ToR - Child Protection Working Group
ToR - Child Protection Working Group
Terms of Reference Syrian refugee children and their psychosocial distress Background The war in Syria is about to enter into its fifth year. The fighting has caused an unprecedented degree of suffering and forced more than 3,8 million people to flee Syria, with the majority residing in neighboring countries. Children make up more than 50% of the refugee population, meaning there are close to 2 million refugee children in the region. The unrelenting conflict is depriving millions of children and adults of food, clean water, healthcare and other life-saving services. But living in these conditions, whether it be in a refugee camp or in a host community, also limits children´s lives when it comes to access to education, play-time, meaningful activities and structure to their day to day lives. The consultancy will explore the impact of living on the run 4 years after the start of the Syrian Crisis on the children wellbeing. Save the Children MEE regional office and CPI conducted a mapping exercise of mental health and psychosocial support needs of Syrian children in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey/Syria. Respondents in all six locations expressed concerns about the level of Mental Health & Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) needs in children. Hence, there is a profound and urgent need to further present these children´s life and living situations, thus highlighting the need for a deepened and more extensive support for Syria´s children living on the run. During 2015, SC Sweden will capitalize on this and run a campaign to highlight the situation for Syrian refugee children in different contexts. Target groups 1. The main focus of the report is to attract the Swedish media´s attention and to create further awareness surrounding the plight of children living in these dire conditions. 2. As a key donor for Child Protection in the region, SC Sweden will continue to fundraise and to raise awareness amongst the general public in Sweden, and an a greater media coverage will certainly support this work 3. This comprehensive and engaging report about Syrian refugee children and their psychosocial distress will be used for advocacy in Sweden with key decision makers: ministers, heads of and desk-officers at ministries, parliamentarians and Sida-officials. The report (and a Communications-kit) will be available for other SC members in English after sign off from the Global Advocacy Group to conduct their own awareness raising, advocacy and fundraising activities around it in their own markets. This report is in line with the ambition from the Global Media Unit to present media moments based on Save the Children generated data. Objective 1. To strengthen and provide a sharper joint focus on communication and advocacy work around the Syria humanitarian emergency in Sweden 2. To deliver a concise and compelling, fact-based report with Syrian refugee children sharing their life experiences; building a case for Sweden to engage politically for a broader international commitment to the issue of the Syrian children´s wellbeing and rights, and warning of the likely implications of the current conflict 3. Focusing the report on Child Protection and specifically highlighting the psycho-social aspects that refugee children are experiencing 4. To create a report to engage media and be used to make policy recommendations to decision makers on the importance of providing sufficient as well as ear-marking funds specifically related to the benefit of children in Syria and the wider region; looking at short as well as longterm funding 5. To inform the wider public of the implications of the crisis for children and of the longer-term consequences. Highlighting the need for a greater public commitment to support programmatic initiatives to ease the suffering amongst the refugee communities with a solid focus on children 6. To provide data and material from Save the Children related projects and work in the region reflecting upon the way we work. Thus highlighting our position as the leading child rights organization working in and around Syria and the region 7. Providing a base for advocating for greater focus on children issues, based upon facts derived from our own projects and programs and as well from the children themselves Methodology 1) Conduct a participatory assessment with children using child friendly active research techniques. Where children will be feeding back on their situation using participatory action research and evaluation methodologies for that purpose, Save the Children Sweden will identify and recruit a consultant with a solid child protection background. This person will adhere to psychosocial guidelines and rules to work with children in distress and ensure that no harm is done to children throughout the consultation phase. The child protection expert will also collect evidence through key informative interviews with Save the Children staff directly implicated in the provision of psychosocial and child protection activities. The consultant will be closely working with each country team visited and with technical and operational back up from the regional office. The methodology, and final report outcomes will be shared with country and regional key team members to consolidate their input. The child protection expert will be working closely and in consultation with a communication expert who will be capturing the communication side and processing the information obtained from children and from Save the Children staff. The communication expert will be also collecting photographs and other evidences from the programs in the field. During field research the consultants will be closely working with SC staff with knowledge of the context and the language in each country office where the study will take place. The report and its content will be made up of both testimonials as well as statistics that are drawn from our projects and our participatory assessment groups. Testimonials will be provided by the children as well as from staff. Data will also be collected from children and staff where the latter will be asked to provide estimates on a range of questions relating to the children´s psychosocial wellbeing. These data won´t be academically viable but will serve as snapshots and indicators on how the Syrian children feel in their living settings and thus provides us with an overview, across our projects in the region. The testimonials will then verify the data extracted. Reference group A reference group will be formed from colleagues from CPI, the regional office and SC Sweden with relevant knowledge about the issue on country and regional level. The reference group will be responsible for finalizing the TOR, provide comments on drafts and agreeing on final outcome. It can also seek advice and guidance from involved country offices. However, SC Sweden will ultimately decide on the final version of the content, publication, launch and everything related to the Communications-package. Materials & tools The report will be using material from existing reports and assessments already conducted in the region as support. However, the primary sources and information will be derived from: Children through participatory evaluations (focus groups discussions to reflect on their current living situations in both host communities as well as in camp environments) Activity Communication Persons consultant Responsible 1 day reviewing Consultant the methodology and providing feedback Expected Comments Output Key informant interview questionnaire Focus group methodology 5 days travels to 2 countries in the region and 1 travel to Stockholm Conducting 15 days face to face interviews and visit to project sites Debriefing 2 days 2 days travel to one country in the region and back Consultant None 5 days Consultant Detailed interview minutes The 2 consultants will overlap in the field to gather communication materials 2 days Consultant Minutes of the meeting First draft of the report finalised. 7 days finalising the report Consultant draft report (20 pages) The consultants will have a 2 days meeting in Stockholm to consolidate all the content and the learning from the field 10 days Design of key informant interviews and research tools Travel time CP consultant 5 days developing the methodology 2 days commenting on the report draft Final draft of the report Date of the publication 3 days October Final report Rädda Barnen Key informants such as Save the Children staff involved in the Syria response across ideally 2-3 countries (interviews) where the information will be used to analyse how the well-being of the Syrian children has been affected by the current conflict and displacement situation 4 years after the start of the Syrian crisis). Expected output 1. A participatory detailed stakeholder’s interview questionnaire for Save the Children key staff involved in the PSS programs, and an additional methodology of participatory focus groups discussions with children. 2. A final report including key advocacy messages and the identified challenges. A fact based report written with media and broad audience as the main target groups. The report should include the following sections: - Introduction - Context - Case studies - Testimonies - Key messages 3. Develop a set of key messages in consultation with SC Sweden staff, MEE regional office and country offices to support advocacy on the report and review associated press releases, media lines and a Q&A. Save the Children Sweden will take responsibility for the design of the report. Furthermore, the media consultant will provide photos and other relevant items/materials to include in the report and associated media. Qualifications CP expert At least 8 years of professional experience in Child Protection in Emergencies and/or related field within the humanitarian sector. - Experience in participatory assessments with children Field level experience in 1st phase emergencies as well as programming related to chronic crisis Demonstrated experience in research and analysis Ability to work independently and effectively under a tight timeframe Fluency in spoken and written English Communication expert - Proven ability to write high quality reports as programming related to chronic crisis - experience in working in challenging and insecure environment Capacity to communicate with children in a child friendly non harmful way. Minimum understanding on procedures to work and communicate with children under distress - Fluency in spoken and written English Interested candidates should send a CV and a cover letter to and, deadline for the application is 24th of April 2015.
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