Infected Urachal Cyst Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy


Infected Urachal Cyst Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Infected Urachal Cyst Following
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Max Jackson, BA, Antonio Cusano, BS, Gregory Murphy, MD, Peter Haddock, PhD,
Anoop Meraney, MD, Joseph Wagner, MD
Urology Division, Hartford Healthcare Medical Group, Hartford, Connecticut (all authors).
Introduction: In an era of ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT), urachal remnants have been detected with
increasing frequency. If these remnants become infected, they can mimic a variety of intra-abdominal pathologies. We
present the case histories of two patients with an infected urachal cyst that developed after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
and necessitated excision.
Case Descriptions: Patient 1: Four years after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a 36-year-old man presented with dysuria,
abdominal pain, leukocytosis, and fluid leakage from the umbilical port site. CT imaging revealed an infected urachal cyst
with an adherent loop of sigmoid colon. Antibiotic treatment preceded laparoscopic excision of the urachal cyst with
partial cystectomy and closure of the sigmoid-to-urachus fistula. In a 3-year follow-up, there was no recurrence. Patient
2: A 68-year-old woman presented 11 months after laparoscopic cholecystectomy with abdominal pain, intermittent fever,
and leukocytosis. CT imaging revealed an infected urachal cyst with an associated phlegmon in the abdominal wall.
Antibiotic treatment preceded two incision-and-drainage procedures. Six weeks later, the patient underwent robotic
excision of the urachal cyst and partial cystectomy. A 3-year follow-up showed no recurrence.
Discussion: The urachus can be punctured during laparoscopic periumbilical port placement and convert into a draining sinus
or abscess. Subsequent infection can present with umbilical drainage, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms, and systemic infection.
Surgical excision is a reasonable option once the acute infection has been treated. Any images that include the urachus should be
reviewed before procedures involving an umbilical port, as puncture of urachal cysts may increase the risk of infection.
Key Words: Cholecystectomy, Infection, Laparoscopy, Urachal cyst.
Citation Jackson M, Cusano A, Murphy G, Haddock P, Meraney A, Wagner J. Infected urachal cyst following laparoscopic cholecystectomy. CRSLS e2014.00228. DOI:
Copyright © 2015 by SLS, Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Address correspondence to: Peter Haddock, PhD, Suite 416, 4th Floor, 85 Seymour Street, Hartford, CT 06106, USA. Telephone: 860-287-9208; Fax: 806-524-8643;
four subtypes: patent urachus, urachal sinus, urachal cyst,
and urachal diverticulum.1,2,4 Before the routine use of
modern imaging techniques, the prevalence of urachal
cyst was unclear because it is usually asymptomatic and is
found incidentally on abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomographic (CT) scan.2 However, in a study of
children who underwent ultrasonography, urachal remnants were present in 99% of cases.5 Furthermore, in
another study, the persistence of urachal remnants was
reported in 61.7% of patients ⬍16 years, 49.0% of those 16
to 35 years, 20.4% of those 36 to 55 years, and 3.7% of
During the first 10 weeks of fetal development, urine
drains from the bladder to the umbilicus through the
urachus. Subsequently, during the 12th week of development, the urachus is obliterated, giving rise to a fibrous
cord between the bladder and umbilicus called the median umbilical ligament. This process corresponds with
the development of the urethra for bladder drainage.1,2
Urachal abnormalities, caused by aberrant sealing of the
urachus during fetal development,3 can present as one of
CRSLS MIS Case Reports from
Infected Urachal Cyst Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Jackson M et al.
those ⱖ56 years of age.6 These findings concur with those
in an autopsy study in which urachal remnants were
found on microscopic examination in 32% of cases.7 The
data support the suggestion that the urachus is a regressive structure that undergoes involution during a normal
lifespan and is often present in normal adults.6
If a urachal cyst is ruptured during port placement in
laparoscopic surgery, an abscess or a persistently draining
sinus may develop that can be difficult to eradicate. Affected patients may present with fluid leakage from the
umbilical port site; abdominal pain; urinary symptoms,
such as hematuria or dysuria; and signs of systemic infection.2,8 –12 CT imaging is usually necessary for diagnosis
and surgical planning.13 Incision and drainage of the infected cyst may temporarily resolve the acute infection,
but surgical excision is usually necessary to prevent recurrence.14,15 The procedure can be performed with laparoscopic or robotic surgical techniques.14 –17
Figure 1. Computed tomographic image of the infected urachal
cyst in patient 1.
We report two cases of patients with a urachal cyst that
became infected after laparoscopic cholecystectomy and
was treated definitively with robotic excision including
partial cystectomy. Neither patient had a recurrence of the
urachal infection during a 3-year follow-up.
Patient 1
Immediately after undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a 36-year-old, morbidly obese man reported the
leakage of clear fluid from the site of the periumbilical
port. The drainage was intermittent for 4 years before
presentation, but no treatment was initiated. In addition,
the patient reported dysuria and increasing abdominal
pain for 6 to 12 months before the consultation. He presented acutely with signs of systemic infection, including
low-grade fevers, tachycardia, and leukocytosis. Subsequent CT imaging revealed an infected urachal cyst with a
suspected fistula to the adjacent area of the sigmoid colon
(Figure 1). A robot-assisted laparoscopic excision of the
urachal cyst was performed successfully, in addition to a
partial cystectomy and closure of the sigmoid colon-tourachus fistula. Pathologic analysis revealed inflammatory
changes, but no evidence of malignancy. The patient had
no recurrence of urachal infection in a 3-year follow-up.
Figure 2. Computed tomographic image of the infected urachal
cyst in patient 2.
11 months later with symptoms of lower abdominal pain,
erythema across the lower abdomen, and low-grade fevers. CT imaging revealed a suprapubic phlegmon measuring 5.4 ⫻ 4.8 cm, extending from the bladder dome to
the left rectus muscle and umbilicus (Figure 2).
An interventional radiologist performed CT-guided abscess drainage. Infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was treated with intravenous
vancomycin (1500 mg, twice daily) and linezolid (500 mg,
twice daily). One week later, open surgical drainage of the
abscess was necessary for better control of the infection.
CT imaging demonstrated the resolution of the abscess
and the presence of a residual urachal lesion.
Six weeks after initial presentation, the patient underwent
robotic excision of the urachal lesion with partial cystectomy and closure of the anterior abdominal wound. Pathology was negative for malignancy, and the patient had
Patient 2
A 68-year-old woman underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. She presented to our clinic
CRSLS MIS Case Reports from
no recurrence of the abscess during 3 years of follow-up;
however, she had repeated urinary tract infections that
were treated with antibiotics.
mend peritoneal access above the umbilicus or at Palmer’s
Proper treatment of an infected urachal cyst is critical to
the successful recovery of the patient. Investigational imaging before laparoscopic surgery may help to avoid the
puncture of an asymptomatic urachal cyst during laparoscopic periumbilical port placement. Our patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy at 11 months and 4
years before presentation. Patient 1 experienced occasional umbilical drainage after the surgery—a likely indication of conversion of a urachal cyst to a urachal sinus.
Although it may not be possible to screen all patients
before placement of the laparoscopic port, images are
often already available and should be reviewed before
surgery. Unfortunately, in both of our cases, no useful
preoperative images were available. Ultrasonographic images generally do not include the pelvis in patients presenting with upper abdominal complaints.
Urachal cysts typically arise as a result of desquamation and
degeneration of the urachal epithelium, becoming symptomatic if they drain or are infected.13,18 During the periumbilical
port placement in laparoscopic surgery, the cyst may be
inadvertently punctured, leading to the introduction of bacteria and infection or a persistently draining sinus. In rare
cases, spontaneous rupture of an infected cyst into the abdominal cavity occurs and can result in sepsis or generalized
peritonitis,19 which can be severe.11,20,21 If the bladder is
involved, urinary tract infections and symptoms may also be
present.2 Although diagnosis is typically made with CT imaging, ultrasonography can also be useful.2 In addition, cystoscopy can play a role in determining whether the urachal
remnant involves the bladder dome. Draining the abscess
may temporarily treat the infection, but recurrence is common, and complete excision of the urachal remnant with
partial cystectomy is recommended, to prevent recurrence.
Because there is a 30% reinfection rate, complete excision of
the cyst wall is important.22 In addition, carcinoma may
develop in cases of an unresected or incompletely resected
urachal remnant.23,24 One of the most extensive reviews of
urachal cysts to date reported that urachal masses in 66 of
130 patients (50.8%) were malignant.4 If the urachal remnant
is completely excised, we do not believe follow-up imaging
is necessary to rule out a recurrence. Surgical treatment
options include open, laparoscopic, and robotic techniques.14 –17
Our case reports highlight several important concerns
relevant to patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery. In
both patients, the placement of a periumbilical port during
laparoscopic surgery was the likely cause of the puncture
and infection of a latent, asymptomatic urachal cyst. Subsequent symptoms of abdominal discomfort did not immediately elicit an accurate diagnosis. If available, review
of imaging to identify urachal lesions before periumbilical
port placement is recommended, and care should be
taken during the placement of laparoscopic periumbilical
ports to avoid urachal anomalies if present.
Infected urachal cysts can present after laparoscopic port
placement. Acute treatment of the infection is necessary.
However, long-term control often requires surgical excision. Effective treatment options are available, but prevention of these infections would be ideal. Although it may
not be possible to screen all patients before laparoscopic
periumbilical port placement for urachal lesions, images
are often available and should be reviewed, to avoid
complications that arise from a ruptured urachal cyst.
Patients with a quiescent and asymptomatic urachal cyst
treated by laparoscopic surgery present a unique challenge, in that the cyst may be ruptured inadvertently and
become infected during the placement of the periumbilical port used in the procedure. Whenever available, preoperative images should be reviewed carefully for signs of
a urachal remnant. However, although a significant number of adult patients have urachal remnants, the incidence
of the complication described in this case study is low. We
do not believe that routine imaging is warranted, from
both safety and cost perspectives. If a urachal remnant is
present, urologic consultation should be considered, and,
if possible, laparoscopic port placement should be modified to avoid the remnant. If port placement above rather
than below the umbilicus is just as effective for a given
surgeon, this option should be considered. Furthermore, if
a urachal remnant is identified preoperatively, we recome2014.00228
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