Academic Advising Syllabus - nwacc


Academic Advising Syllabus - nwacc
Academic Advising Syllabus
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Office of Admissions & Advising
Office: Main Campus, Student Services Building, S201 & Washington County Center (WCC)
Phone: (479) 619-4324 or (479) 927-3330 (WCC)
Office Hours*: Monday –Thursday 8:00 am-6:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
For information about our office & services, please visit our website:
*Please refer to website for current hours, especially during the summer & peak registration weeks
Definition of Academic Advising
Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between a student & an academic advisor. The intent of this
collaboration is to assist the student in the development of meaningful educational goals that are consistent
with personal interests, values & abilities. (Crockett, 1987)
Our Mission
The Academic Advising Center is responsible for providing timely & effective academic guidance which empowers each student to achieve their individual educational goals.
The goal of the Academic Advising Center is to teach students the knowledge of academic planning, their
responsibilities, & the college expectations required for their success. We will:
Ensure that students have access to knowledgeable advisors that demonstrate care & respect.
Collaborate with students to develop academic plans & experiences that reflect their ability & interest.
Teach students to utilize resources available to achieve their goal - whether it be degree completion,
transfer and/or transition to employment, or personal enrichment.
Undergraduate Catalog: Official source of information regarding academic programs, policies, & services
Transfer Resources: Requirements for transfer schools & programs, course equivalencies, transfer tips &
planning info, transfer scholarships
Important Forms: Including Transcript Request, Major Change Form, Graduation Application, & more
Advisor & Student Responsibilities
The relationship between advisor & student is one of shared responsibility. We realize that in order to make
informed decisions, students need the mentoring & advice of academic advisors & faculty members.
We want to you to have a successful college experience; therefore, you as the student have the shared responsibility for productive advising sessions by doing the following:
Students should……
Advisors will……
Be prepared to discuss your goals & educational plan Help students identify & develop their academic
during an advising session by gathering relevant
goals, consistent with their interests & capabilities
information beforehand
Come prepared to advising sessions with tentative
course choices according to your degree program
(be aware of course prerequisites), and keep your
advisor informed of changes to your educational &
career goals
Understand & effectively communicate curriculum
& program requirements, & assist with course
selections based on student’s goals
Ask questions if something is not clear during the
advising session
Support students as they navigate their academic
career through responsive listening skills,
confidentiality, sensitivity, & respect
Be open & willing to consider advice given during the
session and accept responsibility for decisions made
during the advising process
Ensure that students are part of the academic
planning process & have the opportunity to
become more independent & self-directed
Schedule & keep appointments with your academic
advisor – remember to plan ahead & schedule your
appointments in advance of peak busy times
Keep regular office hours & respond to emails &
telephone calls in a timely manner
Become knowledgeable of campus policies,
procedures, academic calendar deadlines, &
Clarify college policies, regulations, programs, &
procedures when needed
Inform your instructors and/or advisor when
something disrupts your ability to attend classes or
interferes with your academic performance
Provide relevant referrals to other campus &
community resources when necessary
Regularly check your NWACC email account for
important messages
Contact students via their NWACC email account
should concerns arise
Advising Outcomes for Students
Based on semester of enrollment student should demonstrate proficiencies & knowledge stated:
Pre-registration (No credit hours earned)
❑ Complete Admission Application with accurate information & submit all required documents, including
transcripts (high school, advanced placement (AP), and/or previous college credit), immunization
records (MMR), & ACT or COMPASS scores
❑ Schedule & attend required Orientation session (where you will meet with an advisor)
❑ Understand individual placement in Reading (READ), English (ENGL), & Math (MATH) courses
❑ Review college catalog & policies (available at
❑ Become aware of general education degree requirements
❑ Be able to list course options/ideas for their first semester
❑ Understand how to log into myNWACC Connection to check email, access Blackboard, & make advising
❑ Successfully register for first semester courses using myNWACC Connection
Semester 1 (Zero to as many as 15 credit hours earned)
❑ Meet with an Academic Advisor to review education/degree plan
❑ Understand the difference between a transfer & a Workforce Entry Degree (AAS) program
❑ Identify competitive admission programs & understand requirements to be admitted (Example: Nursing
or Physical Therapy Assistant Program)
❑ Develop understanding of the college’s policies, procedures, terminology, & deadlines
❑ Learn how to drop/withdraw from courses
❑ Learn where Student Service offices & other campus resources are located
❑ Identify professors office hours & become comfortable contacting them
❑ Become aware of the career & transfer options
❑ Understand how to compute a GPA
❑ Understand how to navigate myNWACC Connection Student Portal
❑ Understand college payment policy & refund policy
❑ Check student email daily
Semester 2 (16 to as many as 30 credit hours earned)
❑ Meet with an Academic Advisor to review education/degree plan Commit to a plan of study (declare major) & determine admission requirements
❑ Make an appointment with Career Development Center for assistance with career exploration if needed
❑ Investigate transfer schools & their admission requirements (if transferring)
❑ Explore additional scholarship opportunities
❑ Become involved in extracurricular activities
❑ Check student email daily
Semester 3 (31 to as many as 44 credit hours earned)
❑ Meet with an Academic Advisor to review education plan & finalize prerequisite course work for plan of
❑ Understand how NWACC coursework completed will transfer forward
❑ Visit selected transfer school(s) & meet with a transfer counselor/advisor
❑ Begin reviewing university applications, determine application deadlines, write personal statements &
essays, seek scholarship opportunities
❑ Approach faculty for letters of recommendation
❑ Check student email daily
Final Semester (45+ credit hours earned)
❑ Obtain degree audit from your advisor
❑ Complete Graduation Application form by deadline
❑ Understand transcript request process
❑ Make plans to attend the May Graduation Ceremony
❑ Check student email daily
After Completion
❑ Pay all charges & debts owed college
❑ Continue to enhance your skills & education at NWACC with credit & non-credit course work if you desire
❑ Forward contact information to be included in the Northwest Arkansas Community College Alumni Association
How to Schedule an Appointment
• Log-in to your myNWACC Connection account
• Click on Success Planner & again when it drops down
• Find the person identified as “Academic Advisor” in your "Success Network" by selecting "Show People in this Term" from the “My Success Network” drop-down
• Select "See Available Appointments"
• Select the day/time that works best for & enter the required information
Appointments available throughout the year. Wait time may vary by season. If you require additional assistance or are unable to make an appointment online, please contact Advising directly at (479) 619-4324.
David S. Crockett, Ed. (1987). Advising Skills, Techniques & Resources: A Compilation of Materials Related to
the Organization & Delivery of Advising Services. Iowa City, Iowa. ACT Corporation.