Lou is. A gain , Con gra tu lations Rich . Mapk....,..,J C)'Ckry G JIJ Plaled Cm-kscrew Willl~rs. Brian MaTTis. Rick BtmU'SOIl. Rich Manis, Gary l.a~l< m. 1(,JJ M",ris,. ) U)'Ce Morris 3 RK ON News Vt>1. I Xo. 1 Technical Support 1982 The 1982 Carnpagnolo Technical suppor t program was one of the most extensive ever conducted in the U ni ted S ta tes. Some inreresring sta tistics ev olved from the 1982 effort ana are wor th noting. • Our technical support Tour visited 2J different sta tes. • More than 26,0C'(l miles were covered . • More than 21 top U nited States Races were included in the program. • More than 56 days of ac tu al race involvement. • In addition to the domestic portion, the 1982 technical support program included assisting Campagn olo-l ralv and providing Technical assista nce ro the U .S. Team th at wen t to th e W orld Championsh ips in Engla nd. The admin istration of a complex , hi gh ly effective tech n ical support program goes far beyond casually drivi ng across th e U n ited States en joying the Country-side and w atciu ng all of the Nation's fines t bicycle races. Following is a typical week in the life of Campagnolo Technical suppor t expert, Bill Woodul, during the 1982 Racing season . (Taken from his work diary. ) DAY 1 - 3:00 PM arrived in A llen town , PA . dis cussed race with promoter, ch ecked into acc ommodations, washed , waxed ca r and clea ned bicycles . Finished work 11:00 PM. editors note ' The Camragnolo fluid, Techn ica l IUrJ'OI"t vfflicle roof-f1Ick can aco;ommodale si ~ complete bicyd n and 20 spa re ....heo: ls. DAY Z - 6:00 AM loaded car. Left for race . Road Race. Set up support operations made pre-race bicycle adj ustments. WOMEN S EVEI"T - Served as first following car. Four wheel cha nges and one bicycl e change. MEN S EVENT - A gain served as first following car. Excellent field of riders . No bicycle ch anges , th ree wheel ch anges. C leaned car and bicyclesfin ished 10:00 PM. ..dilon; not e, The Campaen"lo Techn ical ~uppon program proviJ n a",i.,m nce to any disabled athle r~ ' eg:ln:lless til t"am or d ub affiliat ion. race s in the U n ited States, hut to lend suppo rt to sev eral of the major bicycle tou rs as well. • 1983 Technical Clinic Schedule Announced. BiU Wo"dui arld Am"r..... \\?vrld Sprim C hampi< m S. l(ul>:< fr", rd..... d w.~ lilt /9R2 ".wId dwmpOmuhips. DAY 3 - DAY 4 - 6:00 AM Loaded car. left for Nutley. Set up permanent pir zone and did pre-race bicycle adjustmen ts. Served as official following car Juring women 's and men's events. Excellen t organization and promotion . No incidents during races. Cleaned ca r and bicycles. Finished 9;00 PM . 5:30 A M Loaded ca r, left for Somerville, se t up permanent pit lone. Served as official following car. Extremel y fast pace. Except ional organization. NOn: Due to fast pace , any mechanical or wheel problems h ad to be handled very quic kly in order to get rider back in field. C lea ned car and bicycles. Fin ished 8:30 PM. DAY 5 - 6:00 AM Loaded car, left for Flint. Michigan. Arrived 10:00 PM settled into accornmodanons - fini shed 11:30 PM. DAY 6 - 6;00 AM washed, waxed, loaded bicycles drove to Butck Corporate Headquarters for photogra phs and business meeting to discuss modifications n ecessary for 1983 vehicle. 4:30 PM h eaded west for Boulder, Colorado. The 1982 Campegnolo Technica l S upport Program was h igh ly effective in contri buting to the sport of cycling in A merica. The 1983 Program h as be en ex panded to include n ot on ly the top The 1983 Campagnolo Technical Sem inar Schedule has been established and registrations are now be ing taken. A new schedule of da res and loc ations as well as a ne w program format has been developed by Jeff Da vis, program ad mi n istrator and technical consultan t to Campagnolo. The program will be approx imately eight (8) hours long, plus a lunch break . Topics covered will include: - Prod uct in formatio n (wh at is available and how it works.) - Campagnolo tools (proper applic ation an d usc.) - Sales ti ps (how to starr and continue customers o n Campagnolo.] - General discuss ion (cycling in general, training, racing. tour ing. new markets promotion, quest ions and answers. ) Following is a list of dates and locatio ns. A P R IL 27 - Houston APR IL 2 1 - Dallas! For t Worth MAY to - C h icago ~{AY - Boston 19 MAY 2Z - Metropolitan N ew York MAY 24 _ Metropolitan New York MAY 26 - Baltimore! Washington D.C. J UNE 20 - Portland J UNE 22 - San Francisco J UNE 24 - Los Angeles (G lendale ) J UNE 26 - Los A ngel es (Anaheim) For a more deta iled exp lanation of the 1983 technical semina rs, see insert. Record Ne",., Vol. INn. 2 MARKt.T JI\'G U>RN ER By A...... y',.k. Ca,np.lfll<.I.> Marl<.-ring ~ Campagnolo AnnouncesNew Marketing Thrust For 1983 Am", Y,,,k _ Campagnolo Markeling MaI'ltlgl'T Ji"'.....wJ ' ,<,t v CAimP<w",w wmp".....nts <II /982 Los VtR<l\ &.")<:k S!II>u, The 1983 Campagnol o marketing pl an is designed to assist the bicycle dealer in a more effective manner, This objec tive \\<;11 he satisfied by improvi ng and strea mlining communication , service and support. A new series of technical adverusements is bei ng developed and will appear in several selected publications. These consu mer-orien ted announcements will be directed to both racing Technologue The Campagnolo Bottom Bracket The botto m bracket is the assembly of the axle, beari ngs and be aring cups that support th e cran k arms in (he bicycle frame , Campagno lo curren tly prod uces bottom brac kets in four series ( A "series" is co mprised of all of the various applicat ions. t.e . : road . track , cvclo-cross and tri ple, in a particular group) . Gran S port, Reco rd . Nuevo Record and S upe r Record are the proper designation of each series and are available in Eng lish, French and Italian threading (see charts at end of article) . The G ran Spor t bottom bracket (#3331) ca n be easily identified by th e black finish on [he axle. Gran S port cups ( #745 -fixed , and # 746-ad justable [see: CUP-CHA RT ]) are the same as th e Record series, and are used with the G ran S po re axle ( #3 332 -6855 or # 3332-7055). The Record bottom bracket series is th e most fun ctionally versatile group ma nufactured by C ampagnolo . Record bottom brackets (#1046, # 104 6/3) are av ailable for single , double and triple chainwheel combinations. These as- and tou ring enthusiasts and will he ca rri ed by raci ng and touring maga : in es as well as certai n exrra-spoe tif publi cations. In addition , a new Campagnolo technical ma nual is in the works and will be ready for distribution in ea rly June. The Carnpagnolo trade show program has been mod ified to incl ude the February Intern ar ional Sho w in New York and l nrerbrke '83, scheduled for Las Vegas , Nevada. C arn pagn olo will be presen t at several other sh ows assisting various members of the Carnpagnolo distributor network. This schedule will per mit C arnpagn olo to direct more energy toward th e devel opment of the deale r technical cli n ics, th us approaching th e deale r in a more effective man ner. A series of I; tech nica l clin ics is curren tly being scheduled in major cities in key markets across the U ni ted States. These clinics will be presented o n a dealer level and will include Campagnolo product information (what is available and h ow it works,) Campagnolo tools {the proper appl ica- sembhes are designed to suit the needs of track (# 1046 P) , road (# 104 6 55), cvclocross (# 104 6 C) and touring (#104 6/3) cyclists, The Nuevo R ecord bottom bracke t (104 6/A ) is for double chain wheel road use only. The bottom bracket pa rts have th e same sil ver fin ish as the Record parts. The cups ( # 745/A , # 746/ A ) l ca n be identified by rhe ritling found in th e opening for rhe a xle (This featu re pumps contaminating materials rion and use.] sales tips (how to Start and conti nue customers on Cempegnolo ) and discussion of cycling in general. training, raci ng, touring and new markets. The series is scheduled to start in A pril. In add ition to th e newly printed condensed pans cata log (prin ted Sept. 82 and now available from you r Campa gnolo d istrihutor, ) several other dealer aids are under cons ideration. These items will he an nounced in Record News as they become available. The Campagnolo technical support prog ram has also been expa nded for 1983. In add ition to the continued suppor t of the most outsta ndi ng bicycle races in the country, Campagnolo plans to expa nd its endorsement of cycli ng activities to incl ude th e area of bicycle touring. Cena m oth er markets h ave also been targeted by Campagnolo for support in th e future. This new program represents a more comprehensi ve marketing mix and will result in a h ighly effective relationsh ip between Campagnolo- U.S.A., lnc. , the A merican Bicycle Industry and the en tire cycling community in general. away from th e bearings and ex tends th e uni t's life be twee n servicings). l'.... l< """ . . . - .. s..... ( Il' 7451A Soow) ..:I;..,,', ""'., 1'11. N _ R<conI ",k ( 1I74.fIAJ -:> '" "jc.. ..."""" /r'", R........ ~Jn / " 7H, "7H l' , ,, 7U Il) "" 01>< <i_I Io<r....... "'/woi", " ,..Idmi F¢ I. _ . .......... "A") The S uper Record bottom brac ke t (# 403 1, #4 131) consists of a ti tani um axle (# 4032, # 4 13 2) and alu min um cups ( # 403 3 , # 4034 , #4 133 , # 4 134) . Both ax le and cups have pressed-on s teel bearing races . The Super Record o o I~ 5 Record News Vol. 1 No. 2 BLACK OXIDE FINISH - CHA RT 1 AXL ES GRAN SPORT WINGS LOGO BETWEEN BEARI NG RACE SHOULDERS " A" MEASUREMENT MILUM ETERS STYLE INSCRIPTION 6855 120 OLD 5TYLE 7055 120 685S 120 (+ 1.0, + 1.5}or 5655 7055120 (+ 1.0, + 1.5) or A " 56 " 56 lOSS NEW • C APPLICATION 27 30 Road Double Chainwheel 3332 68 55 120 No Longer Produced See: Gran Sport New Style - 68 55 30 Road Double Chainwtffl 33327055 120 No Longer Produced See : Gran sport New 5tyle - 70 55 31.5 Rood Double Chai nwheel 333268 55 31 .5 Road Double Chainwheel 3332 7055 30 Rood Triple Chainwheel 33326855 X3 27 2. aa STYLE 66SSX3 7OSS X3 " 56 30 30 30 Ro'" Triple Chainwheel PART NUMBER COMMENTS 33327055 X3 CHART 2 AXLES RECORD GRAY FINISH - " CAM PAGNO LO~ BE TWEEN BEARING RA CE SHOULDERS " A~ STYLE INSCRIPTION 685S120 MILLIMETERS A C • " 27 30 705S120 56 27 30 7455 120 60 27 30 OLD STYLE 68SS 120 X3 70 55 12O X3 " 27 35 56 27 35 68C 120 " 27 31 70 C 120 56 27 31 APPLICATION PART NUMBER - COMMENTS Rood Double Chainwheel 744 68 SS 120 No Longer Product!d See: Aeoon:I New 5Me 68 5S 744 70 S5 120 No Longer Producad See: Reoon:I New SM~ 70 5S 744745S120 No Longer Produced No Rer>lacement 744/1 68 SS 120 X3 No Longer Produced See: Record NeW: S~le 68 5S X3 744/1 70 S5 120 X3 No Longer Produood See: Record New 5Me 70SS 744/2 68 C 120 No Longer Produced See: Record New 'SM~ 66 C 744/2 70 C 12O No Longer Produced See: Record New 5tyle 70C Rood Double Chainwheel Road """" Chainwheel Rood Triple Chainwheel Rood Triple Chainwheel Cydocross SinglelDoutlle Chainwheel Cydocross SinglelDouble Chainwheel CHART 3 AXLES RECORD (NEW STYLE) GRAY FINISH - "CA M PAG N O LO~ BETWEEN BEARING RAC E SHOULDERS " A" STYLE INSCRIPTION 6855120 (+ 1.0, + 1.5) or 6855 70 SS 120 (+ 1.0, 1.5)or 70 SS 68 5S 120 X3 (+ 1.0, 1.5)or NEW 68SSX3 STYLE 70SS 120X3 (+ 1.0. 1.5) or MILUMETERS A C • " 56 2. 2. 3 1.5 31.5 68C 700 120 (+ 1.0, + 1.5) or 7D C R_ Double Chainwheel Rood Double PART NUMBER - COMMENTS 7446655 744 70SS Cha i~ " 56 ee ee 38 Bead Triple Chainwheel 74411 68 S5 X3 30 Rood Triple Chainwheel 74411 7055 X3 "'., Cyclocross Single/Double Chainwheel 744.1268C 70S5X3 G8 C 120 (+ 1.0, +1.5) or APPLICATION " 56 se ae c ycecoss 32.5 Single/Dooble Chainwheel 744/270 C botto m bracket is availahle only For road (dou ble chainwheel) and track (single ch ain wh eel) . G ran Spor t , Record and Nuovo Record bottom brackets all have steel type-one axles (type one axles are h ollow with threaded ends (0 accepr a bolt) . All use steel cups and requi re eleven (11) , one-quarter inch (114" ) ba ll bearings per side. The balls may be purch ased in specially selected and caged sets (# 2100) th at have been ground and polished to tole rances of one th ousandth of a millimeter (±O. OOlmm). Cups and axles are ground to correspo nding tole rances. N uovo Record (#1046/A) and Su per Record (#403 1) bottom brackets both feature (he rifled axle aperture , to min imize external contam ination. Each of the assemblies is also supplied with a special dust sleeve (# 2110, # 2110/1) to prevent anyth ing from penetrating the bottom bracket from imide th e frame tubing. Note: Thi, j1<51 skeve rna)' be purchased sejJura te!J <lnd used \l-;m aU c::.:. rnpagrwlo bOlwrn br<1CkelS. Presen r Super Record axles (# 4032, 4 132) are solid type -two design (rype two ax les are solid with solid threaded ends to accept a n ut [see: NOTE t]) . These axles have pressed-on steel races and use fourteen ( 14 ) three-sixteenth inch (3/161/) ball bearings (# 403 5) per side ground to tolerances of one thousan dths of a millimeter (+O.OO lmm) . N OTE: Prim /<I 198Z, the Super Remrd axle \"as a ho/L)", t)'pe-,me. A ll Campagnolo bottom brackets use the same locknng (# 747) . The English- threaded lockring may be iden tified by a single inscribed ring on the outboard surface. The Italian-th readed lockring can be ide ntified by the fact that it will easily slide over English and/or French cups without th read engagement. The Fren ch -th readed lockring can be identified by the fact that it will on ly thread onto French threaded cups. The standard lockring is 3 .5mm th ick (4.Smm lockn ngs are avai lab le) . or NOT E: A n ()t'c'T)i ~eJ Ji<lme tc'T O.Smm i.' aL,o <lwilable far use u; rh s/>e<-lal over.<i ~ed l Al11ljia,l,'TI(,j" rup'ln English , French and !raL·an threaJinli (ml)' in Nu" V!l Record. Record News Vol. I No. 2 C H A RT 4 AXL E S N U OVO REC ORD G RAY FI N IS H - "CA M PAG N OLO~ BETWEE N BEA RING R ACE S HO ULDERS " AM CUPS CHART Ori ~ n En~l; ,h C", C" P Threa ds (Adjustable) ~ 24 T.P.1. RH Thread lH Thr ead RH Thre.d RH Thread French 35mm ~ 1.0mm I' alian 36mm ~ 24 T. ~ l. S w i,; 35mm ~ t Ororn ( Fixed) I INSCRIPTION STY LE 6855 120 RH Thre.d RH Th re.d RH ThTe~d LH Th read Identification of Campagnolo Bottom Bracket Axles UNDERSTANDING THE CHA RTS By comparing the inscript ions on th e axle with those on the cha rts, one can determine the exact recommended use of rh e axle in question. S ince Record and Nuovo Record axles h ave th e same finish and markings, it is necessary to use measu rement ~A" (Fig. I) for positive identification. es 29 58SS sr as 29 30 st 30 COMMENTS 32 32 Road Double Chainwheel 744/A 70 55 120 No Longer Produced See: Nuevo necoe New Style - 70 55 335 Road Double Chainwheel 744!A68 SS 33,5 Road Double Chainwheel 744!A 7055 C H A RT 5 AX L ES S U PER RECORD SILVER R EFL E CTIVE FIN ISH - " C AM PA G NO LO" BETWEEN BE ARI NG RA CE SH O U L D E RS " A" INSCRIPTION STYLE 68 55 120 MILLIMETERS A e C 52 29 aa OLD STYLE APPLICATION PART NUMBER - COMMENTS scao 40326855 120 No Longer ProdlJCed See: Super Record New Style - 68 55 Double Chainwheel Ro'd 70 55 120 68SS120 (+1.0. + 1.5 0 A NEW 6855 STYLE 70 5 5 120 (+1 .0. +1,5)OR 7055 G R AY FINISH STYLE INSCRIPTION 65P110 " 52 " 29 30 30 32 33.5 33 5 68P110 OLD STYLE 68P1 20 70 P 120 Double Chainwheel 40327055 120 No Longer Produced See Super Record New Style - 70 55 Road DOUble Chainwheel 403266SS Current Production - Type 2 (Some Type 1. Available) RoM 40327055 Current Production - Type 2 (Some Type 1. Available) Double Chainwheel CHART 6 A XLES R ECORD - TRACK " C A M PAG NO LO " BETWEEN BEARING RA CE SH O U LD E R S " A" MILLIMETERS A C • 51 26 " " 56 24.5 27 26 AP PLICATION PART NUMBER COMMENTS 26 Track Single Chainwheel 744 65P 110 25 Track Single Chainwheel 74468P110 27 · Track Single Chainwheel 74468 P 120 26 Track Single Chainwheei 744 70P 120 Defini tions of Markings A . Letters indicate fun ction 'ss (Serle Strada) Road P (Pista} - Track C (Cyclocross) - Cvclocross B. The first num ber is th e recommended bottom bracket width , in millimeters. NOTE: "68" , "70" are sta ndard "65\ "74~ are availabl e C. T h e numbers -no-, & " 120~ are rhe recommended widths (in mm) for the rear hub measured from locknut to lockn ut (overall locknut dimension) . New style axles do n ot have these markings and can he used with 5, 6 or 7 speed clu ster spacings. D. The "+ 1.0\ "+ 1.5" markings indio care'tbe amount (in mm) , the axle was lengthened [Q sat isfy C PCS requirements. E. "x.I" means for triple cha inwheels. F. "SL", "Z" may be found on some old axles. T hey were production codes and have no sign ificance in identification. PART NUMBER 744!A68SS 120 No longer Produced See : NuoV() Record New Style - 68 55 NEW STYLE 7055 APPLICATION Road Double Chainwheel OeD STYLE 70551 20 The applicati on of C ampagnolo axles can be determined by certain measurements and surface markings (see Charts 1-7 at end of text). In 1977, the Campagnolo front changer, crank arm and bottom bracket axle were re-designed. The axle modifications affected on ly measurements "B~ & ~C" on the road axles (FIG . l}. th e cups and track bottom brackets were not affected by rh is change. Thus. th e mixing of old and new styles and cran k arms is not advised . as the resultan t ch ain-line mav deviate from th e optimum. MILLIMETERS A e C Note: Record Track Axles are NOT AFFECTED by C.P.S.C. Standards Only one style eXIsts. F,nish same as Record Road. C HART 7 AX LES S UPER RECORD - TRAC K SILV E R RE F L ECT IVE FINI SH - " CAM PA G NO LO~ BETWEEN BEARING RAC E S HO U L D E RS "A~ STYLE INSCRIPTION 65P 110 68 P110 OLD STYLE 68 P 120 70 P 120 MILLIM ETERS A C • se " " 59 26 24,5 27 26 AP PLICATION PART NUMB ER COMMENTS 26 Trnd< Single Chainwheel 4132 65 P11 0 25.5 Track Single Chainwheel 4132 70 P 120 27 Treck Single Chainwheel 41 32 70 P 120 26 Track Single Chainwheel 41 32 70 P1 20 Note: Super Record Track Axles are NOT AFFECTED by C,P'S,C. Standards -only one style - FInish same as Super Record Road PRE 1982 - TYPE 1, CURRENT PRODUCTION .. TYPE 2 7 Record News Vol. 1 No. 2 READER COMMENTS FRO M Jim Mincher of Two Wheeler Dealer, Inc., Wilmington , NC "This n ewsletter was much needed - the technical data is most h elpful and more is needed. " FROM David Plan tewga of Plan tewga C ustom Frames, Kokomo , IN "You can help the deal er with a newslerrer like th is . .. fi nally." FROM Jim Majewski of Par k Sch win n, Mapl ewood Bicycles, St . Paul, MN "Ava ilability of repair par ts is one of th e grearesr " a d van tages . ... FROM Ralph Howard of T h e Bike Shoppe , O gden, UT ' Redesign th e R ecord N ews to he a sta ndard loose-leaf folder size, so we can file easily for reference the "Tech nical update section . ~ O K! Ed. Record News welcomes reader comments, suggestions and letters to the -editor, Correspo ndence should he addressed to: EDITOR RECORD N EWS P.O. Box 3 7426 H ou ston, Texas 77 237 A ll letters become th e propert y of R ecord N ews, T hose chosen for publlcation are subject to edit ing for style and space requ irements. Cycling Shorts Tullio Campagnolo invented th e first quick-release hu b in 1927 . The Carnpagnolo-equip ped 7-Eleven Men's C ycling Team won over 70 races in 1982. 10 th e process, they pedalled more than 240,000 miles, with no equipment failures. Quick-Release Seat Post Bolt Campagnolo is pleased to announce the return of th e Ca mpagno lo QuickRel ease Sea t Post Bolt (# 1240) . The special quick-release seat post bo lt is ideal for use on tandems, mountain bikes and cvclo-cross as well as mota -cross and road bicycles. Part # 1240 is manufactured with the CA MPAGNO LO-U.S.A . P.O. BOX 374 26 HOUSTON, T EXAS 77036 same exa ct ing quality control sta ndards that are charac te ristic of ever y Campagnolo componen t. This atten tion to detail is one of the man y reason s that Carnpagnolo h as been and continues [0 be, th e leader in the bic ycle industry. T h e Campagnolo Q u ick-Release Seat Po st Bolt will be available in March 19 83 . C ontact your Campagnolo Distributor fo r details. T he Ca mpaguolo-Buic k Technical Suppor t vehicle travelled more th an 26 ,000 miles in 198 2, lending support to any needy rider regard less of d ub affiliation, for more than 56 days of the best bic ycle racing in America. A new Buick is bei ng built with several special features to enha nce an d improve the technical suppor t effort . More races, tours and miles are also on th e schedule for 1983 . Wa tch for th e new, improved Ca rnpagnolo-Buick-Z. Eleven technical suppor t vehicle in your area. U.S. POSTAGE PAID HO USTO N, TEXAS PER~ IT NO. 1954 BULK RATE RET URN POSTAGE G UARA NTEED • 8
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