Short Course in HIV & STI Testing:


Short Course in HIV & STI Testing:
Short Course in HIV & STI Testing:
Breaking down the barriers to testing
Tuesday, 12th May 2015
Venue Duntryleague Country Club, Woodward Street, Orange, NSW
Time 6.00pm - 9.00pm
Kite St Sexual Health Clinic
For local Sexual Health
Service information and
Contact: (02) 6392 8600
Did you know:
 It is estimated that in NSW, 75% of chlamydia infections are not diagnosed
 In Western NSW LHD, notification rates for both gonorrhoea and chlamydia have more than doubled in recent years and are higher than NSW state-wide rates1
 Around 50% of all new HIV infections are diagnosed by GPs, however most GPs will have never previously
delivered a positive result.
1 Health Statistics NSW, NSW Government, accessed at: in Dec, 2014.
“Most useful information
and presentation of that
information I have had in
HIV & STI testing course
participant, 2014.
The aim of this course is to help doctors and nurses
in Western NSW overcome barriers to introducing
HIV and STI testing as a standard practice for every
sexually active patient under the age of 29 years
and those in other high risk populations.
Through case studies, the three hour evening
course will include information on HIV and STI
testing, diagnoses and basic management.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be
able to:
Identify appropriate patients to routinely test
for HIV and STIs 
Demonstrate increased confidence initiating
conversations about sexual health
Take a sexual health history
Describe common STIs and their clinical
 Perform STI and HIV diagnostic testing
 Manage patient treatment for common STIs
Initiate contact tracing and patient referrals
where necessary.
Presented by:
Dr Caroline Thng
Sexual Health Physician, Sydney Sexual Health Centre
This course is FREE for NSW medical pracitioners
and practice nurses; dinner will be provided.
Register at:
Registrations close:
Thursday, 7th May 2015
For further details contact:
Annabelle Kennett
T 02 8204 0740
This organisation is an authorised provider
of Accredited Activities under the RACGP
QI&CPD Program.
This activity has been approved by the
RACGP for 4 Category 2 QI&CPD points.
This activity has been endorsed
by APNA, according to approved quality
standards criteria. Completion of this
activity entitles eligible participants to
claim up to 3 CPD hours.
This activity has been endorsed
by ACRRM, according to approved quality
standards. Completion of the program
entitles eligible participants to claim 3 Core
PDP points.
Funding for this course is provided by:
Travel scholarships may be available for both
Medical practitioners and practice nurses from
rural/regional areas. Please contact ASHM for
further information.
ASHM is a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct and is committed to the principles of the Ottawa Charter for health promotion and the Jakarta Declaration on health promotion.