For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love
 .Community Ministries: If anyone would like to help the most unfortunate and needy folks in and out of our church with their non-­‐perishable food, there is a food box provided in the church hall, please store them in there, for more information, contact: Sis Ruth White 07984078940 The Prayer Ministry Department: would like to thank the church for their support on May 2nd for the "Half Night of Prayer" and wishes to encourage the church to see prayer as one of the key ways of growing closer to God. To make prayer a daily appointment with their Heavenly Father as many times as you can. Seventh-­‐Day Adventists believe... • That the Bible is God’s inspired word. (2 Timothy 3:16) • That the Godhead consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) • That Salvation is a free gift from God, which we receive through faith. (Ephesians 2:5-­‐8) • That baptism by immersion is a symbol of our death to sin and rising to new life and a union with Christ. (Romans 6:1-­‐6) • That Jesus Christ will soon return in person, in a visible manner to redeem his people. (Matthew 24:30) • That the seventh-­‐day, Saturday, is the Sabbath according to the Ten Commandments from sunset Friday to sunset on Saturday. (Genesis 2:1-­‐3 & Exodus 20:8) Sis Mitchelle: Will be leaving us on the 14th May for a while and is soliciting the prayers of the members in her absence.
Noticeboard submissions: Please see Maureen Simpson. Bulletin email account: Please note that the account is now functioning properly and emails can be sent through as normal. Bulletin submissions: Deadline EVERY Tuesday at 9:00pm. Please make announcements as short as possible. Elder On Duty: Neil Nunes For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound
2 Timothy 2:7 Sunset Times Today 20:34 Fri 15 May 20:45 Fri 22 May 20:55 • That a tithe (10%) of our income is holy and is reserved for the support of the ministry. (Malachi 3:8-­‐12) • That the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is not to be defiled by alcohol, tobacco, drugs or wrong eating habits. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Pastor R ichard Daly Associate Pastor Margarita Gareze First Elder Johnny Saul Elder Ellen Wright Elder Neil Nunes Elder Peter Burton Elder Bruce Palmer Elder Valcie Lewis Elder Marlène Levy Elder Christopher Levy Church Clerk: Gail Henry Diary Clerk (Room Bookings):Caron Bailey Area 6b bible worker Veronica Williams Head Deacon: Bobby Barker Head Deaconess Joan Hosannah T: 07958 433 744 E: T: 07553141380 F: Sabbath: 09th May 2015 T: 07714 091 181 E: elder-­‐ T: 07884 497 479 E: T: 07952 351 338 E: T: 07941 390 654 E: T: 07985647280 E: T: 07415922804 E: T: 07518 783 623 E: T: 07947 280 335 E: T: 07940 384 950 T: 07720 620 748 E: T: 07960 935 747 E: T: 07799845215 E: T: 07833471237 E: We are especially happy to welcome you and we hope you feel right at home. 95 Selhurst Road London SE25 6LH Tel: 020 8771 3147 Email: Web: JOIN US AT:
SABBATH SCHOOL 09:25 a.m. Women in Ministry of Jesus Song Service Sis. F. Thompson Song of Continuation Sis. F. Thompson Hymn: 334 Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing Scripture Reading Sis. F. Nicholson Luke: 7: 36-­‐39 Opening Remarks Sis. L. Levy Lesson Study In Classes Welcome Sis. S. Alexander Birthday Acknowledgement Sis L. Levy Special Music Christine & Co Closing Hymn Sis. J. Hosanah Hymn: 565 For the Beauty of the Earth Closing Prayer Sis. J. Hosanah DIVINE WORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENTS 11:15 a.m. We welcome Pastor Louis Torres, who will b e conducting our Core SDA Seminar. ∼ Today~
Introit We have This Hope Bible Class: No meeting today due to the Core Seminar. Call to Worship & Invocation Bro. S. Burton Core Seminar: 6.15pm, Topic: Connecting to the Power ∼ Looking Ahead~
Welcome & Opening Hymn Sis. S-­‐A. Ferguson th
Past Golden Age Day Participants: 9 May at 5.30pm. Sis Hymn: 223 – Crown Him With Many Crowns Drakes is requesting to meet with all past Golden Age Day participants who have been involved in previous years’ plays in Prayer Eld. J. Saul the Large Vestry for a very important meeting. th
Core of Adventism: 9 to 16 May 2015 – Croydon Church. Tithes and Offerings Sis. J. Saul 7:15pm each night except Saturday night 6:15pm Speaker: Pastor Louis Torres. Rediscover our essential doctrines, whilst keeping them Christ centred. Scripture Reading Sis. C. Johnson th
Revelation 4 : 8 -­‐ 11 Personal Ministry: 10 May at 10:00am. The SEC will be hosting a symposium on Diversity and Women's Ordination at the Advent Centre. This is an opportunity for church members to Intro to Platform Party Pr. R. Daly join a discussion on two of the issues that are of great interest within our church today. For further details, please see the poster on the notice board in the foyer. Special Item Sis. M. Anderson Family Ministries: Our next monthly in-­‐reach and out-­‐reach interactive group, will be on Sunday 24th May from 10.00 to 12.00 pm. Our topic will be ‘Personal Finance'. Parents, Youth Sermon Pr. L.Torres and Teens are all welcome.' “He is enthroned” Closing Hymn Sis. V. Gavarin Hymn: 229 – All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name Benediction Pr. L.Torres Bible Training Programme: Commencing in May 2015. All interested parties please put your name on the list on the notice board posted in the foyer. th
Religious Liberty: Residential weekend: 29 to 31 May, Wokefield Park, Reading .