

Cross the Pond - Westbound 2015
First of all thank you for choosing Copenhagen-Kastrup (EKCH) as your departure airport
for CTP Westbound 2015 we are looking forward to your flight out of Denmark! The Danish
controllers on behalf of VATSIM-Scandinavia will make sure that you enjoy your departure
from the biggest airport in our region.
Kastrup is Denmark's main international airport, located at the island of Amager around 8 km
south of Copenhagen. The airport is the oldest, largest and also the busiest Scandinavian
airport measured by passenger count, direct long haul flights and total number of destinations.
The airport is a hub for Scandinavian Airlines and serves many more airlines.
Runway 04L/22R and 04R/22L are used as the preferred main runways while 12/30 is used
when the crosswind factor for the main runways exceed 15 knots or if the weather is below
minima for the preferred runways. Landings are performed on the left runway and departures
are from the right runway.
Main positions* and frequencies
Kastrup Delivery (EKCH_DEL) - 119.900
Kastrup Apron (EKCH_GND) - 121.900
Kastrup Tower (EKCH_TWR) - 118.100
Copenhagen Approach (EKCH_APP) - 119.800
Copenhagen Control (EKDK_CTR) - 135.275
*More stations will most likely be opened during the event.
Gates and stands
Passenger flights are served at apron north which includes terminal 1-3 and the Go terminal.
Cargo airlines are served at apron east. This airport have a limited amount of heavy stands and
these are stand C23-C49. And to facilitate more heavier than normal we recommend you to
use more stands apart from those mentioned above. A good tip though is to leave one gate
vacant between your heavy and the other virtual pilot. Please remember that even how good
you are to park the heavy of yours, other pilots might not be that good, therefore please
consider turning of crash detection.
Since this event attracts a lot of traffic please do not log on more than 45 minutes prior your
departure time to occupy the gates as brief as possible.
Aircraft should contact DEL with their callsign, aircraft type and stand number at first contact
for clearance. The minimal IFR clearance consists of the clearance limit which most probably
be a SID and a squawk code followed by the current ATIS letter and QNH. Additional
information such as initial climb and runway for departure may be added at the controller's
Full read back of clearances is required, don't forget ATIS letter and QNH. If unable to
comply with SID instruction or anything else please advise controller as soon as feasible.
Pushback and taxi
On apron north, departing traffic should obtain pushback and taxi instruction from Kastrup
Apron. In other areas, aircraft should obtain pushback or start-up approval and taxi instruction
from Kastrup Tower.
Assigned transponder code must be activated when pushback or taxi clearance has been
obtained (whichever comes first).
Departing traffic can expect taxi instructions to the runway via taxiway Z. Remember to have
your taxi charts with you!
Aircraft should contact Copenhagen departure/approach as soon as they become airborne and
report passing altitude for identification. Don't climb above the initial climb stated on the
charts! Direct routings and further climb should be expected when the traffic situation
Additional information and help
If you are interested in more information visit us at or send an email with your question to accsca15[at]
For scenery suggestions please visit us at
To make your time with us more pleasant and the controllers to be more efficient we really
want you to have all charts in the cockpit! They are available for free through NAVIAIR.
Visit them here:
With this briefing document we hope that you will feel confident and well informed about the
local procedures and airport layout. But most of all that you have enjoyed departing Kastrup
for this year's edition of CTP Westbound!
After the event we hope that you will leave us your valuable feedback whether it's good or
bad. Send us your feedback to feedback[at], thank you!
Martin Tornberg
Event Coordinator