Wild Brazil - Continuing Education


Wild Brazil - Continuing Education
Wild Brazil:
Pantanal Wetlands & Iguazú Falls
June 15 – 27, 2015 with Dr. Wayne Lynch
Our journey will traverse the northern end of the legendary TransPantanal Highway; really just a gravel road flanked by wetlands
teaming with birds and other wildlife. We will stay in riverside
lodges and explore the adjacent wetlands by boat, searching for
the wild and wonderful wildlife of the region. After immersing
ourselves in the unforgettable water world of the Pantanal we
will end our journey at Iguazú Falls, arguably the most beautiful
waterfalls in the world. On seeing the falls for the first time, Eleanor
Roosevelt opined “Poor Niagara”. The Pantanal is the largest,
most diverse freshwater wetland in the world; home to several
hundred colourful species of birds such as the magnificent hyacinth
macaw, as well as many of the large charismatic mammals of South
America, such as: howler monkeys, giant anteaters, giant river
otters, coatimundi, collared tamanduas, Brazilian tapirs, marsh
deer, crab-eating foxes and ocelots. The Pantanal also has the
highest density of jaguars in the world. In recent years, daylight
sightings of this mystical, powerful cat have become more frequent
than ever. Seeing a wild jaguar, of course, is never a guarantee, but
just knowing that such a glorious predator may be glimpsed as
we round a curve in the river adds an unforgettable energy to the
search. You will be amazed at the color of the toucans and parrots
the elegance of the herons, egrets and storks, the liquid flight of
the snail kites, the energy of the giant river otters tirelessly fishing
for piranhas, the primeval magnificence of the basking caimans,
the playful antics of the capybara, and the crimson beauty of the
sinking sun as it cast rainbow hues across the rivers.
conted.ucalgary.ca/travelprograms | 403.220.2952
The orientation course will consist of two evenings June 3 and 10, 2015 7 –
9:30 pm, held at the University of Calgary campus. Topics for discussion will
include the geography and natural history of the Pantanal ecosystem, the
general biology and behavior of the bird life, mammals, reptiles and fish,
and the impacts of ranching and ecotourism. Discussion topics will include
the natural history of: parrots, wading birds, capybara, anteaters, jaguars,
caiman, anacondas and piranha. The itinerary, travel arrangements, and
health matters will be discussed in detail.
Three meals daily are included throughout this trip.
JUNE 15 – 16 Depart Calgary for the overnight journey to Brazil. Arrive in Săo Paulo.
JUNE 17 Flight to Cuiaba, the capital city of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Upon
arrival in Cuiaba, we will travel south by coach to connect with the famous Trans-Pantanal Highway. Travelers frequently can’t believe the array of birds perched beside the
road and flying overhead. The most visible mammal in the Pantanal is the capybara,
the largest rodent in the world. Averaging 60 centimeters tall at the shoulders and
weighing 45 kilograms, the capybara looks like a giant guinea pig. The grass munching
rodent lives in herds, sometimes numbering over 100 strong. We spend the afternoon
slowly travelling south searching for capybaras, as well as monkeys and the many
colorful birds of the region.
JUNE 18 After breakfast we take a two hour wildlife cruise along the Cuiaba river
searching for egrets, herons and storks, as well as caiman and capybaras. Later we hike
through the forest near the lodge searching for monkeys and marmosets and other the
wildlife characteristic of the rich riverine forests of the region. After lunch we drive the
last stretch of the Trans Pantanal Highway to reach our hotel in Porto Jofre. At sunset
we can view the lake covered with giant water lilies.
JUNE 19 Today we take two private boat tours along the Piquiri River searching for
wildlife, with a good chance to see a jaguar. Typically, visitors see more than one of
the charismatic spotted cats along the river banks. We leave the hotel before sunrise
to enjoy the early morning light. Watching for jaguars we also search for giant river
otters while taking in the ever present riverside bird life, especially the tiger herons,
black skimmers, terns and multi-coloured kingfishers. A Pantanal experience not to
be missed is a close up view of a piranha. Roughly 20 species of these legendary fish
inhabit the waters of the wetlands, most have razor sharp teeth, many are vegetarian
and only a couple of species attack animals in the water. Piranha are relatively each to
catch and delicious to eat.
JUNE 20 After breakfast we’ll return to the Trans-Pantanal highway and slowly continue south, searching for wildlife en route. We will be at the Piuval Lodge located on
an active cattle ranch. The ranch runs about 1500 head of cattle and the local cowboys
herd the stock on specially bred horses, called Pantaneiro that can tolerate the wet
conditions. Throughout our travels in the Pantanal we usually have several opportunities to see how the local ranchers raise cattle in a wetland. The survival of the wild
lands of the Pantanal results, in a large part, from the stewardship of the cattle ranchers
who protect the area from poaching, farming and settlement.
JUNE 21 We spend the early morning leisurely walking along a quiet back road near
the lodge searching for parrot, toucans, pygmy owls and a multitude of other species.
Later we take a wildlife cruise along the Pixaim River watching for giant river otters
and riverine birds. In the late afternoon we return to Cuiaba. The journey will be
another opportunity to spot crab eating foxes, snail kites, hawks, ibises and egrets. The
late hours of daylight are also a good time to see multitudes of caiman basking along
the roadsides.
JUNE 22 This morning we will visit the zoo on the grounds of the state University.
The visit gives us a chance to get a close-up look at some of the more elusive wildlife
species native to the Pantanal: maned wolf, tayra, agouti, brocket deer and numerous
others. Many of the enclosures are spacious and natural-looking so nice photographs
are possible. Right after that we drive north for 1½ hours to Chapada dos Guimarăes
National Park with its scenic red sandstone cliffs. Most of the water flowing into the
Pantanal comes from rivers and streams originating in Brazil’s elevated central plateau
of which the Chapada dos Guimarăes is a portion.
good thinking.
JUNE 23 We will spend the day exploring the forested plateau and rock formations of
Chapada dos Guimarăes National Park. Short nature trails lead beside brooks, ponds
and waterfalls, including the picturesque 90-meter-high Bridal Falls and we will always
be on the lookout for the area’s rich bird life which includes: honeycreepers, toucans,
parrots, swifts and jays. The highest point in the park is Săo Jeronimo, at 850 meters.
The hill is a magnet for New Age hippies in search of novel locations where they can
search for spiritual connections.
JUNE 24 Today we will return to Cuiaba for a flight to Iguazú Falls.
JUNE 25 We spend the entire day visiting the Brazilian side of Iguazú Falls. The name
Iguazú is derived from a Guarani Indian word meaning “great water”. The legendary
cataract is a breathtaking four kilometers long, wider than Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe
and higher than Niagara. Along its length, Iguazú divides into a multitude of cascades
separated by rocky islands covered with dense forest. The luxuriance of the vegetation
adds to the beauty of the roaring waters.
JUNE 26 – 27 This is our last day to view the beauty of Iguazú before spending the
bulk of the morning at a nearby aviary, Parques das Aves. The spacious bird park is
located on five hectares of native subtropical forest. Eight-meter-high enclosures offer
nature lovers and photographers an opportunity to view colourful toucans, curassows, parrots, ibis and dozens of other indigenous bird species in their natural habitat
without the restriction of netting and cages. In the early afternoon we will fly back to
Săo Paulo to connect with our flights home.
Accompanying Resource Person
Dr. Wayne Lynch is an internationally-recognized naturalist, science writer
and professional wildlife photographer. His photo credits include hundreds
of magazine covers, thousands of calendar shots, and tens of thousands of
images published in over 60 countries. He is also the author and photographer of nearly 50 natural history books for children, young adults and
adults. His most recent book for adults is the highly-acclaimed Owls of the
United States and Canada — A Guide to Their Biology and Behavior. He has
made dozens of trips to the wild lands of South America, and the Pantanal
is one of his favourite destinations.
International airfare Domestic airfare Land, tuition and other costs
GST $1,900
TOTAL $8,775
Single supplement $975
Cost includes: Tuition and two-week orientation course, airfare, accommodation, transfers, all surface travel, and meals as listed in the itinerary. A deposit
of $500 is required with the registration form. There is a $200 withdrawal
fee prior to the final payment date. Final payment is due on January 10,
2015. Please see the Refund Policy section for withdrawal/refund procedures and liabilities. Fees are based on the information available at the time
of print and are subject to change to reflect any changes in currency rates,
airfares, or land costs. There are possibilities of decreases or increases, and
any changes will be reflected on the final payment and passed on to the
participant. All fees are based on double occupancy.
Travel with us in 2015...
Do you love to learn? Do you love to travel?
You can experience both with U of C Continuing
Every year, University of Calgary Continuing Education, in association with other U of C academic
departments, offers you a series of amazing travel programs. The educational component that is
part of every program is what sets these trips apart from any other holiday you will ever take.
Travel worry-free, knowing a Continuing Education travel program coordinator has handled all of
the logistics. You will be guided throughout the program by an expert resource person — someone
who has a passion for your destination.
All of the travel programs begin with orientation classes in Calgary.
Everyone is welcome in the University of Calgary Educational Travel Study Program, where
every trip is the trip of a lifetime!
Lois Kokoski, Program Director, Travel Study
Lois has traveled to over 90 countries and has been involved with the U of C Educational Travel
Study Program for 24 years. In this time she has coordinated hundreds of trips and has taken many
groups abroad.
Cost includes: tuition, orientation course, airfare, accommodation, transfers,
all surface travel, and meals as listed in the itinerary. A deposit is required
with the registration form. There is a withdrawal fee prior to the final payment date. Fees are based on the information available at the time of print
and are subject to change to reflect any changes in currency rates, airfares,
or land costs. There are possibilities of decreases or increases, and any
changes will be reflected on the final payment and passed on to the participant. All fees are based on double occupancy. Fees in all programs exclude
airport taxes, passport and visa fees, luggage, cancellation, medical and
other personal insurance, gratuities for local guides, wine, liquors, and other
items not specifically mentioned as included and other personal services.
the airlines and passengers. All prices are based on current international
exchange rates and airfare prices at the time of planning the tours, and
are subject to change. In the event that it becomes necessary or advisable to alter the itinerary or arrangements for any reason whatsoever, such
alterations may be made. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the
participants; conversely refunds will be made to participants if any savings
are affected thereby. The right is reserved to decline, accept, or retain any
participant or tour member at any time.
Refund Policy
Single Supplement
Please call 403-220-5052 or write to Lois Kokoski at the address on this
page. Up to the final payment date, a cancellation fee of $200 will apply.
After the final payment date, the amount of refund will depend on the
amount recoverable from the tour operators. We highly recommend insurance.
The single supplement fee is listed in each program description. Every effort
is made to find a suitable roommate for those who wish to share, however,
if this is not possible, a single supplement charge will be applied.
We highly recommend cancellation and medical insurance. Information will
be sent out at the time of final payment.
Liability and Responsibility
University of Calgary and its travel agents will exercise all reasonable
care in making arrangements for conducting the tour. They are, however,
acting only in the capacity of an agent and do not assume liability for any
damage to persons or property resulting from or arising out of any act or
inadvertence of any hotel, carrier, restaurant, or other company or persons
rendering any of the services included in the tour or for any damage caused
by other factors beyond their control. The passage contract in use by the
airlines concerned when issued shall constitute the sole contract between
Please complete the registration form on the back cover and mail it with
your deposit.
Contact Information
Lois Kokoski, Program Director
Educational Travel Study Program
Phone 403.220.5052
Fax 403.284.9242
Educational Travel Study Program
U of C Continuing Education
Education Tower 1120
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB T2N 1N4
Choose your adventure:
Personal information
■ Yellowknife: Aurora Borealis at Its Best
March 14 – 19, 2015 TRA 152-004
■ Normandy and Loire
April 13 – 26, 2015 TRA 171-001
■ New Orleans Jazz Festival
April 27 – May 4, 2015 TRA 142-002
■ Roman and Medieval Provence: An Historical Journey
May 14 – 29, 2015 TRA 121-002
Art and Culture: Venice
June 6 – 17, 2015 TRA 172-001
■ Wild Brazil: Pantanal Wetlands & Iguazú Falls
June 15 – 27, 2015 TRA 132-002
■ Ancient Peru Tour
July 1 – 17, 2015 TRA 173-001
Namibia: Deserts and Wildlife
August 14 – September 1, 2015 TRA 135-002
■ Vienna, Wachau, Český Krumlov and Salzburg:
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Heart of Europe
September 8 – 25, 2015 TRA 174-001
■ The Great Bear Rainforest:
Spirit Bears, Grizzlies and Ancient Forests
September 16 – 22, 2015 TRA 175-001
DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YYYY) __________________________________________
HOME PHONE________________________________________________________
WORK PHONE________________________________________________________
CELL PHONE_________________________________________________________
ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
FAX__________________________ EMAIL________________________________
OFFICIAL NAME (As it appears on your passport):_____________________________
Will you be travelling with another person?
n Yes Their Name:__________________________________________
n No
Would you like to have a roommate? n Yes n No
lease note that if you wish to share, every effort will be made to find you a suitable
roommate. However, if this is not possible, a single supplement will be applied.
If you are registering for a trip, your deposit of $500 must accompany this registration.
Remit by credit card, cheque or money order in Canadian funds payable to University of
■ India
January 13 – 27, 2016 TRA 176-001
Number:___________________________________________________________ ■ Galapagos: The Enchanted Islands and
Amazon Basin Extension
February 17 – March 2, 2016 TRA 159-003
n Visa n MasterCard n American Express
Card Holder’s Name _________________________________________________
Expiry Date________________________________________________________
This information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act. Your personal information is collected to register you in a
Continuing Education course and forms part of the permanent student record. If you
have questions about the collection or use of this information, or, if you want your name
removed from our mailing list, call 403-220-2952.
Mail or fax your completed form to:
University of Calgary Continuing Education
Travel Study Program
Education Tower 1120
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2N 1N4
Fax: 403.284.9242