Applewood Grove Farmers Market


Applewood Grove Farmers Market
Applewood Grove Farmers Market
1961 Youngfield Street
Golden CO 80401
Applewood Grove Farmers Market Mission Statement
The Applewood Grove Farmers Market fosters community spirit and promotes local agricultural
and artistic sustainability. We do this by encouraging, supporting, and promoting the
entrepreneurial efforts of local, independent, and small-scale farmers, bakers and crafters
seeking to sell their products directly to the consumer and operating independently from large
corporate or factory farms/businesses. We strive to offer educational forums for consumers to
learn the value of supporting their community farmers to enhance food security.
Our market focuses on agricultural products, but we also may include prepared food items,
ready-to-eat foods, and a few artisan goods and crafts. These items provide additional choices
for consumers, support local entrepreneurs, and help to create a vibrant marketplace.
However, the Applewood Grove Farmers Market may restrict the number or type of nonagricultural products that can be sold in the market. All non-agricultural products must be
juried by AFM and samples may be requested before they are admitted to the market.
• A Market Manager is assigned and will be present at all markets during all hours of
operation, including set-up and tear-down.
• The Applewood Grove Farmers Market has assigned Donna Thornton to be the Market
Donna Thornton
Applewood Grove Farmer’s Market Manager
1901 Youngfield Street
Golden CO 80401
Cell or text: 303-522-7215
If a market manager other than Donna is on duty, that information shall be given prior to
market day.
• The Market Manager will be responsible for overseeing all market operations and clarifying
issues relating to vendor set-up and tear-down.
• Please report any safety issues or violation of rules to the Market Manager.
• The market is located in The Applewood Grove shopping center on the southwest corner of
20th and Youngfield.
• The Applewood Grove Farmers Market will be held every Tuesday.
• We will have a total of 18 markets in 2015; June 9, 2015 – October 6, 2015.
• The hours of operation will be 10:00am – 2:00pm, rain or shine. All vendors are
required to attend all committed dates regardless of weather. Please notify Market Manager,
Donna Thornton, 303-522-7215 as soon as possible if unable to attend a market.
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS: A person who produces and markets an agricultural product;
Growers and farms that directly produce fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, plants, animals,
etc. on land they rent or own in the State of Colorado.
“agricultural product” means
(a) agricultural produce grown or harvested
(b) livestock or poultry raised, whether alive or slaughtered; and
(c) milk, eggs and honey or any product of agricultural produce, livestock or poultry
• ARTISAN FOODS/PROCESSORS: Persons or entities offering fresh food products such as
baked goods, jams, jellies, cheeses, honey, cider, etc.; any product that is processed/made by
the vendor and which is sold, not consumed, in the market (food products, non-agricultural).
• PREPARED FOOD: Vendor offering hot or cold food that is cooked, prepared or served to
eat at the market.
• NON-FOOD: Persons selling crafts, arts or other hand made items; businesses selling
services or products etc. Direct sales companies are included in this category only if they are
are offering cash and carry items for sale at the event.
•BUSINESS: Non-food related, non-craft type businesses with a store front (and no cash
and carry items), such as banks, mortgage companies, real estate companies, etc.
• FULL-TIME VENDOR: Participates in all 18 weeks of the market.
• PART-TIME VENDOR: Participates in less than 18 markets but at least 5 committed dates of
the season. Must schedule dates and pay in advance.
• SINGLE DAY VENDOR: Only participates in one committed day at a time.
• All vendors must provide their own display tents or umbrellas and display tables, and are
responsible for setting up and taking down their tents and displays.
• Set-up time begins at 8:30AM. Vendors must arrive at market site no later than 30 minutes
prior to the start of each market and be completely set-up and ready to sell no later than
• No vehicles will be allowed to be on the lot after 9:45am or until 15 minutes after the
market closes at 2:00pm.
• Tear-down and packing may not begin until 2:00pm. Early tear-downs are not allowed, and
vendors are to keep all products set up until market closes. The Market Manager may make
exceptions due to weather or other circumstances.
• Vendors must maintain their assigned stall space in a clean and sanitary condition, and
stalls must be left in clean condition. Vendors are responsible for cleaning their area after use
and for removing all of their own trash from the property. No trash may be left at the market.
Bring a broom if necessary to clean your area during and/or after market.
• All vendors must be off the property no later than 3:00PM.
Vendor Parking: Each Market will have a designated space specifically for Vendor Parking.
Vendors are required to park all vehicles in this designated area. Public parking at the
Applewood Grove Shopping Center is for customers only. Vendor Parking is very close to the
market area, only a 1 or 2 minute walk.
Stall Size:
• Each booth space will be 10’ x 10’ in size unless otherwise designated.
Stall Requirements:
• Canopies or umbrellas are encouraged but not required.
• All canopies or tents must be secured with tent weights, and should have a minimum of 20pound weights on each leg. Vendors are completely responsible for any and all damages
caused because of improperly weighted tents.
•Canopy and tent legs must be placed on wood slat to avoid damage to parking lot.
•No commercial advertising is allowed on the canopy or tent other than exhibitor’s business
name. Vendors may hang a store name, logo sign from their canopy. All exhibitors are
encouraged to create a unique, comfortable, "boutique like" environment within their stall
parameters. Stall display must not interfere with neighboring spaces.
• Electricity is currently not available.
• The use of generators is to be approved in advance by the market manager.
Stall Assignments
•The Applewood Grove Farmers Market reserves the right to assign stall locations at each
market. Participants are typically able to keep the same space at each market; however, the
market manager reserves the right to reassign spaces as deemed necessary each week and
the stall locations may vary from week to week.
•Stalls will not be held for late arriving vendors. Holes in the market will be plugged as the
manager sees fit to avoid an unsightly market.
•Selling and sampling is limited to the space assigned by the market manager or a staff
•Participants in the market must obtain approval from the market manager or a staff member
before introducing a new product not represented on their application.
•No alcoholic beverage consumption or smoking is allowed anywhere in the market area.
•Participants expected on any market day must notify the manager 24 hours in advance if they
are unable to attend. Failure to notify the manager with prior notice is subject to a $50 fine
and may result in losing a space in the market. Vendors missing a market without notification
must contact manager to verify space for the following week.
•Vendors are required to provide clear signage of who they are and where they are from.
•The safety of all participants and attendees is very important; Vendors agree to keep safety
in mind at all times.
•Vendors must provide tent weights to stabilize their tents against the likelihood of storms
and high winds. All tents are required to have a minimum of 20-pound weights on each leg.
•All vendors must have insurance covering their own selves, employees, property and
equipment as well as damage caused to others. If your Application is accepted you will need
to provide the AFM with a copy of your product and general liability insurance policy with
limits set to $1,000,000 single incident / $2,000,000 aggregate coverage. Insurance policies
must name the Applewood Farmers Market, and The Shoppes at the Red Geranium, Inc.,
their Agents, and Employees as additional insureds. Further information will be included if
your application is accepted.
• Applewood Grove Farmers Market does not collect individual sales taxes.
• All vendors are responsible for and must pay all applicable taxes, insurance, health permits
• All vendors are responsible for obtaining all applicable state and local permits, and for
complying with any tax collection and payment.
• No vendor is assumed to have an exclusive right to sell any product.
• Vendors are required to attend all committed weeks. There will be no refunds for nonattendance.
• Smoking is not allowed anywhere within barricaded market site, including vendor stalls.
• Conflicts, grievances or other related communications must be addressed to the Market
Manager in a professional and appropriate manner. The first priority is to adhere to the
market mission and maintain a friendly, welcoming environment for shoppers.
• Food sampling is allowed in compliance with Jefferson County Health Department.
• Applications will be considered on a first come, best location policy.
• Any vendor not selected for a stall will be notified and their application fee returned.
• As long as safety and professionalism is maintained, it is OK to have Fun!
Application Fee:
* A $65.00 NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE IS REQUIRED from all vendors when their
application is submitted. This fee is refunded if your application is not accepted.
Stall Rental Fees:
We currently do not charge vendors for any portion of their total sales.
□ Full-time vendor: daily rates (all 18 market dates)
□ Part-time vendor: (more than 5 but fewer than 18 market dates) daily rates $32/day
□ Oversize stalls (i.e.; >10x10, Food Trucks, Trailers, etc) will be charged per foot and
require prior management approval.
□ Single Day, Drop-in vendor: rates are
per month per market.
$75/day for each market attended. Drop-in is 1x
□ Business stalls are $200 /day, FLAT FEE, unless otherwise stated by management.
(Business stalls are non-food related, non-craft type businesses (and no cash and carry
items) with a store front, such as banks, mortgage companies, real estate companies,
etc.) Sponsorship opportunities are available, however. Please inquire with the market
director for details.
• Vendors receive a 10% discount if the entire season is paid prior to June 1.
• Payments may be made in cash, by check or credit/debit card. An additional 3% will be
added to your fee If you pay by credit or debit card. Checks should be payable to the
Applewood Farmers Market (AFM.)
• Stall spaces are paid on a monthly basis, one month in advance. Monthly stall payments
must be received 7 days prior to the beginning of each month’s market. Payments may be
mailed or made in person.
• Payment for Single Day Drop-in Stall Fees are payable upon acceptance of application;
application must indicate which market date you are requesting.
REFUNDS: Refunds, exchanges or rain checks are not given for any reason whatsoever!
If you have any questions, please call or text Donna Thornton 303-522-7215
Application Deadlines and Fees: . There is no deadline for new vendors submitting
applications as long as the market has available space.
The application requires your signature by which you are attesting to having read and agree to
abide by those rules.
All vendors are required to complete and sign the “Release of Liability” and application form,
by which they are agreeing to having read and will abide by the Rules and Regulations, and
return the application along with their payment to APPLEWOOD GROVE FARMERS MARKET.
Only the completed application pages need to be returned with your application fee.
Mail completed applications and fees to:
Donna Thornton
Applewood Grove Farmers Market Manager
1901 Youngfield Street, Golden CO 80401
Applications will be reviewed in the order received. If accepted, vendors will be notified via
phone or email. Signed contracts, liability waivers and payments are due at that time.
We accept cash, check and credit card. Vendors paying by credit card will be charged an
additional 3%.
Applewood Grove Farmers Market
2015 Vendor Application
Please complete, sign and mail to:
Applewood Grove Farmers Market
Atten: Market Manager
1961 Youngfield St, Golden CO 80401
Submitting this application does NOT guarantee you a spot at the
market Please PRINT LEGIBLY
Name of Applicant ___________________________________ Date ________________
Business or Farm Name
Address_________________________________City/Zip ___________________________
Mailing Address (if different than above)
Business Phone _________________________ Cell Phone ________________________
Website ____________________________ Email ___________________________
Permission to link website to ApplewoodGrove Farmers Market Website/Blog? □YES
I will be selling as (check one):
___Agricultural Farmer or Grower or Artisan Foods/Procesessor
___Prepared Food
___Non-Food Artisan/Crafter (including any business or direct sales company representative
with cash and carry items for sale)
___Business (no items for sale/promotion of business only)
Business Ownership (check all that apply)
___Family Owned ___Limited Partnership ___Corporation ___Non-Profit ___Co-Op
Please list/describe the food items, crops or products you wish to sell at our market. Items
may not be sold without permission of the market staff. Misstatements, willful or otherwise,
may be grounds for revocation of a stall space in the market.
I plan to attend the market as a:
□Full-time vendor: daily stall rates (all 18 market dates) $28/day
□Part-time vendor: (more than 5 days, less than 18 market dates) daily stall rates $32/day
□ Oversize stalls (i.e.; >10x10, Food Trucks, Trailers, etc) will be charged per foot and
require prior management approval.
□Drop-in vendor: rates are $75/day for each market attended. Drop-in is 1x per month
per market
□ Business stalls are $200 /day, FLAT FEE, unless otherwise stated by management.
(Business stalls are non-food related, non-craft type businesses (and no cash and carry
items) with a store front, such as banks, mortgage companies, real estate companies, etc.)
Sponsorship opportunities are available, however. Please inquire with the market director
for details.
How many 10x10s stall spaces are you requesting for each market? _________
Which date will you start attending the market? _________________________
Listed below are all of the 2015 Tuesday market dates. Please check below which
dates you plan to attend (or mark “all” if you want to purchase the
entire season):
______ 6/9
______ 6/16
_____ 6/23
______ 6/30
______ 7/7
______ 7/14
______ 7/21
______ 7/28
______ 8/4
______ 8/11
______ 8/18
______ 8/25
______ 9/1
______ 9/8
______ 9/15
______ 9/22
______ 9/29
By signing this application, you are attesting that you have read and, if accepted to participate,
agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Applewood Farmers Market.
The undersigned represents the person(s) applying above and agrees to abide by all city, county,
state and federal rules and laws. I/we shall abide by all Applewood Grove Farmers Market rules,
and shall be current on applicable fees. Neither Applewood Grove Farmers Market nor The
Shoppes at the Red Geranium will be responsible for accidents, nor lost or stolen articles. Liability
insurance is the responsibility of each vendor participating in this farmers market.
Applicant Signature: X___________________________________ Date______________
Printed Name: _________________________________________
Release of Liability:
I hereby release and forever discharge The Applewood Grove Farmers Market, The Shoppes at
the Red Geranium, Inc., all Landlords, their employees, the Market Manager and Market
Manager assistants from any responsibility, personal liability, claims, theft, loss or damage arising
out of, or in conjunction with my participation in the Applewood Grove Farmers Market. As a
vendor, I assume all responsibility for my stand, stall, display and product sold. The Shoppes at
the Red Geranium, Inc, The Applewood Grove Farmer’s Market, All Landlords, their employees,
the Market Manager and Market Manager assistants shall be held harmless from and against any
and all liabilities, suits, claims, damages, injuries and actions, theft, costs and expenses of any
kind or nature of anyone whatsoever relating to premises due to or arising out of any act,
negligence, or neglect of the vendor, or any of their guests. Vendors assume all liability for stand
and products sold. By signing this application form, applicant agrees to abide by all policies and
rules, and all amended policies and rules for individual markets, set forth in this application.
Applicant Signature: X___________________________________ Date______________
Printed Name: _________________________________________
Check One:
□ I am enclosing a check for my $65.00 application fee. Check #_________
□ Please charge my application fee to my credit card. I understand there is an additional 3% charge ($1.95)
____MasterCard ____ Visa Card ____Discover
Exp Date: _____________ CW#: ___________
Name exactly as it appears on the card: __________________________________
Billing Zip: ___________
Send your completed and signed application and fee
to: Applewood Grove Farmer’s Market
1961 Youngfield Street, Golden CO 80401