vitae - Department of Computer Science
vitae - Department of Computer Science
ANDREW M. WHITE (919)960-1706 Brooks Computer Science Building 201 S. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3175 INTERESTS · network and distributed systems security · machine learning, data mining, and statistics · privacy and anonymity · integrity of distributed computations E D U C AT I O N University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina August 2015 May 2011 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (expected) Thesis: Practical Analysis of Encrypted Network Traffic Advisor: Professor Fabian Monrose Master of Science in Computer Science University of Richmond Richmond, Virginia May 2008 May 2008 Fall 2008–present Fall 2004–Spring 2008 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science cum laude; departmental honors Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics cum laude University of St Andrews St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom Fall 2006 AWA R D S University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2015 Recognition for Outstanding Teaching Service (Introduction to Computer Security) Research Community 2012 2011 2011 PET Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies [C6] NYU-Poly AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award [C6] Best Paper Award, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy [C6] University of Richmond 2008 2008 2008 2008 2005 2004–2008 Mary Church Kent and Joseph F. Kent Computer Science Prize Outstanding Student in Computer Science Award Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society Phi Beta Delta International Scholar Honor Society Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Mary Richardson Scholarship T E C H N I C A L E X P E RT I S E communication programming tools platforms data Award-winning writing ability [C6]; excellent presentation and discussion skills Python; R; C/C++; {ba,z}sh Git, Subversion; LATEX, Markdown; MySQL; SCons Bro, Snort; GitHub, GitLab; OS X, Linux; VMware, VirtualBox Live (10Gbps) network traffic; large-scale networking datasets RESEARCH EXPERIENCE University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina Research Assistant Professor Fabian Monrose Fall 2008–present › Inference from Encrypted Website Visits: Investigated the extent to which destination information can be inferred about website visits conducted through encrypted connections; designed and im- Andrew M. White 2 of 5 plemented a software library and set of tools for performing statistically robust experiments and analyses on data representing such connections; compared a new approach with more than ten prior approaches in a new evaluation scenario as well in those used by previous work [W1, P1] › Pronounceable Passwords: Explored the security, usability, and linguistic challenges of using pronounceable tokens, and particularly lexical blends (i.e., portmanteaus), as passwords; developed methods and software for rating the pronounceability of word-like strings [C2, C1] › Opaque Traffic: Designed and analyzed multiple techniques for fast identification of opaque, i.e., compressed or encrypted, network traffic; evaluated techniques using the Bro and Snort intrusion detection systems on two high-speed campus networks [C3, P2] › Compromising Reflections: Explored extent to which automated techniques can reconstruct typed input from compromising reflections captured by commodity video cameras [C5, J1, C4] › Information Leaks in VoIP: Demonstrated the severity of previously under-estimated information leaks in encrypted VoIP conversations; designed and implemented a software library for sequence classification, including an implementation of profile hidden Markov models [C6] › Understanding Domain Registrations: Analyzed domain-name registrations to assess extent of speculation, tasting and front-running; designed and implemented a distributed system for measuring front-running [C7, J2] IBM Research Hawthorne, New York Research Summer Intern, Network & Device Cybersecurity Analytics Mihai Christodorescu and Reiner Sailer Summer 2012 › Inference from Encrypted Website Visits: Explored and evaluated approaches for providing security and forensic analysis engines with a viewpoint into encrypted network traffic; designed and implemented techniques for inferring details overlooked by previous work [W1, P1] SRI International Menlo Park, California Student Associate, Computer Science Laboratory Vinod Yegneswaran and Phil Porras Summer 2010 › Opaque Traffic: Investigated fast methods for identifying encrypted traffic [C3, P2] › Encrypted Botnet C&C Traffic: Analyzed real-world encrypted botnet command-and-control traffic; explored methods for automatically detecting such traffic University of Richmond Richmond, Virginia Honors Student Professor Barry Lawson Fall 2007–Spring 2008 › Integrity in Distributed Computations: Investigated integrity assurance for distributed volunteer computations; utilized genetic algorithms to find optimal redundancy strategies for task assignment; explored various task distribution topologies [M1] Independent Study Student Professor Arthur Charlesworth Fall 2007–Spring 2008 › Solving Logic Puzzles: Explored methods for automated solving of logic puzzles; designed and implemented forward-chaining expert system framework › Basic AI: Investigated core artificial intelligence concepts such as search algorithms (e.g., A*) and forward/backward chaining Undergraduate Research Assistant Professors Barry Lawson and Douglas Szajda Fall 2005, Summers 2006–2008 › Integrity in Distributed Computations: Analyzed and developed methods for ensuring computation integrity in distributed volunteer computing platforms Updated May 13, 2015 at 1:22pm Andrew M. White 3 of 5 › Malicious Behavior in Distributed Computations: Investigated the use of machine learning techniques to detect malicious behavior by participants in distributed volunteer computations › Prototype Applications: Designed and implemented prototype applications for a campus-wide volunteer distributed computing initiative; prepared, tested, and administered server and 5–10 clients, including Ubuntu Linux, Mac OSX, Windows XP Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Professors Barry Lawson and Douglas Szajda Summer 2005 › Malicious Behavior in Distributed Computations: Explored potential applications of clustering, selforganizing maps, and similar techniques to securing distributed volunteer computing platforms TEACHING AND WORK EXPERIENCE Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Co-Instructor (with Professor Fabian Monrose) and Lab Instructor Introduction to Computer Security Spring 2013 › Delivered lecture series on basic cryptography › Administered weekly lab session › Developed new lab modules; updated and improved existing lab modules › Prepared new programming assignments; converted existing lab modules to graded assignments › Graded both written reading responses and programming assignments Technology Learning Center University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia Instructional Technology Consultant Instructional Technology Associate Instructional Technology Assistant May 2006–May 2008 February 2006–May 2006 August 2005–February 2006 › Instructed and assisted faculty, staff and students with projects incorporating audio, video, print and web media for classroom and research use › Designed and implemented web-based computer lab management, scheduling and checkout system P U B L I C AT I O N S A N D M A N U S C R I P T S Works in Preparation [W1] White, A. M., M. P. Stoecklin, X. Hu, T. Wang, D. L. Schales, R. Sailer, M. Christodorescu, and F. Monrose, “Toward scalable real-time identification of web pages in encrypted traffic,” in preparation. Refereed Conference and Workshop Publications [C1] Shaw, K. E., A. M. White, E. Moreton, and F. Monrose, “Emergent faithfulness to morphological and semantic heads in lexical blends,” in Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on Phonology, Linguistic Society of America, Mar. 2014. [C2] White, A. M., K. E. Shaw, F. Monrose, and E. Moreton, “Isn’t that fantabulous: Security, linguistic and usability challenges of pronounceable tokens,” in Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on New Security Paradigms, acceptance rate: 32%, Sep. 2014. [C3] White, A. M., S. Krishnan, M. Bailey, F. Monrose, and P. Porras, “Clear and present data: Opaque traffic and its security implications for the future,” in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, acceptance rate: 18%, Feb. 2013. [C4] Xu, Y., J. Heinly, A. M. White, F. Monrose, and J.-M. Frahm, “Seeing double: Reconstructing obscured typed input from multiple compromising reflections, around the corner,” in Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, acceptance rate: 20%, Nov. 2013. Updated May 13, 2015 at 1:22pm Andrew M. White 4 of 5 [C5] Raguram, R., A. M. White, D. Goswami, F. Monrose, and J.-M. Frahm, “Ispy: Automatic reconstruction of typed input from compromising reflections,” in Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, acceptance rate: 14%, Oct. 2011. [C6] White, A. M., A. R. Matthews, K. Z. Snow, and F. Monrose, “Phonotactic reconstruction of encrypted VoIP conversations: Hookt on fon-iks,” in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, acceptance rate: 11%, May 2011. [C7] Coull, S. E., A. M. White, T.-F. Yen, F. Monrose, and M. K. Reiter, “Understanding domain registration abuses,” in Proceedings of the 25th IFIP International Information Security Conference, acceptance rate: 25%, Sep. 2010. Refereed Journal Publications [J1] Raguram, R., A. M. White, Y. Xu, J.-M. Frahm, P. Georgel, and F. Monrose, “On the privacy risks of virtual keyboards: Automatic reconstruction of typed input from compromising reflections,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 154–167, 2013. [J2] Coull, S. E., A. M. White, T.-F. Yen, F. Monrose, and M. K. Reiter, “Understanding domain registration abuses,” Computers & Security, vol. 31, no. 7, Oct. 2012. Patents and Patent Applications [P1] Christodorescu, M., X. Hu, D. Schales, R. Sailer, M. Stoecklin, T. Wang, and A. M. White, “Identification and classification of web traffic inside encrypted network tunnels,” U.S. pat. app. 13/862,601, Apr. 15, 2013; U.S. pat. app. 14/025,098, Sep. 12, 2013. [P2] White, A. M., F. Monrose, S. Krishnan, P. Porras, and M. Bailey, “Methods, systems, and computer readable media for rapid filtering of opaque data traffic,” U.S. pat. app. 14/387,967, Sep. 25, 2014; WO pat. app. PCT/US2013/031,044, Mar. 13, 2013; U.S. prov. pat. app. 61/618,648, Mar. 30, 2012. Manuscripts [M1] White, A. M., Securing distributed volunteer computations: Investigating techniques for effective and efficient task assignment, University of Richmond Honors Thesis, 2008. C O N F E R E N C E P R E S E N TAT I O N S , I N V I T E D TA L K S , A N D G U E S T L E C T U R E S Conference and Workshop Presentations September 2014 Isn’t that Fantabulous: Security, Linguistic and Usability Challenges of Pronounceable Tokens [C2] New Security Paradigms Workshop February 2013 Clear and Present Data: Opaque Traffic and its Security Implications for the Future [C3] Network and Distributed System Security Symposium May 2011 Hookt on Foniks: Phonotactic Reconstruction of Encrypted VoIP Conversations [C6] IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy Invited Talks November 2011 Hookt on Foniks: Phonotactic Reconstruction of Encrypted VoIP Conversations [C6] Math & Computer Science Department Colloquium, University of Richmond Host: Professor Barry Lawson Guest Lectures Spring 2012, 2013 November 2012 Introduction to Computer Security, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Host: Professor Fabian Monrose Computer Security, University of Richmond Host: Professor Douglas Szadja Updated May 13, 2015 at 1:22pm Andrew M. White 5 of 5 S E RV I C E Research Community Program Committee Member 2015 New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Big Data Security and Privacy (BDSP) 2013 International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) External Reviewer 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2014 Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses Symposium (RAID) 2013 USENIX Security Symposium 2012 Digital Forensics Research Conference (DFRWS) 2011 USENIX Workshop on Large-scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET) Judge 2012–2013 CSAW Applied Security Research Best Paper Competition Proceedings Chair 2011–2013 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Spring 2011 Graduate Curriculum and Planning Committee Spring 2011, 2012 Teaching Tune-Up Committee Updated May 13, 2015 at 1:22pm
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