may 2015 newsletter - Cordova Bay Elementary School


may 2015 newsletter - Cordova Bay Elementary School
Cordova Bay Elementary
5238 Cordova Bay Road, Victoria, B.C. V8Y 2L2
Phone: 250-658-5315 Safe Arrival: 250-658-4002 Fax: 250-658-4014
School website:
Twitter: @SD63CordovaBay
Principal: Mrs. K. L. Urarii
MAY 2015
May 12......PAC meeting at 7 pm
May 18......Victoria Day
May 22......PAC Lunch
May 27......K Orientation at 1:45pm
May 27-29. Outdoor Camp for Grade
five students
June 5........PAC lunch
June 9........Field Meet at Cordova Bay
June 11......Track Meet at UVIC
June 19......Fun Day; PAC lunch
June 25......Year End and grade five
assembly at 9:00 am
Recently the teaching staff had a chance to connect with a consultant from
Vancouver who has been working with us on the concepts surrounding
Inquiry based learning and teaching. Through those conversations, groups of
teachers continued their collaborative efforts that incorporate these ideas with
the new curriculum. As these have evolved there have been exciting ideas
and ways to connect various teachers and consequently various groups of
children. The tapestry of community continues to evolve through these
opportunities. We encourage you to ask your children about what they learn,
how they learn and who is involved in that process. Some classes are
reaching out beyond the school community to pull in others to support their
learning and help them make a difference in their greater community. Watch
for more examples of Inquiry and connection~in our classrooms, hallways,
through teacher communication/emails and through resources such as our
website and Twitter feed.
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things,
because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt
Are you moving? For purposes of
planning 2015-16 classes, please let
us know if you are
The joy of that curiosity is evident in all of our classrooms. May we continue
to recognize and foster it.
Mrs. K.L. Urarii
Thank you to our dedicated
parents for helping with recent
school events such as Plant Sale
and Bike Roadeo!
After Spring Break, we were excited to have Doug and Kathy LaFortune join
us at Cordova Bay as they shared stories and the carving of “Dancing Bear”
who will become a Saanich District Welcome Figure at the School Board
Office. The students were fascinated with the tools that are used and the
tradition that surrounds the carving of such a figure. Students worked in their
classrooms to examine the thoughts around local animals and then worked in
their family groups to create their own Totem. These are displayed in the
main hallway for all to enjoy.
5 2 3 8 C O R D O VA B AY R O A D , V I C T O R I A , B C , V 8 Y 2 L 2
FAX : 250.658. 4014
S A F E A R R I VAL : 2 5 0 . 6 5 8 - 4 0 0 2
Grade 3-5 students are
beginning to practice the
necessary events to
participate in our Track and
Field season this year. Field
events are scheduled to occur
at Cordova Bay on Tuesday,
June 9. We will be looking
for parent volunteers to help us with the Field events.
Our District Track Meet is scheduled to occur at the
Univeristy of Victoria on Thursday, June 11.
Students from grade 3-5 participated in our District
Cross Country meets this year. Cordova Bay Comets
did extremely well, with many students improving
their finishes each week. Special thanks
to Mrs. Nelles, Mrs. Fitz and Mrs.
Kinshella for their support of our team.
Special thanks to the Frohloffs and to
Mrs. Kinshella for sponsoring the Cordova Bay
Triathlon club. Over 45 students have been
participating in weekend sessions that push their
physical limits and encourage the discipline of an
athlete. Much enjoyment has been had by all involved!
We were pleased with the efforts by our students in the
recent Marathon experience. In combination with
members of 55+ the students ran or walked enough
kilometres to get from the West Coast to the East Coast
of Canada and back again! In total we've counted 6400
kilometres. Well done!
5 2 3 8 C O R D O VA B AY R O A D , V I C T O R I A , B C , V 8 Y 2 L 2
We've been so pleased to complete the second sessions
of our intergenerational groups with our 55+ members
leading the experiences of cooking, knitting, friendship
bracelets (thanks to Ms. Amarilli) and Lego groups.
Approximately 50 students participated. In total, with
the two groupings there were over 95 students who
participated! Recently Cordova Bay Elementary was
awarded the “Golden Star Award” by the Retired
Teachers' Association of British
Columbia. The $1000 prize money
will go toward continuing these
types of intergenerational projects.
We are in the beginning stages of looking forward to
the 2015-16 school year. To assist us in our planning
we provide an opportunity for parents to give input into
student placement. If you have any information that
would help us with this complicated task, please
complete an input form (available at the office after
May 5) or on-line in our 'Forms' section of the website.
We use that information, as well as input from the
students to help in our decision making. Classes are
created based on the following:
•....hetergeneous groups
•....gender balance
•....academic and social needs
•....peer relationships
For the 2015-16 school year we will likely
have a variety of class placement options,
including multi-age classes.
If you are completing an input form, please
refrain from identifying teachers. Please submit your
input by June 18, 2015.
Every effort is made to have students receive their
educational program in a balanced, enriched classroom
environment. We know you are aware of how
complicated student placement can be and appreciate
your support with the process.
FAX : 250.658. 4014
S A F E A R R I VAL : 2 5 0 . 6 5 8 - 4 0 0 2
This year Cordova Bay embarked on their school year
with several classrooms that were configured with
multi-age students or two grades. Our rationale for
choosing this type of configuration was based on:
•....research that demonstrated student success in
these situations
• effort to create positive social situations
•....a belief that students learn well when they can
be leader and/or follower
•....a belief that student learning is individual and
unique and that this can be effectively
addressed in multi-age classrooms (as well as
in single grade classrooms)
•....numbers of students that necessitated a variety
of classroom settings
We also know that:
•....flexible thinking is promoted in a classroom
environment with multi-age students
•....conversations with Royal Oak Middle School
have led us to understand that students are
more successful when they have had several
opportunities to be in multi-age classrooms
•....students are less likely to compare themselves
against another when they are in multi-age
classrooms~everyone is progressing
•....the students quickly let go of their worry about
'grade' and became a member of the learning
• is less important to 'grade' than to support
students in their progress and interest
•....using the Inquiry process is effective in a
multi-age or single grade scenario; student
interests cross grade restrictions
We are dedicated to creating
class environments where
students are supported to
learn. Encouraging prosocial behaviour and peer
connections has always been
critical to effective learning.
5 2 3 8 C O R D O VA B AY R O A D , V I C T O R I A , B C , V 8 Y 2 L 2
2014-15 PAC Executive include:
Co-Presidents: Jill Shaw, Luanne
Past Presidents: Christa Easton, Lynn Bartle
Vice President: Maegan Thompson
Treasurer: Kara Morson
Secretary: Elisa Greenway
Social Coordinator: Courtney Lloyd
Class Rep: Samantha Silva
NEXT PAC meeting: Tuesday, May 12 at 7 p.m.
Child-minding is available
May 22
June 5
June 19
As you enter Cordova Bay Elementary you can't help
but notice the fish tank filled with
interesting fish near the entrance. This
tank is maintained by a couple of
families. One of those families will be
leaving our school next year and we are
looking for another volunteer to help
with the maintenance of the tank. If you are able to
help, please contact the school office. Thank you!
PCEC: 1000x5
If you have any new or gently used preschool books that you would like to donate,
we are collecting them. These books are
then re-gifted to families with young
children. The research is clear that children
who are read 1000 books by the age of five
achieve significantly higher levels of success as they
progress into the school system. Donations are
collected at the school office. Thank you!
FAX : 250.658. 4014
S A F E A R R I VAL : 2 5 0 . 6 5 8 - 4 0 0 2
Schools open
Tuesday, Sept 8, 2015
Monday, October 12
Remembrance Day
Wed., November 11
Winter Vacation
Dec. 21- Jan. 1, 2016
Schools reopen
January 4, 2016
Family Day
Monday, February 8
Spring Break (includes one week closure,
Good Friday and Easter Monday) March 14-29
Schools reopen
Wednesday, March 30
Victoria Day
Monday, May 23
Administrative Day (no students in session)
Thursday, June 30
Non-Instructional Days (NID)
Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Friday, February 19, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Early Dismissal Days
Tues-Thursday, October 13-15, 2015
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Hours of instruction offered:
Kindergarten~853 hours (fewer hours of instruction per
year due to gradual entry in September)
Elementary~ 878 hours
Middle~ 903 hours
Secondary~ 952 hours
Bell schedule for 201-15
Warning bell
Instruction begins
11:14-11:50 Play time
11:50-12:14 Eating time
12:14-1:15 Instruction
1:15-1:30 Recess
School dismissal
As you are aware, construction has begun on
our new addition. The necessary inside
work has been completed and now there is an
insulated wall that separates the school from the
construction area. Much work continues behind that
'wall'. Beginning next week we will see changes to the
roofing above the old Multi-Purpose Room. Following
that work, excavation of the site that will hold our
addition will begin. We are pleased to be working with
such a respectful Construction Team. They have been
thoughtful to any questions that our students have and
have done their best to mitigate any noise, dust or
Once the revised blueprints are available they will be
displayed in the main hallway. Phase One of the
renovation will include four new classrooms, a
common learning space, new washrooms and HVAC
area. Phase Two will include the deconstruction of the
back wing, as well as a change to the library and
computer room areas. When this is completed, there
will be a Learning Commons space (Library) and
computer room space. As well, there will be an outside
teaching space that will connect to the inside courtyard.
A multi-purpose room and additional classroom space
will complete Phase Two. The estimated timeline may
be as long as two years.
We are looking forward to having these significant
changes positively impact our school!
We had a chance to say good-bye to
Sergeant Nick Ross, who has been
our school liaison officer for the past
years. We surprised him with an
assembly and were happy to hear
that he enjoyed his time with us.
We'd like to welcome Constable Dani Frohloff as our
next School Liaison Officer!!
5 2 3 8 C O R D O VA B AY R O A D , V I C T O R I A , B C , V 8 Y 2 L 2
FAX : 250.658. 4014
S A F E A R R I VAL : 2 5 0 . 6 5 8 - 4 0 0 2