Curriculum Vitae - CTP - Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Curriculum Vitae - CTP - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
Name: Marco Giunti
Date and Place of birth: October 2, 1973, Venice, Italy
Gender: Male
Quoting name: Marco Giunti
- Invited Lecturer (Professor auxiliar convidado), Universidade da Beira
- Scientific and technical coordinator, Software Testing Center, Centro
de Servi¸cos do Fund˜ao
Associate Membership: NOVA LINCS, DI-FCT, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Software Systems),
Scientific domain: Computer science: programming languages, mobile computing, security and privacy
Address: Departamento de Inform´atica, Universidade da Beira Interior, R. Marquˆes
e Bolama, 6201-001 Covilh˜a, Portugal
Academic degrees:
- PhD in Informatics, University of Venice (2007)
- Laurea (BSc+MSc) in Informatics, University of Venice (2002, score:
Professional details
Professional Positions:
Invited Lecturer Universidade da Beira Interior, Sept. 2014 - Now
Coordinator Software Testing Center, Fund˜ao, Sept. 2014 - Now
Research Associate University of Porto, March - Sept. 2014
Research Associate University NOVA of Lisbon, August. 2012- March
Research Fellow INRIA Saclay & Ecole
Polytechnique Palaiseau, 20112012
Invited Lecturer University IUAV of Venice, 2009-2010
Research Associate University of Lisbon, 2008-2009
PhD Candidate University of Venice, 2004-2007
Software Engineer Alceo Ltd, Venice. 2002-2003
Teaching activities:
Theory of Computation Responsible of the practical part of the
course, Universidade da Beira interior, 2014-15.
Programming II Responsible of the course (theory and practice),
Universidade da Beira interior, 2014-15.
Programming Responsible of the course (theory and practice), Universidade da Beira interior, 2014-15.
Software Engineering Responsible of the course (theory and practice), VisionEst Ltd, Padua, 2010
Database and Web programming Responsible of the practical
part of the course, University IUAV of Venice, 2009-10
- Eleonora Grillo, Bachelor in Geographical Information Systems,
University IUAV of Venice, 2009-10
Academic Degrees jury:
- Andr´e Filipe Marinhas Henriques da Silva Camacho, Mestrado
em Inform´
atica, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Research and Development activities
Research fields (ACM 2012):
- Network protocols: Network protocol design, Protocol correctness, Session protocols
- Network properties: Network security
Software and its engineering
- Software organization and properties: Software functional properties: Correctness, Formal methods
- Software notations and tools: General programming languages,
Formal language definitions
- Software creation and management: Software verification and
validation: Formal software verification
Theory of computation
- Models of computation: Concurrency
- Computational complexity and cryptography: Cryptographic primitives, Cryptographic protocols
- Logic: Logic and verification
- Semantics and reasoning: Program constructs, Program semantics, Program reasoning
Security and privacy
- Formal methods and theory of security
- Intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation: Intrusion
detection systems
- Security services: Access control
- Network security: Security protocols
Computing methodologies
- Concurrent computing methodologies
Research projects:
- Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems (participant). European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
- Languages And Tools for Critical rEal-time Systems (participant).
Quadro de Referˆencia Estrat´egica Nacional.
- Liveness, statically (participant). Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia.
- Concurrency, Mobility and Transactions (participant). Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique.
- Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers (participant). European Research Activities, Sixth Framework Programme.
- Models and Types for Security in Mobile Distributed Systems (participant). European Research Activities, Fifth Framework Programme.
- Formal Methods for Security and Time (participant). Ministero
dell’Istruzione, dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca.
- Funda¸c˜
oes da Resolu¸c˜ao Est´atica de Bloqueios - EXPL/EEI-ESS/0570/2013
(Principal Investigator), Funda¸c˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia. To
be extended for the 2015 call
Italian (mother tongue)
Scientific and technical production
The preprint of the papers below can be found at: http://ctp.di.fct.unl.
Papers (peer review):
Papers in journals:
1. Marco Giunti, Vasco Vasconcelos. Linearity, session types and
the pi calculus. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,
Available on CJO 2014 doi: 10.1017/S0960129514000176
2. Marco Giunti. Algorithmic type-checking for a pi-calculus with
name matching and session types. The Journal of Logic and
Algebraic Programming 82 (8) 263-281 2013
Papers in conference proceedings published in journals:
3. Michele Bugliesi, Marco Giunti. Secure implementations of typed
channel abstractions. In 34th Annual ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, POPL 2007,
Nice, France, January 17-19, 2007, SIGPLAN NOTICES 42 (1)
251-262 2007
Papers in conference and workshop proceedings:
4. Adrian Francalanza, Marco Giunti, Ant´onio Ravara. Unlocking
Blocked Communicating Processes. 11th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, WWV 2015. To appear in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2015
5. Marco Giunti. Static semantics of secret channel abstractions.
19th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2014.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8788: 165–180, Springer,
6. Marco Giunti, Ant´onio Ravara. Towards static deadlock resolution in the pi-calculus.
8th International Symposium on
Trustworthy Global Computing,TGC 2013. Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8358: 136-158,
Springer, 2014
7. Marco Giunti, Catuscia Palamidessi, Frank D. Valencia. Hide
and New in the Pi-Calculus. Combined 19th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 9th Workshop on
Structural Operational Semantics, EXPRESS/SOS 2012. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 89:
65-79, 2012
8. Marco Giunti. A type checking algorithm for qualified session
types. 7th International Workshop on Automated Specification
and Verification of Web Systems, WWV 2011. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 61: 96-114, 2011
9. Marco Giunti, Vasco Vasconcelos. A linear account of session
types in the pi-calculus. 21th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Vol. 6269: 432-446, Springer 2010
10. Michele Bugliesi, Marco Giunti. Typed processes in untyped
contexts. International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, TGC 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.
3705: 19-32, Springer 2005
Papers in workshop informal proceedings:
11. Marco Giunti. Preventing intrusions through non-interference.
IEEE Mexican Conference on Informatics Security, MCIS 2006.
index.html?Conf_ID=12082, 2005
12. Marco Giunti. Security properties for intrusion detection. 9th
Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2004. http:
//, ISBN 951-22-7348-9, 2004.
Technical reports:
13. Marco Giunti. Typed observational equivalence for sessions. http:
//, 2011.
14. Vasco Vasconcelos, Marco Giunti, Kohei Honda, Nobuko Yoshida.
Type safety without subject reduction for session types. http://, 2010
15. Marco Giunti, Kohei Honda, Vasco Vasconcelos, Nobuko Yoshida.
Session based type-discipline for pi calculus with matching. Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric
Software, PLACES 2009. Reposit´
orio da Universidade de Lisboa,, 2009
16. Vasco Vasconcelos, Marco Giunti, Michele Loreti, Gian Luigi Ferrari. Middleware for Transactions and Abstract Services. Deliverable 6.5.b, Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers, Reposit´
orio da Universidade de Lisboa, http://hdl.handle.
net/10451/14495, 2008
17. Marco Giunti. Secure implementation of typed channel abstractions.
PhD Thesis, Universit`
a Ca’
Foscari di Venezia, 2007.
18. LockRes – a session type checker resolving deadlocks (solo developer). Standard ML of New Jersey,
Oral work presentation:
- Static semantics of secret channel abstractions. RELEASE, Universidade da Beira Interior, March 2015
- Static semantics of secret channel abstractions. Nordic Conference
on Secure IT Systems, University of Tromsø, October 2014
- Theory and practice of software analysis. Instituto Gulbenkian de
Ciˆencia, March 2014
- Towards static deadlock resolution in the pi-calculus. Symposium
on Trustworthy Global Computing, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
August 2013
- Algorithmic type-checking for pi calculi with session types: Part I
and II. CITI, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, April 2013
- Programming secrecy in untrusted networks. Instituto Superior T´ecnico,
Universidade T´ecnica de Lisboa, 2012
- Programming secrecy in untrusted networks. Laboratoire Sp´ecification
et V´erification, Ecole
normale sup´erieure de Cachan, 2012
- A type checking algorithm for qualified session types. Workshop on
Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, Reykjavik
University, 2011
- A linear type system for the pi-calculus. Behavioral Types Workshop,
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2011
- On the effectiveness of typed equivalences for security in pi calculus.
Laboratoire d’Informatique, Ecole
Polytechnique, 2011
- A linear account of session types in the pi calculus. INRIA GrenobleRhone Alpes, 2010
- A linear account of session types in the pi calculus. Conference on
Concurrency Theory, Universit´e Paris 7, 2010.
- Session-based type discipline for pi calculus with matching. Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and
Communication-cEntric Software, University of York, 2009
- Type safety without subject reduction for session types. Software
Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers Project Workshop, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, 2008
- Middleware for transactions and abstract services. Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers Project Meeting, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’ Informazione, National Research
Council of Italy CNR Pisa, 2008
- Secure implementation of typed channel abstractions. Depart´amento
de Informatica, Universidade de Lisboa, 2008
- Secure implementation of typed channel abstractions. PhD Defense,
a di Venezia, 2007
- Preventing intrusions through non-interference. IEEE Mexican Conference in Informatics Security, Mexico City, 2005
- Security properties for intrusion detection. Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems, Helsinki University of Technology, 2004
Academic Service
Event organization:
- 33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, and affiliated events, (local committee, Universit´a di Venezia,
- 31st ACM SIGPLAN SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, and affiliated events (local committee, Universit´a di
Venezia, 2004)
Peer review:
- Science of Computer Programming (2015)
- The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (2014)
- Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (2013, 2012),
Conferences and workshops:
- International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (2014)
- International Conference on Concurrency Theory (2014, 2013,
2011, 2010)
- International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (2014),
- European Symposium on Programming (2013, 2012),
- International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (2012)
- Computer Security Foundations Symposium (2011)
- International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
Computation Structures (2011)
- Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency (2014, 2011),
- Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web
Systems (2014),
- Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software (2009, 2008)
Caparica, 27 May 2015
In trust,
Marco Giunti