Freshmen - Connecticut Regional Vocational


Freshmen - Connecticut Regional Vocational
Class Of 2019
Freshman / Parent
Table of Contents
Orientation Information can be found on our website,
Freshman Orientation Packet
1. Key People to Know………………………………………………………………….....................
2. Staff /Parent / Student Expectations………………………………………………………… 2
3. Promotion Information…………………………………………………………………………….. 3
4. Curriculum Information…………………………………………………………………………….. 4
5. Freshman Exploratory Program………………………………………………………………… 5
6. Exploratory Attendance…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
7. Attendance Policy……………………………………………………………………………………… 6
8. School Uniform Policy……………………………………………………………………………….. 7-9
9. Chrome Book, Cell Phone, Use of Technology Policy……………………………………. 9-10
10. Support Services……………………………………………………………………………………… 11
11. Community Health Center ………………………………………………………………………. 11
12. Medical Information………………………………………………………………………………… 12
13. Co-Curricular Activities……………………………………………………………………………. 13-14
14. Family Engagement ………………………………………………………………………………… 15
15. Parent Faculty Organization……………………………………………………………………
16. Transportation Information……………………………………………………………………. 16
17. Form Center…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Class of 2019
Parent/Student Orientation
May 14, 2015 5:30 – 7:30
Step 1
All families sign-in, receive a registration packet and proceed to the gym for
staff introductions and program instructions
(Complete the Contact Information Change Form & Medical form)
Step 2
Step 3
Families will be divided into 2 groups. Half will begin in the gym for an
overview of the Parent Orientation Packet. The other half will begin in the
atrium for medical other information.
Families that were in the gym will be proceed to the Gym and
families that were in the Atrium will proceed to gym.
Thank you for attending the Parent orientation class of 2019.
Information provided in the Gym
Introduction of Key people and new programs
Parent Orientation Packet review
Introduction of the New Trade-IST
The competitive Exploratory Program
Information Provided in the Atrium
Mandatory school medical form.
School Based Health Clinic & sports physicals
Uniform ordering
Music Program and Drama Club
SPED, 504, Ell, School Counseling questions
Family Engagement and PFO
Math & Science (including labs)
English & Social Studies, including labs)
Other Co-Curricular Programs
Save the date!!!
The freshmen orientation is August 26, 2015, students only 
Key People To Know
Contacting Staff
1. Access staff directory with phone numbers and email addresses at; click on “Quick Links” at the top; click on “Staff
Directory” link.
Any time you wish to contact someone by phone, always call (203) 596-4302, then the
extension number.
1. Mr. David Telesca – School Principal –extension 8702
2. Mr. Russell Duffy – Assistant Principal – extension 8721
3. Dr. Phyllis Bartoli – Assistant Principal – extension 8719
School Counseling Department
1. Ms. Zyretha Langs – Director of School Counseling & Admissions –
Extension 8711
Ms. Arlene Antoci – Counselor - extension 8714
Ms. Venra Ettienne – Counselor – extension 8712
Ms. Domenica Holman – Counselor - extension 8713
Ms. Jennifer Cummings – Guidance Secretary – extension 8715
Ms. Marianne Dobbins – Guidance Secretary – extension 8812
(Freshmen will be assigned their school counselor over the summer.)
Attendance Officer– Mr. John Johnson – extension 8796
School Nurse – Ms. Palma Shea – extension 8718
School Psychologist/504 Coordinator – Ms. Gina Sabo– extension 8703
School Social Worker/SAT Coordinator – Ms. Ines Rodriguez– extension 8720
Special Education Department Head – Mrs. Gail Houlihan – extension 8792
Academic Department Heads
1. Ms. Barbara Marroquin – Related DH (Math and Science) – extension 8783
2. Mrs. Paula Paccadolmi – General DH (English and Social Studies)
Extension 8759
Athletic Director – Ms. Kathryn Patrick – extension 8773
Parent Faculty Student Organization – Juanita Jones, vice president
The faculty, staff and administration of Kaynor Tech are committed to:
Doing everything possible to ensure the success of each student.
Providing clear and timely communication with parents concerning all aspects of the
student’s experience at Kaynor.
Providing parent access to timely progress information for each student.
Providing timely access to staff, faculty and administration to address any and all concerns.
Providing the opportunity for all students to use state- of- the- art trade equipment.
Preparing students for a trade, college and the 21st century workforce.
Maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment.
Treating every student, parent and colleague with respect refraining from ridicule,
harassment or threats.
As a parent of a student at Kaynor Tech I am committed to:
Consistently, communicating necessary and important information to the school in a timely
Consistently monitoring my child’s academic and social progress throughout the year.
Monitoring and assisting with the completion of homework and other assignments
Strongly encouraging my child to take advantage of every opportunity to assist him/her
with achieving academic success including tutoring.
Strongly encouraging my child to participate with programs offered to support career and
future success.
Consistently attending a variety of school events including open house, student recognition events,
games, PFO meetings, student shows, informational sessions and presentations.
Treating every other student, parent, staff or faculty member and administrator with respect
refraining from ridicule, harassment or threats.
As a student at Kaynor Tech I am committed to:
Coming to school every day on time.
Working as hard as possible each day to learn.
Making sure that all of my homework and projects are completed on time
Asking for, and taking advantage of , any help possible with academic work
Following all the school rules including wearing the uniform properly in shop and academics.
Asking for help with any personal difficulties or conflicts that will keep me from being safe or
Participating with school activities, clubs or teams to build skills that will ensure future success.
Treating every other student, parents, staff or faculty members and administrators with respect
refraining from ridicule, harassment or threats.
Promotion Information
Students are expected to schedule and earn sufficient credits each year,
in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 in order to meet graduation requirements.
Twenty-nine credits are required for graduation and must include
courses from the following content areas:
Technology Program
9 credits
Cluster Trade Program
Theory Integrated Within Trade
Exploratory Program (freshmen only)*
3 credits
4 credits
Social Studies (includes Civics)
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits
Other Requirements
Physical Education
1 credit
1 credit
1 credit
The passing grade for all courses taken at Kaynor Technical High School is a 60.
To achieve 10th grade status a student must accumulate 7 credits.
To achieve 11th grade status a student must accumulate 14.5 credits.
To achieve 12th grade status a student must accumulate 22.5 credits.
Seniors must earn a minimum of 6.5 credits and must participate in a final trade assessment.
Curriculum Information
Kaynor Technical High School is one of Connecticut’s seventeen Technical High Schools.
All the Technical High Schools offer the same thorough academic curriculum. Kaynor Tech’s
relatively small student body and highly qualified staff make it unique in its ability to provide
individual attention to its students. The Kaynor Tech community provides the opportunity for
each student to learn and grow through a rigorous academic and professional atmosphere.
At graduation, CTHSS students receive a high school diploma with a trade technology endorsement.
CTHSS students take the following four year course of studies:
English – all four years. Areas of concentration are writing, grammar, literature and speech.
English I, English II, English III, and English IV.
Science – Foundations of Physical Science, Biology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Physics,
Chemistry, and Forensics are offered.
Mathematics – Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Advanced Algebra, and Applied
Social Studies – Global Studies, Civics, Modern US History, Psychology, Contemporary Issues and
Physical Education – all four years.
Health - all four years.
Career Development – to assist in post-graduate planning. One credit required for graduation.
Electives – Elements and Principles of Art, Introduction to Music Theory.
Honors Courses - are offered to challenge students in each core subject area.
Additional courses:
Math Lab & Language Arts Lab (Mandatory for all 9th and 10th grade students)
Freshman schedules will be distributed at Orientation in August.
Kaynor Technical HS operates under a four marking period year.
Teachers are available for extra help after school – please make arrangements with individual
The Exploratory Program is a “hands on” career/ vocational assessment program for ninth
grade students that:
Measures student aptitude in all vocational programs offered
Encourages student discovery
Provides individual student career assessments
Compares aptitude with likes and dislikes
Develops decision making skills
Challenges students in the application of knowledge
Students “explore”, therefore the name Exploratory Program, all the career/technical offerings.
The Exploratory Program is divided into three phases.
Phase 1: The Exploratory Program allows all students to experience every technical program
offering at the school they attend. Each ninth grade student spends two full days in each technical
area. The emphasis during this phase of the exploratory program is on career types, work values, likes
and dislikes self-evaluation and decision-making. Students and parents are provided with a written
assessment from each technical area that measures student knowledge and understanding of career
options, safety standards and procedures, theoretical concepts and ability to apply methods and use
materials to complete basic projects. Phase 1 ends in mid-November.
Phase II: The Exploratory Program provides students with a more in-depth study of three
technical areas for a longer period of time. During this phase, students select three technical areas
and spend four days investigating these areas in detail. Emphasis is placed on student aptitude, goalsetting, self-evaluation and decision-making. Students in this phase are assessed on their knowledge
and understanding of theoretical concepts, their ability to apply methods and use materials
appropriately to complete more complex tasks, and on their ability to interact effectively in the
workplace. At the end of this phase, parents are invited to attend our Trade Selection event at the
school. This event allows parents to meet the teachers, learn about program expectations and
continue to provide support to their children in the decision-making process. Phase 2 ends in
Phase III: The Exploratory Program gives students the opportunity to select one technical area
that is of greatest interest to them for a more rigorous exploration. This is the longest phase of
exploratory, allowing students to experience the demands and expectations that will be required over
the next three years. Students are assessed on their knowledge and understanding of theoretical
concepts, their ability to apply methods and use materials appropriately, to complete complex tasks,
and to interact effectively in the workplace. During this phase students are placed in their trade
selection and will earn a grade and credit if a grade of 60 or better is earned. This final phase of
exploratory is complete at the end of the academic year.
The Connecticut Technical High School System exposes each ninth grade student to the trade/technology
areas during the Exploratory Program. The Exploratory Program introduces each student to the goals and
objectives for each trade/technology while providing an objective measure of student performance and a
measure of potential for success for each student in all trades/technologies.
The ninth grade exploratory year is viewed as pivotal in assisting students in achieving their goals.
Attendance is critical in high school years. This is especially the case when a student is undergoing the
exploratory program at Kaynor Technical High School.
Absences may affect a student’s grade in their technology.
Attendance Credit
Students must be present in school for the time equivalent of a shortened school day to receive credit for
attendance on that day. A shortened school day is one half or more of the scheduled school day.
Excused Absences
A. For Absences 1 through 9, a student’s absences from school are considered excused when the
student’s parent/guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation.
B. For the 10th absence and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school are considered
excused for the following reasons:
1. Participation in school-approved activities with prior permission of the principal.
2. Medical reasons for student or immediate family which are verified by a physician, an
APRN/PA or school nurse.
3. Death in the immediate family (usually 3 days with exceptions).
4. Religious holidays.
5. Suspensions.
6. Failure of sending town or parent to provide transportation.
7. Court appearances.
8. Students that currently have a parent deployed to a combat zone, or an activated
National Guard or reserves Unit or is employed by a military contractor or federal
government and has been deployed. (The number of excused absences is at the
discretion of the Superintendent or designee).
9. Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district administrators.
Documentation for excused absences must be provided within 30 days.
In order to earn credit for the year, a student may have no more than a total of 9 unexcused absences.
The administration encourages students to dress in a manner that reflects pride in and respect for themselves and
their community. Restrictions on student dress may be applied whenever the dress or grooming interferes with
the learning process, is disruptive, is unsafe, or is contrary to law.
Students shall be provided with picture identification during the school year cards. Such cards shall be
worn while on school property or at school-sponsored events.
Students are prohibited from wearing clothing or other items that interfere with the learning process, are
disruptive, are unsafe, or that are contrary to law. Without limitation, the following are examples of attire that is
prohibited from wear in the school buildings during the academic school day or at school-sponsored activities:
1. Coats, jackets or other attire normally worn as outerwear.
2. All head coverings of any kind, including but not limited to scarves, bandanas, masks, kerchiefs, athletic
headbands, hats, caps or hoods, unless it is worn for religious reasons.
3. Footwear that damages or marks floors or that is a safety hazard, including backless shoes, flip-flops and
toeless shoes.
4. Sunglasses, unless required by a doctor’s order.
5. Spiked or studded bracelets, oversized or multi-finger rings, belts or any other article or attire with spikes
or studs attached.
6. Attire or accessories that depict logo or emblems that encourage the use of drugs, tobacco products or
alcoholic beverages.
7. Attire that can create a hostile school environment or disrupt the educational process such as clothing with
harassing symbols, pictures or vulgar, illegal, racial, sexist, or other discriminatory viewpoints.
8. Gang-related attire, including but not limited to gang colors, jewelry, emblems, badges, beads, necklaces,
symbols, signs, or other insignia which are evidence of membership in or affiliation with a gang.
9. Clothing that is overly revealing, including but not limited to shirts and/or blouses that reveal the
abdomen, chest, or undergarments; tank-tops; see-through clothing; shorts (mid-thigh shorts are
acceptable); miniskirts; or pants that reveal the navel, upper thigh or undergarments.
Mandatory School Uniform during the Academic Cycle
All pants should be flat front solid color tan or black “Dockers TM style” worn or belted at the waist. See our website and click on uniform store to purchase approved pants. These pants are available through
additional retailers too. A reminder, shorts are not allowed in the trade areas at any time. Solid colors of tan or black
pants, shorts or skirts (no shorter 25 inches at the inseam and all shorts must be Bermuda or long cargo style;
please, no items made of denim/jean material and not baggy or saggy in style).
Please, no oversized baggy cargo (streamlined or tailored slim – fit cargo styles are acceptable) or carpenter baggies,
skinny jeans or stretch pants, torn, skinny pants, leggings, black or blue denim or denim look-alikes.
All tops worn to school during the academic cycle must have the Kaynor Panther logo and can be
purchased from the school website vendor, No hooded articles are available for purchase. To order an
academic uniform shirt(s)/top(s) from web site, see and click on the uniform store.
Shirts should be tucked in exposing the belt line and buttoned except for the collar button. Underclothing should
not be exposed. Visible undershirts and/or thermal shirts worn under the logo uniform shirts/tops must be solid
white, grey or black in color.
Long sleeved academic shirts and fleeces with the uniform logo for cold weather are available from the website.
See web site for additional approved optional items at ( )
Prohibited from wear in all academic classes: sweat pants, wind pants, dresses, drawstring pants or shirts
made of sweat, spandex or stretch material, or any jean/denim or denim like material (including skinny pants,
skinny jeans, denim look-alikes). Pajamas, slippers or shoes without a separate sole plate, flip flops/tongs, reef
runners or garments or shoes intended for nightwear or the beach attire are prohibited.
School Attire in Trade/Technologies
Each trade area will designate a specific shop uniform (see ) for students in grades 10, 11,
and 12. The uniform will consist of a top and a bottom of a designated color and material. This uniform will be
made available for purchase by the end of the freshmen year. Trade uniforms are not to be worn during the
student’s academic cycle. Students are to keep all uniform tops buttoned and tucked in at the waist at all times.
Freshmen will wear academic clothing during the freshmen trade cycle.
For the safety and hygiene of all Connecticut Technical High School students, each student is required to change
into the prescribed uniform for every physical education class and subsequently change out after physical
education instruction. A student must change into and out of the required physical education uniform in order to
earn full credit for the class. Approved physical education attire is interpreted to include the following and adheres
to the district’s policy on dress:
Must be laced and tied up for safety during physical education class.
No slip on, backless, Heelies or platform sneakers are allowed
No boots are allowed
No sandals including flip flops are allowed
Must have an elasticized waistband with a length that exceeds or meets a student’s fingertips when
placed at their side.
No jean shorts are allowed
No khaki shorts are allowed
No shorts with pockets, belt loops, external buttons or ties are allowed
No cut off shorts are allowed
No Capri pants are allowed
No zip off pants are allowed
No spandex shorts are allowed
Sweatpants or wind pants – May be worn in lieu of shorts as part of the required physical education
uniform; however, said pants may not have external pockets, zippers, or buttons.
No pajama bottoms are allowed
No dorm/flannel pants are allowed
No scrubs are allowed
T-shirts – Must be short or long sleeved with a length covering the waistband of shorts and/or
No sleeveless or tank tops are allowed
No camisoles or thinly strapped tank tops are allowed
No half shirts or bare midriffs are allowed
Sweatshirts/Fleece crew neck shirts – (Optional) May be worn over the required physical education
uniform, however, said over shirt may not have zippers, buttons, external pockets or hoods.
No “hoodies” are allowed
The following items are NOT allowed at any time:
Hats, headbands, and/or wristbands
Head gear – i.e. scarves, bandanas, do-rags
Jewelry that interferes with physical activity such as but not limited to: earrings which dangle
below the earlobe such as hoops, necklaces, watches and bracelets.
Electronic devices such as but not limited to: cell phones, IPods, pagers, Play Station 3(PSP), all
cords, ear and head phones used to listen to the devices must not be visible.
Visible Body piercings MUST BE COVERED with a band aid to reduce the potential for injury.
Electronic devices have become an integral part of the educational process. Electronic devices enhance the learning
experience providing access and tools for all students. Most students possess such devices and parents support
their appropriate use in a school setting. As a technical school, the CTHSS encourages the appropriate use of
electronic devices in the classroom or other school settings. The personal use of electronic devices must not
endanger persons or property, disrupt the educational process, or violate a publicized policy of the Board. The
behavior of the student using the device is addressed rather than the possession of the device.
Kaynor Technical High School is proud to partner with Google Classroom, which is used by thousands of schools
and universities worldwide to make collaboration tools available for students. Students will now be able to work
collaboratively on documents, presentations and projects. All student work will be stored online and will be
accessible from home, school, and anywhere there is an Internet connection.
In order to access Google Classroom, we will be providing Chromebooks for student use at school and home.
Students may opt to bring in their own device (laptop, tablet, or Chromebook) if they would prefer. Or they can use
our desktops in the classroom, and a home computer. The device is less important than ensuring that all students
can access Google Classroom.
Use in the classroom or technology area
Appropriate use of electronic devices and systems enrich the teaching and learning process by permitting access to
external references and learning tools including on line texts, interpretations, and other resources thereby
connecting the classroom to the world. Use of electronic devices is inextricably linked to greater success in the
acquisition of skills and competencies and prepares students for post-secondary education, the workplace and life.
Use of electronic devices is not appropriate where safety is a concern, for example in trade areas and production
work using machinery.
Classroom use of electronic devices is subject to regulation by the teacher and a social contract is encouraged
subject to classroom rules developed as part of the social contract.
If electronic devices are utilized by the instructor as part of a planned instructional design, cooperative grouping
ensures that all students have access to the electronic device.
Use in non-instructional areas
Electronic communication is permissible in the cafeteria, before and after school, and between classes.
Inappropriate use
Inappropriate use by the student is behavior defined by the Discipline Policy or Code of Respect and is subject to
disciplinary consequences and confiscation. If confiscated, electronic devices can be retained for a defined period
of time.
Electronic devices should not be used during a lock down.
Electronic devices may be seized and contents searched if there is reasonable suspicion that there has been a
criminal or policy violation.
Security regarding electronic devices is a legitimate concern and guidance should be provided to both student and
teacher that electronic devices are the responsibility of the owner.
Use of the electronic device can be denied during assessments and examinations and may be required to be visible
with power off, or collected.
The Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS) is dedicated to providing a high quality
comprehensive academic and advanced technologies curriculum for all students. Students who have been
identified in need of specialized instruction are provided services in the least restrictive environment.
The District complies with all State and Federal guidelines when making decisions concerning each
student’s educational programming. Individual student needs are addressed at least annually at a
Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting where all considerations are reviewed by a team.
Students who have not been administered the Connecticut Mastery Test in the seventh grade are
required to complete an alternate assessment as a part of the admission requirements to the CTHSS.
When a student is accepted to the CTHSS the educational plan (IEP/504) that had been developed by the
sending district is reviewed. There may be a need to convene an additional meeting prior to the start of
the school year so that supports appropriate to the student’s needs can be addressed.
Special education and general education staff work together to provide students with a learning
environment that meets the learner’s individual needs for specialized instruction, accommodations and
modifications where appropriate to meet district outcome expectations. District staff works closely with
families and outside agencies as necessary and welcomes their interest in their student’s progress.
Support Services Contacts:
English Language Learners (ELL) – Lisa Henriquez 203.578.8762
504 – Gina Sabo 203.578.8771
Special Education – Gail Houlihan 203.578.8792
Social Worker - Ines Rodriguez 203.578.8720
This new program at Kaynor Technical High School provides on-site Health Services. (Different from our
school nurse) These Medical Services include treatment and diagnosis of minor and chronic illness and
injuries (including prescriptions if needed), routine checkups and updated immunizations, and health
education and referrals to specialists. Also, Behavioral Health Services including: Individual, Group and
Family Counseling as well as referrals if needed. Contact: Kim Marko at 203.578.8733
Physical Exam: The Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS), in accordance with state law,
requires that all 9th grade students have a health assessment (physical exam) completed between July 1
following the end of the eighth grade school year and June 21st of the ninth grade school year. Please
complete the parent portion of the Health Assessment Record form, which you should have already received,
and bring the form to your health care provider at the time of your student’s physical. Additional copies of this
form are available on the school’s website. If you have questions about this exam, do not have insurance, or
have other circumstances that make it difficult for your child to obtain this exam, please call the School Nurse.
Sport Physical Exam: If your student is interested in playing any sport during the school year, please have
your health care provider check the appropriate box on the enclosed physical exam form. Students must have
a valid physical, on file with the School Nurse, in order to try-out, practice or play a sport. Sport physicals are
valid for thirteen months from the date of the exam. The enclosed physical form is now valid for both the 9th
grade physical and the sport physical exams. If you have questions about this exam, do not have insurance, or
have other circumstances that make it difficult for your child to obtain this exam, please call the School Nurse.
Medication: If your student needs any medication during the school day, the prescriber of the medication
must complete a medication authorization form (enclosed). Over-the-counter medication must be delivered
to school in its original, unopened container and labeled with the student’s name. A parent/guardian or other
adult must deliver controlled medications (such as Ritalin or Concerta) in the original pharmacy container to
the school and give directly to the school nurse or an administrator. The only medications that students may
carry & self-administer are asthma inhalers, diabetes medications and EpiPens. Students need special
permission (noted on the medication order form) to carry these items. Please contact the School Nurse for
more information.
Please have your child’s doctor sign the Authorization For Administration of Medicine By School Personnel
form only if your child uses an inhaler, takes medication or uses an Epi-Pen. Students will need this form for
all outside field trips, shop activities as well as gym. Please read the back side of for our Medication Policy.
Requirement for Admission: A completed immunization record is required for admission.
Postural and Vision Screening: State of Connecticut Law requires all 9th grade students to undergo postural
screening (checking for deformity of the spine) and vision screening. If you do not want your child to
participate in either one or both of these screenings at school, please complete the form below and return to
the School Nurse as soon as possible.
Please fill out the Blue Health History & Emergency Contact Card and have your child return it to the school
nurse as soon as possible. Make sure that the front and back of the card is signed by the parent or guardian
as well as making sure to check off the appropriate questions on the back side of the card.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with Palma Shea, School Nurse regarding your student’s
health or special needs, please call (203) 596-4302, Ext. 318 or e-mail me at:
All Medical forms and information can be accessed on our website
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) here at Kaynor tech is the pre-eminent service organization representing the
school both in and out of the building. Selection into the NHS is based upon the 4 precepts of Character, Service,
Leadership, and Scholarship. To be considered, students must be sophomores, juniors, or seniors who have
maintained an overall 84.5 or higher grade average for all their academic and trade subjects following the first
marking period of the school year. Candidates are then rated by the staff on the precepts of Character, Service, and
Leadership. A Faculty Advisory Committee then votes for each candidate they feel should become members of the
NHS based upon the staff recommendations. Prospective members then must participate in candlelight Induction
Ceremony to become official members.
Members must take an active part in the organization throughout the school year by participating in NHS
sponsored Service activities and Community Service Projects both in and out of the school environment.
A member failing to maintain the standards of the organization is brought to the attention of the faculty advisors
and may be subject to dismissal. A dismissed member is never again eligible for membership in the NHS and must
turn in his or her pin, certificate, and membership card.
Skills USA
Skills USA is a nationwide club that prepares students for the world of work. As a Skills USA member each
student is entitled to participate in leadership training and also has the opportunity to compete in his or
her trade with other Skills USA members around the state. As a Kaynor Skills USA member we participate
in social, community and leadership activities.
Student Council
The Student Council represents the voice of the students in the democratic management of student affairs at
Kaynor Tech. It is the organization through which the Administration, Faculty, and Student Body cooperate in
addressing the concerns of the school.
Membership in the Student Council is a privilege and a responsibility. The selection of Council Representatives and
Officers is a serious matter, as these people affect matters of vital importance to all students. Representatives are
elected each September and serve the entire school year.
Student Council is responsible for all the activities being carried out throughout the school. Its purpose is to
promote the general welfare of the school, assume the role of a student governing body so that the school can run
smoothly. It is a true forum for the students to express themselves and their concerns for the school.
Teen Ambassador Club
The dedicated Teen Ambassadors of Kaynor Technical High School, challenge themselves and others to:
Encourage school spirit and Kaynor pride
Promote unity while respecting individuality and diversity
Be a contributing voice in our school and community
Be an example by developing positive relationships and demonstrating positive actions.
With the help and guidance of the yearbook advisor students on the yearbook staff take an active role in
the creative process of designing and publishing of the Kaynor yearbook.
Students are encouraged to get involved in school clubs. Students have a choice of about 30 clubs that
meet approximately two times per month during the school day. Students will be given a list of club
choices at the beginning of the school year.
At Kaynor Tech, students are encouraged to tryout and participate in any of our nine sports. Sports offered are
Cross Country, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Track and Field, Softball and Tennis.
You can access the Athletics Participation Form at the following web address:
The Connecticut Technical High School Family Engagement Program is a partnership between families,
schools, students and community, all with the important goal of increasing student achievement.
Partnerships can improve school programs and school climate, provide support for families, increase
parents’ skills and leadership, connect families with other families in the school and connect families with
others in the community. With frequent interactions and communication between schools, families and
communities, our students will hear the same message, from all the partners, of the importance of school,
of hard work and of contributing to the community. Our system encourages families to partner with the
school through the Family Engagement Action Team. Participation does not require a parent or family
member to be a member of the Parent/ Faculty Organization. Please check out more Family Engagement
information on our website.
The Kaynor Tech (PFO) Parent Faculty Organizations' mission is to coalesce, inspire and
support its students, families, and faculty. The Kaynor Tech PFO believes that the foundation
of good family-faculty relationship is frequent communication, mutual respect and a clear
understanding of the educational expectations its students need to be successful. Our PFO
guides and supports relationship building strategies and provides community resources that
support its families and faculty. We aim to inspire our students and form foundations that
support and contribute to a family-faculty friendly environment.
Current PFO Officers
Juanita Jones - Vice President
The town where you reside is in charge of the student’s transportation to and from school. Kaynor Tech
will provide each bus company with a list of students and their addresses. You will be notified by the bus
company or the town as to bus and timetable information for your student. If you have any additional
questions regarding bussing please call the bus companies that service your town directly. Please note
that during in climate weather if your town has school cancellation transportation will not be provided
by the sending town. Please follow your town’s cancellations or delay schedule. If cancellations or delays
vary from Kaynor Tech, absences or late arrivals will be considered excused.
School Bus Company
School Bus Co Phone
Durham School Services
Region 16 (Prospect, Beacon Falls)
All Star Student Transpiration
First Student Transpiration
Student Transportation of America
First Student Transportation
Worhunsky Student Transportation
Region 15 (Middlebury, Southbury)
First Student Transportation
Worhunsky Student Transportation
Terryville/ Plymouth
Worhunsky Student Transportation
Form Center
Photo Media Release Form
Student and Parent Surveys
-----------------------------------------------------------Cut here---------------------------------------------------------------
Change of Contact Information
(If different from initial application)
Student Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________________________________
Old Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
New Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________