OH Ranch Education Program September & October 2015 Sessions
OH Ranch Education Program September & October 2015 Sessions
OH Ranch Education Program September & October 2015 Sessions The Calgary Exhibition and Stampede and Calgary Stampede Foundation are pleased to offer Grade 5 classes the opportunity to visit the Calgary Stampede’s OH Ranch in beautiful Longview, Alberta for an exciting, active and informative day of learning! A limited number of sessions are available each spring and fall for Grade 5 classes from the Calgary and surrounding area. In order to ensure equitable program offerings to all interested school districts, spaces are allotted based on projected Grade 5 student enrollments. • Pre-registration is mandatory for all classes visiting the OH Ranch. • Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, based on district student enrollment projections as stated above. • For safety and comfort reasons, we welcome a maximum of 35 students plus teacher and chaperones to the OH Ranch for our educational programs. • Please review the program information on our webpage at http://corporate.calgarystampede.com/oh-ranch/experience-education-at-the-oh-ranch and access our calendar for session availability prior to completing your application. • Confirmation of your requested day will be emailed to you within 14 days of your application submission. Applicationsmaybefaxedto403.262.3067,oremailedto oheducation@calgarystampede.com All applications must be received by September 1, 2015 For additional information, please contact us at oheducation@calgarystampede.com OH Ranch Education Program Fall2015ApplicationForm Application deadline: September 1, 2015 School District: School: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Teacher First Name: Teacher Last Name: Phone: Alternate Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Please indicate grade level, number of students and number of chaperones. Complete one form per class attending. Grade Level Number of Chaperones Number of Students Please indicate your preferred program date, arrival and departure times. First choice Second choice Third choice We’ll take whatever date we can get! Anticipated arrival time: Required departure time: Teacher Name (Printed) Teacher Signature Date Signed Please note that applications will be reviewed/approved as received, and that sessions are limited. We invite you to submit your application as early as possible, to increase the chances of bringing your class to the OH Ranch! Applications may be faxed to 403.262.3067 or emailed to oheducation@calgarystampede.com. For further information, contact us at oheducation@calgarystampede.com.