May 3, 2015 - Christ the King Parish


May 3, 2015 - Christ the King Parish
199 Brandon Road, Pleasant Hill, CA
Daily Masses:
8:00 am
Saturday Masses:
8:00 am & 5:00 pm
Sunday Masses:
7 am, 8 am, 9:15 am,
10:45 am, 12:15 pm,
6:30 pm
Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Parish Office: 682-2486
Religious Ed: 686-1017
Youth Ministry: 676-0979
CTK School: 685-1109
Facebook: Christ the King
Catholic Community of
Pleasant Hill
May 3, 2015
Sunday, 5/3
 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:15
 Bundle Sunday collection
 Youth Mass/Sr. Farewell 6:30 pm
 Youth Group 7:30 pm Parish hall
Monday, 5/4
 Bible Study A & B, 8:30-10:30 am
Tuesday, 5/5
 RE Celebration 6:00 pm Church
 Knights of Columbus 7pm Min. Ctr
Tuesday, 5/5 cont.
 Rosary & Perpetual Help, Church 7pm
 Spanish Prayer, Church, 7:30pm
Wednesday 5/6
 Sewing Ministry 9:30
 St. Vincent DePaul - 7 pm Chapel
Thursday, 5/7
 Centering Prayer; Min Ctr 10:00 am
 Thirsty Thursday 7pm Parish hall
Friday, 5/8
 Garden Café 7:30 am
Saturday, 5/9
 Men's Fellowship Chapel 7:30am
 Bereavement 9:30 Min. Ctr
 Commitment Weekend
Sunday, 5/10
 Happy Mother’s Day!
 Youth Mass 6:30 pm
 Youth Group 7:30 pm Parish hall
 Commitment Weekend
To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference
Dear Friends,
On Earth day, I had the privilege of attending an interfaith Gathering with Gwen Watson and a couple of others, which focused on
climate change. This was non-political and focused on Mother
Earth, given to us as a gift from God. "Creation is not a property,
which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of
only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has
given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all,
always with great respect and gratitude," Pope Francis said. "Safeguard Creation.
Because if we destroy Creation, Creation will destroy us! Never forget this!"
Speaking to a massive crowd in Rome, the pope delivered a short address in which
he argued that respect for the “beauty of nature and the grandeur of the cosmos” is
a Christian value, noting that failure to care for the planet risks apocalyptic consequences.
All the world’s major faith groups and religious leaders have made powerful statements on the reality of climate change and the fact that human actions are contributing significantly. Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists and indigenous peoples have all spoken out on the moral responsibility we
have to take action. It was so inspiring for me to listen to various faith traditions,
and how each of them value creation. We all face impacts of climate change on our
region, from poor air quality to more heat and drought to rising sea levels. I was
amazed to discover that many in our county’s faith community have taken steps to
lessen their contribution to this global challenge and others are in the midst of contemplating first actions
I am writing this because this summer, Pope Francis will deliver the first major
encyclical of his papacy. It will be on climate change and the environment. While
nearly everything the most beloved Pope of the century does is scrutinized closely
in America, this particular call to the church is likely to receive an extra dose of
attention because of the nature of the issue. Pope Francis issued a general encyclical on moral issues early in his papacy. But he chose to tackle climate change and
the environment as his first real issue. But why climate? And why now?
The most obvious reason is one of timing. According to Jeff Nesbit, “this year,
2015, is a pivotal year for efforts to jumpstart a transformation of the energy system from a carbon-intensive one that is threatening to destabilize the planet to a
low-carbon one that can slow the rise of the planet’s temperature. World leaders
are committing to long-term efforts to slow the use of carbon-intensive energy, and
the Vatican wants to influence those deliberations that conclude in Paris at the end
of the year. But the not-so-obvious reason is that climate change is rapidly becoming the moral issue of our time, and this pope both recognizes it and wishes to help
direct the church in that effort.” Let me conclude my letter with some more quotes
from Pope Francis. I look forward to the encyclical and I hope we as a community
at CTK can make a difference in our world.
"An economic system centered on the god of money needs to plunder nature to
sustain the frenetic rhythm of consumption that is inherent to it.”
"The system continues unchanged, since what dominates are the dynamics of an
economy and a finance that are lacking in ethics. It is no longer man who commands, but money. Cash commands.”
"The monopolizing of lands, deforestation, the appropriation of water, inadequate
agro-toxics are some of the evils that tear man from the land of his birth. Climate
change, the loss of biodiversity and deforestation are already showing their devastating effects in the great cataclysms we witness."
Fr. Paulson
Reflections on Sunday Readings:
First Reading: Acts 9:26-31
Earlier in the book of Acts,
we hear of Saul (later known as
Paul) persecuting Christians in Jerusalem. When he went to Damascus to do more of the same, he experienced a dramatic conversion. It
was several years before he returned to Jerusalem, the site of his
earlier persecutions. His first visit
to Jerusalem as a Christian is described in today’s reading.
Second Reading: 1 John 3:18-24
During this Easter season, we
are reading from the first letter of
John. In today’s passage, the author is dealing with some members
of the community who have defected. They seem to have believed
that, as long as you have faith in
Jesus, it doesn’t matter what you do
in daily life. The author directly
refutes that position.
Fr. Paulson Mundanmani
Fr. Vince Cotter
Fr. Brian Timoney,
Deacon John Ashmore, Fr. Michael Dibble,
and Fr. Tom Burns
Sr. Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Sr. Dominic Bonnici OP
Kate Doherty
Religious Education Director
Sr. Maureen Viani , SNJM
Assoc. Director: Joan Smits
Youth Minister, Rick Lejano
Chris Caban, Principal
Al Garrotto: RCIA/faith share 849-6319
Robin Morley, Office Staff
Helen Christian, Office Staff
Kathy Ridgway, Office Staff
Day at the Races! Dominican Sisters Vision of Hope invite you to
their annual Day at the Races at
Golden Gate Fields on May 16. Enjoy the breakfast and lunch buffet
and get comfortable before the first
race at 11am. The Sisters hope to
see you there! Call 510-533-5768
for more information.
Faith in Action invites you to sign
several petitions after mass to support
issues that were presented at last
Tuesday’s Catholic Lobby Day in
Sacramento. The Senate and Assembly bills include: 1. Juveniles:
would set standards for the use of
solitary confinement for juveniles; 2.
CalWORKs eligibility: would repeal
the Maximum Family Grant rule that
denies parents additional benefits
upon the arrival of another child; 3.
Personal Income tax credit: would
establish a state earned income tax
credit for low wage workers; and, 4.
Education Expenses of Teachers and
Parents: the two bills would allow
new K-12 teachers in their first three
years of service to claim individual
tax credits for out-of-pocket expenses
incurred for the purchase of instructional materials and classroom supplies and the other to allow low-tomiddle income parents a tax deduction for K-12 education-related expenses. Please stop by the table for
more information.
San Francisco Boys Chorus Auditions. Auditions will take place at
The Cathedral of Christ the Light on
Saturday, May 9. All boys ages 5 to
12 with unchanged voices are encouraged to apply. Rehearsals are
held twice a week during the school
year, with rehearsals in both San
Francisco and San Rafael. For more
information call 415-861-7464.
Youth Mass has started! Join us on
Sundays at 6:30 pm for mass featuring Christ the King’s dynamic youth
band and teen choir. Experience a
liturgy planned, led, and inspired by
the young people of our community.
All are welcome to attend.
Hoping you will help! Religious Education is sponsoring the wine booth for
the Festival. Once again
we call upon your generosity. Please
help by donating bottles of wine.
You may drop the wine off at the RE
office (facing Gregory Lane) MonThurs., 9:30 am- 5:30 pm or you may
leave the wine at the Parish House.
This weekend we will collect wine
after all the masses outside the
church. Thanks for your support Sr. Maureen
Attention young adults in their
20’s and 30’s! Thir sty Thur sday is
this Thursday, May 7th. Meet in the
parish hall from 7-9pm. This month
we will be having a clothing swap/
donation! Please br ing one bag of
clothes you are willing to swap and
donate. At the meeting we will have
everyone lay out their items and then
shop around and re-fill their bag
with other items you want to take
home. All unclaimed items will be
donated to the St Vincent De Paul
shop. As always, we will start with
a communion service and close with
fellowship. We provide the drinks,
you bring a snack to share. Questions? Email Rick at
Searching for a spiritual home?
Our 4 week “no strings” inquiry series begins Thursday evening, May
28th. Ideal for learning about Catholicism and for baptized Catholics
who have not yet completed their
sacraments. Contact Al Garrotto at
849-6319 or
San Damiano golf tournament needs you! Don’t
miss out, the second annual
San Damiano golf tournament will
take place at Diablo Country Club
on May 18, 2015. Registration may
be completed online at or call 925-837-9141.
Thank you for your support.
Christ the
King Parish
Festival 2015:
Set Sail with
We look forward
to welcoming you aboard for a great
weekend getaway May 15th to 17th.
Volunteer Signups
All hands on deck! Sign up for a 2
hour shift online at http:// We
will have signups after mass this
T-Shirts, Raffle Tickets and Cups
This is the final week to stop by the
table after mass to get your festival tshirts, raffle tickets, or cups. Shirts
are $12. Raffle tickets are $3. Souvenir cups are $10.
Donations Needed
We are in need of ‘like new’ stuffed
animals and glassware (glasses, cups,
small dishes). Please bring your donations to the school office doors in
a box or bag labeled ‘Festival’.
Please Note that we are not doing
Starbooks or Country Store so there
will be NO book or rummage drop
Calling all bakers
We are in need of baked goods for
both the cake walk and for bingo
desserts. We love anything from
cookies, cakes, cupcakes, bars, banana breads, cake pops etc. Please contact Nancy Molina at
If you have any questions or want to
help out, please contact your friendly
Cruise Directors Kate and Mark
Halfon and Paul and Elizabeth Nuti
Church Support 4/26/15 $17,715 ; Bldg. fund $877.00’ Online Giving $5485.00
Congratulations to our Confirmation
Students who were confirmed at Oakland’s
Christ the Light Cathedral
on Saturday, May2, 2015
Camryn Algar
Aleixis Algar
Carina Ancheta
Patricia Ancheta
Lauren Andaluz
Justin Aranzamendez
Avery Avina
Reilly Baker
Kayla Bingham
Logan Blair
Katelyn Bocek
Rachel Canon
Angela Carmazzi
Marcus Castro
Annalee Clancy
Hanna Coloma
Gabby Correia
Vanessa Dalpiaz
Renielyn Dela Cruz
Kayla Dempsey
Lauren Dickson
Kathleen Dizon
Robert Driscoll
Patricia Ely
Hannah Flitton
Jason Forsyth
Brian Garcia
Zachary Gotvald
Delaney Griffin
Adriana Guerrero
Luke Harbison
Eric Headly
Joseph Higgins
Joshua Hughes
Matthew Huguet
Isabella Ianora
Mary-Catherine Keating
Nathan Kerns
Jack Klapperich
Annakate Lopez
Caroline Lovett
Lanvi Lu
Katherine Madigan
Arla Millen Magtibay
Chase Martin
Daniel Masarweh
Daniella McDonagh
Jennifer McGregor
Kevin McGregor
Valente McNamer
Ruben Medina
Connor Menefee
Kelley Morley
Ray Muhlenkamp
Allie Naccara
Thien Nguyen
Alexandra Nielsen
Colby Orr
Sarah Pastor
Kaitlyn Piol
Nichole Reilly
Lauren Renner
Joseph Ridgway
Kyle Ridgway
Alessandra Rivas
Monica Rodriguez
Sidney Rubens
Julianna Ruotolo
Clara Sanders
Taylor Saxton
Franco Scattolon
Julia Schlichtmann
Juliet Schmidt
Davor Skaric
Aaron Sullivan
Matt Sunga
Summer Throne
Nicholas Vasquez
Matthew Vollman
Alaysia Wallace
Adam Warda
Elizabeth Warriner
Katharine Welch
Christine Wenzel
Alexandra Will
Sophia Winkel
Maria Patricia Yuzon