April 2015 Caller - conversechurch.org


April 2015 Caller - conversechurch.org
I just received one of those sports calendar/schedules from my daughter Amy’s Roller Derby team. It
brings back memories of the Sunday she skated down the center aisle of our sanctuary and talked to
us about “the church” she has found among her teammates. Do you remember that she described
how much real love and acceptance she found on this team? Do you recall that her teammates never
put her down for her failures; picked her up whenever she fell down; caught her up when she fell
behind; and constantly encouraged her? I sure remember it!
It brings to mind the upcoming series of sermons that will begin April 12 th; “The Love Boat”.
Maybe you’ve seen the posters for it at the Welcome Center or in the CLC and wondered what they
were promoting. We’re going to take a long (13 week) look at the attributes of true love. We going to
check out what love will always, and will never do. We’ll look at how it changes our approach to
people. We’ll be looking at love, because without exercising it appropriately, we cannot expect to
succeed as a church. It’s the key attribute of God, of Jesus, and of the church. It is the most excellent
way. It’s the characteristic by which we distinguish ourselves as followers of Jesus. It the bottom line,
to the bottom line of Christianity.
Just like Amy is preparing for her upcoming Roller Derby season, I hope you’ll begin praying
and preparing for this new series of sermons. I know I am. The lessons are prepared; the books are
printed; and, I can’t wait to get started! “The Love Boat”, because we are all in this together!
Upward and Onward,
“Helping people become Christ-Centered in their daily lives”
Converse Church of Christ
301 E. Wabash Street
Converse, IN 46919
Phone: 765-395-3361 ~~ FAX: 765-395-2023
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Email: office@conversechurch.org
Web site: www.conversechurch.org
You’re Invited to be a part of the Big God Story!
“Open my Bible more during the week.” “Don’t talk behind someone’s back.”
“Be careful not to sass.”
”Sorry if I’ve been mean to anyone.”
“God I’m sorry if I goof off more than I should in church or if I don’t love other people
the way I should.”
“God is telling me to tell and teach my friend about Him.”
“God is telling me to listen to my mom and spend more time worshipping Him.”
“I know that I need more of You to get through the day!”
“God is always with me when I’m in situations like when I’m being bullied. God is there for me. I don’t
have any friends. I’m not alone anymore. I can pray to Him for all of what He did for us.”
“I will do anything and everything to glorify You and make Your name known.”
This is a sample of what 1st—6th graders wrote on response cards at the end of Kids Amazing
Worship on March 1. The lesson was about the calling of Peter (Luke 5) and how God’s plan is best.
Kids were instructed to write down what God was saying to each of them in response to what they
had learned about Him. I am blown away by their tender and heart-felt responses to the moving of
the Holy Spirit.
March 1st we started a new curriculum in 1-6 grade Sunday morning ministries called TRU.
Published by David C. Cook, TRU goes along with the materials presented in the recent Spiritual
Parenting class. Each week we focus on a different part of The Big God Story (Bible).
*The Big God Story shares the Bible’s content in the context of its original storyline, with the thread of
salvation at its core. During the past several decades, “Christian education” has tended to tell Bible
stories in isolation, often failing to tell the bigger story in which God is central. This way, baby Moses
is the key figure one day, and Noah is the key figure one day, and Jesus is merely the key figure on
another day. But by putting each story in context of the main story, we begin to elevate Jesus, the
Redeemer, to His rightful place in the storyline. The beautiful part of the story is that God is the
Author, and He is still writing His big story, which includes all of us. If we consistently tell kids The Big
God Story and help them to see the bigger story that’s been lived out for thousands of years, they
have the privilege of catching a glimpse of the wonder of it all—the wonderful mystery of who God is
and how He has chosen a part for each of us to play.
What’s your part in The Big God Story? What’s He saying to you? How will you respond?
These questions fill my heart and mind as well and I am seeking to work through them through the
power of the Holy Spirit.
With thankfulness for the ways He’s working and moving in the lives of His kids,
John Clark, Senior Minister, Amanda Bugos, Children’s Minister; Adam Ormord, Worship & Creative Arts
Minister; Tricia Hopkins, Early Childhood Minister; Jeff Thompson, Youth Minister;
Pam Green, Kids Hope Director; Kerry Highley, Office Manager
*from David C. Cook’s TRU info materials
Volume 6, Issue 4
APRIL 2015
Memorial Easter Lilies
Lilies will be available for pick-up after the Easter
Sunday worship celebration service.
Join us
for Breakfast Served
by the Elders and Deacons
Christian Life Center
Miriam Circle—will meet on Tuesday, April 7 at
1:30pm in Room 21. Hostesses are Carolyn Johnson
and Nancy Phillips. Sharon Colglazier will lead the
lesson, “The Suffering God”.
Prayers & Praises
Vada Hornocker—Room #3112, 702 Riley Hospital Drive,
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Garrett Glassburn—recovering from surgery
Continue to pray for: Jerry Arrick, Dana Biggs, Raymond &
Thelma Bowland, Butch Brookshire, Linda Craft, Phil Harts,
Chuck Lawson, Jim Needler, Harry & Pat Padfield, Tim Sigler,
Glenna Smith, Elvin Sommers, Laura Spaulding, Jack
Strange, Aaron Travis, Joe Whitesel, The Family of Blaine
Wimmer, Loren Winger, Lola Akers, Terry Anderson, Angie,
Aunt Audie, Dale & Darlene Boen, David Bowman, Lynelle
Brown, Julie Richey Cain, Jim Corn, Johanna Crist, Steve
Dazzell, Jill DeArmond, Marcia Ertel, Linda Evans, Leslie
Evans, Chad Fauber, Ronda Garrett, Gerald & Betty Guy,
Harley, Kay Magner Henry, Joe Hill, Ruthie Sommers Horner,
Lana Hudson, Carolyn Hunt, Kim Jentes, Jillian, Evan
Johnson, Cindy Linn, Kim Logan, LouAnne, Suzi McNamara
Kamp, Mark Krabbe, Ken Machala, Kiley, Marschand, Marsha,
Sarah Matthews, John Mullinex, Nancy, Nici, Betty, Ann Pond,
Bob Preusz, Teresa Ratliff, Laudi Reffett, Rex, Betty Richey,
Jean Rohrer, Gina Rolfs, Pat Rolfs, Jerry Smith, Dawn Staggs,
Heidi Vance, Ned Walker, Marilyn Walls, Louise Warren,
Suzanne Werner, Marjorie Whalen, Will & Julie White, David
Christian Wittrock
Parish Nurses will be taking
Blood Pressures
Sunday, April 19th
8:00-10:45am In the Foyer.
Intergenerational Worship Celebration @ 9:00 am
Ages 4 & up will be in the sanctuary. Children ages 3 &
under will have normal programming at 9:00 am. Care for
infants/toddlers and Sunday school for ages 2 & up will NOT
be available during the 10:45 education hour.
Carry-In Brunch @ 10:45 am
Following the intergenerational worship celebration, we invite
all to enjoy a Carry-In Brunch in the CLC. Drinks and table
service will be provided.
Library Corner
Have you visited our church library lately? We have many new
novels from which to choose. One of the titles that drew my
attention was “White Picket Fences” by Susan Meissner. The
characters in the story are fictional but they have been woven
into historical events. The story is about human relationships.
It is within our closest relationships that our
brightest virtues and worst flaws are exposed. We are at our best and our worst when
we are responding and reacting to the people
who shape who we are. Human history is the story of relationships and what those relationships teach us about what we
value and what we do not. Check out this book and follow the
story of this family.
Senior Saints
Wednesday, April 15th
Speaker: Don Brown, Compassion International
Make your reservations now at the Welcome Center, Adult
Sunday classrooms or call the office (395-3361)
Kirk Cogdell placed his membership with Converse
Church of Christ on Sunday, March 8th, by
profession of faith. He lives in Greentown with his
wife, Diane (Green), and daughter Kylea. His mother
-in-law is Vera Green.
Jeff Thompson baptized Collin Burman on Sunday
evening, March 8th. Collin is the son of Carl and
Cristi Burman. He is a student at McCulloch Junior
High School in Marion. He has an older brother—
Save the Date for Ovations 2015
On Sunday evening, May 3rd, all who serve in the
Nursery, Ark Park, Weekly Preschool, Elementary,
Kids Hope, MOPS, and/or Student Ministries of
Converse Church of Christ are invited to a party in
their honor at Roseburg Event Center. Invitations to
Parish Nurses will be offering a BLOOD DRAW
on Sunday, April 19th in Room 29
Please sign up at the Welcome Center.
Some tests may require fasting.
CCC Attendance & Giving
Sunday School
General Fund, Missions & Building Fund
Designated Missions
Rainbow Camp
$ 12,722.07 $ 7,064.00 $ 14,854.00
$ 9,430.00
$ 1,175.00 $
290.00 $ 1,042.40
$ 14,551.07 $ 7,354.00
Mark your calendars!
Want to memorialize or honor a loved
one? The Church will be decorated with
beautiful memorial lilies on Easter
Sunday—April 5th. If you would like to
purchase a beautiful Easter lily, complete
the form available in Adult Sunday School
classes and/or the Welcome Center.
Cost is $12.00/lily.
$ 15,896.40
For Students Entering
1st—6th Grade this Fall
Sun., Jul. 19th—Wed., Jul. 22nd
5:30 pm — 8:30 pm each night
(supper provided)
Students will choose between
Visual Arts or Sports Variety
If you’re interested in helping with the Sports & Art Camp, please contact Tricia
Hopkins or Amanda Bugos or look for servant sign-up sheets in upcoming bulletins.