ACPA15 Retreat Design with Inclusion Lens


ACPA15 Retreat Design with Inclusion Lens
Designing Retreats
Using an Inclusion Lens
Rachel Luna and rita zhang
@rachelhluna & @12itazhang
ACPA 2015 at Tampa, FL
about the presenters…..
Conceptual Framework
● Universal Design
● Social Justice
● Multicultural Competence
Universal Design
“The design of products and environments to be
usable by all people, to the greatest extent
possible, without the need for adaptation or
specialized design”
Source: Center for Universal Design, 1997
Social Justice
● privileged groups benefit from the
“luxury of obliviousness” as the
“normal” group in society (Johnson,
● social justice is both a goal and the
process to reach the goal (Adams, Bell,
Griffin, 2007)
Multicultural Competence
“the awareness, knowledge, and skills
needed to work with others who are
culturally different from self in
meaningful, relevant, and productive
ways” (Pope, Reynolds, & Mueller, 2004, p. 13)
Case Studies!
Consider the following retreat scenarios. What
can you do to the best of your ability as a
professional to make the experience inclusive
and accessible to all?
what are the factors to consider?
what are the challenges?
who are you considering? who might be left out?
why did you make the choice you did?
what would you do differently next time in the retreat
● Universal Design
● Multicultural and Interfaith calendars
● Campus colleagues
Disability Support Services, interfaith
organizations, etc.
● Retreat preparation checklist
Find these and more on our Google Doc:
Next steps
● Share your personal commitment or
final thought
● Post on social media with #ACPA15
and #InclusiveRetreats
● Or, write on an index card and we’ll
post a photo on your behalf
Thank you!
Rachel Luna
rita zhang